"Loop-anchor purse-string closure of gastrotomy in NOTES(R) Procedures:" by John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD et al.

Loop-anchor purse-string closure of gastrotomy in NOTES(R) Procedures: Survival studies in a porcine model

Author Department

Medicine; Surgery

Document Type

Article, Peer-reviewed

Publication Date



INTRODUCTION: Transgastric NOTES(®) procedures remain without a simple method to close the gastrotomy. In four survival swine studies, we have tested a novel gastric closure device: the loop-anchor purse-string (LAPS) closure system. METHODS: In four anesthetized pigs, an endoscopic gastrotomy was performed. Four loop anchors were arrayed in a 2-cm square pattern around the gastrotomy. The endoscope was passed into the abdominal cavity, and the gastrotomy was cinched closed. RESULTS: Procedure times ranged from 50-180 minutes. Three pigs survived 14 days. One animal was sacrificed early due to signs of sepsis. Another animal developed fevers and was treated with antibiotics. At necropsy, there were no abscesses, including in the septic animal. Histologic examination revealed evidence of healing in all animals. DISCUSSION: The LAPS system holds promise with early success in an animal model. Future human studies are needed to determine viability as a human visceral closure device.

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