Surgery | Baystate Health


Submissions from 2009

Tumour-targeted delivery of TRAIL using Salmonella typhimurium enhances breast cancer survival in mice, Sabha Ganai MD, Richard Arenas MD, and Neil Forbes

Bariatric surgery for the treatment of morbid obesity: A meta-analysis of weight loss outcomes for laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding and laparoscopic gastric bypass, Jane Garb, Garry Welch, Sofija Zagarins MD, Jay Kuhn MD, and John Romanelli MD

Is prophylactic vena cava filter placement beneficial in acute spinal cord injury, Ronald Gross MD, Patrick Lee MD, and Lisa Patterson MD

Blunt pancreatoduodenal injury: A multicenter study of the Research Consortium of New England Centers for Trauma (ReCONECT), Ronald Gross MD, Lisa Patterson MD, and Yorell Manon-Matos MD

Computer-based laparoscopic and robotic surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users, David Lin MD, Neal Seymour MD, Jay Kuhn MD, John Romanelli MD, and Ron Bush

Abnormalities of the breast in pregnancy and lactation, Holly Mason MD and Richard Wait MD

Post-liver transplant cholestatic disorder with biliary strictures: de novo versus recurrent primary sclerosing cholangitis, Kenneth McPartland MD

Endoscopic treatment with Deflux for refluxing duplex systems, Kevin Moriarty MD, Richard Courtney MD, David Tashjian MD, and Connie Rossini MD

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the breast shares cytogenetic abnormality with mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary gland: A case report with molecular analysis and review of the literature, Christopher Otis MD, Sandra Camelo-Piragua MD, Claudine Habib MD, Prathima Kanumuri MD, and Holly Mason MD

Mastitis and breast abscess, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Holly Mason MD, and Daniel Skiest MD

Best practice updates for surgical care in weight loss surgery, John Romanelli MD

Expert panel on weight loss surgery: Executive report update, John Romanelli MD

Magnetic retraction of the gallbladder during NOTES transvaginal cholecystectomy, John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, and David Earle MD

Gastric closure in NOTES using a novel, over-the-scope nitinol clip - A survival study in an animal model, John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, David Earle MD, and Christopher Chapman MD

Single-port laparoscopic surgery: An overview, John Romanelli MD and David Earle MD

Burst pressures in gastric closure - A NOTES study of the Lock-It system with the Padlock-G in the explanted porcine stomach, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, and David Desilets MD

Computer-based haptic and nonhaptic virtual reality surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users, John Romanelli MD, David Lin MD, Eyad Wohaibi MD, Jay Kuhn MD, Ron Bush, Neal Seymour MD, and Richard Zlotnik MD

Computer-based haptic and nonhaptic virtual reality surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users, John Romanelli MD, David Lin MD, Eyad Wohaibi MD, Jay Kuhn MD, Ron Bush, Neal Seymour MD, and Richard Zlotnik MD

Single port laparoscopic cholecystectomy with the TriPort: Initial experience, John Romanelli MD, Philip Omotosho MD, and David Earle MD

Laparoscopic Colostomy, Ileostomy, and Feeding Tubes, John Romanelli MD and Kelly Tyler MD

An ergonomic analysis of the effects of camera rotation on laparoscopic performance, Neal Seymour MD

YKL-40, a secreted glycoprotein, promotes tumor angiogenesis, Rong Shao, Q Jackie Cao MD, Richard Arenas MD, Brooke Bentley, and Wei Yan

The use of etanercept as a non-surgical treatment for temporomandibular joint psoriatric arthritis: A case report, Michael Spink MD

Practice management guidelines for identification of cervical spine injuries following trauma: update from the eastern association for the surgery of trauma practice management guidelines committee, Eleanor Winston MD

Design of a torso positioning device for pre-operative planning of breast reconstruction surgery, Peter Wu MD and John Nigriny MD

Submissions from 2008

Geriatric Trauma, Reginald Alouidor MD

Nonventilatory interventions in the acute respiratory distress syndrome, Reginald Alouidor MD

Short-term postoperative amiodarone use decreases the incidence of atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, James Cook MD, John Rousou MD, David Deaton MD, Mathias Stoenescu MD, and Joseph Flack MD

Simulation based training for third year medical students: A combined medical and surgical effort to link theory with practice, Elizabeth D'Amour, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, Michael Picchioni MD, David Page MD, Joel Abraham MD, Rukshana Cader MD, Neal Seymour MD, and Richard Wait MD

A consensus document on robotic surgery, David Earle MD

Diagnosis and laparoscopic treatment of surgical diseases during pregnancy: An evidence-based review, David Earle MD

Prosthetic material in inguinal hernia repair: How do I choose?, David Earle MD and Lisa Mark MD

Should we change antibiotic prophylaxis for lung surgery, Richard Engelman MD and Richard Brown MD

BOOT CAMP: Implementation of an intensive simulation-based educational curriculum for new surgical interns, Gladys Fernandez MD, Patrick Lee MD, Ron Bush, David Page MD, and Loki Skylizard MD

Medical student performance in surgical patient simulation correlates with end-of-clerkship oral examination performance, Gladys Fernandez MD, David Page MD, and Neal Seymour MD

Postoperative hypertension, Gladys Fernandez MD and Neal Seymour MD

Tumor-targeted delivery of TRIAL using Salmonella typhimurium enhances breast cancer survival, Sabha Ganai MD, Richard Arenas MD, and Neil Forbes

Virtual reality and computer-enhanced training devices equally improve laparoscopic surgical skill in novices, Sabha Ganai MD, Prathima Kanumuri MD, Eyad Wohaibi MD, Ron Bush, Daniel Grow MD, and Neal Seymour MD

Virtual reality and computer-enhanced training devices equally improve laparoscopic surgical skill in novices, Sabha Ganai MD, Prathima Kanumuri MD, Eyad Wohaibi MD, Ron Bush, Daniel Grow MD, and Neal Seymour MD

Thoracic disk herniation resulting in acutely progressing paraplegia in a pediatric patient, Erica Giblin MD and Gary Hochheiser MD

Virtual reality and computer-enhanced skills training devices are equally effective in building complex surgical skill in novices, Daniel Grow MD, Prathima Kanumuri MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Eyad Wohaibi MD, Ron Bush, and Neal Seymour MD

Novices outperform experienced laparoscopists on virtual reality laparoscopy simulator, Daniel Grow MD, Andrew Moore MD, Ron Bush, and Neal Seymour MD

Asymmetry correction in the irradiated breast: Outcomes of reduction mammoplasty and mastopexy after breast conserving therapy, Melissa Johnson MD, Michael Chin, Glen Brooks MD, and Anoush Hadaegh MD

Electronic health records in ambulatory care, Jeffrey Kaufman MD

Management of acute cutaneous wounds, Jeffrey Kaufman MD

Primary total hip arthroplasty using a dual-geometry cup to treat protrusio acetabuli, Robert Krushell MD and Richard Fingeroth MD

Simulation as an educational modality for multidisciplinary training experience in Critical Care Medicine, Patrick Mailloux MD and Gladys Fernandez MD

A human patient simulation program training residents in critical care medicine-quantitative analysis, William McGee MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, Patrick Mailloux MD, and Gerard Langlois

Clinical assessment of the axillary sentinel lymph node for breast cancer metastasis by the surgeon: A study of one institution’s voluntary policy change, Juliana Meyer MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Robert Goulart MD, and Holly Mason MD

Performance of intraoperative axillary sentinel lymph node touch prep evaluation: Effect of surgical submission of "Suspicious" sentinel lymph nodes, Juliana Meyer MD, Holly Mason MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Maryanne Hornish, Giovanna Crisi MD, and Robert Goulart MD

Blunt pancreato-duodenal injury: A multi-center study of the Research Consortium of New England Centers for Trauma (ReCONECT), Lisa Patterson MD and Ronald Gross MD

Fractures of abuse pediatric and elderly, Matt Razon

Open fractures, Matt Razon

A NOTES drainage of two infected pseudocysts: Endoscopic stapled cystgastrostomy., John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, and David Earle MD

Burst pressures in gastric closure: A NOTES comparison study of looped T-anchors vs. endoclips in the explanted porcine stomach, John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, and David Earle MD

Pancreatic pseudocystgastrostomy with a peroral, flexible stapler: Human natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery anastomoses in 2 patients (with videos), John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, and David Earle MD

NOTES pancreatic pseudocystgastrostomy: A human NOTES anastomosis., John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, David Earle MD, and Loki Skylizard MD

A NOTES survival study of a novel gastric closure device: Looped T-anchors, John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, Carolanne Lovewell, and Christopher Chapman MD

Characterization of rapid performance improvement on a complex laparoscopic task using a virtual-reality trainer in the SAGES learning center., John Romanelli MD, David Lin MD, and Neal Seymour MD

Robotic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: early experience, John Romanelli MD, Lisa Mark MD, and Jay Kuhn MD

Single port laparoscopic cholecystectomy with the TriPort system: A case report, John Romanelli MD, Lisa Mark MD, and Philip Omotosho MD

Computer-based simulation training in surgery, Neal Seymour MD

VR to OR: A review of the evidence that virtual reality simulation improves operating room performance, Neal Seymour MD

Postoperative pulmonary embolus, Neal Seymour MD and Gladys Fernandez MD

Minimizing microstomia while maximizing esthetics in the reconstruction of acquired lip defects: The evolution of the bilateral paramedian cross-lip flap, Michael Spink MD

Physical activity predicts weight loss following gastric bypass surgery: Findings from a support group survey, Garry Welch, Jay Kuhn MD, John Romanelli MD, Jane Garb, Bernadette Piepul, and Cheryl Wesolowski

Perioperative symptoms following gastric bypass surgery, Garry Welch, Cheryl Wesolowski, Bernadette Piepul, Jay Kuhn MD, John Romanelli MD, and Jane Garb

Suture survival in an acidic environment: Implications for Natural Orifice Transgastric Endolumenal Surgery (NOTES), Eyad Wohaibi MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Richard Wait MD, and John Romanelli MD

Demonstration of increasing laparoscopic clinical skill over time: Use of a new network-based resident assessment tool, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Lin MD, David Earle MD, and Neal Seymour MD

Submissions from 2007

The impact of a simulation training program on the confidence of internal medicine residents to lead and perform adult resuscitation, Raquel Belforti MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gerard Langlois, Gladys Fernandez MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Elizabeth D'Amour

Usefulness of serum creatinine for detecting renal insufficiency in elderly outpatients, Maura Brennan MD, Eileen Kehoe MD, Thabo Kenosi MD, Penny Pekow, Ricky Wong MD, Jeffrey Mulhern MD, and Michael Rothberg MD

The role of surgical intervention in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the colon and rectum., Francis Cannizzo MD

Conversion locked-in syndrome after implantation of a spinal cord stimulator., Neil Connelly MD, Paul Kanev MD, Alan Weintraub MD, and Edward Solis MD

The ties that bind: Durable, transmural, purse-string-like gastronomy closure using a novel device, David Desilets MD, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, Joseph Cody MD, and Ricardo Romero MD

Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis in laparoscopy: An evidence-based review, David Earle MD

Early experience with visceral closure in NOTES procedures in a porcine model, David Earle MD, John Romanelli MD, and David Desilets MD

Performance and ergonomic characteristics of expert surgeons using a face-mounted display during virtual reality-simulated laparoscopic surgery: An electromyographically based study., David Earle MD, Neal Seymour MD, David Lin MD, and Ron Bush

The Society of Thoracic Surgeons practice guideline series: Antibiotic prophylaxis in cardiac surgery, part II-Antibiotic choice., Richard Engelman MD

Targeting bacteriolytic therapy of solid tumors using salmonella typhimurium, Neil Forbes, Richard Arenas MD, Sabha Ganai MD, and Brooke Bentley

Adverse outcomes of geriatric patients undergoing abdominal surgery who are at high risk for delirium, Sabha Ganai MD, Sandra Bellantonio MD, K Francis Lee MD, Maura Brennan MD, and Peter Lindenauer MD

Virtual-reality training improves angled telescope skills in novice laparoscopists., Sabha Ganai MD and Neal Seymour MD

Spatial attraction: Visualization and analysis of flow data, Jane Garb, Philip Henneman MD, and Richard Wait MD

Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for intrathoracic extramedullary hematopoiesis, Erica Giblin MD, Kenneth Frankel MD, and Keith Mortman MD

Elastofibroma dorsi: Clinicopathologic review of 6 cases., Erica Giblin MD, Keith Mortman MD, Kenneth Frankel MD, Gary Hochheiser MD, and Yorell Manon-Matos MD

Elastofibroma dorsi: Clinicopathologic review of 6 cases., Erica Giblin MD, Keith Mortman MD, Kenneth Frankel MD, Gary Hochheiser MD, and Yorell Manon-Matos MD

Cytologic features of müllerian papilloma of the cervix: mimic of malignancy, Robert Goulart MD, David Gang MD, Barry Sachs MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Monica Hollowell MD, and Christopher Otis MD

Geography and travel distance impact ED visits, Philip Henneman MD, Howard Smithline MD, Jane Garb, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Richard Wait MD, Ric Skinner, and Haiping Li

Congenital malformations of the skull and meninges., Paul Kanev MD

Alterations in mRNA expression and protein products following spinal cord injury in humans., K Francis Lee MD and Patrick Lee MD

Does therapeutic touch ease the discomfort or distress of patients undergoing stereotactic core breast biopsy? A randomized clinical trial, Wilson Mertens MD, Grace Makari-Judson MD, David March MD, and Lester Frank MD

Temporal evolution of gene expression in rat carotid artery following balloon angioplasty, Marvin Morris MD

Anaplastic large cell lymphoma arising in a saline breast implant capsule after tissue expander breast reconstruction., Brian Olack MD, Raavi Gupta MD, and Glen Brooks MD

Laparoscopic resection of an obturator nerve schwannoma, Philip Omotosho MD, David Tashjian MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD

Giant polypoid gastric heterotopia of the jejunum presenting with intermittent intussusception., Philip Omotosho MD, Heike Varnholt MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD

Modern lessons from Tolstoy's "The Death of Ivan Illyich"., David Page MD

Evaluation of the topical hemostatic efficacy ansafety of TISSEEL VH S/D fibrin sealant compared with currently licensed TISSEEL VH in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A phase 3, randomized, double-blind clinical study, John Rousou MD

A "double overlap" suture technique for the proximal attachment of a composite graft to the aortic annulus., John Rousou MD and Ak Alameddine MD

Establishing a simulation center for surgical skills: What to do and how to do it., Neal Seymour MD

Computer-based laparoscopic and robotic surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users., Neal Seymour MD, David Lin MD, John Romanelli MD, Michael Ganey MD, and Ron Bush

Computer-based laparoscopic and robotic surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users., Neal Seymour MD, David Lin MD, John Romanelli MD, Michael Ganey MD, and Ron Bush