Submissions from 2002
Administration of intact APC gene causes polyp regression in a mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis, Richard Arenas MD, Gregory Banever MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
The adenomatous polyposis coli gene: a key player in the intestinal cell growth and polyp formation in familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome, Richard Arenas MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Gregory Banever MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
A novel technique designed to minimize the morbidity of failure of arteriovenous access in hemodialysis patients., Alexander Kurbanov MD, Robert Madden MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance from extramammary Paget's of the bladder., Christopher Otis MD and Julia Donovan MD
Parkinsonism proteolysis and proteasomes, Larry Schwartz
Patients' use of the Internet for medical information., Joseph A. Diaz, Rebecca A. Griffith, James J. Ng, Steven E. Reinert, Peter D. Friedmann, and Anne W. Moulton
Cardiopulmonary Critical Care, Thomas Higgins MD and Jay Steingrub MD
Primary care physician attitudes regarding communication with hospitalists., Peter Lindenauer MD
Deficiency of decidual IL-10 in first trimester missed abortion: a lack of correlation with the decidual immune cell profile., Michael Plevyak MD
Safety and efficacy of femoral-based hemodialysis access grafts., David Tashjian MD, Sang Won Rhee MD, Jeffrey Kaufman MD, Marc Norris MD, Robert Madden MD, George Lipkowitz MD, and Jane L. McCall
Utilization of preventive health services by HIV-seronegative injection drug users., Kelly A. McGarry, Michael D. Stein, Jennifer G. Clarke, and Peter D. Friedmann
Efficacy and safety of tacrolimus ointment compared with that of hydrocortisone butyrate ointment in adult patients with atopic dermatitis., Sakari Reitamo, Malcolm Rustin, Thomas Ruzicka, Frederic Cambazard, Kirsti Kalimo, Peter S. Friedmann, Erwin Schoepf, Mourad Lahfa, Thomas L. Diepgen, Harryono Judodihardjo, Andreas Wollenberg, John Berth-Jones, and Thomas Bieber
Chemical profiling to differentiate geographic growing origins of coffee., Brian W. Smith MD
A brief intervention for hazardous drinkers in a needle exchange program., Michael D. Stein, Bradley Anderson, Anthony Charuvastra, Jinane Maksad, and Peter D. Friedmann
Barriers to screening for domestic violence., Lorrie Elliott, Michael Nerney, Theresa Jones, and Peter D. Friedmann
Does catheter type effect pregnancy rate in intrauterine insemination cycles?, Michael Plevyak MD and Daniel Grow MD
Max Schur, M.D., 1897-1969., Stephen Wittenberg MD and Lewis Cohen MD
Forecasting the impact of a clinical practice guideline for perioperative, Evan Benjamin MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Jan Fitzgerald
Single dilated lactiferous duct due to papilloma: ultrasonographically guided percutaneous biopsy with a vacuum-assisted device., Bret Coughlin MD, David March MD, Robert Goulart MD, and Grace Makari-Judson MD
Subacute compartment syndrome in a soccer player, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
Renal., David M. Poppel MD and Lewis Cohen MD
Drosophila sickle is a novel grim-reaper cell death activator, Larry Schwartz
Submissions from 2001
Anesthetic management of the exit (ex utero intrapartum treatment) procedure, Donald Schwartz MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, David Tashjian MD, Robert Wool MD, Robert Parker MD, Glenn Markenson MD, Robert Rothstein MD, Bhavesh Shah MD, Neil Connelly MD, and Richard Courtney MD
Daily versus admission mortality estimates: Is admission severity yesterday's news?, Thomas Higgins MD
Submissions from 2000
Cardiac dynamics during upright cycle exercise in boys., Thomas Rowland MD
Joint injections work-shop, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
International volunteer work for the practicing pediatrician., David Norton MD
Submissions from 1998
Decreased leptin levels in normal weight women with hypothalamic amenorrhea: The effects of body composition and nutritional intake, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD