Submissions from 2004
Experience with cryopreserved cadaveric femoral vein allografts used for hemodialysis access., Robert Madden MD, Alexander Kurbanov MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Estrogen induces CCN5 expression in the rat uterus in vivo., Holly Mason MD
New technology for the early detection of breast cancer, Holly Mason MD
Is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) a plausible explanation for the recent increase in large breast tumors, Wilson Mertens MD, Deborah Katz MD, Richard Arenas MD, and Grace Makari-Judson MD
Quantitation of lung sealing in the survival swine model., Kevin Moriarty MD, Gregory Banever MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and David Tashjian MD
A unique pattern of injury secondary to seatbelt-related blunt abdominal trauma., Imtiaz Munshi MD
Profile of chest trauma in a level I trauma center, Imtiaz Munshi MD and Richard Wait MD
Peptic ulcer disease, David Page MD
A complete large bowel obstruction after laparascopic cholecystectomy: A rare complication, John Romanelli MD
Laparascopic discectomy and fusion (L5-S1), John Romanelli MD
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for duplicated gallbladder, John Romanelli MD
Vitamin B1 deficiency after laparascopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, John Romanelli MD
Abdominal wall, omentum, mesentery, and retroperitoneum, Neal Seymour MD
Analysis of errors in laparoscopic surgical procedures., Neal Seymour MD
Emerging uses of GIS in medicine and hospitals--Baystate Health System's Health Geographics Program, Ric Skinner
Does morphine change the physical examination in patients with acute appendicitis, Howard Smithline MD, Jeannette Wolfe MD, Jane Garb, and Viriato Fiallo MD
GIS localization of community acquired MRSA soft tissue abscesses in children, Michael Tirabassi MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Jane Garb, Ric Skinner, George Wadie MD, and Christopher Boyd MD
GIS localization of community acquired MRSA soft tissue abscesses in children, Michael Tirabassi MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Jane Garb, Ric Skinner, George Wadie MD, and Christopher Boyd MD
Investigating racial disparities in percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI) rates, Richard Wait MD, Jane Garb, and James Cook MD
Profile of chest trauma in a level I trauma center., Richard Wait MD and Imtiaz Munshi MD
Submissions from 2003
Outcome and complications of intraoperative hemodialysis during cardiopulmonary bypass with potassium-rich cardioplegia., Gregory Braden MD, David Deaton MD, Michael Germain MD, Michael H. O'Shea MD, Jeffrey Mulhern MD, John Rousou MD, and Joseph Flack MD
Experience with cryopreserved cadaver vein allografts used for hemodialysis access., Gregory Braden MD, Robert Madden MD, Alexander Kurbanov MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Adaptive biatrial pacing reduces atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting., James Cook MD, David Deaton MD, John Rousou MD, and Joseph Flack MD
Fundamental Laparoscopic Skills Assessment(FLS) score correlates with efficient resident training in the operating room, David Earle MD
Pharmacological opening of mitoKATP channels with diazoxide ameliorates ischemia/reperfusion cell death through the modulation of mitochondrial volume and calcium accumulation., Richard Engelman MD
Reflections on shunt infection, Paul Kanev MD
Innominate artery transection secondary to blunt trauma, Stephen Klein MD, Imtiaz Munshi MD, Daniel Engelman MD, and Sabha Ganai MD
Effects of limited work hours on surgical training, Alexander Kurbanov MD, Robert Madden MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Clinical research for surgeons in palliative care: Challenges and opportunities., K Francis Lee MD
Legal considerations for palliative care in surgical practice., K Francis Lee MD
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Office of Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care: executive summary of the report from the field., K Francis Lee MD
Breast masses: removal of all US evidence during biopsy by using a handheld vacuum-assisted device--initial experience., Grace Makari-Judson MD, Bret Coughlin MD, James Frank, and Robert Goulart MD
Aortic dissection after blunt trauma., Imtiaz Munshi MD
Bicycle handlebar injury, Imtiaz Munshi MD
Pancreatitis and duodenitis from sarcoidosis: successful therapy with mycophenolate mofetil., Farhad Navab MD, Michael Germain MD, Michael H. O'Shea MD, Gregory Braden MD, Jonathan Freeman MD, Jeffrey Mulhern MD, George Lipkowitz MD, and Robert Madden MD
Blood, sweat and tears: Are surgeons prepared for the challenges of self-reflection, David Page MD
Laparascopic repair of a paraesophageal hernia and concurrent hernia of Morgagni, John Romanelli MD
Laparoscopic Duplicate Verniform Appendectomy: Rare finding averts poor outcome, John Romanelli MD
Laparoscopic management of complex Crohn's disease., Neal Seymour MD
Psychomotor skills assessment in practicing surgeons experienced in performing advanced laparoscopic procedures., Neal Seymour MD
Surgery for peptic ulcer disease and postgastrectomy syndromes, Neal Seymour MD
An exploratory study using data envelopment analysis to assess neurotrauma patients in the intensive care unit., Jay Steingrub MD, Imtiaz Munshi MD, and Thomas Higgins MD
Endoscopic surveillance of Barrett's Esophagus in genetically-predisposed mice., Michael Tirabassi MD, Richard Arenas MD, Gregory Banever MD, and D Joseph Jerry
Use of energy devices in thoracoscopy: Quanitation of lung sealing capacity, Michael Tirabassi MD, David Tashjian MD, Gregory Banever MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Use of energy devices in thoracoscopy: Quntitation of lung sealing capacity., Michael Tirabassi MD, David Tashjian MD, Gregory Banever MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Submissions from 2002
Reduction of intestinal neoplasia with adenomatous polyposis coli gene replacement and COX-2 inhibition is additive, Richard Arenas MD
Administration of intact APC gene causes polyp regression in a mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis, Richard Arenas MD, Gregory Banever MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Administration of intact APC gene causes polyp regression in a mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis, Richard Arenas MD, Gregory Banever MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
The adenomatous polyposis coli gene: A key player in the intestinal cell growth and polyp formation in familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome, Richard Arenas MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Gregory Banever MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
The adenomatous polyposis coli gene: a key player in the intestinal cell growth and polyp formation in familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome, Richard Arenas MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Gregory Banever MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
A novel technique designed to minimize the morbidity of failure of arteriovenous access in hemodialysis patients., Alexander Kurbanov MD, Robert Madden MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Decellularized cadaver vein allografts used for hemodialysis access do not cause allosensitization or preclude kidney transplantation., Alexander Kurbanov MD, Robert Madden MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Laparoscopic repair of blunt traumatic anterior abdominal wall hernia., Imtiaz Munshi MD
Safety and efficacy of femoral-based hemodialysis access grafts., David Tashjian MD, Sang Won Rhee MD, Jeffrey Kaufman MD, Marc Norris MD, Robert Madden MD, George Lipkowitz MD, and Jane L. McCall
Submissions from 2001
Anesthetic management of the exit (ex utero intrapartum treatment) procedure, Donald Schwartz MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, David Tashjian MD, Robert Wool MD, Robert Parker MD, Glenn Markenson MD, Robert Rothstein MD, Bhavesh Shah MD, Neil Connelly MD, and Richard Courtney MD