Submissions from 2011
In reply: Surgeon-performed ultrasound and prediction of differentiated thyroid cancer, Azad Jabiev MD
Telavancin versus vancomycin for hospital-acquired pneumonia due to gram-positive pathogens, Patrick Lee MD
Fast track, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Sandra Hubbard, and Holly Mason MD
Geographic distribution of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus soft tissue infections, Kevin Moriarty MD, Connie Rossini MD, David Tashjian MD, Jane Garb, and Richard Wait MD
Less is more: Management of pediatric spleen injury, Kevin Moriarty MD and George Wadie MD
Primary repair of facial dog bite injuries in children, Kevin Moriarty MD, Peter Wu MD, Alana Beres MD, and David Tashjian MD
Horseshoe kidney and inflammatory abdominal aortic aneurysm: a case report and literature review, Marvin Morris MD
Late outcomes of carotid artery stenting: a critical review, Marvin Morris MD
Symptomatic aneurysm of ileocolic artery presenting as gastrointestinal bleed, Marvin Morris MD
Symptomatic external carotid artery stenosis, Marvin Morris MD
Thoracic mural thrombi: a case series and literature review, Marvin Morris MD
Role of YKL-40 in the angiogenesis, radioresistance, and progression of glioblastoma, Dennis Oh MD, Sherry Taylor MD, Luis Moral MD, Wei Yan, Brooke Bentley, Rong Shao, and Stephan Scully
Are surgeons capable of introspection?, David Page MD
Teams and Professionalism, David Page MD
Attempted formulation of a guideline to assess the need for coil extraction during clipping of previously coiled aneurysms, Clemens Schirmer MD
Brainstem Glioma, Clemens Schirmer MD
Clipping of previously coiled aneurysms - Attempted formulation of a guideline to assess the need for coil extraction, Clemens Schirmer MD
Complete endoscopic removal of colloid cyst using a nitinol basket retriever, Clemens Schirmer MD
Endovascular recanalization of symptomatic flow-limiting cervical carotid dissection in an isolated hemisphere, Clemens Schirmer MD
Evaluation of a combined strategy favoring endovasuclar therapy for aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery, Clemens Schirmer MD
Hemangiopericytomas of the skull base, Clemens Schirmer MD
Hematocrit-dependent response to virtual coil embolization in a model side-wall aneurysm, Clemens Schirmer MD
Management of distraction injury of the lumbosacral junction with unilateral perched facet, Clemens Schirmer MD
Presentation and progression of a disc cyst in a pediatric patient, Clemens Schirmer MD
Superficial temporal artery dissection a technical note, Clemens Schirmer MD
Transvenous balloon-protected embolization of a scalp arteriovenous fistula using Onyx liquid embolic, Clemens Schirmer MD
Virtual coil embolization in a model side-wall aneurysm: influence of the hematocrit, Clemens Schirmer MD
Persistent next-day effects of excessive alcohol consumption on laparoscopic surgical performance, Neal Seymour MD
Racial and socioeconomic disparities in reduction mammoplasty: an analysis of nationwide inpatient sample database, Joseph Shin MD and Marisa Amaral MD
Teaching pediatric code leadership skills: Integrated vs. stand alone curriculum, Howard Smithline MD, Ian Goodman MD, Gerard Langlois, Blake Spirko MD, Fidela Blank, and Gladys Fernandez MD
A simulation-based program to train medical residents to lead and perform advanced cardiovascular life support, Mihaela Stefan MD, Raquel Belforti MD, Gerard Langlois, and Michael Rothberg MD
Medical consultation and best practices for preoperative evaluation of elderly patients, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, and Laura Iglesias Lino MD
Delayed pediatric appendicitis treatment linked to complications, and even death, David Tashjian MD and Kevin Moriarty MD
Evaluation of clinical outcomes for gastric bypass surgery: results from a comprehensive follow-up study, Garry Welch, Cheryl Wesolowski, Sofija Zagarins MD, Jay Kuhn MD, John Romanelli MD, Jane Garb, and Nancy Allen
Submissions from 2010
Statistical methodology for analysis of endoscopic versus open saphenous vein harvest techniques, Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, and Daniel Engelman MD
Helpful maneuvers for controlling bleeding from operative or traumatic vascular injuries, Ak Alameddine MD, David Deaton MD, John Rousou MD, and Victor Alimov MD
Management of the most severely injured spleen: a multicenter study of the Research Consortium of New England Centers for Trauma (ReCONECT), Reginald Alouidor MD and Ronald Gross MD
Pathways contributing to development of spontaneous mammary tumors in BALB/c-Trp53+/- mice, Richard Arenas MD, Christopher Otis MD, Q Jackie Cao MD, and D Joseph Jerry
Biopsy-Proven Rasmussen's encephalitis: seizure suppression and partial reversal of deficits with antiepileptic medications and tacrolimus, Carmel Armon MD, Sivakumar Natanasabapathy MD, Dennis Oh MD, Luis Moral MD, Barbara Greco MD, and William House MD
Energy homeostasis following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB), Gregory Braden MD, Xiao Liu MD, Jay Kuhn MD, J Enrique Silva MD, and John Romanelli MD
Proficiency-based virtual reality laparoscopic skills training: A 7-year experience, Ron Bush, Peter Wu MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Inhaled Epoprostenol During One-Lung Ventilation, Neil Connelly MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Larry Robbins MD, Rose Ganim MD, and Gary Hochheiser MD
Gastrotomy closure with the lock-it system and the Padlock-G clip: A survival study in a porcine model, David Desilets MD, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, and Christopher Chapman MD
Simulation in critical care medicine: Helping students "Get it", Gladys Fernandez MD, Elizabeth D'Amour, William McGee MD, Patrick Mailloux MD, Neal Seymour MD, Richard Wait MD, and Gerard Langlois
Implementation of full patient simulation training in surgical residency, Gladys Fernandez MD, Patrick Lee MD, David Page MD, Elizabeth D'Amour, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Helping students "Get it", Gladys Fernandez MD, William McGee MD, Thomas Higgins MD, Patrick Mailloux MD, David Page MD, Elizabeth D'Amour, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Simulation in critical care medicine - Helping students "Get It", Thomas Higgins MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, William McGee MD, Patrick Mailloux MD, David Page MD, Elizabeth D'Amour, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Advancements in Neurotrauma Care, Marianne Langlois
Decision making and the spine patient for nurses, APRNs and PAs, Marianne Langlois
Outcomes of cranial repair after craniectomy, Marianne Langlois
Gastric transmural pressure measurements in vivo: Implications for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES)., Timothy Mader MD, David Desilets MD, John Romanelli MD, and David Earle MD
Improving the Effectiveness of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in a Simulated Environment Through Biofeedback, Patrick Mailloux MD, William McGee MD, Gerard Langlois, and Jennifer Friderici
Hybrid notes: Incisionless intragastric stapled cystgastrostomy of a pancreatic pseudocyst, Kevin Moriarty MD, Connie Rossini MD, and Anastasios Angelides MD
Infection of an aortic stent graft with suprarenal fixation, Marvin Morris MD
The use of the Amplatzer plug to treat dysphagia lusoria caused by an aberrant right subclavian artery, Marvin Morris MD
Isolation and characterization of glioma stem cells, Dennis Oh MD, Sherry Taylor MD, Robert Schapiro MD, Rong Shao, and Stephan Scully
Surgical competence today: What have we gained? What have we lost?, David Page MD
Leaking anastomosis after gastric bypass, John Romanelli MD
NOTES and single port surgery: Evolution or revolution?, John Romanelli MD
Postgraduate surgeon in the digital age: Video editing course, John Romanelli MD
Performance ramifications of single port laparoscopic surgery: Measuring differences in task performance using simulation, John Romanelli MD and Nathan Conway MD
Loop-anchor purse-string closure of gastrotomy in NOTES(R) Procedures: Survival studies in a porcine model, John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, Christopher Chapman MD, Carolanne Lovewell, and David Earle MD
Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery gastrotomy closure in porcine explants with the Padlock-G clip using the Lock-It system, John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, and David Earle MD
(NOTES) stapled cystgastrostomy - A novel approach for surgical management of pancreatic pseudocysts, John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, and David Earle MD
Single-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy: initial experience, John Romanelli MD and David Earle MD
NOTES transgastric abdominal wall hernia repair in a porcine model, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, and David Desilets MD
Single incision laparoscopic partial hepatectomy, John Romanelli MD, Juliana Meyer MD, Richard Arenas MD, and Francis Cannizzo MD
Transgastric Endoscopic Guided Excision of a large gastric trichobezoar, Connie Rossini MD, Gregory Banever MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Laparoscopic plication pf a gastrojejunostomy with endoscopic guidance in the porcine model, Connie Rossini MD, Viriato Fiallo MD, and Burritt Haag MD
Intraoperative use of indocyanine green fluorescence videography for resection of a spinal cord hemangioblastoma, Robert Schapiro MD
Aneurysm inflow-angle as a discriminant for rupture in sidewall cerebral aneurysms: morphometric and computational fluid dynamic analysis, Clemens Schirmer MD
Critical influence of framing coil orientation on intra-aneurysmal and neck region hemodynamics in a sidewall aneurysm model, Clemens Schirmer MD
Critical influence of framing coil orientation on the intra-aneurysmal and neck region hemodynamics, Clemens Schirmer MD
Hematocrit-dependent response to initial coil embolization in a model side-wall aneurysm, Clemens Schirmer MD
Inferior vena cava distensibility in patients with SAH, new technology and numbers, better care?, Clemens Schirmer MD
Pneumocephalus: Case illustrations and review, Clemens Schirmer MD
Successful bilateral deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus internus for persistent status dystonicus and generalized chorea, Clemens Schirmer MD
Vertebral reconstruction using the telescopic plate spacer-thoracolumbar (TPS-TL) device, Clemens Schirmer MD
Assessment of surgical skills and operative performance, Neal Seymour MD
Safety effects of simulation: The surgeon's view, Neal Seymour MD
Safety through teamwork: Surgical team training, Neal Seymour MD
The ACS-APDS phase III curriculum, Neal Seymour MD
Preface, Neal Seymour MD and Barry Sarvet MD
GATA3 inhibits breast cancer metastasis through the reversal of epithelial-mesenchymal transition, Rong Shao, Wei Yan, Q Jackie Cao MD, Richard Arenas MD, and Brooke Bentley
Postpartum granulomatous hypophysitis with sphenoid sinus involvement: A case study, J Enrique Silva MD, Kamal Shoukri MD, Sherry Taylor MD, and Charalambos Demetri MD
Inter-professional Management of the Complex Acute Surgical Patient, Mihaela Stefan MD and Gladys Fernandez MD
Inter-Professional Management of the Complex Acute Surgical Patient, Mihaela Stefan MD and Gladys Fernandez MD
The management of the open abdomen in trauma and emergency general surgery: Part 1-damage control, Eleanor Winston MD
Factors associated with survival following blunt chest trauma in older patients: results from a large regional trauma cooperative, Eleanor Winston MD and Lisa Patterson MD
Minor blunt head injury in the intoxicated patient, Eleanor Winston MD and Lisa Patterson MD
Perineal reconstruction with an extrapelvic vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap, Peter Wu MD and John Nigriny MD
Submissions from 2009
YKL-40, a potential biomarker for colorectal cancer, Richard Arenas MD, Christopher Chapman MD, Q Jackie Cao MD, Rong Shao, and Brooke Bentley
Gastric transmural pressure measurements in vivo: Implications for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES), David Desilets MD, Timothy Mader MD, John Romanelli MD, and David Earle MD
NOTES transgastric ventral hernia repair, David Desilets MD, John Romanelli MD, and David Earle MD
A NOTES survival study of a novel gastric closure device: Loop-anchor purse-string, David Desilets MD, John Romanelli MD, Carolanne Lovewell, Christopher Chapman MD, and David Earle MD
Myasthenia flare with pleural metastasis of thymoma developing 6 years after the resection of invasive thymoma, Imran Dosani MD, Armen Asik MD, and Rose Ganim MD
The role of staging laparoscopy for intraabdominal cancers: An evidence-based review, David Earle MD
Loop-anchor purse-string versus endoscopic clips for gastric closure: A natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery comparison study using burst pressures, David Earle MD, David Desilets MD, and John Romanelli MD
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons practice guideline series: Blood glucose management during adult cardiac surgery, Richard Engelman MD and Stuart Chipkin MD