All Scholarly Works | Baystate Health


Submissions from 2005

Chromosomal instability in flat adenomas and carcinomas of the colon, James Mueller MD

Acute coronary syndromes in the emergency department: Diagnostic characteristics, tests, and challenges., J. Hector Pope MD

Management of influenza symptoms in healthy children: Cost-effectiveness of rapid testing and antiviral therapy., Michael Rothberg MD, Donna Fisher MD, Brendan Kelly MD, and David Rose MD

Evaluating cardiac symptoms in the athlete: Is it safe to play, Thomas Rowland MD

Addition of a tissue-factor/factor VIIa inhibitor to standard treatments in NSTE-ACS managed with an early invasive strategy: Results of the phase 2 ANTHEM-TIMI 32 double-blind randomized clinical trial, Marc Schweiger MD

Index of suspicion., James Burns MD

Conformational variation of surface class II MHC proteins during myeloid dendritic cell differentiation accompanies structural changes in lysosomal MIIC., Giovanna Crisi MD

A survey of symptoms and risk factors in patients with Barrett's esophagus, David Desilets MD and Farhad Navab MD

Opioid withdrawal is associated with spinal PGE2 release in the rat, Stuart Dunbar MD, J Zhang, and I Karamian

Targeting bacteriolytic therapy of solid tumors using salmonella typhimurium, Neil Forbes, Richard Arenas MD, and Sabha Ganai MD

Blood culture contamination (QT2) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD

Critical values reporting (QT10) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD

Gynecologic cytology outcomes: Biopsy correlation performance (QT5) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD

In-date blood product wastage (QT4) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD

Laboratory specimen acceptability (QT3) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD

Morning rounds inpatient test availability (QT9) –Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD

Patient identification accuracy (QT1) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD

Satisfaction with outpatient specimen collection (QT7) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD

Stat test turnaround time outliers (QT8) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD

Turnaround time of Troponin (QT15) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD

Routes to better healthcare, Jane Garb, Christopher Boyd MD, Richard Wait MD, and Ric Skinner

Mapping the rectum: Spatial analysis of microsurgical outcomes using GIS, Jane Garb, Christopher Boyd MD, Richard Wait MD, Ric Skinner, Sabha Ganai MD, Albert Alexander MD, R Rao MD, and Prathima Kanumuri MD

Mapping the rectum: Spatial analysis of microsurgical outcomes using GIS, Jane Garb, Christopher Boyd MD, Richard Wait MD, Ric Skinner, Sabha Ganai MD, Albert Alexander MD, R Rao MD, and Prathima Kanumuri MD

Video and CD-ROM as a training tool for performing neurologic examinations, Herbert Gilmore MD

Antral follicle count is the best predictor of oocytes retrieved in IVF-ET cycles and is emerging as a clinically helpful tool to choose stimulation protocol, Daniel Grow MD, Carrie Bell MD, and Margaret Arny

Important features of study design, Oz Harmanli MD

Mortality Probability Models(MPMO-III) for specialized patient populations, Thomas Higgins MD

SAPS 3--From evaluation of the patient to evaluation of the intensive care unit. Part 1: Objectives, methods and cohort description., Thomas Higgins MD

SAPS 3--From evaluation of the patient to evaluation of the intensive care unit. Part 2: Development of a prognostic model for hospital mortality at ICU admission., Thomas Higgins MD

Updated Mortality Probability Model(MPM-III), Thomas Higgins MD

Early femoral head penetration of a highly cross-linked polyethylene liner vs a conventional polyethylene liner: A case-controlled study, Robert Krushell MD and Richard Fingeroth MD

Chronic lateral epicondylitis: Comparative effectiveness of a home exercise program including stretching alone versus stretching supplemented with eccentric or concentric strengthening., Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD

Sensitivity of the Patient-rated Forearm Evaluation Questionnaire in lateral epicondylitis., Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD

Ultrahigh-resolution and 3-dimensional optical coherence tomography ex vivo imaging of the large and small intestines., Liron Pantanowitz MD

Identification and analysis of Hic-5/ARA55 isoforms: Implications for integrin signaling and steroid hormone action, Larry Schwartz

Virtual reality in general surgical training, Neal Seymour MD

Drotrecogin alfa (activated) treatment in severe sepsis from the global, Jay Steingrub MD

Hepatic disease and pregnancy: An overview of diagnosis and management., Jay Steingrub MD

Black boxes, babies and bathwater, Bruce Waslick MD

Physician attitudes regarding the prescription of medical marijuana., Anthony Charuvastra, Peter D. Friedmann, and Michael D. Stein

Acquired nucleic acid changes may trigger sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis., Carmel Armon MD

Supine vs. semi-recumbent and upright twelve-lead ECG: Does change in body position alter ECG interpretation for ischemia, Robert Baevsky MD, Marc Haber MD, Fidela Blank, and Howard Smithline MD

Marfan syndrome, dural ectasia and polyradiculopathy, George Baquis MD and Paul Markarian

Tubulointerstitial diseases., Gregory Braden MD, Michael H. O'Shea MD, and Jeffrey Mulhern MD

Patient-doctor communication and the importance of clarifying end-of-life decisions., Maura Brennan MD

Protease inhibitor use in 233 pregnancies., Jane Garb and Anne Morris

Macrolides in community-acquired pneumonia: Does the bell toll for thee, Eric Granowitz MD and Richard Brown MD

Effectiveness of Letrozole for induction of ovulation in Clomiphene Citrate resistant Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS)., Daniel Grow MD

Role of preoperative gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist in post-operative adhesion formation after myomectomy, Daniel Grow MD

Can a cancer program-sponsored spiritual event meet with acceptance from patients and other attendees, Donald Higby MD and Wilson Mertens MD

Delirium 2005: What do we know and not know., Benjamin Liptzin MD

A comparison of cryopreserved vein allografts and prosthetic grafts for hemodialysis access., Robert Madden MD, George Lipkowitz MD, and Alexander Kurbanov MD

Fatal BK polyoma viral pneumonia associated with immunosuppression., Christopher Otis MD and Carol Ann Rauch MD

Cytology of pseudoseptic leukemic arthritis., Liron Pantanowitz MD

Extracavitary primary effusion lymphoma of the anorectum., Liron Pantanowitz MD

Trichomonas vaginalis P16 immunoreactivity in cervicovaginal Pap tests: A diagnostic pitfall., Liron Pantanowitz MD, Christopher Otis MD, Robert Goulart MD, and Roxanne Florence MD

Car-surfing in southwest Ohio: Incidence and injuries., Lisa Patterson MD

"Shotgun" versus sequential testing. Cost-effectiveness of diagnostic strategies for vaginitis., Michael Rothberg MD

Integrating simulation into a busy residency program, Neal Seymour MD

HIV-associated lipodystrophy in children, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD, Holley Allen MD, Edward Reiter MD, Maripat Toye RN MS, and Jens Krause MD

Drotrecogin alfa (activated) for adults with severe sepsis and a low risk of death., Jay Steingrub MD

Attitudes and practices regarding the use of methadone in US state and federal prisons., Josiah D. Rich, Amy E. Boutwell, David C. Shield, R Garrett Key, Michelle McKenzie, Jennifer G. Clarke, and Peter D. Friedmann

Randomized controlled trial evaluating response to metformin versus standard therapy in the treatment of adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome., Holley Allen MD, Laura Koenigs MD, Nancy Miller MD, and Edward Reiter MD

Addendum to assessment: Prevention of post-lumbar puncture headaches: Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology., Carmel Armon MD

Impact of mandatory inpatient infectious disease consultation on outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy., Richard Brown MD and William Loomis

Comparison of efficacy of implanted cardioverter-defibrillator in patients with versus without diabetes mellitus., James Cook MD and Stephen Wittenberg MD

Health care for the uninsured: Here we go again., Michael R. Grey MD

Improving nurse-to-patient staffing ratios as a cost-effective safety intervention., Peter Lindenauer MD, Michael Rothberg MD, and David Rose MD

Ductal carcinoma in situ in a 16-year-old adolescent boy with gynecomastia: A case report., Kevin Moriarty MD, Richard Courtney MD, George Wadie MD, Theonia Boyd MD, and Gregory Banever MD

Ductal carcinoma in situ in a 16-year-old adolescent boy with gynecomastia: A case report., Kevin Moriarty MD, Richard Courtney MD, George Wadie MD, Theonia Boyd MD, and Gregory Banever MD

HIV and the breast., Liron Pantanowitz MD

Myeloid sarcoma., Liron Pantanowitz MD

Warfarin plus aspirin after myocardial infarction or the acute coronary syndrome: Meta-analysis with estimates of risk and benefit., Michael Rothberg MD, James Cook MD, and Carmel Celestin MD

Youth football: Heat stress and injury risk., Thomas Rowland MD

Sensitivity to DNA damage is a common component of hormone-based strategies for protection of the mammary gland., Sallie Schneider and D Joseph Jerry

Research opportunities in the management of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease., Howard Smithline MD

LY315920NA/S-5920, a selective inhibitor of group IIA secretory phospholipase A2, fails to improve clinical outcome for patients with severe sepsis., Jay Steingrub MD

Recognition and management of adrenal emergencies., Susan Torrey MD

Census data for health preparedness and response, Richard Wait MD and Jane Garb

In the Literature, Glenn Allison MD, David Ling MD, and Xiao Liu MD

Transfusion-associated adverse pulmonary sequelae: Widening our perspective, Chester Andrzejewski MD

Perioperative beta-blocker therapy and mortality after major noncardiac surgery., Evan Benjamin MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Penny Pekow

Caregiver predictors of adolescent inhalant abuse in rural Appalachia., James Burns MD

Quantifying the metabolism of cancerous and non-cancerous breast cancer cells: Implications for drug target identification, Neil Forbes

Using engineering to characterize and overcome multidrug resistance in solid human tumors, Neil Forbes

Trends in work-related musculoskeletal disorder reports by year, type and industrial sector: A capture-recapture analysis, Michael R. Grey MD

Patient attitudes toward emergency physician attire., Marc Haber MD and Simon Li MD

Hospitalists and infectious disease physicians: Allies in improving patient care, David Ling MD and David Longworth MD

Sedentarization and seasonality : Maternal dietary and health consequences in Ariaal and Rendille communities in Northern Kenya, Martha Nathan MD

Fallopian tube prolapse mimicking aggressive angiomyxoma., Christopher Otis MD, Vandita Johari MD, and Heike Varnholt MD

Laparoscopic treatment of intestinal malrotation in adults., Neal Seymour MD

A step ahead: Strategies for excellence in critical care nursing practice., Amy Albano, Paula Lusardi, and Susan Scott

Chemopreventive strategies in a mammary gland explant model, Richard Arenas MD and Sabha Ganai MD

Tissue Doppler imaging for left ventriclar dyssynchrony: Radial versus longitudinal assessment, Hany Aziz MD, Leng Jiang MD, Lisa Massie MD, and Kenneth Santiago MD

Group a beta-hemolytic streptoccal glossal necrotizing myositis--case report and review, Robert Baevsky MD and Stephen Lieberman MD

Diastolic dysfunction in elderly patients, Sandra Bellantonio MD and M Javed Ashraf MD

Acute rise in LV dp/dt with cardiac resynchronization therapy is related to acute reduction of mitral regurgitation, James Cook MD, Leng Jiang MD, Hany Aziz MD, Lisa Massie MD, and Barry Karas MD

Geographic information system localization of community-acquired MRSA soft tissue abscesses., Richard Courtney MD, Stanley Konefal MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, George Wadie MD, Barry Sachs MD, Richard Wait MD, and Jane Garb

Geographic information system localization of community-acquired MRSA soft tissue abscesses., Richard Courtney MD, Stanley Konefal MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, George Wadie MD, Barry Sachs MD, Richard Wait MD, and Jane Garb

Transfusion therapy in hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation, Richard Friedberg MD and Chester Andrzejewski MD