"Hybrid notes: Incisionless intragastric stapled cystgastrostomy of a p" by Kevin Moriarty MD, Connie Rossini MD et al.

Hybrid notes: Incisionless intragastric stapled cystgastrostomy of a pancreatic pseudocyst

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Article, Peer-reviewed

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PURPOSE: We present a case report of a novel hybrid natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES). The operation performed was a transgastric cystgastrostomy with endoscopic guidance for a pancreatic pseudocyst. This operation was completed entirely through an existing gastrostomy site with no incisions, thus avoiding the peritoneal cavity. METHODS: This is a case of a 7-year-old boy with neurologic impairment from congenital herpes simplex virus encephalitis who is tube fed. He had acute pancreatitis and developed a 9 cm pancreatic pseudocyst. The pseudocyst failed to resolve after 6 weeks and developed a mature wall. Due to a history of multiple abdominal surgeries and known abdominal adhesions, a minimally invasive approach that would avoid entering the peritoneal cavity was the desired approach. The technique involved a trans-oral endoscope for visualization and the use of the gastrostomy as access to the gastric lumen and pseudocyst. The pancreatic pseudocyst was stabilized with two T-fasteners and confirmed with needle aspiration under endoscopic visualization. The pseudocyst was then opened with the LigaSure (Valleylab, Boulder, CO). The cystgastrostomy anastomosis was completed with an Endopath ETS-Flex Articulating Linear Stapler/Cutter (Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc, Cincinnati, OH). The operation took less than 2 hours and was completed without an incision. Under the policies of the Human Research Protection Program, review of a single case is outside the scope of the definition of human subjects research and does not require institutional review board review and approval. RESULTS: The patient did well postoperatively and had a dramatic reduction in size of the pancreatic pseudocyst to 3.5 cm by 2 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: Hybrid NOTES cystgastrostomy performed through an existing gastrocutaneous fistula is an excellent approach for minimally invasive drainage of pancreatic pseudocysts. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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