Submissions from 2022
Subretinal Fluid Resolution and Visual Acuity in Patients with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A HARBOR Post Hoc Analysis, David Lally MD
Subretinal Fluid Resolution and Visual Acuity in Patients with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A HARBOR Post Hoc Analysis, David Lally MD
Livestream surgeries enhance preclinical medical students' exposure to surgical specialties, Jonathan Lee MD
Reply: Low-Cost, Three-Dimensionally-Printed, Anatomical Models for Optimization of Orbital Wall Reconstruction, Jonathan Lee MD
Reply: Low-Cost, Three-Dimensionally-Printed, Anatomical Models for Optimization of Orbital Wall Reconstruction, Jonathan Lee MD
"Response to Letter to The Utility of the Subalar Graft in Nostril Symmetry in Rhinoplasty.", Jonathan Lee MD
A Collaborative Stewardship of OPOs and Transplant Centers to Maintain Equitable Allocation when Facilitating Ex Vivo Organ Preservation, George Lipkowitz MD
A Technical Guide for Sciatic Nerve Targeted Muscle Reinnervation in a Transfemoral Amputee, Rachel Lister, Jane Tsui, and Aparajit Naram MD
Use of minimally invasive surgery for the management of hollow viscus traumatic injuries, Andrew Litwin MD, Aixa Perez Coulter, John Romanelli MD, and Michael Tirabassi MD
The Influence of Screening Mammography Cessation and Resumption on Breast Cancer Presentation and Treatment: A Multi-Hospital Health System Experience During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic, Holly Mason MD, Ann-Kristin Friedrich MD, Shiva Niakan DO, Jesse Casaubon, and Aixa Perez Coulter
Interindividual variation contributes to differential PCB 126 induced gene expression in primary breast epithelial cells and tissues, Stephanie M. Morin, Giovanna Crisi MD, Kelly Gregory, Renata Franca, Benjamin Schalet MD, Holly Mason MD, Jesse Casaubon, Qing Jackie Cao MD, Grace Makari-Judson MD, D Joseph Jerry, and Sallie Schneider PhD
Per-oral endoscopic myotomy for the treatment of non-achalasia esophageal dysmotility disorders: experience from a single high-volume center, Timothy Morley MD, Matthew Mikulski, Matthew Rade, Jean Chalhoub MD, David Desilets MD, and John Romanelli MD
Minimally invasive versus open hepatectomy for the resection of colorectal liver metastases: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Georgios Orthopoulos MD
Assessment of Bleeding Risk in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients: A Tertiary Hospital Experience during the Pandemic in a Predominant Minority Population-Bleeding Risk Factors in COVID-19 Patients, Antoinette Pacifico MD
Long-Term, Prospective, Multicenter Study of Poly-4-hydroxybutyrate Mesh (Phasix Mesh) for Hernia Repair in Cohort at Risk for Complication: 60-Month Follow-Up, John Romanelli MD
Preface, John Romanelli MD
Surgeon Wellness: Scope of the Problem and Strategies to Avoid Burnout, John Romanelli MD
Multi-arterial Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Practice Patterns in the USA: Analysis of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgery Database, Siavash Saadat MD, Daniel Engelman MD, and Thomas Schwann MD
Long term results on the severity of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 pandemic, Elizabeth Santone MD, Francesca Izzo MD, Karina Lo, Aixa Perez Coulter, Nicolas Jabbour MD, and Georgios Orthopoulos MD
Incidence and Impact of a Single Red Blood Cell Transfusion: Analysis of the STS Database 2010-2019, Thomas Schwann MD
Peri-operative Anemia and Transfusions and Late Mortality in Coronary Artery Bypass Patients, Thomas Schwann MD and Daniel Engelman MD
Debriefing After Simulation, Neal Seymour MD
Overcoming Systems Factors in Case Logging with Artificial Intelligence Tools, Neal Seymour MD
Update on the Personal and Professional Well-Being of Surgical Residents in New England, Neal Seymour MD
Routine Assessment of Surgical Resident Wellness-Related Concerns During Biannual Review, Margaret Siu MD, David Tashjian MD, Gladys Fernandez M.D., Joy Isotti MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Advocacy: What Every Colorectal Surgeon Needs to Know to Make a Critical Impact on Health Care Policy, Kelly Tyler MD
What Every Colorectal Surgeon Needs to Know About Compensation for Physicians Employed by Hospitals and Health Care Systems, Kelly Tyler MD
Safety of Laparoscopic Appendectomy in the Setting of Coagulopathy: An ACS-NSQIP Study, Ya Zhou MD, Vida Rastegar, and Mazen Al-Mansour MD
Submissions from 2021
Linear versus volumetric CT analysis in predicting tension-free fascial closure in abdominal wall reconstruction, Mazen Al-Mansour MD, Jacqueline Wu MD, Greg Gagnon, Alex Knee, John Romanelli MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Validation of a simple technique of volumetric analysis of complex incisional hernias without 3D CT scan reconstruction, Mazen Al-Mansour MD, Jacqueline Wu MD, Greg Gagnon, Alex Knee, John Romanelli MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Application of technology to educational needs in surgery, Jorind Beqari MD and Neal Seymour MD
Whipple, wait, or watch? A multidisciplinary approach to care delivery for the nonagenarian, Maura Brennan MD, Nicolas Jabbour MD, Peter A. Depergola, and Maryam Hasan MD
Cardiac surgeons' concerns, perceptions, and responses during the COVID-19 pandemic, Daniel Engelman MD
Commentary: After the train has left the station: The utility of a late biomarker for cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury, Daniel Engelman MD
Commentary: "How to Slay the Aortic Dissection Beast in a COVID-19 World", Daniel Engelman MD
Diseases of the Aorta and Kidney Disease: Conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference, Daniel Engelman MD
Expert Consensus of Data Elements for Collection for Enhanced Recovery After Cardiac Surgery, Daniel Engelman MD
Perioperative Care Standards in Cardiac Surgery Patients Aiming at Enhancing Recovery: A Nationwide Survey in the Netherlands and Belgium, Daniel Engelman MD
Perioperative Coronavirus Vaccination - Timing and Implications: A Guidance Document, Daniel Engelman MD
Selecting Elements for a Cardiac Enhanced Recovery Protocol, Daniel Engelman MD
The 10 Commandments of ERAS for Cardiac Surgery, Daniel Engelman MD
Practice Variations in Chemodenervation for Anal Fissure Among ASCRS Members, Daniel Fish MD
Return of the Banana Knife: An Alternative Instrument for Laparoscopic Pyloromyotomy, Heather Grant MD, Gregory Banever MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Victoria Pepper MD, David Tashjian MD, and Michael Tirabassi MD
Factors Associated with Successful Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery and Thoracotomy in the Management of Traumatic Hemothorax, Heather Grant MD, Alex Knee, and Michael Tirabassi MD
Metabolic and bariatric surgery is likely safe, but underutilized in adolescents aged 13-17 years, Heather Grant MD and Aixa Perez-Caraballo MD
Information Quality for Residency Applicants in Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database (FREIDA) and Program Websites, Shelbie Kirkendoll
Surviving traumatic cardiac arrest: Identification of factors associated with survival, Kristina Kramer MD
Early Experience With Brolucizumab Treatment of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration, David Lally MD
PRPH2-Associated Macular Dystrophy in 4 Family Members with a Novel Mutation, David Lally MD
Demographic, Clinical, and Mortality Trends of Law Enforcement-Related Trauma: A Trauma Quality Improvement Program Analysis, Jonathan Lee MD
Low-Cost, Three-Dimensionally-Printed, Anatomical Models for Optimization of Orbital Wall Reconstruction, Jonathan Lee MD
The Utility of the Subalar Graft in Nostril Symmetry in Rhinoplasty, Jonathan Lee MD
Understanding the Role of the Otolaryngology Hospitalist: Tracheostomies and Tracheostomy Care, Jonathan Lee MD
Post-Procedural Opioid Prescribing in Children: A Survey of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Kevin Moriarty MD
A Western Massachusetts hospital system's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Nikita Ramanathan MD, Reginald Alouidor MD, Kristina Kramer MD, and Tyler Putnam MD
Comment on: The impact of bariatric surgery on breastfeeding: a systematic review, John Romanelli MD
Genetic modifiers regulating DNA replication and double-strand break repair are associated with differences in mammary tumors in mouse models of Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Sallie Schneider PhD and D Joseph Jerry
Association of Both High and Low Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction With Increased Risk After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, Thomas Schwann MD
Commentary: Gender and outcomes: It's complicated, Thomas Schwann MD
Mitral Surgery After Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair: Society of Thoracic Surgeons Database Analysis, Thomas Schwann MD
Right Ventricular Dysfunction and Short-Term Outcomes Following Left-Sided Valvular Surgery: An Echocardiographic Study, Thomas Schwann MD
STS Adult Cardiac Surgery Database: 2021 Update on Outcomes, Quality, and Research, Thomas Schwann MD
The Impact of the Noncompete, Kelly Tyler MD
Update: TelehealtRh in Colon and Rectal Surgery, Kelly Tyler MD
Retroperitoneal Necrosis as a Rare Complication After Celiac Plexus Block, Ya Zhou MD, Brendan O'Donovan DO, Jorind Beqari MD, and Reginald Alouidor MD
Submissions from 2020
SAGES TAVAC safety and efficacy analysis WATS3D (CDx Diagnostics, Suffern, NY), Mazen Al-Mansour MD
Endovascular Treatment of Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injuries in Right Arch Vessel Anatomy, Heepeel Chang MD, Neal Hadro MD, Marc Norris MD, and Marvin Morris MD
A novel technique to manage transcatheter aortic valve embolization, Kunal Chawla MD, Xiangke Huang, Neal Hadro MD, and Ashequl Islam MD
Outcomes after pneumonectomy versus limited lung resection in adults with traumatic lung injury, Andrew Doben and Ronald Gross
Taxonomy of multiple rib fractures: Results of the chest wall injury society international consensus survey, Andrew Doben and Ronald Gross
Adult Cardiac Surgery and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Aggressive Infection Mitigation Strategies are Necessary in the Operating Room and Surgical Recovery, Daniel Engelman MD
Adult cardiac surgery and the COVID-19 pandemic: Aggressive infection mitigation strategies are necessary in the operating room and surgical recovery, Daniel Engelman MD
Adult cardiac surgery during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Tiered Patient Triage Guidance Statement, Daniel Engelman MD
Adult cardiac surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: A tiered patient triage guidance statement, Daniel Engelman MD
Cardiac ERAS: A Guide to Team Building and Successful Implementation, Daniel Engelman MD
Cardiac Surgery-Enhanced Recovery Programs Modified for COVID-19: Key Steps to Preserve Resources, Manage Caseload Backlog, and Improve Patient Outcomes, Daniel Engelman MD
Cardiac surgery in North America and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Regional variability in burden and impact, Daniel Engelman MD
Commentary: Can we do better during a potential second wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)?, Daniel Engelman MD
Commentary: Quality metrics are important, but we must also become stewards of health care value, Daniel Engelman MD
Commentary: The need for better identification of postoperative delirium, Daniel Engelman MD
Delirium Prevention in Postcardiac Surgical Critical Care, Daniel Engelman MD
Longitudinal Outcomes in Octogenarian Critically Ill Patients with a Focus on Frailty and Cardiac Surgery, Daniel Engelman MD
Postoperative care: who should look after patients following surgery?, Daniel Engelman MD
Preoperative Treatment of Malnutrition and Sarcopenia in Cardiac Surgery: New Frontiers, Daniel Engelman MD
Prevention of Acute Kidney Injury, Daniel Engelman MD
Prevention of Acute Kidney Injury, Daniel Engelman MD
Ramping up Delivery of Cardiac Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Guidance Statement from The Society of Thoracic Surgeons COVID-19 Task Force, Daniel Engelman MD
Survey of Contemporary Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit Models in the United States, Daniel Engelman MD
Stress Biomarkers Do Not Correlate with Risk Factors for Kidney Injury Following Cardiac Surgery, Daniel Engelman MD; Cheryl Crisafi, MSN, RN, CNL; Michael Germain MD; Barbara Greco MD; Richard Engelman MD; and Thomas Schwann MD
Commentary: A little is way too much: What we have learned about perioperative acute kidney injury, Daniel Engelman MD and Thomas Schwann MD
Commentary: Low hanging fruit-reducing hospital-acquired pressure injuries associated with cardiac surgery, Daniel Engelman MD; Quazi Uddin MD; and Cheryl Crisafi, MSN, RN, CNL
The use of patient-derived breast tissue explants to study macrophage polarization and the effects of environmental chemical exposure, Kelly Gregory, Jennifer Ser-Dolansky, Benjamin Schalet MD, D Joseph Jerry, and Sallie Schneider PhD
Letter to the Editor: Assessing the Long-Term Potential of Relaxing Regulations: Should We Go Back to Business as Usual?, Nicolas Jabbour MD
Perioperative considerations in nonagenarians, Brittany Kern
An Epidemiological Analysis and Comparison of Single Site and Multiple Site Fracture Repair, Jonathan Lee MD
An Intraoperative Salvage After Transection of the Greater Palatine Artery During Cleft Palate Repair: A Case for Buccal Fat and Buccal Myomucosal Flaps, Jonathan Lee MD