Submissions from 2006
Task-specific mini-CEXs: A way of documenting competence and enhancing feedback, Michael Picchioni MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Lauren Meade MD, David Ling MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD
Task-specific mini-CEXs: A way of documenting competence and enhancing feedback, Michael Picchioni MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Lauren Meade MD, David Ling MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD
The influence of H. pylori infection on postoperative marginal ulcer and stricture formation in bariatric surgery patients, John Romanelli MD
Does division of the nerve of Latarjet during Roux-En-Y laparoscopic gastric bypass influence delayed emptying of the gastric pouch in the early postoperative period, John Romanelli MD and Jane Garb
Does the presence of asymptomatic cholelithiasis preoperatively predict the development of cholecystitis in the weight loss period following bariatric surgery, John Romanelli MD and Jane Garb
A Quality Improvement(QI) curriculum in action: Diabetes management, Michael Rosenblum MD and Kevin Hinchey MD
A Quality Improvement(QI) curriculum in action: Diabetes management, Michael Rosenblum MD and Kevin Hinchey MD
After the funding is gone: An analysis of predictors of sustainability efforts at the inner city asthma intervention sites, Matthew Sadof MD
Demonstration of construct valifity for a new virtual reality laparoscopic skills trainer, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, and Ron Bush
Characterization of angular gaze by expert laparoscopic surgeons using a face-mounted display, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, Ron Bush, and David Lin MD
Validation of an operating room performance tool for surgical residents, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, and Alexander Perez MD
Use of a new performance assessment tool for a complex laparoscopic task, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, John Romanelli MD, and Jay Kuhn MD
The use of a virtual reality trainer to increase surgical resident skill on complex laparoscopic tasks, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, John Romanelli MD, Jay Kuhn MD, and Ron Bush
The use of a virtual reality trainer to increase surgical resident skill on complex laparoscopic tasks, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, John Romanelli MD, Jay Kuhn MD, and Ron Bush
Complex laparoscopic task performance on two new computer-based skills training devices, Neal Seymour MD, Michael Ganey MD, and Ron Bush
Thermogenic mechanisms and their hormonal regulation., J Enrique Silva MD
Validity of dyspnea measures in patients with acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Thomas Fitzgerald, and Sondra Jasienowski
Can we better determine the etiology of community-acquired pneumonia?, Richard Brown MD
The adolescent with a chronic illness., James Burns MD and Matthew Sadof MD
Time to end systolic velocity, a novel tissue Doppler measurement, correlates best with maximal longitudinal contraction, James Cook MD, Leng Jiang MD, Hany Aziz MD, Lisa Massie MD, Adrian Fluture MD, and Prabhdeep Sethi MD
Insights into left ventricular synchrony: Peak velocity versus peak contraction, James Cook MD, Kenneth Santiago MD, Leng Jiang MD, and Adrian Fluture MD
Effects of recurrent withdrawal on spinal GABA release during chronic morphine infusion in the rat., Stuart Dunbar MD, I Karamian, A Yeatman MD, and J Zhang
Surgical training and simulation laboratory at Baystate Medical Center., David Earle MD
Immunophenotypic changes and clinical outcome in B-cell lymphomas treated with rituximab., Jonathan Freeman MD and Richard Steingart MD
NT-proBNP levels in the ICU do not predict the etiology of respiratory distress., Thomas Higgins MD, Patrick Mailloux MD, and James Cook MD
Intra-operative hyperglycemia commonly occurs in cardiac bypass patients, Gary Kanter MD
Optimal administration of perioperative antibiotics using system redesign, Gary Kanter MD
Differences in triage thresholds for patients presenting with possible acute coronary syndromes: More than meets the eye., J. Hector Pope MD
High dose atorvastatin does not impact the efficacy of clopiclogrel: A PROVE IT TIMI-22 analysis, Marc Schweiger MD, Gregory Giugliano MD, and Amir Lotfi MD
The impact of body mass index on concordance in the interpretation of matched noncontrast and contrast abdominal pelvic computed tomographic scans in ED patients with nontraumatic abdominal pain., Jeannette Wolfe MD, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Bret Coughlin MD, and Steve Lee MD
Disturbed sleep and its relationship to alcohol use., Michael D. Stein and Peter D. Friedmann
Glutathione-mediated delivery and release using monolayer protected nanoparticle carriers, Neil Forbes
Percentage hematogones by flow cytometric analysis is lower in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome than in cytopenic patients without myelodysplastic syndrome, Raavi Gupta MD and John Hunt MD
Myelodysplastic syndrome with isolated del(20q): A distinct clinicopathologic entity, Raavi Gupta MD and Vandita Johari MD
Patient preference and outcomes-based surgical care among octogenarians and nonagenarians., K Francis Lee MD
Volume, quality of care, and outcome in pneumonia., Peter Lindenauer MD
Stroke volume variability, SVO2 and intravascular volume during CVVHD, Patrick Mailloux MD and William McGee MD
Evaluation of Phospho-mTOR (Mamalian Target of Rapamycin) expression in benign, proliferative and malignant epithelial lesions of the breast, Christopher Otis MD, Sandra Camelo-Piragua MD, Darius Arabadjief MD, Melissa Arabadjief MD, Raavi Gupta MD, Brooke Pazik, Sharon Marconi, and Reva Ricketts-Loriaux MD
Evaluation of the relationships between pAkt and beta-catenin in invasive breast carcinoma, Christopher Otis MD, Sharon Marconi, Brooke Pazik, Darius Arabadjief MD, Melissa Arabadjief MD, Sandra Camelo-Piragua MD, Raavi Gupta MD, and Reva Ricketts-Loriaux MD
Correlation between villous mineralization, embryonic demise and aneuploidy, Solveig Pflueger MD and Aparna Rajadhyaksha MD
Clonality of borderline and serous carcinoma of the ovary: Molecular studies identify a monoclonal origin for primary tumors and their implants, Reva Ricketts-Loriaux MD and Christopher Otis MD
Fiberoptic intubation, Donald Schwartz MD, Neil Connelly MD, and Steven Dunn MD
Predictors of HIV disease progression in patients who stop ART with CD4 cell counts >350 cells/mm, Daniel Skiest MD
Treatment failure resulting from resistance of staphylococcus aureus to daptomycin., Daniel Skiest MD
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pediatric depression: Is the balance between benefits and risks favorable?, Bruce Waslick MD
Disaster myths and hurricane Katrina 2005: Can public officals and the media learn to provide reponsible crisis communication during disasters, Jeffrey Arnold MD
Tenofovir-associated acute and chronic kidney disease: A case of multiple drug interactions., John Bedford MD, Gregory Braden MD, and Anne Morris
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons practice guideline series: Antibiotic prophylaxis in cardiac surgery, part I-duration., Richard Engelman MD
Contributing author, Katharine Freeman MD
Mapping the rectum: Spatial analysis of transanal endoscopic microsurgical outcomes using GIS technology., Jane Garb, Richard Wait MD, Albert Alexander MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Prathima Kanumuri MD, and R Rao MD
Mapping the rectum: Spatial analysis of transanal endoscopic microsurgical outcomes using GIS technology., Jane Garb, Richard Wait MD, Albert Alexander MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Prathima Kanumuri MD, and R Rao MD
Oral contraceptives maintain a very thin endometrium before operative hysteroscopy., Daniel Grow MD
Gynecologists' attitudes toward hysterectomy: Is the sex of the clinician a factor?, Oz Harmanli MD
Resident education regarding technical aspects of cesarean section., Oz Harmanli MD
An updated method to assess ICU clinical performance and resource utilization, Thomas Higgins MD
Epstein-Barr virus, Hal Jenson MD
Epstein‑Barr Virus, Hal Jenson MD
Leiomyosarcoma, Hal Jenson MD
Facilitators and barriers to continuing healthcare after jail: A community-integrated program, Thomas Lincoln MD and Thomas Conklin MD
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in pediatric sports: A case series of three young athletes, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
Central venous catheterization: Better and worse., William McGee MD
Tips for managing your POCT program., James Nichols
Evaluation of the PI3K/pAkt pathway in breast carcinoma which are negative for ER, PR and HER-2/neu receptor expression, Christopher Otis MD, Raavi Gupta MD, Brooke Pazik, Sharon Marconi, and Reva Ricketts-Loriaux MD
Body trauma a writer's guide to wounds and injuries, David Page MD
Malignant mesothelioma, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Christopher Otis MD
Genetic analysis of human milk by fluorescence in situ hybridization., Solveig Pflueger MD
Effects of local variation, specialty, and beliefs on antiviral prescribing for influenza., Michael Rothberg MD, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD, and David Rose MD
Acute hemodynamic changes during Drotrecogin Alfa (activated) (DTAA) infusion in septic shock, Jay Steingrub MD, Mark Tidswell MD, and Thomas Higgins MD
Psychopharmacology interventions for pediatric anxiety disorders: A research update., Bruce Waslick MD
Motivational interviewing and diabetes: What is it, how is it used, and does it work?, Garry Welch
Motivational interviewing and health behavior change counseling, Garry Welch
Submissions from 2005
Do mechanisms that link addiction treatment patients to primary care influence subsequent utilization of emergency and hospital care?, Peter D. Friedmann, James C. Hendrickson, Dean R. Gerstein, Zhiwei Zhang, and Michael D. Stein
Induction of apoptosis in the absence of p53: Implications for chemoprevention for ER-negative breast cancer, Richard Arenas MD, Sabha Ganai MD, and Holly Mason MD
Acquired nucleic acid changes may trigger sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Carmel Armon MD
Emergency physicians' fear of malpractice in evaluating patients with possible acute cardiac ischemia., Richard Brown MD
Accusations of murder and euthanasia in end-of-life care., Lewis Cohen MD
A conserved and species-specific functional interaction between the Werner syndrome-like exonuclease atWEX and the Ku heterodimer in Arabidopsis, Nathan Conway MD
Donepezil in the prevention and treatment of post-surgical delirium., Jane Garb, Benjamin Liptzin MD, Agnes Laki, Richard Fingeroth MD, and Robert Krushell MD
Adenomyosis interferes with accurate ultrasonographic detection of uterine leiomyomas., Oz Harmanli MD
Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, Hal Jenson MD
A prospective observational study of rapid sequence intubation in a medical/surgical ICU, Patrick Mailloux MD
Postpartum diabetes screening in women with a history of gestational diabetes., Glenn Markenson MD
Circulatory shock in children: An overview., Christine McKiernan MD and Stephen Lieberman MD
Using the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 to screen patients referred to high-breast cancer risk assessment clinic: Patient factors associated with caseness before and after counseling, Wilson Mertens MD, David Katz MD, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Marlene Quinlan, Ruth Barham, and Deborah Katz MD
Longitudinal patterns of weight gain after breast cancer diagnosis: Observations beyond the first year., Wilson Mertens MD, Grace Makari-Judson MD, and Ruth Barham
Patients' perceived breast cancer risk and psychological distress: Can oncologist-based counseling achieve durable improvements., Wilson Mertens MD, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Ruth Barham, Deborah Katz MD, and Marlene Quinlan
Testotoxicosis: Current viewpoint., Edward Reiter MD
Assessment of the inner-city asthma intervention program in Springfield, Massachusetts, Matthew Sadof MD
Buprenorphine retention in primary care., Michael D. Stein, Patricia Cioe, and Peter D. Friedmann
Lifetime recreational exercise activity and breast cancer risk among black women and white women., Ronald Burkman MD
CT directed diagnostic and therapeutic pericardiocentesis: 8-year experience at a single institution., Bret Coughlin MD and Stephen Klein MD
Automated registration accuracy assessment for temporal subtraction images of the chest., Devang Doshi MD
Dual-energy subtraction chest radiography combined with temporal subtraction for enhanced diagnostic quality., Devang Doshi MD
In situ characterization of cell cycle distribution of multicellular spheroid as a drug delivery model, Neil Forbes
Lipoprotein(a) predicts mortality in hemodialysis patients, Barbara Greco MD
Correlates of renal artery caliber in patients undergoing simultaneous coronary and renal arteriography, Barbara Greco MD and George Hartnell MD
Trends in the rate of shoulder dystocia over two decades., Oz Harmanli MD
Evidence does not support cervical preservation, Oz Harmanli MD and Stephen Metz MD
Problematic central venous access (Do's and Don'ts) a 'How-to-workshop'., George Hartnell MD
The return of cardiac imaging: Training and new capabilities for a new era., George Hartnell MD