Submissions from 2004
Charcot-Leyden crystals: pathology and diagnostic utility., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Ligneous (pseudomembranous) inflammation involving the female genital tract associated with type-1 plasminogen deficiency., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Antenatal necrotic injury in severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. A case and review., Michael Plevyak MD
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics of a long-acting growth hormone (GH) preparation (nutropin depot) in GH-deficient children., Edward Reiter MD
Scaling or normalising maximum oxygen uptake to predict 1-mile run time in boys., Thomas Rowland MD
Beckman Access versus the Bayer ACS:180 and the Abbott AxSYM cardiac Troponin-I real-time immunoassays: an observational prospective study., Howard Smithline MD and Robert Baevsky MD
The effectiveness of wireless telephone communication technology on ambient noise level reduction within the ED., Howard Smithline MD and Robert Baevsky MD
Does morphine change the physical examination in patients with acute appendicitis, Howard Smithline MD, Jeannette Wolfe MD, Jane Garb, and Viriato Fiallo MD
Patient encounter time intervals in the evaluation of emergency department patients requiring abdominopelvic CT: oral contrast versus no contrast, Jeannette Wolfe MD, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Bret Coughlin MD, and Steve Lee MD
Anatomic variations of the radial artery: significance when harvesting for coronary artery bypass grafting, Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, Richard Engelman MD, John Rousou MD, Joseph Flack MD, David Deaton MD, and Daniel Engelman MD
Feasibility of thoracoscopic U-clip esophageal anastomosis: an alternative for esophageal atresia reconstruction., Gregory Banever MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Stanley Konefal MD, Edward Reiter MD, and Richard Wait MD
Diabetes translation research: where are we and where do we want to be?, Evan Benjamin MD
Internal medicine-pediatrics residency training: current program trends and outcomes., Samuel Borden MD
Driving and older adults: the physician's role., Maura Brennan MD, Sandra Bellantonio MD, and Syed Hussain MD
Legionella pneumonia: the spectrum continues to expand., Richard Brown MD
Costs and net health effects of contraceptive methods., Ronald Burkman MD
Altered basal inferior/posterior geometry directly contributes to leaflet tethering in functional ischemic mitral regurgitation., Leng Jiang MD and William Hiser MD
Tracheostomy scar revision using acellular dermal matrix allograft., Melissa Johnson MD
Is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) a plausible explanation for the recent increase in large breast tumors, Wilson Mertens MD, Deborah Katz MD, Richard Arenas MD, and Grace Makari-Judson MD
Commenting on "Vulvar langerhans cell histocytosis: a case report and review of the literature", Christopher Otis MD
Carotid body tumor (paraganglioma)., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Crohn's disease of the esophagus., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Cardiac responses to progressive upright exercise in adult male cyclists., Thomas Rowland MD
Frequency of adverse reactions in apheresis patients having same day intravascular access device placement., Chester Andrzejewski MD
Extra-catheter venous thrombosis associated with intravenous immune globulin therapy in two patients undergoing therapeutic plasma exchange., Chester Andrzejewski MD and Vandita Johari MD
Vital sign changes in patients undergoing platelet transfusion therapy., Chester Andrzejewski MD, Theresa Stec, Timothy Lacy MD, Jay Steingrub MD, and Mark Collins MD
Assessment: Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography: Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology., Carmel Armon MD
Neuromuscular disorders. Highlights of the American Academy of Neurology 56th Annual meeting, Carmel Armon MD
Impact of an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome on a hospital in Taiwan, ROC., Jeffrey Arnold MD
May we live in interesting times--Society of General Internal Medicine clinician-educators respond to new challenges in graduate medical education., Stewart Babbott MD
Antipyretic effectiveness of intravenous ketorolac tromethamine., Robert Baevsky MD and Howard Smithline MD
Lipid-lowering therapy and in-hospital mortality following major noncardiac surgery., Evan Benjamin MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Penny Pekow
Maternal vascular underperfusion: nosology and reproducibility of placental reaction patterns., Theonia Boyd MD
Absence of an effect of injectable and implantable progestin-only contraceptives on subsequent risk of breast cancer., Ronald Burkman MD
Comorbid factitious and conversion disorders., Lewis Cohen MD
Diagnoses and presenting symptoms in an infant psychiatry clinic: comparison of two diagnostic systems., Kenneth Frankel MD
Doxercalciferol safely suppresses PTH levels in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism associated with chronic kidney disease stages 3 and 4., Michael Germain MD
Acute renal failure and hyperkalaemia associated with cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors., Michael Germain MD, Gregory Braden MD, Michael H. O'Shea MD, and Jeffrey Mulhern MD
Follow-up study of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) Pap tests with a negative initial biopsy result, stratified by conventional versus ThinPrep Pap Methods, Robert Goulart MD, Q Jackie Cao MD, Maryanne Hornish, and Margaret Assaad MD
Making it count twice: turning quality improvement into research., Peter Lindenauer MD
A Structured spiritual service for cancer patients and families: Analysis of attendee responses., Wilson Mertens MD and Donald Higby MD
High-resolution imaging of the thyroid gland using optical coherence tomography., Liron Pantanowitz MD
The scratch test., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Limited prognostic value of a staging system for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome., Michael Plevyak MD
All dysuria is local. A cost-effectiveness model for designing, Michael Rothberg MD
Association of the timing of ST-segment resolution with TIMI myocardial perfusion grade in acute myocardial infarction., Marc Schweiger MD
Will I Pass the Boards?, Stewart Babbott MD and Kevin Hinchey MD
Dissection headache sine stroke., George Baquis MD and Brian W. Smith MD
The potential preventability of postoperative myocardial infarction: underuse of perioperative beta-adrenergic blockade., Evan Benjamin MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Nancy Hoople
Breaking bad news., Maura Brennan MD
Caring for those left behind., Maura Brennan MD
End of life decisions., Maura Brennan MD
Outcomes of the first residency program Geriatric Medicine Track., Maura Brennan MD and Sandra Bellantonio MD
Severe hyponatremia after initiation of hydrochlorothiazide Therapy for Hypertension., Maura Brennan MD and Kurt Diebold MD
Paradoxical embolism induced stroke in elderly women., Maura Brennan MD and Jay Steingrub MD
Surgical site infections in cardiac surgery: an 11-year perspective., Richard Brown MD and Richard Engelman MD
Safety concerns and health benefits associated with oral contraception., Ronald Burkman MD
Endoscopic 6 mm zilver self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) for malignant obstruction of the bifurcation: a pilot study, David Desilets MD
Acceleration of Integra incorporation in complex tissue defects with subatmospheric pressure., Anoush Hadaegh MD
Clinical utility of folic acid testing for anemia and dementia screen., Kevin Hinchey MD and M Javed Ashraf MD
Renal effects of topiramate in children with seizures., Anthony Jackson MD, Herbert Gilmore MD, Beth Rosen MD, Sarah Barnett MD, Gregory Braden MD, Dina Kornblau MD, and Jane Garb
Quality of care for hospitalized elders at high risk of delirium., Peter Lindenauer MD, Maura Brennan MD, Sandra Bellantonio MD, and Sik Ang MD
Analysis of on-line clinical laboratory manuals and practical recommendations., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Organ of Chievitz., Liron Pantanowitz MD
The clinically inapparent adrenal mass: update in diagnosis and management., Michael Rothberg MD
Meta-analysis of warfarin plus aspirin after myocardial infarction., Michael Rothberg MD, Carmel Celestin MD, and James Cook MD
Meconium Stained Amniotic Fluid (MSAF) increases C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and duration of Antibiotic (ABX) administration in neonates with Respiratory Distress (RD)., Robert Rothstein MD
Analysis of errors in laparoscopic surgical procedures., Neal Seymour MD
Patient recruitment to a randomized clinical trial of behavioral therapy for chronic heart failure., Mara Slawsky MD
Do adolescents treated with orlistat maintain weight loss?, Holley Allen MD
Effect of slice thickness on image quality and the accuracy of gated computed tomography scanning for coronary calcium., Ehsan Ansari MD and George Hartnell MD
Occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among Gulf War veterans., Carmel Armon MD
Physician leadership: enhancing the career development of academic physician administrators and leaders., Evan Benjamin MD
Tight glycemic control in diabetic coronary artery bypass graft patients improves perioperative outcomes and decreases recurrent ischemic events., Stuart Chipkin MD
Application of World Health Organization (WHO) Criteria to the Classification of eloprolifertive and Myelodyplastic/Myeloproliferative Diseases., Jonathan Freeman MD
Patient safety and administration of therapeutic medications: how the laboratory and pharmacy can work together to improve patient outcomes., Richard Friedberg MD
Expression of c-Kit in adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast, Robert Goulart MD, Giovanna Crisi MD, Sharon Marconi, and Grace Makari-Judson MD
Pharmacologic approaches to sedation, pain relief and neuromuscular blockade in the intensive care unit. Part III: Neuromuscular blockade, Thomas Higgins MD and Paul Jodka MD
Measurements of contrast intensity in systole are more accurate predictors of myocardial blood flow, validated by microspheres., Leng Jiang MD
Clinical palliative care for surgeons: part 2., K Francis Lee MD
Completing tuberculosis prophylaxis in jail: targeting treatment and comparison of rifampin/pyrazinamide with isoniazid regimens., Thomas Lincoln MD and David Rose MD
Taking a 'leap of faith': acceptance and value of a cancer program-sponsored spiritual event., Wilson Mertens MD
Quantitation of lung sealing in the survival swine model., Kevin Moriarty MD, Gregory Banever MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and David Tashjian MD
Kaposi's sarcoma., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Is There Value in Follow-Up Stress Testing for Emergency Department Patients With Chest Pain and Normal Rest SPECT Myocardian Perfusion., J. Hector Pope MD
Gynecomastia, Edward Reiter MD
Continuous glucose monitoring in children with type 1 diabetes: before and after insulin pump therapy., Edward Reiter MD and Holley Allen MD
A complete large bowel obstruction after laparascopic cholecystectomy: A rare complication, John Romanelli MD
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for duplicated gallbladder, John Romanelli MD
Vitamin B1 deficiency after laparascopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, John Romanelli MD
Wanted: Effective patient education. (Editorial), Ronald Burkman MD
Selected principles of perinatal-neonatal glucose metabolism., Hussein Farrag MD
Clinical palliative care for surgeons: part 1., K Francis Lee MD
Prevalence and indicators of Chlamydia trachomatis among men entering Massachusetts Correctional Facilities: Policy Implications., Thomas Lincoln MD
Estrogen induces CCN5 expression in the rat uterus in vivo., Holly Mason MD