Submissions from 2007
Expert performance characteristics of a new virtual reality surgical simulator., Neal Seymour MD, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, Ron Bush, Jay Kuhn MD, and Michael Hsu MD
Expert performance characteristics of a new virtual reality surgical simulator., Neal Seymour MD, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, Ron Bush, Jay Kuhn MD, and Michael Hsu MD
Feasibility of using near-infrared spectroscopy to diagnose testicular torsion: An experimental study in sheep., Howard Smithline MD, George Wadie MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Carolanne Lovewell, Bret Coughlin MD, Timothy Mader MD, and Geoffrey A. Capraro MD
A combined medical and surgical simulation based training curriculum for 3rd year medical students: Student's perspective, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, Joel Abraham MD, Gerard Langlois, Rukshana Cader MD, and Elizabeth D'Amour
Integration of simulation based training into third year medical students' clerkship curriculum: A combined medical and surgical effort to link theory with practice, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, Gerard Langlois, Joel Abraham MD, Rukshana Cader MD, and Elizabeth D'Amour
A longitudinal simulation-based training curriculum for third-year medical students: A combined effort between medical and surgical departments, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, David Page MD, Michael Picchioni MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD
A longitudinal simulation-based training curriculum for third-year medical students: A combined effort between medical and surgical departments, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, David Page MD, Michael Picchioni MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD
Simulation for training internal medicine residents in ACLS: What did we learn, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gerard Langlois, and Elizabeth D'Amour
Improving tactile sensation in minimally invasive pediatric surgery, Michael Tirabassi MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, George Wadie MD, and David Tashjian MD
Colloid carcinoma of the minor duodenal papilla, Heike Varnholt MD, Richard Wait MD, James Mueller MD, and David Desilets MD
Nodal staging of NSCLC: A pictorial atlas of thoracic lymph node stations utilizing FDG PET/CT, Erez Vidan MD, Laurie Gianturco MD, Boyd Hehn MD, and Gary Hochheiser MD
The deflux procedure reduces the incidence of urinary tract infections in patients with vesicoureteral reflux., George Wadie MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Richard Courtney MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
A new web-based operative skills assessment tool effectively tracks progression in surgical resident performance, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Earle MD, Francis Ansanitis, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
A new web-based operative skills assessment tool effectively tracks progression in surgical resident performance, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Earle MD, Francis Ansanitis, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
A new web-based operative skills assessment tool effectively tracks progression in surgical resident performance, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Earle MD, Francis Ansanitis, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Surgical resident performance on a virtual reality simulator correlates with operating room performance, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Earle MD, Ron Bush, and Neal Seymour MD
Submissions from 2006
Local recurrence after transanal endoscopic microsurgery for rectal polyps and early cancers., Albert Alexander MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Prathima Kanumuri MD, and R Rao MD
Nonoperative correction of pectus carinatum with orthotic bracing., Gregory Banever MD, Stanley Konefal MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Development of a simulation program to teach adult resuscitation in an internal medicine residency program, Raquel Belforti MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, and Gerard Langlois
Risk factors for calcific uremic arteriolopathy (CUA): A case control study in chronic hemodialysis patients, Gregory Braden MD, Jeffrey Mulhern MD, Penny Pekow, Michael Germain MD, George Lipkowitz MD, Arley Diaz MD, and Robert Madden MD
Lipomatous disorder of the peri-trochanteric soft tissue: Case report and review., Glen Brooks MD
The Human Patient Simulator(HPS): Is it essential to be in the 'Hot Seat' for better learning, Rukshana Cader MD, Joel Abraham MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, and Gladys Fernandez MD
Surgical training and simulation laboratory at Baystate Medical Center., David Earle MD
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons practice guideline series: Antibiotic prophylaxis in cardiac surgery, part I-duration., Richard Engelman MD
Mapping the rectum: Spatial analysis of transanal endoscopic microsurgical outcomes using GIS technology., Jane Garb, Richard Wait MD, Albert Alexander MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Prathima Kanumuri MD, and R Rao MD
Mapping the rectum: Spatial analysis of transanal endoscopic microsurgical outcomes using GIS technology., Jane Garb, Richard Wait MD, Albert Alexander MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Prathima Kanumuri MD, and R Rao MD
Patient preference and outcomes-based surgical care among octogenarians and nonagenarians., K Francis Lee MD
Novices outperformed experienced laparoscopists in virtual reality laparoscopy simulator, Andrew Moore MD, Daniel Grow MD, Ron Bush, and Neal Seymour MD
Pulmonary resection after successful downstaging with photodynamic therapy., Keith Mortman MD and Kenneth Frankel MD
Isolated jejunal perforation after blunt thoracoabdominal trauma., Imtiaz Munshi MD and Gerald Khachi MD
Female to male transgender chest surgery: A five-year experience, Brian Olack MD, Kristin Stueber MD, and Melissa Johnson MD
Body trauma a writer's guide to wounds and injuries, David Page MD
Professionalism and team care in the clinical setting., David Page MD
Laparoscopic revision of TAPP hernia repair for early genitofemoral neuralgia, John Romanelli MD
The influence of H. pylori infection on postoperative marginal ulcer and stricture formation in bariatric surgery patients, John Romanelli MD
Does division of the nerve of Latarjet during Roux-En-Y laparoscopic gastric bypass influence delayed emptying of the gastric pouch in the early postoperative period, John Romanelli MD and Jane Garb
Does the presence of asymptomatic cholelithiasis preoperatively predict the development of cholecystitis in the weight loss period following bariatric surgery, John Romanelli MD and Jane Garb
Demonstration of construct valifity for a new virtual reality laparoscopic skills trainer, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, and Ron Bush
Characterization of angular gaze by expert laparoscopic surgeons using a face-mounted display, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, Ron Bush, and David Lin MD
Validation of an operating room performance tool for surgical residents, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, and Alexander Perez MD
Use of a new performance assessment tool for a complex laparoscopic task, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, John Romanelli MD, and Jay Kuhn MD
The use of a virtual reality trainer to increase surgical resident skill on complex laparoscopic tasks, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, John Romanelli MD, Jay Kuhn MD, and Ron Bush
The use of a virtual reality trainer to increase surgical resident skill on complex laparoscopic tasks, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, John Romanelli MD, Jay Kuhn MD, and Ron Bush
Complex laparoscopic task performance on two new computer-based skills training devices, Neal Seymour MD, Michael Ganey MD, and Ron Bush
YfiO stabilizes the YaeT complex and is essential for outer membrane protein assembly in Escherichia coli., Joseph Sklar MD
Submissions from 2005
Chemopreventive strategies in a mammary gland explant model, Richard Arenas MD and Sabha Ganai MD
Induction of apoptosis in the absence of p53: Implications for chemoprevention for ER-negative breast cancer, Richard Arenas MD, Sabha Ganai MD, and Holly Mason MD
B-Catenin binding doain of the APC gene is sufficient to inhibit polyp formation in a mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis, Richard Arenas MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Gregory Banever MD, George Wadie MD, and K Francis Lee MD
B-Catenin binding doain of the APC gene is sufficient to inhibit polyp formation in a mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis, Richard Arenas MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Gregory Banever MD, George Wadie MD, and K Francis Lee MD
Factors affecting the professional image of physicians., Nicholas Coe MD
A conserved and species-specific functional interaction between the Werner syndrome-like exonuclease atWEX and the Ku heterodimer in Arabidopsis, Nathan Conway MD
Geographic information system localization of community-acquired MRSA soft tissue abscesses., Richard Courtney MD, Stanley Konefal MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, George Wadie MD, Barry Sachs MD, Richard Wait MD, and Jane Garb
Geographic information system localization of community-acquired MRSA soft tissue abscesses., Richard Courtney MD, Stanley Konefal MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, George Wadie MD, Barry Sachs MD, Richard Wait MD, and Jane Garb
Cost comparison of looped versus stapled laparoscopic appendectomy, David Earle MD and Neal Seymour MD
Laparoscopic vs open incisional hernia repair: A single institution analysis of hospital resource utilization for 844 consecutive cases, David Earle MD and Neal Seymour MD
Needs based, 'intelligent' surgical skills training system, David Earle MD and Neal Seymour MD
Targeting bacteriolytic therapy of solid tumors using salmonella typhimurium, Neil Forbes, Richard Arenas MD, and Sabha Ganai MD
Local recurrence following transanal endoscopic microsurgery for rectal polyps and early cancers, Sabha Ganai MD, Prathima Kanumuri MD, R Rao MD, and Albert Alexander MD
Routes to better healthcare, Jane Garb, Christopher Boyd MD, Richard Wait MD, and Ric Skinner
Mapping the rectum: Spatial analysis of microsurgical outcomes using GIS, Jane Garb, Christopher Boyd MD, Richard Wait MD, Ric Skinner, Sabha Ganai MD, Albert Alexander MD, R Rao MD, and Prathima Kanumuri MD
Mapping the rectum: Spatial analysis of microsurgical outcomes using GIS, Jane Garb, Christopher Boyd MD, Richard Wait MD, Ric Skinner, Sabha Ganai MD, Albert Alexander MD, R Rao MD, and Prathima Kanumuri MD
Donepezil in the prevention and treatment of post-surgical delirium., Jane Garb, Benjamin Liptzin MD, Agnes Laki, Richard Fingeroth MD, and Robert Krushell MD
Parathyroid adenoma localization by superselective venous sampling - time for revision of diagnostic criteria?, George Hartnell MD and Nicholas Coe MD
Phase II clinical trial of moderate hypothermia after severe traumatic brain injury in children., Paul Kanev MD
Cervical spondylodiscitis from an ingested pin: a case report., Stanley Konefal MD and George Wadie MD
Early femoral head penetration of a highly cross-linked polyethylene liner vs a conventional polyethylene liner: A case-controlled study, Robert Krushell MD and Richard Fingeroth MD
Palliative care: Good legal defense, K Francis Lee MD
Postoperative futile care: Stopping the train when the family says keep going., K Francis Lee MD
A comparison of cryopreserved vein allografts and prosthetic grafts for hemodialysis access., Robert Madden MD, George Lipkowitz MD, and Alexander Kurbanov MD
Ductal carcinoma in situ in a 16-year-old adolescent boy with gynecomastia: A case report., Kevin Moriarty MD, Richard Courtney MD, George Wadie MD, Theonia Boyd MD, and Gregory Banever MD
Ductal carcinoma in situ in a 16-year-old adolescent boy with gynecomastia: A case report., Kevin Moriarty MD, Richard Courtney MD, George Wadie MD, Theonia Boyd MD, and Gregory Banever MD
Effect of pectus excavatum deformity on cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescent boys., Kevin Moriarty MD, Thomas Rowland MD, and Gregory Banever MD
A low-field intraoperative MRI system for glioma surgery: is it worthwhile?, Dennis Oh MD
Minimally invasive treatment for brain tumors, Dennis Oh MD
The addition of geriatric consultation to a multidisciplinary trauma team improves care for elderly trauma patients, Barbara Ostiguy GNP, MSN; Maura Brennan MD; Patricia Letourneau; and Lisa Patterson MD
Car-surfing in southwest Ohio: Incidence and injuries., Lisa Patterson MD
Interventional options for malignant upper gastrointestinal obstruction, Lisa Patterson MD
Ileostomy adenocarcinomas in the setting of ulcerative colitis., Neal Seymour MD
Integrating simulation into a busy residency program, Neal Seymour MD
Laparoscopic treatment of intestinal malrotation in adults., Neal Seymour MD
Virtual reality in general surgical training, Neal Seymour MD
VR to OR for camera navigation, Neal Seymour MD
Census data for health preparedness and response, Richard Wait MD and Jane Garb
Submissions from 2004
Anatomic variations of the radial artery: significance when harvesting for coronary artery bypass grafting, Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, Richard Engelman MD, John Rousou MD, Joseph Flack MD, David Deaton MD, and Daniel Engelman MD
Information-sharing in out-of-hospital disaster response: the future role of information technology., Jeffrey Arnold MD and K Francis Lee MD
Feasibility of thoracoscopic U-clip esophageal anastomosis: an alternative for esophageal atresia reconstruction., Gregory Banever MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Stanley Konefal MD, Edward Reiter MD, and Richard Wait MD
Surgical site infections in cardiac surgery: an 11-year perspective., Richard Brown MD and Richard Engelman MD
Thyroid and parathyroid disease, Nicholas Coe MD
Diagnoses and presenting symptoms in an infant psychiatry clinic: comparison of two diagnostic systems., Kenneth Frankel MD
Malignant pericardial effusions., Kenneth Frankel MD
Designated case managers as facilitators of medical and psychosocial service delivery in addiction treatment programs., Paul Friedmann MD
Resident and attending attitudes toward the eighty-hour workweek, Sabha Ganai MD, Richard Wait MD, and Nicholas Coe MD
Stereotactic core needle biopsy specimen radiography of malignant breast lesions containing calcifications: Is the presence of carcinoma in specimens without calcifications predictive of more extensive disease, Robert Goulart MD, David March MD, Bret Coughlin MD, Holly Mason MD, and Jane Garb
Diagnostic agreement in the evaluation of image-guided breast core needle biopsies: results from a randomized clinical trial., Robert Goulart MD and David Page MD
Acceleration of Integra incorporation in complex tissue defects with subatmospheric pressure., Anoush Hadaegh MD
Tracheostomy scar revision using acellular dermal matrix allograft., Melissa Johnson MD
A calcified lesion on abdominal X-ray., K Francis Lee MD
Clinical palliative care for surgeons: part 1., K Francis Lee MD
Clinical palliative care for surgeons: part 2., K Francis Lee MD
Left ventricular volume estimation from three-dimensional echocardiography, K Francis Lee MD