Submissions from 2007
Early experience with visceral closure in NOTES procedures in a porcine model, David Earle MD, John Romanelli MD, and David Desilets MD
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons practice guideline series: Antibiotic prophylaxis in cardiac surgery, part II-Antibiotic choice., Richard Engelman MD
Salmonella typhimurium lacking ribose chemoreceptors localize in tumor quiescence and induce apoptosis, Neil Forbes
Friedreich's ataxia as a cause of premature coronary artery disease., Gregory Giugliano MD and Prabhdeep Sethi MD
Double-blinded randomized trial of preoperative antibiotics in midurethral sling procedures: Preliminary results, Oz Harmanli MD
Laparoscopic vecchietti procedure made easy: Innovative ideas to improve the technique and patient discomfort, Oz Harmanli MD
Competency based training and quality, Kevin Hinchey MD
Expeditious management of a rare, slow growing form of subacute bacterial endocarditis, Leng Jiang MD, Lisa Massie MD, Daniel Skiest MD, and David Longworth MD
Self-induced medical abortion in an adolescent., Laura Koenigs MD and Mandy Coles MD
Sweet's syndrome on the hands, Sandhya Kommana MD, Archan Shah MD, Carol Richardson MD, and Brendan Kelly MD
ACEP Facility Billing Guideline, Michael Lemanski MD
Public reporting and pay for performance in hospital quality improvement, Peter Lindenauer MD, Michael Rothberg MD, and Evan Benjamin MD
Effect of adenosine A1 receptor antagonism on return of spontaneous circulation and survival in prolonged porcine ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD
Sex differences exist in porcine ventricular fibrillation morphology, Timothy Mader MD
Tramadol/acetaminophen or hydrocodone/acetaminophen for the treatment of ankle sprain: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, Timothy Mader MD
The electronic perinatal charting system: Technolost or improvement in perinatal safety, Glenn Markenson MD
Identifying the milestones for the fundamental skills of the internist: A competency-based progression, Lauren Meade MD, Samuel Borden MD, Michael Picchioni MD, David Longworth MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD
Identifying the milestones for the fundamental skills of the internist: A competency-based progression, Lauren Meade MD, Samuel Borden MD, Michael Picchioni MD, David Longworth MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD
Giant polypoid gastric heterotopia of the jejunum presenting with intermittent intussusception., Philip Omotosho MD, Heike Varnholt MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Bone Lesions in Kaposi sarcoma: Commentary, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Editorial comment: Bone lesions in Kaposi sarcoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Kaposi's sarcoma and pemphigus, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Initiation, maintenance and discontinuation of opioids for patients with chronic pain, Michael Picchioni MD
Update in pain medication, Michael Picchioni MD
Growth hormone treatment to final height in idiopathic growth hormone deficiency: The KIGS experience, Edward Reiter MD
Small for gestational age: Short stature and beyond, Edward Reiter MD
Computer-based laparoscopic and robotic surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users., Neal Seymour MD, David Lin MD, John Romanelli MD, Michael Ganey MD, and Ron Bush
Computer-based laparoscopic and robotic surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users., Neal Seymour MD, David Lin MD, John Romanelli MD, Michael Ganey MD, and Ron Bush
Expert performance characteristics of a new virtual reality surgical simulator., Neal Seymour MD, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, Ron Bush, Jay Kuhn MD, and Michael Hsu MD
Expert performance characteristics of a new virtual reality surgical simulator., Neal Seymour MD, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, Ron Bush, Jay Kuhn MD, and Michael Hsu MD
Cryptococcal lymphadenitis and massive splenomegaly in an immunocompromised patient., Daniel Skiest MD
The Werner syndrome helicase is a cofactor for HIV-1 long terminal repeat transactivation and retroviral replication, Daniel Skiest MD
Dosing of nitroglycerin for acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD
Transition and static measures of dyspnea using ordinal and visual analog scales in patients with acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD, Selin Caglar MD, Sondra Jasienowski, Fidela Blank, and Thomas Fitzgerald
Feasibility of using near-infrared spectroscopy to diagnose testicular torsion: An experimental study in sheep., Howard Smithline MD, George Wadie MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Carolanne Lovewell, Bret Coughlin MD, Timothy Mader MD, and Geoffrey A. Capraro MD
Physical medicine and rehabilitation rotations in an Internal Medicine residency program, Nicholas Spellman MD
The one-year experience of using simulation to train internal medicine residents in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Mihaela Stefan MD, Kevin Hinchey MD, Samuel Borden MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, Lauren Meade MD, Michael Picchioni MD, and David Longworth MD
The one-year experience of using simulation to train internal medicine residents in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Mihaela Stefan MD, Kevin Hinchey MD, Samuel Borden MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, Lauren Meade MD, Michael Picchioni MD, and David Longworth MD
The pharyngeal-cervical-brachial variant of Guillain Barre syndrome: An atypical presentation, Alireza Vaziri MD, Mark Tidswell MD, and Maura Brennan MD
A new web-based operative skills assessment tool effectively tracks progression in surgical resident performance, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Earle MD, Francis Ansanitis, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
A new web-based operative skills assessment tool effectively tracks progression in surgical resident performance, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Earle MD, Francis Ansanitis, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Evidence-based treatment practices for drug-involved adults in the criminal justice system., Peter D. Friedmann, Faye S. Taxman, and Craig E. Henderson
Occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among Gulf War veterans, Carmel Armon MD
Cervical insufficiency, Fadi Bsat MD
Apologies all around, Ronald Burkman MD
Communication and the dissatisfied patient, Part 2, Ronald Burkman MD
Risk of breast cancer associated with short-term use of oral contraceptives., Ronald Burkman MD
The role of surgical intervention in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the colon and rectum., Francis Cannizzo MD
Introduction of a modified neonatal resuscitation course to lay midwives in the Dominican Republic., Robert Comer MD, Barbara Graves, Jane Cross MD, and Jason Cross
Preclinical safety evaluation of a novel helical rotational thrombectomy device in porcine coronary arteries, Adrian Fluture MD and Gregory Giugliano MD
Time to peak displacement on speckle tracking imaging: A better parameter for left ventricular synchrony, Adrian Fluture MD, Lisa Massie MD, William Hiser MD, Hany Aziz MD, James Cook MD, and Leng Jiang MD
Targeting bacteriolytic therapy of solid tumors using salmonella typhimurium, Neil Forbes, Richard Arenas MD, Sabha Ganai MD, and Brooke Bentley
The origin of reference intervals: A college of American pathologists Q-probes study of normal ranges used in 163 clinical laboratories, Richard Friedberg MD
A comparison of exercise capacity in men and boys in cold and hot environments, Sean Hagenbuch MD and Thomas Rowland MD
Multifetal pregnancy reduction, Andrew Healy MD
Quality in GME, Kevin Hinchey MD
Quality in GME, Kevin Hinchey MD
Roles for estrogen and progesterone in breast cancer prevention, D Joseph Jerry
Alterations in mRNA expression and protein products following spinal cord injury in humans., K Francis Lee MD and Patrick Lee MD
Evaluation and management of a fetal demise, Glenn Markenson MD
Kaposi sarcoma of the musculoskeletal system: A review of 66 patients., Liron Pantanowitz MD and Gabriel Caponetti MD
AIDS-associated cutaneous cryptococcosis, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Jean Henneberry MD
HIV associated intramammary lymphadenopathy., Liron Pantanowitz MD and David March MD
Obesity in pregnancy: Should we be concerned, Michael Plevyak MD
Evolution of a hands-on surgical skills curriculum for obstetrics and gynecology residents: One institution's experience, Anita Sandhu MD, Heather Sankey MD, and Carrie Bell MD
Safety and efficacy of posaconazole in the long-term treatment of azole-refractory oropharyngeal and esophageal candidiasis in patients with HIV infection., Daniel Skiest MD
Can I afford to go part time?, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Inpatient hyperglycemia: Slide through the scale but cover the bases first., Deepak Asudani MD
How organizational culture shapes intranet content development and enables virtual HR, Elisabeth Bennett
Pharmacologic management of post-acute coronary syndrome, Jason Cross
Differential suppression of menstrual fluid prostaglandin F2a, prostaglandin E2, 6-keto prostaglandin F1a and thromboxane B2 by suprofen in women with primary dysmenorrhea, M Yusoff Dawood MD
Virtual-reality training improves angled telescope skills in novice laparoscopists., Sabha Ganai MD and Neal Seymour MD
A concept analysis of self-monitoring., Suzanne Garvin
Dr. Gates and colleagues respond, George Hartnell MD
Introduction, Hal Jenson MD
Congenital malformations of the skull and meninges., Paul Kanev MD
Public reporting and pay for performance in hospital quality improvement., Peter Lindenauer MD, Evan Benjamin MD, and Michael Rothberg MD
Stroke volume variation to stroke volume relationship using a less invasive arterial pressure-based technology, William McGee MD
A simplified physiologic algorithm to optimize fluid management using arterial pressure-based stroke volume variations, William McGee MD and Lori-Ann Kozikowski
Comparing the effect of atrial fibrillation on various cardiac output methods, William McGee MD and Lori-Ann Kozikowski
A pilot simulation program training residents in critical care medicine qualitative analysis, William McGee MD and Patrick Mailloux MD
Principles of effective consultation: An update for the 21st-century consultant., Donna Mercado MD
Evaluation of the IRMA TRU point and i-STAT creatinine assays., James Nichols, Cathy Bartholomew, Jane Garb, and L Jin MD
Modern lessons from Tolstoy's "The Death of Ivan Illyich"., David Page MD
Black thyroid, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Management of AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Hormonal treatment of idiopathic short stature., Edward Reiter MD
Posaconazole for the treatment of azole-refractory oropharyngeal and esophageal candidiasis in subjects with HIV infection., Daniel Skiest MD
This is your brain off drugs: Neurocognitive function before and after ART discontinuation in patients with high CD4 Nadir(ACTG A5170), Daniel Skiest MD
Results of phase 2 trial of eritoram, a synthetic TLR-4 antagonist, in patients with severe sepsis, Mark Tidswell MD
The anesthesiologist and pulmonary arterial hypertension, Mark Tidswell MD and Thomas Higgins MD
Colloid carcinoma of the minor duodenal papilla, Heike Varnholt MD, Richard Wait MD, James Mueller MD, and David Desilets MD
Embracing, with strengthened spirits., Deepak Asudani MD