Submissions from 2008
Prove patients critical status before coding 99291, Michael Lemanski MD
Cardiac arrest in the Emergency Department: A report from the National Registry of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Timothy Mader MD
Prolonged cardiac arrest: A revised model of porcine ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD
Risk of cardiopulmonary arrest after acute respiratory compromise in hospitalized patients, Timothy Mader MD
The effect of adenosine A1 receptor antagonism on return of spontaneous circulation and short-term survival in prolonged ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD
The influence of triage systems and triage scores on timeliness of ED analgesic administration, Timothy Mader MD
Does mandatory in-patient alcohol detoxification reduce ED recidivism or hospital admission for patients with chronic, severe alcohol dependence, Niels Rathlev MD
Hernia in adults and children, Joseph Schmidt MD
Testicular cooling associated with testicular torsion and its detection by infrared thermography: An experimental study in sheep, Howard Smithline MD, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Timothy Mader MD, and Bret Coughlin MD
Musculoskeletal disorders in systemic disease, Blake Spirko MD and Allison Brewer MD
Cirrhosis and liver failure, Susan Torrey MD
Drowning: A brief primer on submersion injuries, Jeannette Wolfe MD
I dont have a drinking problem, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Is this a gender issue or just life in the ED, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Romance in exam room one, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Submissions from 2007
Improving patient safety in the ED waiting room, Fidela Blank, John Santoro MD, Ann Maynard, Deborah Provost, and Marjorie Keyes
Physician vs self-reported measures of dyspnea in patients with acute decompensated heart failure., Selin Caglar MD, Howard Smithline MD, Sondra Jasienowski, Fidela Blank, and Thomas Fitzgerald
Strokes in Young People: A Differential Diagnosis, Tala Elia MD and Susan Torrey MD
Spatial attraction: Visualization and analysis of flow data, Jane Garb, Philip Henneman MD, and Richard Wait MD
Increasing patient safety and efficiency in transfusion therapy using formal process definitions., Elizabeth Henneman, Philip Henneman MD, and Chester Andrzejewski MD
Geography and travel distance impact ED visits, Philip Henneman MD, Howard Smithline MD, Jane Garb, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Richard Wait MD, Ric Skinner, and Haiping Li
ACEP Facility Billing Guideline, Michael Lemanski MD
Effect of adenosine A1 receptor antagonism on return of spontaneous circulation and survival in prolonged porcine ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD
Effects of an impedance threshold device on hemodynamics and restoration of spontaneous circulation in prolonged porcine ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD
Sex differences exist in porcine ventricular fibrillation morphology, Timothy Mader MD
Tramadol/acetaminophen or hydrocodone/acetaminophen for the treatment of ankle sprain: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, Timothy Mader MD
A blinded, randomized controlled evaluation of an impedance threshold device during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in swine, Timothy Mader MD, Adam Kellogg MD, Jeremy Smith MD, Brett Murphy MD, and Claudia Gaudet
Evaluation of the IRMA TRU point and i-STAT creatinine assays., James Nichols, Cathy Bartholomew, Jane Garb, and L Jin MD
Effect of a clinical pharmacist's interventions on duration of antiretroviral-related errors in hospitalized patients, Daniel Skiest MD, Gary Tereso, Lauren Meade MD, Penny Pekow, Michael Rothberg MD, and Mark Heelon
Acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD
Dosing of nitroglycerin for acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD
Prospective, multicenter validation of the pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria, Howard Smithline MD
Thiamine for the treatment of acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD
Physician vs self-reported measures of dyspnea in patients with acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Sondra Jasienowski, Selin Caglar MD, and Thomas Fitzgerald
Transition and static measures of dyspnea using ordinal and visual analog scales in patients with acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD, Selin Caglar MD, Sondra Jasienowski, Fidela Blank, and Thomas Fitzgerald
Feasibility of using near-infrared spectroscopy to diagnose testicular torsion: An experimental study in sheep., Howard Smithline MD, George Wadie MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Carolanne Lovewell, Bret Coughlin MD, Timothy Mader MD, and Geoffrey A. Capraro MD
A new web-based operative skills assessment tool effectively tracks progression in surgical resident performance, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Earle MD, Francis Ansanitis, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
A new web-based operative skills assessment tool effectively tracks progression in surgical resident performance, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Earle MD, Francis Ansanitis, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Can I afford to go part time?, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Evaluation of the right lower quadrant, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Flu review: New guidelines and regs from the CDC for the 6/07 flu season, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Submissions from 2006
Disaster myths and hurricane Katrina 2005: Can public officals and the media learn to provide reponsible crisis communication during disasters, Jeffrey Arnold MD
Succinylcholine or rocuronium? A meta-analysis of the effects on intubation conditions., Jeffrey Arnold MD
Strategies used by nurses to recover medical errors in an academic emergency department setting., Fidela Blank, Elizabeth Henneman, and Philip Henneman MD
Integrating ArcWeb explorer with medical crisis information, Christopher Boyd MD
High humidity, low humidity, and mist therapy for croup, Richard Gabor MD
Testing a classification model for emergency department errors., Elizabeth Henneman, Fidela Blank, Katherine Williamson, and Philip Henneman MD
Prehospital hypotension is a predictor of the need for an emergent, therapeutic operation in trauma patients with normal systolic blood pressure in the emergency department., Philip Henneman MD
Female sex is associated with improved short-term outcome following prolonged ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD
Paramedic compliance with ACLS epinephrine guidelines in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest., Timothy Mader MD
Sex differences exist in porcine ventricular morphology, Timothy Mader MD
Evaluation of Phospho-mTOR (Mamalian Target of Rapamycin) expression in benign, proliferative and malignant epithelial lesions of the breast, Christopher Otis MD, Sandra Camelo-Piragua MD, Darius Arabadjief MD, Melissa Arabadjief MD, Raavi Gupta MD, Brooke Pazik, Sharon Marconi, and Reva Ricketts-Loriaux MD
Evaluation of the PI3K/pAkt pathway in breast carcinoma which are negative for ER, PR and HER-2/neu receptor expression, Christopher Otis MD, Raavi Gupta MD, Brooke Pazik, Sharon Marconi, and Reva Ricketts-Loriaux MD
Evaluation of the relationships between pAkt and beta-catenin in invasive breast carcinoma, Christopher Otis MD, Sharon Marconi, Brooke Pazik, Darius Arabadjief MD, Melissa Arabadjief MD, Sandra Camelo-Piragua MD, Raavi Gupta MD, and Reva Ricketts-Loriaux MD
Differences in triage thresholds for patients presenting with possible acute coronary syndromes: More than meets the eye., J. Hector Pope MD
Addressing gaps in abortion education: A sexual health elective created by medical students, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Validity of dyspnea measures in patients with acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Thomas Fitzgerald, and Sondra Jasienowski
The impact of body mass index on concordance in the interpretation of matched noncontrast and contrast abdominal pelvic computed tomographic scans in ED patients with nontraumatic abdominal pain., Jeannette Wolfe MD, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Bret Coughlin MD, and Steve Lee MD
Submissions from 2005
Supine vs. semi-recumbent and upright twelve-lead ECG: Does change in body position alter ECG interpretation for ischemia, Robert Baevsky MD, Marc Haber MD, Fidela Blank, and Howard Smithline MD
Group a beta-hemolytic streptoccal glossal necrotizing myositis--case report and review, Robert Baevsky MD and Stephen Lieberman MD
Routes to better healthcare, Jane Garb, Christopher Boyd MD, Richard Wait MD, and Ric Skinner
Mapping the rectum: Spatial analysis of microsurgical outcomes using GIS, Jane Garb, Christopher Boyd MD, Richard Wait MD, Ric Skinner, Sabha Ganai MD, Albert Alexander MD, R Rao MD, and Prathima Kanumuri MD
Patient attitudes toward emergency physician attire., Marc Haber MD and Simon Li MD
Drotrecogin alfa (activated) in sepsis: Initial experience with patient selection, cost, and clinical outcomes., Thomas Higgins MD, Jay Steingrub MD, Mark Tidswell MD, William McGee MD, and Gary Tereso
Percussion with a reflex hammer, Michael Lemanski MD
The impact of diabetes on hospital admission, length of stay and mortality of emergenacy department patients with asthma and COPD, Benjamin Osborne MD, Howard Smithline MD, and Jill Griffin MD
The impact of diabetes on hospital admission, length of stay and mortality of emergenacy department patients with CHF, Benjamin Osborne MD, Howard Smithline MD, and Jill Griffin MD
The addition of geriatric consultation to a multidisciplinary trauma team improves care for elderly trauma patients, Barbara Ostiguy GNP, MSN; Maura Brennan MD; Patricia Letourneau; and Lisa Patterson MD
Mammalian bites and associated infections, Stephen Playe MD
Acute coronary syndromes in the emergency department: Diagnostic characteristics, tests, and challenges., J. Hector Pope MD
The effect of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I on parity induced protection against breast cancer, Sallie Schneider, D Joseph Jerry, and Brooke Pazik
Research opportunities in the management of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease., Howard Smithline MD
A descriptive study of heavy emergency department users at an academic emergency department reveals heavy ED users have better access to care than average users., Howard Smithline MD, Philip Henneman MD, Fidela Blank, John Santoro MD, Ann Maynard, and Haiping Li
Recognition and management of adrenal emergencies., Susan Torrey MD
Submissions from 2004
Impact of an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome on a hospital in Taiwan, ROC., Jeffrey Arnold MD
Information-sharing in out-of-hospital disaster response: the future role of information technology., Jeffrey Arnold MD and K Francis Lee MD
Antipyretic effectiveness of intravenous ketorolac tromethamine., Robert Baevsky MD and Howard Smithline MD
Secondary triage of the injured pediatric patient within the trauma center: Support for a selective resource-sparing two-stage system., Richard Gabor MD
Clinical features, triage, and outcome of patients presenting to the ED with suspected acute coronary syndromes but without pain: a multicenter study., J. Hector Pope MD
Is There Value in Follow-Up Stress Testing for Emergency Department Patients With Chest Pain and Normal Rest SPECT Myocardian Perfusion., J. Hector Pope MD
A humane ED seclusion/restraint: legal requirements, a new policy, procedure, "psychiatric advocate" role., John Santoro MD, Fidela Blank, and Ann Maynard
Mass casualty terrorist bombings: a comparison of outcomes by bombing type., Howard Smithline MD and Jeffrey Arnold MD
Beckman Access versus the Bayer ACS:180 and the Abbott AxSYM cardiac Troponin-I real-time immunoassays: an observational prospective study., Howard Smithline MD and Robert Baevsky MD
The effectiveness of wireless telephone communication technology on ambient noise level reduction within the ED., Howard Smithline MD and Robert Baevsky MD
Does morphine change the physical examination in patients with acute appendicitis, Howard Smithline MD, Jeannette Wolfe MD, Jane Garb, and Viriato Fiallo MD
GIS localization of community acquired MRSA soft tissue abscesses in children, Michael Tirabassi MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Jane Garb, Ric Skinner, George Wadie MD, and Christopher Boyd MD
Patient encounter time intervals in the evaluation of emergency department patients requiring abdominopelvic CT: oral contrast versus no contrast, Jeannette Wolfe MD, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Bret Coughlin MD, and Steve Lee MD
Submissions from 2003
Case report: penetrating cardiac injury secondary to a terrorism-related nail bomb explosion., Jeffrey Arnold MD
International emergency medicine: recent trends and future challenges., Jeffrey Arnold MD
Mass-casualty, terrorist bombings: implications for emergency department and hospital emergency response (Part II)., Jeffrey Arnold MD
Mass-casualty, terrorist bombings: epidemiological outcomes, resource utilization, and time course of emergency needs (Part I)., Jeffrey Arnold MD and Howard Smithline MD
Cardiac pacemakers, Jill Griffin MD and Susan Torrey MD
Errors in a busy emergency department., Philip Henneman MD, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Penny Pekow, and Evan Benjamin MD
Hopelessly complex., Michael Lemanski MD
Accuracy of laceration length estimation, Michael Lemanski MD, Fidela Blank, Howard Smithline MD, and Philip Henneman MD
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, Timothy Mader MD
Temporomandibular Joint Injury, Timothy Mader MD