Submissions from 2025
Serious Bacterial Infections and Hepatitis C Virus Among People Who Inject Drugs: A Syndemic or Intertwined Epidemics?, Peter Friedmann MD
Association of Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations and postpartum mental health care utilization, Kimberley Geissler MD
"On the OB Side of Things, It's Completely Disconnected": Early Implementation of Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations and Health Care in the Perinatal Period, Kimberley Geissler MD
National Trends in Antibiotic Prescribing for Adults Hospitalized With Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Other Viral Respiratory Infections, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
A bridge over troubled water: reverse osmosis to maintain patient care in a boil water notice, Jacob Smith MD, Julia Fischer DO, Manju Mathew, and Sarah Haessler MD
CJEM debate: clinical decision rules-thinking beyond the algorithm, Lauren Westafer DO
Correction: CJEM debate: clinical decision rules-thinking beyond the algorithm, Lauren Westafer DO
Submissions from 2024
Tobacco Use, Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, and Vulnerable Populations: Current Landscape and Opportunities for Improvement, Mohammed Abozenah and Quinn Pack MD
Influence of Patient and Clinician Gender on Emergency Department HEART Scores: A Secondary Analysis of a Prospective Observational Trial, Rebecca Barron MD, Timothy Mader MD, Alex Knee, Donna M. Wilson, Jeannette Wolfe MD, Seth Gemme MD, and William Soares MD
Target trial emulation for comparative effectiveness research with observational data: Promise and challenges for studying medications for opioid use disorder, Benjamin Bovell-Ammon
Prison Buprenorphine Implementation and Postrelease Opioid Use Disorder Outcomes, Benjamin Bovell-Ammon and Peter Friedmann MD
Nitrous Oxide Use for Pain in Labor, Conversion to Neuraxial Anesthesia and Birth Outcome, Susan DeJoy, Candice Killeen, Donna Jackson-Kohlin MD, Audrey Psaltis CNM, and Alex Knee
Bad habits that stick: adhesive tape use practices and beliefs, Julia Fischer DO, Reva Kleppel, Manju Mathew, Morgan Gilmore, Laura Hegarty-Moore RN, Michele Maryanski, Stacey Peters, Kristin Smith RN, Steven Roncaioli, Jacob Smith MD, Megan Gallagher, Esteban DelPilar-Morales MD, and Sarah Haessler MD
Affordable Care Act's Preventive Services Coverage Mandate and Receipt of Fluoride Varnish, Kimberley Geissler MD
Improving perinatal depression screening uptake: The impact of Medicaid reimbursement policy in Massachusetts, Kimberley Geissler MD
Preventive Primary Care in the Postpartum Year: The Role of Medicaid Delivery System Reform, Kimberley Geissler MD
Preventive Primary Care in the Postpartum Year: The Role of Medicaid Delivery System Reform, Kimberley Geissler MD
State-Level Structural Racism and Children's Dental Care Access and Oral Health, Kimberley Geissler MD
Transitions in health insurance among continuously insured patients with schizophrenia, Kimberley Geissler MD
Health Insurance Type and Outpatient Specialist Care Among Children With Asthma, Kimberley Geissler MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, and Peter Lindenauer
Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations and Disparities in Pediatric Asthma Care, Kimberley Geissler MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, and Peter Lindenauer
Measuring accuracy of International Classification of Diseases codes in identification of patients with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis, O'Neil Green MD, Sybille Liautaud MD, and Alex Knee
Daylight saving time and mortality-proceed with caution, Karin Johnson MD
Do pulmonary rehabilitation programmes improve outcomes in patients with COPD posthospital discharge for exacerbation: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Peter Lindenauer
Evaluating Quality of Care for Patients with Asthma in the Readmission Penalty Era, Peter Lindenauer
Evaluation of Etomidate Use and Association with Mortality Compared with Ketamine Among Critically Ill Patients, Peter Lindenauer
Factors Impacting the Implementation of Mobile Integrated Health Programs for the Acute Care of Older Adults, Peter Lindenauer
Incorporating systems-level stakeholder perspectives into the Design of Mobile Integrated Health Programs, Peter Lindenauer
Protocol for a parallel cluster randomized trial of a participatory tailored approach to reduce overuse of antibiotics at hospital discharge: the ROAD home trial, Peter Lindenauer
Rationale and design of healthy at home for COPD: an integrated remote patient monitoring and virtual pulmonary rehabilitation pilot study, Peter Lindenauer
Trends in use of intensive care during hospitalizations at the end-of-life among older adults with advanced cancer, Peter Lindenauer
Cardiac Arrest Following Drug Overdose in the United States: An Analysis of the Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival, Timothy Mader MD
The Public Health and Economic Impact of Drug Overdose Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States, Timothy Mader MD
"It Can't Hurt!": Why Many Patients With Limited Life Expectancy Decide to Accept Lung Cancer Screening, Eduardo Nunez MD
Tackling Guideline Non-concordance: Primary Care Barriers to Incorporating Life Expectancy into Lung Cancer Screening Decision-Making-A Qualitative Study, Eduardo Nunez MD
Veterans' Lung Cancer Risk Conceptualizations versus Lung Cancer Screening Shared Decision-Making Conversations with Clinicians: A Qualitative Study, Eduardo Nunez MD
"We don't get that information right back to us unless it's a full-blown cancer": Challenges coordinating lung cancer screening across healthcare systems, Eduardo Nunez MD
Is 70% Achievable? Hospital-Level Variation in Rates of Cardiac Rehabilitation Use Among Medicare Beneficiaries, Quinn Pack MD, Aruna Priya, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
Developing personas to inform the design of digital interventions for perinatal mental health, Elizabeth Peacock-Chambers MD
Achromobacter cluster related to COVID-19 supply chain issues, Mary Ellen Scales, Megan Gallagher, Sarah Haessler MD, Kristy Lindsey, Michele Maryanski, Manju Mathews, Franklin Moore MD, Karen Hogan, Morgan Gilmore, Stacey Peters, and Kristin Smith RN
Differences in Health Care Utilization for Asthma by Children with Medicaid versus Private Insurance, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Peter Lindenauer, and Kimberley Geissler MD
Malnutrition in hospitalized adults in the United States, 2016-2019, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
Precipitated Withdrawal in the Era of Street Fentanyl-The Important Thing Is to Not Stop Questioning, William Soares MD, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD, and Peter Friedmann MD
Trends in Initial Anticoagulation Among US Patients Hospitalized With Acute Pulmonary Embolism 2011-2020, Lauren Westafer DO, Thomas Presti MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
Barriers and Facilitators to Harm Reduction for Opioid Use Disorder: A Qualitative Study of People With Lived Experience, Lauren Westafer DO, William Soares MD, and Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Submissions from 2023
Characteristics of acute sexual assault care in New England emergency departments, Rebecca Barron MD, Erica Jessen MD, Tovy Kamine MD, and Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Outcomes of a Multidisciplinary Team in the Management of Patients with Early-Stage Breast Cancer Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy at a Community Cancer Center, Prarthna Bhardwaj MD, Holly Mason MD, Seth Kaufman MD, Paul Visintainer, and Grace Makari-Judson MD
Parental substance use and home visiting programs: Implementation considerations for relationship-based treatment, Peter Friedmann MD and Elizabeth Peacock-Chambers MD
Association of Postpartum Mental Illness Diagnoses with Severe Maternal Morbidity, Kimberley Geissler MD
Barriers and Facilitators to Optimal Fluoride Varnish Application, Kimberley Geissler MD
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Pediatric Medical Clinicians' Application of Fluoride Varnish, Kimberley Geissler MD
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Pediatric Medical Clinicians' Application of Fluoride Varnish, Kimberley Geissler MD
Intravenous to Oral Antibiotic Switch Therapy among Patients Hospitalized with Community-Acquired Pneumonia, Thomas Higgins MD, Sarah Haessler MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Fifteen Patients Who Can Be Helped by Medicare: Insurance Policy Changes in the Coverage of CPAP Therapy for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Karin Johnson MD
Electrocardiogram changes as predictors for new imaging findings in repeat transthoracic echocardiography, Anis Kadado MD, Abdullah Pervaiz MD, Petal Elder MD, Ayman Battisha MD, Ritika Walia MD, William Hiser MD, and Quinn Pack MD
Association of random and observed urine drug screening with long-term retention in opioid treatment programs, Alex Knee, Donna M. Wilson, and Peter Friedmann MD
Variation in Risk-Standardized Acute Admission Rates Among Patients With Heart Failure in Accountable Care Organizations: Implications for Quality Measurement, Peter Lindenauer, Mohammad Faridi, Aruna Priya, Penny Pekow, and Mihaela Stefan MD
Feasibility Trial of a Comprehensive, Highly Patient-Centered COPD Self-Management Support Program, Danielle McDermott and Peter Lindenauer
Electronic Health Record-Based Algorithms as Part of the Solution for Improving Lung Cancer Screening, Eduardo Nunez MD and Peter Lindenauer
What Goes into Patient Selection for Lung Cancer Screening? Factors Associated with Clinician Judgments of Suitability for Screening, Eduardo Nunez MD and Peter Lindenauer
A New Era in Cardiac Rehabilitation Delivery: Research Gaps, Questions, Strategies, and Priorities, Quinn Pack MD
Assisted ambulation to improve health outcomes for older medical inpatients (AMBULATE): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Quinn Pack MD and Peter Lindenauer
Stepped care versus center-based cardiopulmonary rehabilitation for older frail adults living in rural MA: Design of a feasibility randomized controlled trial, Quinn Pack MD and Peter Lindenauer
Training home visitors in mentalization-based practice: A qualitative case study of clinical supervision in mothering from the inside out, Elizabeth Peacock-Chambers MD, Maria Carolina Clark, and Michael Moran
Adaptation of an evidence-based parenting intervention for integration into maternal-child home-visiting programs: Challenges and solutions, Elizabeth Peacock-Chambers MD, Michael Moran, Maria Carolina Clark, and Peter Friedmann MD
Racial Differences in 1-Year Mortality after Hospitalization for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the United States, Aruna Priya, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
"I just wanted nothing more than to get in a real shower": Patient Experience of the Inpatient Wait for a Heart Transplant, Colby Salerno DO, Quinn Pack MD, Briana Jurkowski, Kyle McAnally, and Christene DeJong
Influenza Vaccinations Among Privately and Publicly Insured Children with Asthma, Meng-Shiou Shieh and Peter Lindenauer
Use of Mechanical Ventilation Across 3 Countries, Meng-Shiou Shieh and Peter Lindenauer
Treatment of Pediatric Behavioral Health Patients with Intravenous and Intramuscular Chemical Restraints: Results from a Nationwide Sample of Emergency Departments, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, Kimball Prentiss MD, Peter Lindenauer, and Lauren Westafer DO
Addressing the rising trend of high-risk pulmonary embolism mortality: Clinical and research priorities, Lauren Westafer DO
Managing Pulmonary Embolism, Lauren Westafer DO
The role of emergency physicians in the fight against health misinformation: Implications for resident training, Lauren Westafer DO
The Role of Graduate Medical Education in the Fight Against Health Misinformation, Lauren Westafer DO
Barriers and Facilitators to the Outpatient Management of Low-risk Pulmonary Embolism from the Emergency Department, Lauren Westafer DO, Erica Jessen MD, Michael Zampi MD, Eric Boccio MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Barriers and Facilitators to the Outpatient Management of Low-risk Pulmonary Embolism From the Emergency Department, Lauren Westafer DO, Erica Jessen MD, Michael Zampi MD, Eric Boccio MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Submissions from 2022
The effect of delay of excisional biopsy on upstage rate for atypical ductal hyperplasia, flat epithelial atypia, intraductal papilloma, and radial scar, Jesse Casaubon, Shiva Niakan DO, Aixa Perez Coulter, and Holly Mason MD
Cardiac Rehabilitation Among Hospitalized Patients With Heart Failure: Eligibility, Enrollment, and Participation, Anisha Contractor DO, Kevin O'Sullivan, Quinn Pack MD, Kyle McAnally, Christene DeJong, Briana Jurkowski, Peter Lindenauer, and Mihaela Stefan MD
Abortion bans and implications for physician-patient trust, Christene DeJong and Carolyn Delk MD
Subcutaneous Endoscopic-Assisted Ligation of the Internal Ring for Inguinal Hernia Repair in Neonates Under Spinal Anesthesia, Meagan Derbyshire MD, Heather Grant MD, Antonio Lam DO, Gregory Banever MD, Victoria Pepper MD, David Tashjian MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, and Michael Tirabassi MD
Identifying themes to inform nursing decisions when caring for patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on noninvasive ventilation: A qualitative descriptive study, Mary Jo S. Farmer MD, Christine Callahan, Karen Riska, and Mihaela Stefan MD
Relation of Patient's Opinion of Alcohol's Health Effects and Drinking Habits Among Hospitalized Patients With Cardiovascular Disease, Kyle Gobeil MD, Khalid Sawalha MD, Mohammed Abozenah, Peter Friedmann MD, and Quinn Pack MD
The effect of a training webinar on decreasing inter-observer variability in making a radiologic diagnosis of bronchiectasis, O'Neil Green MD, Alex Knee, Angelica Patino MD, Lucy Modahl MD, and Sybille Liautaud MD
Etiology, Treatments, and Outcomes of Patients With Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia in a Large U.S. Sample, Sarah Haessler MD and Peter Lindenauer
Derivation and validation of a risk assessment model for drug-resistant pathogens in hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia, Sarah Haessler MD, Peter Lindenauer, and Thomas Higgins MD
Clinician perspectives on pediatric COVID-19 vaccination: A qualitative study in central and western, Massachusetts, Sophia Hermann
Influenza Testing and Treatment Among Patients Hospitalized With Community-Acquired Pneumonia, Thomas Higgins MD, Sarah Haessler MD, and Peter Lindenauer
A risk model to identify Legionella among patients admitted with community-acquired pneumonia: A retrospective cohort study, Thomas Higgins MD and Peter Lindenauer
PAP therapy and readmission rates after in-hospital laboratory titration polysomnography in patients with hypoventilation, Karin Johnson MD, Vida Rastegar, Nicholas Scuderi, Douglas Johnson MD, and Paul Visintainer
American Helicopter Emergency Medical Service Pilots Report to Work Despite High Rates of Sleepiness, Tovy Kamine MD, Hiba Dhanani, Edward Kelly, Reginald Alouidor MD, Kristina Kramer MD, Yamuna Carey MD, Gabriel Ryb MD, Tyler Putnam MD, and Eleanor Winston MD
Strategies to Improve Enrollment and Participation in Pulmonary Rehabilitation Following a Hospitalization for COPD: RESULTS OF A NATIONAL SURVEY, Rajashree Kotejoshyer, Julianna Eve, Aruna Priya, Penny Pekow, Quinn Pack MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Use of letrozole to augment height outcome in pubertal boys: a retrospective chart review, Snigdha Likki, Holley Allen MD, Alex Knee, and Ksenia Tonyushkina MD
A response to COVID-19 school closures: the feasibility of a school-linked text message intervention as an adaptation to school-supervised asthma therapy, Peter Lindenauer
Care Quality for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the Readmission Penalty Era, Peter Lindenauer
COPD: Providing the right treatment for the right patient at the right time, Peter Lindenauer
Improving Outcomes Following a COPD Hospitalization; Lessons in Population Health from VA, Peter Lindenauer
The Impact of Principal Diagnosis on Readmission Risk among Patients Hospitalized for Community-Acquired Pneumonia, Peter Lindenauer