"Exploring Risk of Elder Abuse Revictimization: Development of a Model " by Erin Courtney

Exploring Risk of Elder Abuse Revictimization: Development of a Model to Inform Community Response Interventions

Author Department

Patient Care Services

Document Type

Article, Peer-reviewed

Publication Date



A focus of community-based elder abuse response programs (EARP), such as Adult Protective Services, is to reduce the risk of revictimization among substantiated victims. While elder abuse (EA) risk factor research has predominantly focused on understanding the risk of initial EA onset among the general older adult population, understanding of revictimization risk among substantiated victims is weak. This study sought to identify conditions that perpetuate EA among substantiated victims. Data were collected from multiple sources: focus groups with multidisciplinary teams (n = 35), multidisciplinary team case revictimization risk evaluations (n = 10), and reviewing a random sample of case records (n = 250) from a large EARP in New York City. Sixty-two indicators of EA revictimization risk were identified across several ecosystemic levels: individual victim or perpetrator, victim-perpetrator relationship, and surrounding family, home, community, and sociocultural contexts. Findings carry implications for EARP practices to reduce EA recurrence and the development of measures to evaluate EARP intervention.


