Submissions from 2012
The state of transitions of care in emergency medicine, Benjamin Osborne MD
Coronary CT angiography versus standard evaluation in acute chest pain, J. Hector Pope MD
Abdominal anaphylaxis presenting as trauma: a recipe for delayed diagnosis, J. Hector Pope MD, Eleanor Winston MD, and Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD
More educated emergency department patients are less likely to receive opioids for acute pain, Niels Rathlev MD
Solutions to emergency department 'boarding' and crowding are underused and may need to be legislated, Niels Rathlev MD
Time series analysis of emergency department length of stay per 8-hour shift, Niels Rathlev MD
Breastpumping in the ED? Just do it., Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Massive hemothorax from a type-B aortic dissection, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Near-infrared spectroscopy in healthy and torsed testes, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
D-Dimer threshold increase with pretest probability unlikely for pulmonary embolism to decrease unnecessary computerized tomographic pulmonary angiography, Howard Smithline MD
Evaluation of pulmonary embolism in the emergency department and consistency with a national quality measure: quantifying the opportunity for improvement, Howard Smithline MD
Pharmacokinetics of high-dose oral thiamine hydrochloride in healthy subjects, Howard Smithline MD
Use of magnetic resonance imaging to measure endothelial function, Howard Smithline MD
Correlation between change in dyspnea severity and clinical outcome in patients with acute heart failure, Howard Smithline MD, Richard Barus, Fidela Blank, and Ryan Coute
Using acoustic analysis of coughs to identify respiratory infections in the emergency department, Howard Smithline MD, Ryan Coute, and Richard Barus
Annual meeting didactic summary - Unconscious bias, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Floodlighting Unconscious Bias, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Gender Balance in Leadership, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Gender Differences in Communication, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Gender Differences in Negotiation, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Why women lose at the negotiating table, Jeannette Wolfe MD
XX, XY and the art of asking - What, when and how to negotiate, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Submissions from 2011
Ultrasound-guided IV placement by nursing staff reduces requirement for emergency physician intervention, Gavin Budhram MD
Nurses' visual scanning patterns during the medication administration process, Philip Henneman MD
Profitability of patients discharged from an emergency department, Philip Henneman MD
The effect of advanced age on length of stay and contribution margin in an emergency department outpatient population, Philip Henneman MD
Geography and travel distance impact emergency department visits, Philip Henneman MD, Jane Garb, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Haiping Li, Howard Smithline MD, and Richard Wait MD
Nurses' behaviors and visual scanning patterns may reduce patient identification errors, Philip Henneman MD and Elizabeth Henneman
Esophagus and stomach disorders, Philip Henneman MD and Rakesh Talati MD
Mechanism of trauma, Aaron Hexdall MD
Emergency Airway Management; Trauma Resuscitation, Adam Kellogg MD
No Diversion in Western Massachusetts, Adam Kellogg MD
ACEP Facility Billing Guidelines, Michael Lemanski MD
Incidence of treated cardiac arrest in hospitalized patients in the United States, Timothy Mader MD
Therapeutic hypothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to initial non-shockable rhythms, Timothy Mader MD, Richard Misiaszek MD, and Ryan Coute
Perforated Peptic Ulcer, Benjamin Osborne MD
Emergency department utilization after the implementation of Massachusetts health reform, J. Hector Pope MD
A trial to end ambulance dicersion in Boston: Report from the Conference of Boston Teaching Hospitals Consortium, Niels Rathlev MD
Complications of tube thoracostomy placement in the emergency department, Niels Rathlev MD
International Perspectives on Emergency Department Crowding, Niels Rathlev MD
Interventions to safeguard system effectiveness during periods of emergency department crowding, Niels Rathlev MD
Measures of crowding in the emergency department: A Systematic review, Niels Rathlev MD
Neck Trauma, Niels Rathlev MD
ED technicians can successfully place ultrasound-guided intravenous catheters in patients with poor vascular access, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Sonographic measurement of optic nerve sheath diameter and correlation with intracranial pressure, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Intravenous Access in the Emergency Department: Patient-Centered Survey, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Evaluation of skeletal muscle during calf exercise by 31-phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients on statin medications, Howard Smithline MD
Pharmacokinetics of high-dose oral thiamine, Howard Smithline MD
RARE imaging of post-exercise phosphocreatine recovery - validation and reproducibility, Howard Smithline MD
Simultaneous acquisition of phosphocreatine and inorganic phosphate images for Pi:PCr ratio mapping using a RARE sequence with chemically selective interleaving, Howard Smithline MD
The feasibility of measuring phosphocreatine recovery kinetics in muscle using a single-shot (31)P RARE MRI sequence, Howard Smithline MD
The reliability of repeated measures of the time constant for post-exercise phosphocreatine recovery using a weighted intraclass correlation coefficient, Howard Smithline MD
Emergency department medication lists are not accurate, Howard Smithline MD, Selin Caglar MD, Philip Henneman MD, Fidela Blank, and Elizabeth Henneman
Teaching pediatric code leadership skills: Integrated vs. stand alone curriculum, Howard Smithline MD, Ian Goodman MD, Gerard Langlois, Blake Spirko MD, Fidela Blank, and Gladys Fernandez MD
Letter to the editor, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Part time pariahs, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Sexism in the ED: How prevalent is gender bias?, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Study shows gender gap in starting EM salaries, Jeannette Wolfe MD
The 2011 EPM Conflict Study. Interpersonal conflict is a major paro of every ED shift. How we handle it could define our careers, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Submissions from 2010
Abdominal Pain, Gavin Budhram MD
Images in emergency medicine. Elderly woman with rectal bleeding, Gavin Budhram MD and Linda Willard MD
Pediatric Feeding Problems, Richard Gabor MD
Angina Pectoris in Emergency Medicine, Marc Haber MD
Resident experience of abuse and harassment in emergency medicine: Ten years later, Marc Haber MD
Strategies used by critical care nurses to identify, interrupt, and correct medical errors, Elizabeth Henneman, Fidela Blank, and Philip Henneman MD
Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Philip Henneman MD
Bar-Code Scanning May Reduce but Not Eliminate Medication and Patient Identification Errors In Clinical Simulation, Philip Henneman MD and Fidela Blank
Patient identification errors are common in a simulated setting, Philip Henneman MD, Donna Fisher MD, and Elizabeth Henneman
Experience modeling and analyzing medical processes: UMass/Baystate Medical safety project overview, Philip Henneman MD, Elizabeth Henneman, Lucinda Cassells MD, and Wilson Mertens MD
Error identification and recovery by student nurses using human patient simulation: Opportunity to improve patient safety, Philip Henneman MD, Elizabeth Henneman, Cheryl Reilly, and Joan Roche
Using discrete event simulation to study patient length of stay, Philip Henneman MD and Haiping Li
Emergency department patients who stay more than 6 hours contribute to crowding, Philip Henneman MD, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, John Santoro MD, Ann Maynard, Deborah Provost, Elizabeth Henneman, and Haiping Li
Disorders of the Small Intestine, Philip Henneman MD and Susan Torrey MD
Appendicitis, Philip Henneman MD and Jeannette Wolfe MD
Spotlight talk: Cardiac Resuscitation, Kim Krach MD
Spotlight talk: Electrocardiography, Kim Krach MD
Check on critical care, gain $50 for some caveat patients, Michael Lemanski MD
Emergency Department specific exception allows you to sidestep some HPI rules, Michael Lemanski MD
Put critical care clock on pause until physician returns, Michael Lemanski MD
Automated external defibrillators and survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Body mass index and survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Delayed time to defibrillation after intraoperative and periprocedural cardiac arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Outcomes of critically ill patients who received cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Timothy Mader MD
Rhythms and outcomes of adult in-hospital cardiac arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Time to invasive airway placement and resuscitation outcomes after inhospital cardiopulmonary arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Gastric transmural pressure measurements in vivo: Implications for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES)., Timothy Mader MD, David Desilets MD, John Romanelli MD, and David Earle MD
A randomized comparison of cardiocerebral and cardiopulmonary resuscitation using a swine model of prolonged ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD, Adam Kellogg MD, and Joshua Walterscheid MD
The feasibility of inducing mild therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac resuscitation using iced saline infusion via an intraosseous needle, Timothy Mader MD, Adam Kellogg MD, and Joshua Walterscheid MD
An observational study to assess changes in arterial blood gas values during untreated porcine ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD, Adam Kellogg MD, Joshua Walterscheid MD, and Richard Misiaszek MD
TMJ Syndrome, Benjamin Osborne MD
Appropriateness of C-spine mobilization techniques by EMTs, Benjamin Osborne MD, Fidela Blank, Richard Barus, and Thomas Fitzgerald
Use of spinal immobilization techniques in stable patients: A multicenter evaluation, Benjamin Osborne MD, Fidela Blank, Richard Barus, and Thomas Fitzgerald
Pharmacy and Emergency Department collaboration: A novel approach, Shawn Roggie, John Santoro MD, Ann Maynard, Aaron Michelucci, and Sean Illig
Pelvic Pain, Joseph Schmidt MD
Mastitis and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): the calm before the storm?, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Weekend emergency department visits in Nebraska: higher utilization, lower acuity, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD