Submissions from 2025
Moyamoya Disease- A Clinical Mimic for Psychiatric Disorders in the Emergency Setting: A Case Report, Katie Arey and William Soares MD
Holding the Wall in Modern American Healthcare - The Impact of Healthcare Overcrowding on Care Delivery, Ebrahim Barkoudah MD and Seth Gemme MD
Clinical Risk Assessment and Treatment of a Man Attacked by a Rabid North American Beaver (Castor canadensis) in the Connecticut River: Case Report, Oscar Barnes-Valldejuly MD, Adrianne Wurzl DO, and Benjamin Church DO
Comparison of two point-of-care lung ultrasound techniques and their associated outcomes for bronchiolitis in the pediatric emergency department, Michael Cooper MD
Palliative Care Initiated in the Emergency Department: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial, Ashley Deutsch MD and Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Multi-level socioeconomic modifiers of the comorbidity of post-traumatic stress and tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis use: the importance of income, Niels Rathlev MD
Addressing Note Bloat: Solutions for Effective Clinical Documentation, Joe Sills MD
Epidemiology and outcomes of patients with cardiac arrest in the emergency department of a lower middle-income country, Natalie Strokes DO
Factors in Initial Anticoagulation Choice in Hospitalized Patients With Pulmonary Embolism, Natalie Strokes DO and Lauren Westafer DO
CJEM debate: clinical decision rules-thinking beyond the algorithm, Lauren Westafer DO
Correction: CJEM debate: clinical decision rules-thinking beyond the algorithm, Lauren Westafer DO
Leveraging individual development plans to support women physicians navigating academic medicine, Lauren Westafer DO
Submissions from 2024
A 12-year Retrospective Cohort Study of Point-of-care Ultrasound and Aortic Dissection Risk Score in Type A Aortic Dissection, Danielle Aston DO, Thomas Burgess MD, Sarah Badach MD, Komal Paladugu MD, Brian Thompson DO, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD, and Gavin Budhram MD
Influence of Patient and Clinician Gender on Emergency Department HEART Scores: A Secondary Analysis of a Prospective Observational Trial, Rebecca Barron MD, Timothy Mader MD, Alex Knee, Donna M. Wilson, Jeannette Wolfe MD, Seth Gemme MD, and William Soares MD
Validity of Computer-interpreted "Normal" and "Otherwise Normal" ECG in Emergency Department Triage Patients, Ashley Deutsch MD, Kye Poronsky, Lauren Westafer DO, Paul Visintainer, and Timothy Mader MD
A retrospective comparison of upper and lower extremity intraosseous access during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation, Mat Goebel MD
Cardiac Arrest Following Drug Overdose in the United States: An Analysis of the Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival, Timothy Mader MD
Infant out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during nights and weekends, Timothy Mader MD
Infant out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during nights and weekends, Timothy Mader MD
The Public Health and Economic Impact of Drug Overdose Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States, Timothy Mader MD
Use of machine learning models to predict neurologically intact survival for advanced age adults following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Disentangling sex differences in PTSD risk factors, Niels Rathlev MD
Heart rate variability wrist-wearable biomarkers identify adverse posttraumatic neuropsychiatric sequelae after traumatic stress exposure, Niels Rathlev MD
Intensive longitudinal assessment following index trauma to predict development of PTSD using machine learning, Niels Rathlev MD
Is Phenobarbital an Effective Treatment for Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome?, Niels Rathlev MD
Is Phenobarbital an Effective Treatment for Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome?, Niels Rathlev MD
Neighborhood Resources Associated With Psychological Trajectories and Neural Reactivity to Reward After Trauma, Niels Rathlev MD
Post-traumatic stress and future substance use outcomes: leveraging antecedent factors to stratify risk, Niels Rathlev MD
Probing the neurocardiac circuit in trauma and posttraumatic stress, Niels Rathlev MD
Reward neurocircuitry predicts longitudinal changes in alcohol use following trauma exposure, Niels Rathlev MD
Sex-dependent differences in vulnerability to early risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder: results from the AURORA study, Niels Rathlev MD
Sex differences in response inhibition-related neural predictors of PTSD in recent trauma-exposed civilians, Niels Rathlev MD
Social Buffering of PTSD: Longitudinal Effects and Neural Mediators, Niels Rathlev MD
Facilitators of and barriers to buprenorphine initiation in the emergency department: a scoping review, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Mpox Surveillance Based on Rash Characteristics - 13 Emergency Departments, United States, June-December 2023, Howard Smithline
A standardized protocol using clinical adjudication to define true infection status in patients presenting to the emergency department with suspected infections and/or sepsis, Howard Smithline and Jay Steingrub MD
Program Signaling in Emergency Medicine: The 2022-2023 Program Director Experience, Liza Smith MD
Precipitated Withdrawal in the Era of Street Fentanyl-The Important Thing Is to Not Stop Questioning, William Soares MD, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD, and Peter Friedmann MD
Hot off the press: I ain't missing you-Spinal epidural abscess, Lauren Westafer DO
Hot off the press: I ain't missing you-Spinal epidural abscess, Lauren Westafer DO
In reply, Lauren Westafer DO
In reply, Lauren Westafer DO
Optimizing the Use of Pulmonary Embolism Severity Indices in Electronic Clinical Decision Support, Lauren Westafer DO
Trends in Initial Anticoagulation Among US Patients Hospitalized With Acute Pulmonary Embolism 2011-2020, Lauren Westafer DO, Thomas Presti MD, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer
Barriers and Facilitators to Harm Reduction for Opioid Use Disorder: A Qualitative Study of People With Lived Experience, Lauren Westafer DO, William Soares MD, and Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
The Role of Sex and Gender in Precision Emergency Medicine: A Scoping Review and Proposed Hierarchy, Jeannette Wolfe MD and Bridget Gunn
Submissions from 2023
Curating a media-linked curriculum, Fahad Alroumi MD, Raquel Belforti M.D., Nadia Villarroel MD, and Rebecca Blanchard PhD
SAEM Response to the National Institute of Health Request for Information: Future Directions in Violence Against Women (VAW) Research, Rebecca Barron MD
Characteristics of acute sexual assault care in New England emergency departments, Rebecca Barron MD, Erica Jessen MD, Tovy Kamine MD, and Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in a Patient with Septic Shock: A Case Report, Eric Boccio MD
Methadone Induction for a Patient With Precipitated Withdrawal in the Emergency Department: A Case Report, Benjamin Church DO, Ryan Clark DO, William Mohn PA, Peter Friedmann MD, and William Soares MD
Racial disparities in emergency medicine: Implementation of a novel educational module in the emergency medicine clerkship, Alanna Darling MD
Closing the gender pay gap in emergency medicine: Paradigms to consider for leaders, faculty, and trainees, Tala Elia MD and Amy Gottlieb MD
Use of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin in the emergency department: A policy resource and education paper (PREP) from the American College of Emergency Physicians, Seth Gemme MD and Lauren Westafer DO
A Novel Algorithm for Improving the Prehospital Diagnostic Accuracy of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction, Mat Goebel MD, Lauren Westafer DO, and Stephanie Ayala DO
Gaps in pediatric emergency medicine education of emergency medicine residents: A needs assessment of recent graduates, Adam Kellogg M.D.
First-Pass Success of Intubations Using Video Versus Direct Laryngoscopy in Children With Limited Neck Mobility, Dilruba Khanam, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD, Julien Ginsberg-Peltz, Lucienne Lutfy-Clayton M.D., and Blake Spirko MD
Disability-Adjusted Life-Years After Adult In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States, Timothy Mader MD
Disability-Adjusted Life Years Due to Pediatric Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States: A CARES Surveillance Group Study, Timothy Mader MD
Predicting Neurologically Intact Survival for Advanced Age Adults After Successful Resuscitation of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Association between microbiome and the development of adverse posttraumatic neuropsychiatric sequelae after traumatic stress exposure, Niels Rathlev MD
Associations of alcohol and cannabis use with change in posttraumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms over time in recently trauma-exposed individuals, Niels Rathlev MD
Childhood adversities and risk of posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression following a motor vehicle collision in adulthood, Niels Rathlev MD
CpG methylation levels in HPA axis genes predict chronic pain outcomes following trauma exposure, Niels Rathlev MD
Derivation and validation of risk prediction for posttraumatic stress symptoms following trauma exposure, Niels Rathlev MD
Internal capsule microstructure mediates the relationship between childhood maltreatment and PTSD following adulthood trauma exposure, Niels Rathlev MD
Neighborhood Disadvantage and Neural Correlates of Threat and Reward Processing in Survivors of Recent Trauma, Niels Rathlev MD
Prior Sexual Trauma Exposure Impacts Posttraumatic Dysfunction and Neural Circuitry Following a Recent Traumatic Event in the AURORA Study, Niels Rathlev MD
Structural inequities contribute to racial/ethnic differences in neurophysiological tone, but not threat reactivity, after trauma exposure, Niels Rathlev MD
The Association between Emergency Department Length of Stay and In-Hospital Mortality in Older Patients Using Machine Learning: An Observational Cohort Study, Niels Rathlev MD
Use of serial smartphone-based assessments to characterize diverse neuropsychiatric symptom trajectories in a large trauma survivor cohort, Niels Rathlev MD
Utility of Wrist-Wearable Data for Assessing Pain, Sleep, and Anxiety Outcomes After Traumatic Stress Exposure, Niels Rathlev MD
Treatment of Pediatric Behavioral Health Patients with Intravenous and Intramuscular Chemical Restraints: Results from a Nationwide Sample of Emergency Departments, Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, Kimball Prentiss MD, Peter Lindenauer, and Lauren Westafer DO
Impact of Telemedicine on Extended Focused Assessment With Sonography for Trauma Performance and Workload by Critical Care Transport Personnel, Margaret Siu MD, Jeffrey Dan MD, Yamuna Carey MD, Reginald Alouidor MD, Kristina Kramer MD, and Tovy Kamine MD
Effectiveness of a bivalent mRNA vaccine dose against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection among U.S. Healthcare personnel, September 2022-May 2023, Howard Smithline
Effectiveness of a Messenger RNA Vaccine Booster Dose Against Coronavirus Disease 2019 Among US Healthcare Personnel, October 2021-July 2022, Howard Smithline
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine Across 5 Healthcare Systems, William Soares MD
Implementation of an automated, user-centered point-of-care ultrasound workflow improves documentation and billing, Brian Thompson DO, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD, Lauren Westafer DO, Paul Visintainer, and Gavin Budhram MD
Addressing the rising trend of high-risk pulmonary embolism mortality: Clinical and research priorities, Lauren Westafer DO
Bilateral Emboli and Highest Heart Rate Predict Hospitalization of Emergency Department Patients With Acute, Low-Risk Pulmonary Embolism, Lauren Westafer DO
Hot off the Press: Blood on blood: massive transfusion protocols in older trauma patients, Lauren Westafer DO
Managing Pulmonary Embolism, Lauren Westafer DO
The role of emergency physicians in the fight against health misinformation: Implications for resident training, Lauren Westafer DO
The Role of Graduate Medical Education in the Fight Against Health Misinformation, Lauren Westafer DO
Barriers and Facilitators to the Outpatient Management of Low-risk Pulmonary Embolism From the Emergency Department, Lauren Westafer DO, Erica Jessen MD, Michael Zampi MD, Eric Boccio MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Barriers and Facilitators to the Outpatient Management of Low-risk Pulmonary Embolism from the Emergency Department, Lauren Westafer DO, Erica Jessen MD, Michael Zampi MD, Eric Boccio MD, and Peter Lindenauer
Acting on sex and gender in medical innovation is good for business, Jeannette Wolfe MD
The development of an educational workshop to reframe and manage professional conflict via a sex and gender lens, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Submissions from 2022
Establishment of SEP-1 national practice guidelines does not impact fluid administration for septic shock patients, Eric Boccio MD
Methadone Induction for a Patient With Precipitated Withdrawal in the Emergency Department: A Case Report, Benjamin Church DO, Ryan Clark DO, William Mohn PA, Peter Friedmann MD, and William Soares MD
Design and Evaluation of a Curriculum on Intimate Partner Violence for Medical Students in an Emergency Medicine Clerkship, Alanna Darling MD
Advanced practice providers in academic emergency medicine: A national survey of chairs and program directors, Tala Elia MD
A Five-Week-Old Twin With Profound Anemia: A Case Report of Asymmetric Congenital Babesiosis, Julien Ginsberg-Peltz and Liza Smith MD
Feasibility and Acceptance of a Tele-Trauma Surgery Consult Service to Rural and Community Hospitals: A Pilot Study, Tovy Kamine MD, Margaret Siu MD, Kristina Kramer MD, Reginald Alouidor MD, Edward Kelly, Ashley Deutsch MD, Timothy Mader MD, Paul Visintainer, Kristina Grochowski, and Nicolas Jabbour MD
Principles and Considerations in the Early Identification and Prehospital Treatment of Thrombocytopenia, Seth Kelly MD
A Statewide Collaboration to Deliver and Evaluate a Pediatric Critical Care Simulation Curriculum for Emergency Medical Services, Anthony Kitchen MD
Structural competency in emergency medical education: A scoping review and operational framework, Sarah Kleinschmidt MD
Structural competency in emergency medical education: A scoping review and operational framework, Sarah Kleinschmidt MD