Submissions from 2014
Quantifying the risk of incompatible kidney transplantation: a multicenter study, George Lipkowitz MD
A Prospective Study of the Management of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries without Neurosurgical Consultation, Jeffry Nahmias MD and Robert Gaffey
Palliative care: Surgical time-out for introspection, David Page MD
The effects of viewing axis on laparoscopic performance: a comparison of non-expert and expert laparoscopic surgeons, Sang Won Rhee MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, Ron Bush, and Neal Seymour MD
Toward scar-free surgery: an analysis of the increasing complexity from laparoscopic surgery to NOTES, John Romanelli MD
Local control and results of leksell gamma knife therapy for the treatment of uveal melanoma, Clemens Schirmer MD
Anti-YKL-40 antibody and ionizing irradiation synergistically inhibit tumor vascularization and malignancy in glioblastoma, Rong Shao, Brooke Bentley, Sherry Taylor MD, Luis Moral MD, and Wei Yan
MCP arthrodesis using an intramedullary interlocking device, Jacqueline Vanderzanden MD
Abnormalities of the Breast in Pregnancy and Lactation,, Richard Wait MD and Holly Mason MD
Evaluation of the treatment of pectus carinatum with compressive orthotic bracing using three dimensional body scans, Kaitlyn Wong MD, David Tashjian MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Submissions from 2013
Chronic pain localized to the iliohypogastric nerve: Treatment using an ultrasound-guided technique of hydrodissection for catheter placement as a guide for surgical iliohypogastric nerve resection, Adam Adler MD and Pranay Parikh MD
Alternative perfusion technique without axillary artery cannulation during combined aortic root and total arch replacement, Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, and Joseph Flack MD
Medical student boot camp: A two-week elective for the advancement of cognitive and technical skills in preparation for internship, Raquel Belforti MD, Adam Kellogg MD, Lucienne Lutfy-Clayton MD, and Gladys Fernandez MD
Starting a peroral endoscopic myotomy program at your institution, David Desilets MD, John Romanelli MD, and David Earle MD
Guidelines for the management of hiatal hernia, David Earle MD
Repair of umbilical and epigastric hernias, David Earle MD
SAGES clinical spotlight review: endoluminal treatments for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), David Earle MD
Axillary and Brachial Injuries, Neal Hadro MD and Ronald Gross MD
Saving Sight: An Eye Surgeon's Look at Life Behind the Mask and the Heroes Who Changed the Way We See, Andrew Lam MD
Nissen fundoplication in the pediatric patient: Clinical and imaging evaluation, Grace Mitchell MD, Stanley Polansky MD, Stephen O'Connor MD, David Tashjian MD, Anastasios Angelides MD, and Qiqing Ge MD
Guns and states: Pediatric firearm injury, Kevin Moriarty MD, David Tashjian MD, and Lisa Patterson MD
Meningococcal sepsis and purpura fulminans: the surgical perspective, Marvin Morris MD
Obstructive jaundice secondary to multiple hepatic artery aneurysms in a 14-year-old boy with neurofibromatosis type 1, Marvin Morris MD
Ruptured hypogastric artery aneurysms: a contemporary review, Marvin Morris MD
Use of fibrin sealants in cardiovascular surgery: a systematic review, John Rousou MD
A novel craniotomy simulator provides a validated method to enhance education in the management of traumatic brain injury, Clemens Schirmer MD
A single center's experience with the bedside subdural evacuating port system: A useful alternative to traditional methods for chronic subdural hematoma evacuation, Clemens Schirmer MD
Commentary, Clemens Schirmer MD
Evolving virtual reality simulation in neurosurgery, Clemens Schirmer MD
Superficial temporal artery dissection: A technical note, Clemens Schirmer MD
Virtual reality-based simulation training for ventriculostomy: an evidence-based approach, Clemens Schirmer MD
Best practices in interprofessional education and training in surgery: Experiences from American College of Surgeons-Accredited Education Institutes, Neal Seymour MD
Flecainide toxicity-treatment with intravenous fat emulsion and extra corporeal life support, Senthil Sivalingam MD, T. Vijay Gadiraju MD, Mini Hariharan MD, Auras Atreya MD, Joseph Flack MD, and Hany Aziz MD
Peri-implant primary squamous cell carcinoma: a case report with 5 years' follow-up, Michael Spink MD
Evaluation of the treatment of pectus carinatum with compressive orthotic bracing using three dimensional body scans, Kaitlyn Wong MD, David Tashjian MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Radiation free alternative method for measuring severity of pectus excavatum deformaties using three dimensional body scanning, Kaitlyn Wong MD, David Tashjian MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Submissions from 2012
Patent foramen ovale and embolic stroke "en flagrant délit", Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, and Daniel Engelman MD
Aorto-pulmonary artery disruption following acute type-A aortic dissection repair with the use of BioGlue®., Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, John Rousou MD, and Jonathan Freeman MD
Mediastinal drain entrapment detected on computed tomography in 2 obese patients after median sternotomy, Ak Alameddine MD, John Rousou MD, and Victor Alimov MD
The rationale and design of the minocycline plus amiodarone versus amiodarone alone (MINAA) trial for the prevention of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery, Ak Alameddine MD, Paul Visintainer, Victor Alimov MD, Jennifer Germain, Daniel Engelman MD, and John Rousou MD
Knowledge sharing in academic medical centers: Examining the nexus of higher education and workforce development, Elisabeth Bennett, Rebecca Blanchard PhD, and Gladys Fernandez MD
Glioblastoma-derived tumor cells induce vasculogenic mimicry through Flk-1 protein activation, Brooke Bentley, Stephan Scully, Wei Yan, Sherry Taylor MD, Dennis Oh MD, Luis Moral MD, and Rong Shao
Metabolic and neuroendocrine responses to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. I: Energy balance, metabolic changes, and fat loss, Gregory Braden MD, Xiao Liu MD, John Romanelli MD, and J Enrique Silva MD
Are we human or are we surgeon?: comment on "join the club", Nicholas Coe MD
Myocardial abscess 14 years after coronary bypass grafting, David Deaton MD, Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, and Laurie Gianturco MD
Common Complications and Management, David Earle MD
Open component separation for abdominal wall reconstruction, David Earle MD
Endoscopic Component Separation, David Earle MD and Jessica Evans MD
Prosthetic mesh contamination during NOTES(®) transgastric hernia repair: A randomized controlled trial with swine explants, David Earle MD, John Romanelli MD, Philip Omotosho MD, Peter Wu MD, Connie Rossini MD, Hannah Swayze-Quinn MD, and David Desilets MD
Simulation for medical students, Gladys Fernandez MD
Boot cAMP: Educational outcomes after 4 successive years of preparatory simulation-based training at onset of internship, Gladys Fernandez MD, David Page MD, Nicholas Coe MD, Patrick Lee MD, Lisa Patterson MD, Loki Skylizard MD, Marisa Amaral MD, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Development and Operation of a Simulation Laboratory at a Major Medical Center, Gladys Fernandez MD and Neal Seymour MD
Primary hyperparathyroidism in the underinsured: a study of 493 patients, Jane Garb and Azad Jabiev MD
The SVV-SV relationship during one lung ventilation, Charles Gibson RN, Adam Adler MD, William McGee MD, Gary Hochheiser MD, and Rose Ganim MD
Ventilator-associated pneumonia rates at major trauma centers compared with a national benchmark: A multi-institutional study of the AAST, Ronald Gross MD
Cervical spine injuries and helmet laws: A population-based study, Ronald Gross MD and Andrew Doben MD
Promoting Antifungal Stewardship as a Means of Optimizing the Management of Invasive Fungal Infections, Patrick Lee MD
Observational study of functional hemodynamics during one lung ventilation, William McGee MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Charles Gibson, Gary Hochheiser MD, and Rose Ganim MD
Child abuse and neglect in the United States, Kevin Moriarty MD and David Tashjian MD
Pediatric pancreatitis in the era of obesity, Kevin Moriarty MD and David Tashjian MD
Pediatric ureteropelvic junction obstruction, Kevin Moriarty MD and David Tashjian MD
Surgical management of pediatric adhesive bowel obstruction, Kevin Moriarty MD and David Tashjian MD
Catheter-directed thrombolysis in a patient with purpura fulminans, Marvin Morris MD
Endovascular management of hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm, Marvin Morris MD
Varying presentations in patients with symptomatic type IV vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Marvin Morris MD
Abdominal anaphylaxis presenting as trauma: a recipe for delayed diagnosis, J. Hector Pope MD, Eleanor Winston MD, and Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD
Challenging hernia locations: Suprapubic and subxiphoid, John Romanelli MD
Gastrointestinal prophylaxis in neurocritical care, Clemens Schirmer MD
Patient based computational fluid dynamic characterization of carotid bifurcation stenosis before and after endovascular revascularization, Clemens Schirmer MD
Spontaneous resolution of a Chiari malformation Type I and syrinx after supratentorial craniotomy for excision of a cavernous malformation, Clemens Schirmer MD
Caudals, dimples, and ultrasound - part 2, Donald Schwartz MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, and Nandakumar Ponnusamy MD
Transdifferentiation of glioblastoma stem-like cells into mural cells drives vasculogenic mimicry in glioblastomas, Stephan Scully, Brooke Bentley, Sherry Taylor MD, Dennis Oh MD, Robert Schapiro MD, Luis Moral MD, Wei Yan, and Rong Shao
The future of surgical simulation, Neal Seymour MD
The novel lupus antigen related protein acheron enhances the development of human breast cancer, Rong Shao, Stephan Scully, Wei Yan, Brooke Bentley, James Mueller MD, Lauren Schwartz MD, and Larry Schwartz
Is partial colectomy the operation of choice in pediatric Clostridium difficile colitis?, David Tashjian MD and Kevin Moriarty MD
Missed opportunities in the treatment of pediatric appendicitis, David Tashjian MD and Kevin Moriarty MD
Surgical management of pediatric adhesive bowel obstruction, David Tashjian MD and Kevin Moriarty MD
Evaluation and management of mild traumatic brain injury: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma practice management guideline, Eleanor Winston MD
Submissions from 2011
Surgical pitfalls of excising an intramyocardial lipoma, Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, David Deaton MD, and George Turner
Is there a role for surgery in the management of giant B-cell right atrial lymphoma?, Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, Joseph Flack MD, and John Rousou MD
Entrapment of an arterial pressure catheter by a previously deployed Starclose device, Ak Alameddine MD and John Rousou MD
Repair of intervalvular fibrous body rupture during aortic valve replacement, Victor Alimov MD, Ak Alameddine MD, and Joseph Flack MD
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma: A Review of the Management of the Open Abdomen-Part 2 "Management of the Open Abdomen", Reginald Alouidor MD
Breast cancer expression of YKL-40 correlates with tumour grade, poor differentiation, and other cancer markers, Richard Arenas MD, Rong Shao, Q Jackie Cao MD, Brooke Bentley, and Wei Yan
How many criteria does it take to remove a single parathyroid gland?, Nicholas Coe MD
Safety and efficacy of heparin or enoxaparin prophylaxis in blunt trauma patients with a head abbreviated injury severity score >2, Andrew Doben MD
Ventral Hernia, David Earle MD
NOTES(®) stapled cystgastrostomy: a novel approach for surgical management of pancreatic pseudocysts, David Earle MD, David Desilets MD, and John Romanelli MD
Ascending aortic pseudoaneurysm, a ticking bomb after cardiac surgery, Joseph Flack MD, Fadi Saab MD, James Cook MD, and Leehapong Navaravong MD
In tumors Salmonella migrate away from vasculature toward the transition zone and induce apoptosis, Sabha Ganai MD, Richard Arenas MD, Brooke Bentley, and Neil Forbes
Homozygous lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency due to a new loss of function mutation and review of the literature, Rose Ganim MD and Sarah Haessler MD
Correlation of stromal expression of YKL-40 with recurrence of colorectal cancer, Jane Garb, Christopher Chapman MD, Brooke Bentley, Q Jackie Cao MD, Rong Shao, Richard Arenas MD, and Hannah Swayze-Quinn MD
Using spatial analysis to improve health care services and delivery at Baystate Health, Jane Garb and Richard Wait MD
Geography and travel distance impact emergency department visits, Philip Henneman MD, Jane Garb, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Haiping Li, Howard Smithline MD, and Richard Wait MD