"Development of a rapid response plan for intraoperative emergencies: t" by Diane Betti and Emilia Scala

Development of a rapid response plan for intraoperative emergencies: the Circulate, Scrub, and Technical Assistance Team

Author Department

Patient Care Services; Surgery

Document Type

Article, Peer-reviewed

Publication Date




Unplanned intraoperative events are inevitable and cause stress and inefficiency among staff. We believe that developing a technical rapid response team with explicitly defined, narrow roles would reduce the amount of chaos during such emergencies. This article provides a detailed description of the development and implementation of such a program.


In-situ simulation of an intraoperative emergency was used for a formal assessment of the current practice. Debriefing sessions identified areas of improvement and solicited solutions. A multidisciplinary working group then developed and implemented the technical rapid response team based on the needs assessment. The program was designed to create a Circulating, Scrubbing, and Technical Assistance Team that helps with equipment, supplies, anesthesia, and communication.


We anticipate the program will foster a culture of safety, and promote positive relationships and attitudes of the entire multidisciplinary team.


In the future, research regarding patient outcomes and staff satisfaction and safety attitudes may help provide objective evidence of the benefits of the program.


