Submissions from 2019
Organizational characteristics associated with high performance on quality measures in pediatric primary care: A positive deviance study, Sarah Goff MD, Aruna Priya, Michael Moran, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
Characteristics of High Performing Primary Care Pediatric Practices: A Qualitative Study, Sarah Goff MD, Aruna Priya, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
Preoperative leukopenia does not affect outcomes in cancer patients undergoing elective and emergent abdominal surgery: A brief report, Heather Grant MD, Jane Garb, Richard Arenas MD, and Mihaela Stefan MD
Blood cultures versus respiratory cultures: Two different views of pneumonia, Sarah Haessler MD and Peter Lindenauer
An analysis of homeless patients in the United States requiring ICU admission, Thomas Higgins M.D., Mihaela Stefan MD, Tara Lagu, Peter Lindenauer, and Jay Steingrub MD
Physician Beliefs About Online Reporting of Quality and Experience Data, Tara Lagu
What Words Convey: The Potential for Patient Narratives to Inform Quality Improvement, Tara Lagu
Are Pediatric Readmission Reduction Efforts Falling Flat?, Tara Lagu MD and Peter Lindenauer
Reporting of Patient Experience Data on Health Systems' Websites and Commercial Physician-Rating Websites: Mixed-Methods Analysis, Tara Lagu, Aruna Priya, Sarah Goff MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Reporting of Patient Experience Data on Health Systems' Websites and Commercial Physician-Rating Websites: Mixed-Methods Analysis, Tara Lagu, Aruna Priya, Sarah Goff MD, and Peter Lindenauer
A Motivational Telephone Intervention to Reduce Early Dropouts in Cardiac Rehabilitation: A FEASIBILITY PILOT STUDY, Grace LaValley, Heidi Szalai, Michel Farah, and Quinn Pack MD
Changes in coding of pneumonia and impact on the hospital readmission reduction program, Peter Lindenauer
Poor Metered-Dose Inhaler (MDI) Technique Is Associated with Overuse of Inhaled Corticosteroids in COPD, Peter Lindenauer
Unexpected Harm From an Intensive COPD Intervention, Peter Lindenauer
Patient Perception of How Smoking Status Influences Cardiac Rehabilitation Attendance After an Acute Cardiac Hospitalization, Peter Lindenauer, Sarah Goff MD, Heidi Szalai, and Quinn Pack MD
Association Between Alcohol Use Disorders and Outcomes of Patients Hospitalized With Community-Acquired Pneumonia, Peter Lindenauer and Sarah Haessler MD
Examining the "Repletion Reflex": The Association between Serum Potassium and Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients with Heart Failure, Kevin O'Sullivan, Mohammad Amin Kashef MD, Alex Knee, Alexander Roseman, Penny Pekow, Mihaela Stefan MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Quinn Pack MD, Peter Lindenauer, and Tara Lagu
Cardiac Rehabilitation Utilization During an Acute Cardiac Hospitalization: A NATIONAL SAMPLE, Quinn Pack MD, Aruna Priya, Tara Lagu, Penny Pekow, Robert Berry, Auras Atreya, and Peter Lindenauer
Association Between Inpatient Echocardiography Use and Outcomes in Adult Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction, Quinn Pack MD, Aruna Priya, Tara Lagu, Penny Pekow, Joshua Schilling MD, William Hiser MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Early Intervention Referral and Enrollment Among Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome, Elizabeth Peacock-Chambers MD, Sheila Foss, Donna M. Wilson, Peter Friedmann MD, Paul Visintainer, and Rachana Singh MD
Use and Outcomes Associated With Perioperative Amiodarone in Cardiac Surgery, Aruna Priya, Quinn Pack MD, Penny Pekow, Mihaela Stefan MD, Tara Lagu, Amir Lotfi, and Peter Lindenauer
Smoking cessation after hospitalization for myocardial infarction or cardiac surgery: Assessing patient interest, confidence, and physician prescribing practices, Hayden Riley MD, Nitesh Ainani MD, Ahamad Turk MD, Heidi Szalai, Mihaela Stefan MD, Peter Lindenauer, and Quinn Pack MD
Pneumococcal urinary antigen testing in US hospitals: A missed opportunity for antimicrobial stewardship, Jennifer Schimmel MD, Sarah Haessler MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Physician-identified barriers to and facilitators of shared decision-making in the Emergency Department: an exploratory analysis, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD, Sarah Goff MD, Tala Elia MD, Kye Poronsky, Kelly Nault, and Peter Lindenauer
Association of Patient and Visit Characteristics With Rate and Timing of Urologic Procedures for Patients Discharged From the Emergency Department With Renal Colic, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, James Munger DO, and Peter Lindenauer
Does Shared Decision-Making actually occur in the ED? Looking at it from the patients' perspective, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD and Peter St. Marie
The association of cognitive impairment as screened by the Mini-Cog with long term post-hospitalization outcomes, Ali Shami MD, Maura Brennan MD, Peter St. Marie, Peter Lindenauer, and Mihaela Stefan MD
Changing heart failure coding practices and hospital risk-standardized mortality rates, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, Tara Lagu, and Peter Lindenauer
Use of Rheumatologic Testing in Patients Who Eventually Receive a Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Dilpreet Singh MD, Jasdeep Badwal MD, Ritika Vankina MD, Santhi Gokaraju MD, Jennifer Friderici MS, and Tara Lagu
A Thousand Cuts: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Emergency Medicine, William Soares MD, Kenneth Knowles MD, and Peter Friedmann MD
Association 'Between Gabapentinoids on the Day of Colorectal Surgery and Adverse Postoperative Respiratory Outcomes, Mihaela Stefan MD and Peter Lindenauer
The association of nicotine replacement therapy with outcomes among smokers hospitalized for a major surgical procedure, Mihaela Stefan MD, Quinn Pack MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, Katie Nason MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Risk Factors for Severe Opioid-Related Adverse Events in a National Cohort of Medical Hospitalizations, Mihaela Stefan MD, Penny Pekow, Meng-Shiou Shieh, William Soares MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Participation in Pulmonary Rehabilitation after Hospitalization for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease among Medicare Beneficiaries, Mihaela Stefan MD, Aruna Priya, Quinn Pack MD, Penny Pekow, Tara Lagu, Victor Pinto-Plata, and Peter Lindenauer
Association of Antibiotic Treatment With Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for an Asthma Exacerbation Treated With Systemic Corticosteroids, Mihaela Stefan MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Kerry Spitzer, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
An observational study of the management practices and outcomes of patients with new onset atrial fibrillation in non-cardiothoracic surgeries, Mihaela Tiru MD, Anis Kadado MD, Vida Rastegar, Kanval Shah MD, Kirti Joshi MD, Peter Lindenauer, Tara Lagu, and Mihaela Stefan MD
A Hospitalist-Led Team to Manage Patient Boarding in the Emergency Department: Impact on Hospital Length of Stay and Cost, Vishal Tiwari MD, Michael Vemula MD, Ashley Donovan, Christine Scibelli, Kirti Joshi MD, Paul Visintainer, and Mihaela Stefan MD
Anastomotic complications after esophagectomy: Influence of omentoplasty in propensity-weighted cohorts, Paul Visintainer
Submissions from 2018
Physician Engagement: The "Secret Sauce" to Success in Bundled Health Care, Daniel Engelman MD and Evan Benjamin MD
Effect of Smoking Status on Exercise Perception and Intentions for Cardiac Rehabilitation Enrollment Among Patients Hospitalized With an Acute Cardiac Condition, Sarah Goff MD, Peter Lindenauer, and Quinn Pack MD
Flow limitation/obstruction with recovery breath (FLOW) event for improved scoring of mild obstructive sleep apnea without electroencephalography, Karin Johnson MD, Douglas Johnson MD, Robert Thomas, Edward Feldmann MD, Peter Lindenauer, and Paul Visintainer
Derivation and Validation of an In-Hospital Mortality Prediction Model Suitable for Profiling Hospital Performance in Heart Failure, Tara Lagu, Penny Pekow, Mihaela Stefan MD, Quinn Pack MD, Mohammad Amin Kashef MD, Auras Atreya, Gregory Valania MD, Mara Slawsky MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Early Blood Transfusions in Sepsis: Unchanged Survival and Increased Costs, Peter Lindenauer
Echocardiogram in the Evaluation of Hemodynamically Stable Acute Pulmonary Embolism: National Practices and Clinical Outcomes, Peter Lindenauer
Hospital Variation in Utilization of Life-Sustaining Treatments among Patients with Do Not Resuscitate Orders, Peter Lindenauer
Importance and Feasibility of Transitional Care for Children With Medical Complexity: Results of a Multistakeholder Delphi Process, Peter Lindenauer
Intensive Intervention to Improve Outcomes for Patients With COPD, Peter Lindenauer
Paediatric hospital admission processes and outcomes: a qualitative study of parents' experiences and priorities, Peter Lindenauer
Preventability of Early Versus Late Hospital Readmissions in a National Cohort of General Medicine Patients, Peter Lindenauer
Risk Trajectories of Readmission and Death in the First Year after Hospitalization for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Peter Lindenauer
Variation in the Diagnosis of Aspiration Pneumonia and Association with Hospital Pneumonia Outcomes, Peter Lindenauer
A Protocol-Based Approach to Spinal Epidural Abscess Imaging Improves Performance and Facilitates Early Diagnosis, Nikhil Madhuripan MD, Richard Hicks MD, Edward Feldmann MD, Niels Rathlev MD, Doug Salvador MD, and Andrew Artenstein MD
An analysis of homeless patients in the United States requiring ICU admission, Brian Nathanson, Mihaela Stefan MD, Tara Lagu, Peter Lindenauer, and Jay Steingrub MD
Short-Term Safety of Nicotine Replacement in Smokers Hospitalized With Coronary Heart Disease, Quinn Pack MD, Aruna Priya, Tara Lagu, Penny Pekow, Auras Atreya, and Peter Lindenauer
Inpatient Echocardiography Use for Common Cardiovascular Conditions, Quinn Pack MD, Aruna Priya, Tara Lagu, Penny Pekow, Joshua Schilling MD, William Hiser MD, and Peter Lindenauer
The Association of Frailty with Discharge Disposition for Hospitalized Community Dwelling Elderly Patients, Sheryl Ramdass MD, Maura Brennan MD, Rebecca Starr MD, Peter Lindenauer, Xiao Liu MD, Penny Pekow, and Mihaela Stefan MD
A Qualitative Analysis of Patients' Perceptions of Shared Decision Making in the Emergency Department: "Let Me Know I Have a Choice", Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD, Sarah Goff MD, Gwendolyn Downs MD, Robert Wenger MD, and Peter Lindenauer
A Qualitative Analysis of Attending Physicians' Use of Shared Decision-Making: Implications for Resident Education, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD, Sarah Goff MD, Tala Elia MD, Kye Poronsky, Kelly Nault, and Peter Lindenauer
Mortality Measures to Profile Hospital Performance for Patients With Septic Shock, Meng-Shiou Shieh and Peter Lindenauer
Use of Inpatient Palliative Care Services in Patients With Advanced Cancer Receiving Critical Care Therapies, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Mihaela Stefan MD, Penny Pekow, Peter Lindenauer, and Tara Lagu
Response to letter to the editor noninvasive and invasive ventilation in severe pneumonia: Insight for the noninvasive ventilator approach, Mihaela Stefan MD, Peter Lindenauer, and Aruna Priya
Participation in Pulmonary Rehabilitation Following Hospitalization for COPD among Medicare Beneficiaries, Mihaela Stefan MD, Aruna Priya, Quinn Pack MD, Penny Pekow, Tara Lagu, Victor Pinto-Plata, and Peter Lindenauer
The comparative effectiveness of noninvasive and invasive ventilation in patients with pneumonia, Mihaela Stefan MD, Aruna Priya, Penny Pekow, Tara Lagu, Jay Steingrub MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Association of Antibiotic Treatment With Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for an Asthma Exacerbation Treated With Systemic Corticosteroids, Mihaela Stefan MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Kerry Spitzer, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
Submissions from 2017
The association between insurance type and cost-related delay in care: a survey, Sora Al Rowas MD, Jennifer Friderici, Sarah Goff MD, and Tara Lagu
Decreasing Emergency Department Walkout Rate and Boarding Hours by Improving Inpatient Length of Stay, Andrew Artenstein MD, Niels Rathlev MD, Vernette Townsend, Michael Vemula MD, and Joseph Schmidt MD
Outcomes In Two Massachusetts Hospital Systems Give Reason For Optimism About Communication-And-Resolution Programs, Evan Benjamin MD
Factors That Matter to Low-Income and Racial/Ethnic Minority Mothers When Choosing a Pediatric Practice: a Mixed Methods Analysis, Sarah Goff MD, Haley Guhn-Knight, Tara Lagu, Penny Pekow, Aruna Priya, and Peter Lindenauer
Effects of an enhanced primary care program on diabetes outcomes, Sarah Goff MD, Alex Knee, Haley Guhn-Knight, Audrey Guhn, and Peter Lindenauer
Successful Use of Noninvasive Ventilation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. How Do High-Performing Hospitals Do It?, Sarah Goff MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, Penny Pekow, Lauren Williams, Vida Rastegar, and Peter Lindenauer
Treatment Trends and Outcomes in Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia, Sarah Haessler MD, Tara Lagu, Peter Lindenauer, Daniel Skiest M.D., Aruna Priya, Penny Pekow, and Thomas Higgins MD
Blood Management Strategies to Reduce Transfusions After Elective Lower-Extremity Joint Arthroplasty Surgeries: One Tertiary Care Hospital's Early Experience With an Alternative Payment Model-a Total Joint "Bundle"., Ankit Kansagra MD, Chester Andrzejewski MD, Robert Krushell MD, Andrew Lehman MD, Jordan Greenbaum MD, Paul Visintainer, Joan McGirr, Kathleen Mahoney MD, Darlene Cloutier, Alice Ehresman, and Mihaela Stefan MD
Quality of Care of Hospitalized Infective Endocarditis Patients: Report from a Tertiary Medical Center, Mohammad Amin Kashef MD, Jennifer Friderici, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD, Auras Atreya, Peter Lindenauer, and Tara Lagu
Quality of Care of Hospitalized Infective Endocarditis Patients: Report from a Tertiary Medical Center, Mohammad Amin Kashef MD, Jennifer Friderici, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD, Auras Atreya, Peter Lindenauer, and Tara Lagu
Use of Systematic Methods to Improve Disease Identification in Administrative Data: The Case of Severe Sepsis, Tara Lagu and Xiao Liu MD
Website Characteristics and Physician Reviews on Commercial Physician-Rating Websites, Tara Lagu, Aruna Priya, Sarah Goff MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Association Between Noninvasive Ventilation and Mortality Among Older Patients With Pneumonia, Peter Lindenauer
Association of Early Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders with Unplanned Readmissions among Patients Hospitalized for Pneumonia, Peter Lindenauer
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Readmissions and Other Measures of Hospital Quality, Peter Lindenauer
Discharge disposition as an independent predictor of readmission among patients hospitalised for community-acquired pneumonia, Peter Lindenauer
Keeping It Simple in Sepsis Measures, Peter Lindenauer
Patient characteristics associated with poor inhaler technique among a cohort of patients with COPD, Peter Lindenauer
Procalcitonin Test Availability: A Survey of Acute Care Hospitals in Massachusetts, Peter Lindenauer
Procalcitonin Test Availability: A Survey of Acute Care Hospitals in Massachusetts, Peter Lindenauer
Sleep Disturbance in Smokers with Preserved Pulmonary Function and with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Peter Lindenauer
The authors reply, Peter Lindenauer
Hospital Procalcitonin Testing and Antibiotic Treatment of Patients Admitted for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation, Peter Lindenauer, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Mihaela Stefan MD, and Sarah Haessler MD
Predictors of the Use of Specific Critical Care Therapies in Patients With Metastatic Cancer, Kah Poh Loh MD, Ankit Kansagra MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, Peter Lindenauer, Mihaela Stefan MD, and Tara Lagu
Effects of an Ambulation Orderly Program Among Cardiac Surgery Patients, Saki Miwa MD, Paul Visintainer, Richard Engelman MD, Amanda Miller RN, Tara Lagu, Peter Lindenauer, and Quinn Pack MD
Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapy Among Smokers Hospitalized for Coronary Heart Disease, Quinn Pack MD, Aruna Priya, Tara Lagu, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
The Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Renal Colic across a Sample of US Hospitals: High CT Utilization Despite Low Rates of Admission and Inpatient Urologic Intervention, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD, Penny Pekow, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Tara Lagu, and Peter Lindenauer
Physician communication coaching effects on patient experience, Adrienne Seiler MD, Alex Knee, Reham Shaaban MD, Christine Bryson MD, Jasmine Paadam MD, Rohini Harvey MD, Satoko Igarashi MD, Christopher LaChance MD, Evan Benjamin MD, and Tara Lagu
Hospital Variation in Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders and End-of-Life Healthcare Use in the United States, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
Hospital Volume and Outcomes of Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients Hospitalized With an Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Mihaela Stefan MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Nancy Hill RN, and Peter Lindenauer
Submissions from 2016
Measuring Adverse Events in Hospitalized Patients: An Administrative Method for Measuring Harm, Evan Benjamin MD