Submissions from 2003
Evidence of human immunodeficiency virus-associated lipodystrophy syndrome in children treated with protease inhibitors., Stuart Chipkin MD, Holley Allen MD, and Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Type and screen completion for scheduled surgical procedures. A College of American Pathologists Q-Probes study of 8941 type and screen tests in 108 institutions., Richard Friedberg MD
Cardiac pacemakers, Jill Griffin MD and Susan Torrey MD
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Office of Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life Care: executive summary of the report from the field., K Francis Lee MD
Accuracy of laceration length estimation, Michael Lemanski MD, Fidela Blank, Howard Smithline MD, and Philip Henneman MD
Infections of intracardiac devices., David Longworth MD
Predictive value and cost-effectiveness analysis of a rapid polymerase chain reaction for preoperative detection of nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus., David Longworth MD
Breast masses: removal of all US evidence during biopsy by using a handheld vacuum-assisted device--initial experience., Grace Makari-Judson MD, Bret Coughlin MD, James Frank, and Robert Goulart MD
BALB/c alleles for Prkdc and Cdkn2a interact to modify tumor susceptibility in Trp53+/- mice., Christopher Otis MD and D Joseph Jerry
Concentrations of serum total activin A and inhibin A in preterm and term labor patients: a cross-sectional study., Michael Plevyak MD
Successful treatment of Candida Krusei infection with caspofungin acetate: a new antifungal agent, Gary Tereso and William McGee MD
Endoscopic surveillance of Barrett's Esophagus in genetically-predisposed mice., Michael Tirabassi MD, Richard Arenas MD, Gregory Banever MD, and D Joseph Jerry
Use of energy devices in thoracoscopy: Quntitation of lung sealing capacity., Michael Tirabassi MD, David Tashjian MD, Gregory Banever MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Treatment of sleep disturbance in alcohol recovery: a national survey of addiction medicine physicians., Peter D. Friedmann, Debra S. Herman, Shelby Freedman, Stephenie C. Lemon, Susan Ramsey, and Michael D. Stein
Can we eliminate placebo in ALS clinical trials?, Carmel Armon MD
Cardiovascular outcomes in the Irbesartan Diabetic Nephropathy Trial of patients with type 2 diabetes and overt nephropathy., Gregory Braden MD
Effects of a law against early postpartum discharge., Ronald Burkman MD
Hormone replacement therapy. Current controversies., Ronald Burkman MD
Practical considerations in dialysis withdrawal: "to have that option is a blessing"., Lewis Cohen MD, Michael Germain MD, and David M. Poppel MD
The Renal Palliative Care Initiative., Lewis Cohen MD, Michael Germain MD, and David M. Poppel MD
Assessment of Provider knowledge, practice and perceived barriers to colorectal cancer screening in urban health centers., Kevin Hinchey MD, Evan Benjamin MD, and Andrew Balder MD
Effects of limited work hours on surgical training, Alexander Kurbanov MD, Robert Madden MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Risk stratification and bedside prognostication in infective endocarditis., David Longworth MD and Eric Granowitz MD
Can CK-MB and cTn-I be detected in the peripheral circulation within the first 10 min of acute coronary ischemia?, Timothy Mader MD and Howard Smithline MD
Improving the care of patients with regard to chemotherapy-induced nausea and emesis: the effect of feedback to clinicians on adherence to antiemetic prescribing guidelines., Wilson Mertens MD, Donald Higby MD, Evan Benjamin MD, Jan Fitzgerald, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Laparoscopic management of complex Crohn's disease., Neal Seymour MD
Antiemetic use for gastroenteritis in children., Blake Spirko MD
Trends in comprehensive service availability in outpatient drug abuse treatment., Peter D. Friedmann, Stephenie C. Lemon, Elizabeth M. Durkin, and Thomas A. D'Aunno
Predictors of follow-up health status in the Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study (DATOS)., Peter D. Friedmann, Stephenie C. Lemon, Bradley J. Anderson, and Michael D. Stein
Invasive mammary carcinoma after immediate and short-term follow-up for lobular neoplasia on core biopsy., Giovanna Crisi MD
Fundamental Laparoscopic Skills Assessment(FLS) score correlates with efficient resident training in the operating room, David Earle MD
Pharmacologic approaches to sedation, pain relief and neuromuscular blockade in the intensive care unit. Part I. Sedation., Thomas Higgins MD, Paul Jodka MD, and A Farid MD
Hemodynamic consequences of heart-lung interactions., Thomas Higgins MD, Jay Steingrub MD, and Mark Tidswell MD
A randomized controlled trial of intravenous aminophylline for atropine-resistant out-of-hospital asystolic cardiac arrest., Timothy Mader MD and Howard Smithline MD
Determining pretest probability of DVT: clinical intuition vs. validated scoring systems., Timothy Mader MD and Howard Smithline MD
Laparascopic repair of a paraesophageal hernia and concurrent hernia of Morgagni, John Romanelli MD
Laparoscopic Duplicate Verniform Appendectomy: Rare finding averts poor outcome, John Romanelli MD
Use of energy devices in thoracoscopy: Quanitation of lung sealing capacity, Michael Tirabassi MD, David Tashjian MD, Gregory Banever MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Need for medical and psychosocial services among injection drug users: a comparative study of needle exchange and methadone maintenance., Michael D. Stein and Peter Friedmann
Bicycle handlebar injury, Imtiaz Munshi MD
Diagnosis of acute cardiac ischemia., J. Hector Pope MD
A randomized controlled trial of intravenous montelukast in acute asthma., Howard Smithline MD
An exploratory study using data envelopment analysis to assess neurotrauma patients in the intensive care unit., Jay Steingrub MD, Imtiaz Munshi MD, and Thomas Higgins MD
Effect of primary medical care on addiction and medical severity in substance abuse treatment programs., Peter D. Friedmann, Zhiwei Zhang, James Hendrickson, Michael D. Stein, and Dean R. Gerstein
Predictors of emergency medical services utilization by elders., Manish N. Shah, Cai Glushak, Theodore G. Karrison, Robert Mulliken, James Walter, Peter D. Friedmann, Deon Cox Hayley, and Marshall H. Chin
Experience with cryopreserved cadaver vein allografts used for hemodialysis access., Gregory Braden MD, Robert Madden MD, Alexander Kurbanov MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Endocrinologic treatment of gender identity disorders., Stuart Chipkin MD
AABB/CAP Viral Markers - participants Summary., Richard Friedberg MD
AABB/CAP Viral markers - Participant Summary, CAP Survey VM-A., Richard Friedberg MD
Anti-HIV-1 (Waived) - participant Summary., Richard Friedberg MD
Direct Antiglobulin Testing, CAP Survey DAT-A; DAT-B., Richard Friedberg MD
Hemoglobin F (Fetal RBC Count) - Participant Summary. CAP Survey HBF-B., Richard Friedberg MD
In-Date Blood Product Wastage (QT-4), Q-Tracks Annual Summary Report., Richard Friedberg MD
Nucleic Acid Testing - Participant Summary. CAP Survey NAT-A; NAT-B; NAT-C., Richard Friedberg MD
Platlet Serology - Participant Summary., Richard Friedberg MD
Practical transfusion service management, CAP '03, Richard Friedberg MD
Transfusion Medicine Automated Survey, CAP Survey JAT-A, Richard Friedberg MD
Transfusion Medicine Automated Testing. CAP Survey JAT-A; JAT-B; JAT-C., Richard Friedberg MD
Transfusion medicine Competency Assessment - Intended Response, CAP Survey TMCA-A., Richard Friedberg MD
Transfusion Medicine(Comprehensive) and Educational Challenge - Final Critique. CAP Survey J-A; J-B; J-C., Richard Friedberg MD
Transfusion medicine Continuing Medical Education - Prevention of Acute Fatal Transfusion Reactions., Richard Friedberg MD
Transfusion medicine(Limited). CAP Survey J1-A; J1-B; J1-C., Richard Friedberg MD
Transfusion Related Cell Count - participant Summary, CAP Survey TRC-A., Richard Friedberg MD
Effects of ischemia on repolarization in patients with single and multivessel coronary disease., Satyendra Giri MD
Early indicators of prolonged intensive care unit stay: impact of illness severity, physician staffing, and pre-intensive care unit length of stay., Thomas Higgins MD, Jay Steingrub MD, and William McGee MD
Innominate artery transection secondary to blunt trauma, Stephen Klein MD, Imtiaz Munshi MD, Daniel Engelman MD, and Sabha Ganai MD
Clinical research for surgeons in palliative care: Challenges and opportunities., K Francis Lee MD
Mental health problems in assisted living residents:The physician's role in treatment and staff education, Benjamin Liptzin MD
Infection Control Issues after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation., David Longworth MD
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, Timothy Mader MD
Temporomandibular Joint Injury, Timothy Mader MD
Perioperative medication management, Donna Mercado MD
Aortic dissection after blunt trauma., Imtiaz Munshi MD
The KIGS experience with the addition of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists to growth hormone (GH) treatment of children with idiopathic GH deficiency., Edward Reiter MD
Determinants of diastolic cardiac filling during exercise, Thomas Rowland MD
Open-label, sequential comparison of eptifibatide with abciximab for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention., Marc Schweiger MD and James Cook MD
Surgery for peptic ulcer disease and postgastrectomy syndromes, Neal Seymour MD
Whole body oxygen consumption and critical oxygen delivery in response to prolonged and severe carbon monoxide poisoning., Howard Smithline MD
Prompt administration of drotrecogin alfa (activated) is associated with improved survival., Jay Steingrub MD
Psychosocial and psychiatric issues in diabetes mellitus, Garry Welch
Submissions from 2002
Decellularized cadaver vein allografts used for hemodialysis access do not cause allosensitization or preclude kidney transplantation., Alexander Kurbanov MD, Robert Madden MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
The role of the institutional review board in quality improvement: a survey of quality officers, institutional review board chairs, and journal editors., Evan Benjamin MD, Deborah Naglieri-Prescod, Peter Lindenauer MD, Jan Fitzgerald, and Penny Pekow
Evaluation of an educational video for cardiac patients., Fidela Blank and Howard Smithline MD
Laparoscopic repair of blunt traumatic anterior abdominal wall hernia., Imtiaz Munshi MD
Loss of heterozygosity of p53, BRCA1, VHL, and estrogen receptor genes in breast carcinoma: correlation with related protein products and morphologic features., Christopher Otis MD and Patricia Krebs MD
Perceived addiction treatment needs among alcohol using injection drug users., Anthony Charuvastra, Bradley J. Anderson, Peter D. Friedmann, and Michael D. Stein
Analgesia for paediatric tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy with intramuscular clonidine., Katharine Freeman MD and Neil Connelly MD
Metabolism of endogenous and exogenous reproductive hormones., Michael Plevyak MD and Daniel Grow MD
Administration of intact APC gene causes polyp regression in a mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis, Richard Arenas MD, Gregory Banever MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
The adenomatous polyposis coli gene: A key player in the intestinal cell growth and polyp formation in familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome, Richard Arenas MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Gregory Banever MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Resistance training improves strength and functional measures in patients with end-stage renal disease., Michael Germain MD, Patrick Mailloux MD, and Jeffrey Mulhern MD
Reduction of intestinal neoplasia with adenomatous polyposis coli gene replacement and COX-2 inhibition is additive, Richard Arenas MD
Professional satisfaction experienced when caring for substance-abusing patients: faculty and resident physician perspectives., Richard Saitz, Peter D. Friedmann, Lisa M. Sullivan, Michael R. Winter, Christine Lloyd-Travaglini, Mark A. Moskowitz, and Jeffrey H. Samet
Quality of care for patients hospitalized with heart failure: assessing the impact of hospitalists., Evan Benjamin MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, Penny Pekow, and Jan Fitzgerald
Follow-up program: an essential component of ED care., Fidela Blank and Ann Maynard
Changes in contractile properties of skeletal muscle during developmentally programmed atrophy and death, Larry Schwartz
Drosophila Morgue is an F box/ubiquitin conjugase domain protein important for grim-reaper mediated apoptosis, Larry Schwartz
HIV prevention services in correctional drug treatment programs: do they change risk behaviors?, Rebecca A Ballard Lubelczyk, Peter D. Friedmann, Stephenie C. Lemon, Michael D. Stein, and Dean R. Gerstein