Patient Care Services | Baystate Health


Submissions from 2024


Exploring the Health Impact of Intersectional Minority Identity Stressors on Arab Sexual Minority Women Migrants to the United States, Samara Fox


2023 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Consensus Conference on Precision Emergency Medicine: Development of a policy-relevant, patient-centered research agenda, Bridget Gunn


The Role of Sex and Gender in Precision Emergency Medicine: A Scoping Review and Proposed Hierarchy, Jeannette Wolfe MD and Bridget Gunn

Submissions from 2023


The Health History, Paula Brooks NP


Variation in HIV Transmission Behaviors Among People Who Use Drugs in Rural US Communities, Lizbeth Del Toro-Mejias


Targeting thiol isomerase activity with zafirlukast to treat ovarian cancer from the bench to clinic, Alexandre Dufresne and Daniel Kennedy


To Tube or Not to Tube ... That Continues to Be the Question, Bruce Hoffman RN


Public perspective on medications to delay Alzheimer's disease symptoms, Matthew Rich


Expert laparoscopist performance on virtual reality simulation tasks with and without haptic features, Margaret Siu MD, Kaitlin Debbink MD, Amanda Duda, Georgios Orthopoulos MD, John Romanelli MD, Jacqueline Wu MD, and Neal Seymour MD

Submissions from 2022


Efficacy of models of palliative care delivered beyond the traditional physician-led, subspecialty consultation service model: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Mihaela Stefan MD, Alex Knee, Audrey Ready, Vida Rastegar, and Bridget Gunn

Submissions from 2021


Improving Tolerance to Snorkel Mask Use as Alternative Personal Protective Equipment, Ghassan Aljafar MD, Neil Connelly MD, and Greg Gagnon


Linear versus volumetric CT analysis in predicting tension-free fascial closure in abdominal wall reconstruction, Mazen Al-Mansour MD, Jacqueline Wu MD, Greg Gagnon, Alex Knee, John Romanelli MD, and Neal Seymour MD


Validation of a simple technique of volumetric analysis of complex incisional hernias without 3D CT scan reconstruction, Mazen Al-Mansour MD, Jacqueline Wu MD, Greg Gagnon, Alex Knee, John Romanelli MD, and Neal Seymour MD


Whipple, wait, or watch? A multidisciplinary approach to care delivery for the nonagenarian, Maura Brennan MD, Nicolas Jabbour MD, Peter A. Depergola, and Maryam Hasan MD


Integration of Telehealth Policy Education Into an Existing Advanced Practiced Nurse Practitioner Policy Course, Paula Brooks NP


What are the clinical effects of the different emergency department imaging options for suspected renal colic? A scoping review, Erik Doty DO, Stephen DiGiacomo MD, Bridget Gunn, Lauren Westafer DO, and Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD


Protocol for a feasibility randomized trial of self-management support for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using lay health coaches, Peter Lindenauer and Danielle McDermott


COVID-19 mitigation for high-risk populations in Springfield Massachusetts USA: a health systems approach, Paul A. Pirraglia, Cristina Huebner Torres, Jane Garb, Marian Kent, Sarah Perez-McAdoo, Yemisi Oloruntola-Coates, Jacob Smith MD, and Abraham Thomas MD

Submissions from 2020


Exploring Risk of Elder Abuse Revictimization: Development of a Model to Inform Community Response Interventions, Erin Courtney


Ethical guidelines for the treatment of patients with suspected or confirmed novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Peter A. Depergola


Advance Care Planning Training for Renal Social Workers, Jamie Klingensmith


Engagement in Early Intervention Services Among Mothers in Recovery From Opioid Use Disorders, Elizabeth Peacock-Chambers MD, Molly Senn-McNally MD, Maria Carolina Clark, Briana Jurkowski, and Peter Friedmann MD

Submissions from 2019


An Acute Care for Elders Quality Improvement Program for Complex, High-Cost Patients Yields Savings for the System, Maura Brennan MD, Alex Knee, Erin Leahy MD, Mike Ehresman, Heidi-Ann Courtney, Patricia Coffelt, and Mihaela Stefan MD


Estimating the Financial Impact of Reducing Primary Cesareans, Susan DeJoy, Matthew Bohl, Kathleen Mahoney MD, and Connie Blake


Patient-Centered Care and Autonomy: Shared Decision-Making in Practice and a Suggestion for Practical Application in the Critically Ill, Peter A. Depergola and William McGee MD


Intraoperative Central Venous Pressure and Diastolic Pulmonary Artery Pressure as a Marker of Severe Right Ventricular Failure After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation, Michael Gudejko


Fall Prevention Initiative: A Fall Screening and Intervention Pilot Study on the Ambulatory Setting, Susan Kartiko MD, Ida Konderwicz, Erin Jarosz, and Christian Minshall


A Hospitalist-Led Team to Manage Patient Boarding in the Emergency Department: Impact on Hospital Length of Stay and Cost, Vishal Tiwari MD, Michael Vemula MD, Ashley Donovan, Christine Scibelli, Kirti Joshi MD, Paul Visintainer, and Mihaela Stefan MD

Submissions from 2018


Effective Difficult Conversations: A Step-By-Step Guide, by Catherine B. Soehner and Ann Darling, Ellen Brassil

Forget Me Not: the Neuroethical Case Against Memory Manipulation, Peter A. Depergola


The Ethical Justification of Equal Candidacy for Organ Transplantation in Alcoholic Patients, Peter A. Depergola


The Ethical Principle of Vulnerability and the Case Against Human Organ Trafficking, Peter A. Depergola


Effects Of A Communication-And-Resolution Program On Hospitals' Malpractice Claims And Costs, Suzanne Dodson


Comparison of peritoneal closure versus non-closure in laparoscopic trans-abdominal preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair with coated mesh, Erica Kane MD, Marc Leduc MD, Kathryn Schlosser MD, Nicole Parentela, Donna M. Wilson, and John Romanelli MD


Automated Real-Time Collection of Pathogen-Specific Diagnostic Data: Syndromic Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Kristy Lindsey and Franklin Moore MD


Food mixtures for combating childhood malnutrition, Peter Pellett

Submissions from 2017


Core Values of NAHN's Membership Committee, Ruth Amador


Core Values of NAHN's Membership Committee, Ruth Amador


Development of a rapid response plan for intraoperative emergencies: the Circulate, Scrub, and Technical Assistance Team, Diane Betti and Emilia Scala


Library Security: Better Communication, Safer Facilities, edited by Steve Albrecht, Ellen Brassil


Unanswered clinical questions: a survey of specialists and primary care providers, Ellen Brassil, Bridget Gunn, Anant Shenoy MD, and Rebecca Blanchard PhD


Protein calorie malnutrition, nutritional intervention and personalized cancer care, Gina Durante


Adult adiposity and risk of early menopause, Kathleen Szegda


Aerosol Delivery Through Adult High Flow Nasal Cannula With Heliox and Oxygen, Kyle Walsh, Tina Thayer, and Greg Gagnon

Submissions from 2016


Information Needs Analysis: Principles and Practice in Information Organizations, by Daniel G. Dorner, G. E. Gorman, and Philip J. Calvert, Ellen Brassil


Advantages of joining a professional apheresis organization, Eileen Karr


Understanding Mental Disorders: Your Guide to DSM-5, by the American Psychiatric Association, Margot Malachowski MLS

Collaborative Outreach between a Hospital Library and a Public Library, Margot Malachowski MLS and Ellen Brassil


TU-H-CAMPUS-TeP3-01: Gold Nanoparticle-Enhanced Radiation Therapy in In Vitro A549 Lung Carcinoma: Studies in Both Traditional Monolayer and Three Dimensional Cell Culture Models, Michael Oumano


Acupuncture for Menopausal Hot Flashes, John Varner

Submissions from 2015

Health Librarianship: An Introduction, edited by Jeffrey T. Huber and Feilu Tu-Keefner Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2014. 295p. ISBN 978-1-61069-321-9. $75.00 (softcover), Ellen Brassil

The Reference Guide to Data Sources, by Julia Bauder Chicago: American Library Association, 2014. 172p. ISBN 978-0-8389-1227-0. $62.00 (softcover), Bridget Gunn


Libraries and the Affordable Care Act: Helping the Community Understand Health-Care Options, by Francisca Goldsmith Chicago: American Library Association, 2015. 112p. ISBN 978-0-8389-1288-1. $24.00 (softcover), Margot Malachowski MLS

Mindfulness for Pediatrics: Evidence-Based Resources, Margot Malachowski MLS

Role of the Librarian, Margot Malachowski MLS

The impact of hourly discharge rates and prioritization on timely access to inpatient beds, Patricia Samra, Mike Ehresman, Haiping Li, Todd Fairman, and Joan Roche

Lead exposure in preterm infants receiving red blood cell transfusions, Paul Visintainer, Jennie Fleming PA, Matthew Richardson MD, and Rachana Singh MD

Submissions from 2014

Health Sciences Librarianship, edited by M. Sandra Wood New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. 448p. ISBN 978-0-8108-8812-8. $125.00 (hardcover); ISBN 978-0-8108-8813-5. $75.00 (softcover), Ellen Brassil

The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 34th ed., by Hemant Godara and Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine Chicago: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2013. 1168p. ISBN 978-1451188516. $74.99, Ellen Brassil

From hospital to community: Use of antipsychotics in hospitalized elders, Kah Poh Loh MD, Sheryl Ramdass MD, Jane Garb, Maura Brennan MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Tara Lagu MD

Obamacare and the proper role of public libraries in health literacy, Margot Malachowski MLS

Public Libraries Participating in Community Health Initiatives, Margot Malachowski MLS

The Medical Library Association Guide to Providing Consumer and Patient Health Information, edited by Michelle Spatz New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. 224p. ISBN 978-1-4422-2570-1. $55.00 (softcover), Margot Malachowski MLS

Does knowledge of the cost of cardiovascular tests influence physician ordering patterns?, Marc Schweiger MD, Gregory Giugliano MD, James Cook MD, and Janice Mayforth

Better representing transgender patients in the electronic health record, Anant Shenoy MD, Nikolaus Kashey, Patrick Brown MD, and Neil Kudler MD

Submissions from 2013

AMA Guides™ to the Evaluation of Work Ability and Return to Work (2nd ed.), edited by James B. Talmage, J. Mark Melhorn, and Mark H. Hyman chicago: American Medical Association, 2011. 510p. ISBN: 978-1-60359-530-8. $119.12, Ellen Brassil

Medical Writing: A Guide for Clinicians, Educators, and Researchers, by Robert B. Taylor 2nd ed. New York: Springer, 2012. 372p. ISBN: 978-1-4419-8233-9. $34.95, Ellen Brassil

Electrolyte profile of pediatric patients with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Blake Spirko MD, Jane Garb, and Howard Smithline MD

Patterns of homelessness and implications for HIV health after release from jail, Maureen Desabrais and Thomas Lincoln MD

IDEAS for a healthy baby study: Reducing disparities in use of publicly reported quality data, Sarah Goff MD, Penny Pekow, Katharine White MD, Tara Lagu MD, and Peter Lindenauer MD

Collaboration in the commonwealth., Suzanne Hendery MD and Wilson Mertens MD

Improvement in headaches with continuous positive airway pressure for obstructive sleep apnea: A retrospective analysis, Karin Johnson MD and Jane Garb

Mythmaking in medical education and medical practice., Tara Lagu MD, Nicholas Hannon, and Michael Rothberg MD

Access to subspecialty care for patients with mobility impairment: a survey, Tara Lagu MD, Nicholas Hannon, Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, Jill Avrunin, and Peter Lindenauer MD

A mixed-methods analysis of patient reviews of hospital care in England: Implications for public reporting of health care quality data in the United States, Tara Lagu MD, Nicholas Hannon, Amy Shatz, and Peter Lindenauer MD

Contributors to variation in hospital spending for critically ill patients with sepsis, Tara Lagu MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Nicholas Hannon, Jay Steingrub MD, and Peter Lindenauer MD

Laughter, humor and fun: Promoting team wellness, Alice Leveston MSW

Jails as an opportunity to increase engagement in HIV care: findings from an observational cross-sectional study, Thomas Lincoln MD and Maureen Desabrais

Income inequality and 30 day outcomes after acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and pneumonia: Retrospective cohort study, Peter Lindenauer MD, Tara Lagu MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Jill Avrunin, and Penny Pekow


Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy (2 vols), edited by Deirdre Barrett., Margot Malachowski MLS

How do we change roles from being the clinician to family member when we care for our own?, April Mazzarino-Willett MSN and Alice Leveston MSW

Drug shortages as an impetus to improve parenteral nutrition practices, Alice O'Connor, Sean Illig, and Kathleen Kopcza

Perioperative use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and risks for adverse outcomes of surgery, Penny Pekow and Peter Lindenauer MD

Correlates of high perceived stress among pregnant Hispanic women in Western Massachusetts., Penny Pekow and Glenn Markenson MD

Communication milestone: A model for universal milestones that are adaptable across disciplines and at all levels of training, Michael Picchioni MD, Kevin Hinchey MD, Heather Sankey MD, and Sean Mahar

Flecainide toxicity-treatment with intravenous fat emulsion and extra corporeal life support, Senthil Sivalingam MD, T. Vijay Gadiraju MD, Mini Hariharan MD, Auras Atreya MD, Joseph Flack MD, and Hany Aziz MD

Supplemental thiamine for the treatment of acute heart failure, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Richard Barus, Ryan Coute, Alex Knee, and Paul Visintainer

Association between antibiotic treatment and outcomes in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbation of COPD treated with systemic steroids, Mihaela Stefan MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer MD

Implementation of evidence-based practices to improve asthma in an urban school system, Kathleen Szegda and Matthew Sadof MD

Submissions from 2012

Nursing hemotherapy bedside biovigilance in the recognition and management of suspected transfusion reactions, Chester Andrzejewski MD and Joan McGirr


Meet Mobile Audience Response, Ellen Brassil

Functionality and operation of fluoroscopic automatic brightness control/automatic dose rate control logic in modern cardiovascular and interventional angiography systems, M. Terry LaFrance

Functionality and operation of fluoroscopic automatic brightness control/automatic dose rate control logic in modern cardiovascular and interventional angiography systems: A Report of Task Group 125 Radiography/Fluoroscopy Subcommittee, Imaging Physics Co, M. Terry LaFrance

Use of survivorship care plans to re-engineer breast cancer follow-up, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Sandra Hubbard, and Tamara Wrenn

Using QOPI metrics for physician incentive compensation, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Tamara Wrenn, Wilson Mertens MD, Gordon Josephson MD, and James Stewart MD

Hospital Collaboration with a Public Library, Margot Malachowski MLS

Libraries in New England working to develop healthy communities and increase health literacy, Margot Malachowski MLS

Quick-and-Dirty CAM Searching for Chronic Pain Sufferers, Margot Malachowski MLS

Heparin induced thrombocytopenia, Adam Pesaturo and Patrick Mailloux MD

Basic communication: A framework for teaching and evaluation across programs and across disciplines, Michael Picchioni MD, Kevin Hinchey MD, Heather Sankey MD, and Sean Mahar