All Scholarly Works | Baystate Health


Submissions from 2007

Physician Satisfaction with Clinical Laboratory Services (QP071) – Data Analysis and Critique, Richard Friedberg MD

Rate of microscopic examination of urine sediments (QP061) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD

Reference ranges and critical values comparisons (QP054) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD

Specimen identification errors (QP051) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD

Time for a reality check: Technologies designing the future of anatomic pathology, Richard Friedberg MD

Urine culture contamination (QP052) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD

Spatial attraction: Visualization and analysis of flow data, Jane Garb, Philip Henneman MD, and Richard Wait MD

Electronic prescribing systems in pediatrics: The rationale and functionality requirements, Robert Gerstle MD

Herpes in Peripartum Period, Oz Harmanli MD

Unroofed coronary sinus with absent right and persistent left superior vena cava draining to the left atrium detected by transesophageal echocardiography., Leng Jiang MD

Health behaviors among pregnant Latina women at risk for gestational diabetes mellitus, Glenn Markenson MD and Penny Pekow

Physical activity and pregnancy outcome among Latina women, Glenn Markenson MD and Penny Pekow

Pre-pregnancy body mass index, gestational weight gain and risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy among Latina women, Glenn Markenson MD and Penny Pekow

A simplified physiologic algorithm to optimize fluid management using arterial pressure-based stroke volume variations, William McGee MD and Lori-Ann Kozikowski

Laboratory reports in the electronic medical record, Liron Pantanowitz MD

Benefits of physician knowledge of rapid influenza test results in ambulatory adults with influenza-like-illness(ILI), Michael Rothberg MD

The economic impact of providing rapid influenza test results to physicians caring for ambulatory adults with influenza-like-illness(ILI), Michael Rothberg MD

Evaluation of the topical hemostatic efficacy ansafety of TISSEEL VH S/D fibrin sealant compared with currently licensed TISSEEL VH in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A phase 3, randomized, double-blind clinical study, John Rousou MD

Improving the management of chronic disease, Matthew Sadof MD

Finding a new home: Using an internet based assessment tool to identify health care resources for young adults with special health care needs, Matthew Sadof MD and Kathleen Szegda

Repulsive guidance molecule RGMa alters utilization of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) Type II receptors by BMP2 and BMP4, Alan Schneyer

Induction of Anoikis following myoblast transplantation into SCID mouse muscles requires the Bit1 and FADD pathways, Larry Schwartz

Recombinant nematode anticoagulant protein c2 in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome: The ANTHEM-TIMI-32 trial, Marc Schweiger MD

Increases in left atrial volume, left ventricular volume and left ventricular mass with right ventricular only versus biventricular pacing after atrioventricular node ablation in symptomatic atrial fibrillation patients: Preliminary results of the AVAIL, Mara Slawsky MD

Fatal pheochromotycoma crisis precipitated bydobutamine stress echocardiography., Mara Slawsky MD, William Hiser MD, Ashequl Islam MD, Prabhdeep Sethi MD, Leng Jiang MD, and M Javed Ashraf MD

A longitudinal simulation-based training curriculum for third-year medical students: A combined effort between medical and surgical departments, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, David Page MD, Michael Picchioni MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD

A longitudinal simulation-based training curriculum for third-year medical students: A combined effort between medical and surgical departments, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, David Page MD, Michael Picchioni MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD

Nodal staging of NSCLC: A pictorial atlas of thoracic lymph node stations utilizing FDG PET/CT, Erez Vidan MD, Laurie Gianturco MD, Boyd Hehn MD, and Gary Hochheiser MD

The deflux procedure reduces the incidence of urinary tract infections in patients with vesicoureteral reflux., George Wadie MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Richard Courtney MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD

Pilot study of a comprehensive, culturally sensitive diabetes case management intervention for poorly controlled Hispanic Type 2 patients, Garry Welch and Jane Garb

Impact of diabetes self management education interventions on diabetes-related emotional distress: A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials, Garry Welch, Jane Garb, and Sofija Zagarins MD

Evaluation of the right lower quadrant, Jeannette Wolfe MD

Thinking globally: Adrenal tuberculosis in an Indian male on vacation in the United States, Abayomi Agbebi MD and David Ling MD

Does increased BMI impair predicted adult height in female patients treated with Depot GnRH for precocious puberty, Holley Allen MD, Dennis Brenner MD, and Erin Morneault MD

Neuromuscular disorders. Highlights of the American Academy of Neurology 59th Annual Meeting, Carmel Armon MD

Tales of Pacific Tangles: Cycad exposure and Guamanian neurodegenerative diseases, Carmel Armon MD

I am not clear, Deepak Asudani MD

Blunt head trauma resulting in a non-displaced TMJ fracture in a varsity lacrosse player, Kenneth Barnes MD

Residents as volunteer readers, Elizabeth Boyle MD

Am I still dead: A 95-year-old woman survives cardiac arrest secondary to Azithromycin, Maura Brennan MD

Geriatric Jeopardy, Maura Brennan MD

Baclofen withdrawal resulting in seizures and intubation, Maura Brennan MD, Saeid Behroozi MD, and Sandra Bellantonio MD

Class III CHF presenting as a geriatric syndrome, Maura Brennan MD, Rukshana Cader MD, Alireza Vaziri MD, Rosette Odulio MD, and Sandra Bellantonio MD

Usefulness of serum creatinine for detecting renal insufficiency in elderly outpatients, Maura Brennan MD, Eileen Kehoe MD, Thabo Kenosi MD, Penny Pekow, Ricky Wong MD, Jeffrey Mulhern MD, and Michael Rothberg MD

Pulmonary-renal syndrome from Sjogren's syndrome (SS) & Type III cryoglobinemia, Maura Brennan MD, Reham Shaaban MD, Gregory Braden MD, and Michael Rosenblum MD

Effect of implementing open access appointment scheduling on reducing inappropriate urgent care visits in an inner city resident teaching clinic, James Burns MD, Cheryl Tierney, and Tracie Ambrose MD

Atypical presentation of volvulus in an octogenarian, Deepa Chandrasekaran MD and Sivakumar Natanasabapathy MD

Gout: A missed diagnosis in the elderly, Deepa Chandrasekaran MD and Sivakumar Natanasabapathy MD

Expression of CD44 in developing human kidney, Giovanna Crisi MD, Thomas Campfield MD, and Gary Rockwell MD

Shoulder dystocia training workshop, Susan DeJoy

Mechanisms of occlusion of uncoated self-expanding metal biliary stents(SEMS): Final results of a multi-center comparative study, David Desilets MD

True incidence of CBD stones at ERCP after referral for 'CBD stone on ultrasound'., David Desilets MD, Aixa Caraballo MD, and Abdullah Shaikh MD

Silent heartburn and a phenomenon of lack of recall of heartburn in patients with Barrett's esophagus, David Desilets MD and Farhad Navab MD

The relationship between obesity with hiatal hernia and Barrett's esophagus, David Desilets MD and Farhad Navab MD

The ties that bind: Durable, transmural, purse-string-like gastronomy closure using a novel device, David Desilets MD, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, Joseph Cody MD, and Ricardo Romero MD

Withholding and withdrawal from dialysis: What we know about how our patients die, Michael Germain MD and Lewis Cohen MD

Elastofibroma dorsi: Clinicopathologic review of 6 cases., Erica Giblin MD, Keith Mortman MD, Kenneth Frankel MD, Gary Hochheiser MD, and Yorell Manon-Matos MD

Elastofibroma dorsi: Clinicopathologic review of 6 cases., Erica Giblin MD, Keith Mortman MD, Kenneth Frankel MD, Gary Hochheiser MD, and Yorell Manon-Matos MD

Evidence-based practices for the fetal to newborn transition., Barbara Graves

Introduction of a modified neonatal resuscitation course to lay midwives in the Dominican Republic., Barbara Graves, Robert Comer MD, Jane Cross MD, and Jason Cross

Morbidity of vaginal hysterectomy in women with prior pelvic surgery, Oz Harmanli MD

Geography and travel distance impact ED visits, Philip Henneman MD, Howard Smithline MD, Jane Garb, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Richard Wait MD, Ric Skinner, and Haiping Li

Quantifying risk and benchmarking performance in the Adult Intensive Care Unit, Thomas Higgins MD

Translational highway: It helps to have a map., Thomas Higgins MD

Providing care to incarcerated women in a community based model, Donna Jackson-Kohlin MD

Mammary tumor modifiers in BALB/cJ mice heterozygous for p53., D Joseph Jerry

Activation of the tumor suppressor gene p53 is higher in normal parous human breast tissue than the nulliparous counterpart, D Joseph Jerry, Sallie Schneider, and Giovanna Crisi MD

Successful reduction of unnecessary manual leukocyte differential counts using computerized provider order entry and autoverification, Vandita Johari MD, Richard Friedberg MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Susan Scott, and Bill Lareau

A combined pediatric/adult thrombosis hemostasis clinic: A pilot program, Vandita Johari MD and Matthew Richardson MD

Adolescents knowledge of medical abortion and emergency contraception, Laura Koenigs MD and Mandy Coles MD

Spontaneous tumor lysis causing acute renal failure in a patient with myelofibrous, Sandhya Kommana MD, Timothy Mulligan MD, Venkta Kodali MD, Lindsay Rockwell MD, and Richard Steingart MD

Procedural sedation in pediatric patients: A randomized controlled trial of Etomidate vs. Propofol vs. Ketamine, Stephen Lieberman MD, Christine McKiernan MD, Ian Goodman MD, and Sarah Abbruzzese MD

Longitudinal patterns of weight gain after breast cancer diagnosis: Observations beyond the first year., Grace Makari-Judson MD and Wilson Mertens MD


Validation of a continuous, arterial pressure-based cardiac output measurement: a multicenter, prospective clinical trial, William McGee MD and Lori-Ann Kozikowski

Perioperative cardiac evaluation: Novel interventions and clinical challenges, Donna Mercado MD and David Ling MD

Temporal evolution of gene expression in rat carotid artery following balloon angioplasty, Marvin Morris MD

Myxoid liposarcoma., Liron Pantanowitz MD and Christopher Otis MD

Accuracy of fetal fibronectin to predict preterm birth in twin gestations with symptoms of labor., Sylvia Pilpel MD, Fadi Bsat MD, Michael Plevyak MD, Andrew Healy MD, Glenn Markenson MD, and Emily Singer MD

Efficacy and safety of histrelin subdermal implant in children with central precocious puberty: A multicenter trial, Edward Reiter MD

Cost-effectiveness of a vaccine to prevent herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in older adults, Michael Rothberg MD and Anunta Virapongse MD

A "double overlap" suture technique for the proximal attachment of a composite graft to the aortic annulus., John Rousou MD and Ak Alameddine MD

A comparison of exercise capacity in men and boys in cold and hot environments, Thomas Rowland MD and Sean Hagenbuch MD

Acheron, a novel member of the lupus antigen family, is induced during the programmed cell death of skeletal muscles in the moth Manduca sexta, Larry Schwartz

Respecting sexuality in older adults, Reham Shaaban MD, Rosette Odulio MD, and Sandra Bellantonio MD

Interruption of antiretroviral treatment in HIV-infected patients with preserved immune function is associated with a low rate of clinical progression: A prospective study by AIDS Clinical Trials Group 5170., Daniel Skiest MD

Biventricular pacing after atrioventricular node ablation protects against adverse cardiac remodeling in symptomatic atrial fibrillation patients: Preliminary results of the AVAIL CLS/CRT Trial, Mara Slawsky MD

Prospective, multicenter validation of the pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria, Howard Smithline MD

Physician vs self-reported measures of dyspnea in patients with acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Sondra Jasienowski, Selin Caglar MD, and Thomas Fitzgerald

The use of Rituximab to treat life-threatening bleeding disorders in pediatric rheumatic diseases, Philippa Sprinz MD and Peter Blier MD

School liaison: A critical program for children attending a community based pediatric Hematology/Oncology Program, Philippa Sprinz MD, Lisa Martensson, and Michele O'Neill

Fluid management strategy in patients with pulmonary and extra-pulmonary causes of ALI/ARDS, Jay Steingrub MD and Mark Tidswell MD

Geographical location and outcome in a multi-center clinical trial of ALI/ARDS, Jay Steingrub MD and Mark Tidswell MD

Salivary gland lymphoepithelial cysts, Heike Varnholt MD and Liron Pantanowitz MD

High altitude illness, Chrystal Wittcopp MD

Single incision for midurethral sling procedure and pelvic reconstructive surgery, Monideepa Baruah MD and Oz Harmanli MD

Using the AAMC compact between resident physicians and their teachers as a vehicle for program evaluation and improvement, Samuel Borden MD, Lauren Meade MD, Michael Picchioni MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD

Using the AAMC compact between resident physicians and their teachers as a vehicle for program evaluation and improvement, Samuel Borden MD, Lauren Meade MD, Michael Picchioni MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD

Hormonal contraception, Ronald Burkman MD

Don't forget the Hacek, Peter Butler MD, Lisa Massie MD, and Daniel Skiest MD

Physician vs self-reported measures of dyspnea in patients with acute decompensated heart failure., Selin Caglar MD, Howard Smithline MD, Sondra Jasienowski, Fidela Blank, and Thomas Fitzgerald