Submissions from 2024
Protocol for a parallel cluster randomized trial of a participatory tailored approach to reduce overuse of antibiotics at hospital discharge: the ROAD home trial, Peter Lindenauer
The Public Health and Economic Impact of Drug Overdose Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States, Timothy Mader MD
Feasibility of His Bundle Pacing and Atrioventricular Junction Ablation with Left Bundle Branch Area Pacing as Back-up, Ankit Mahajan MD
"It Can't Hurt!": Why Many Patients With Limited Life Expectancy Decide to Accept Lung Cancer Screening, Eduardo Nunez MD
Tackling Guideline Non-concordance: Primary Care Barriers to Incorporating Life Expectancy into Lung Cancer Screening Decision-Making-A Qualitative Study, Eduardo Nunez MD
County-Level Cardiac Rehabilitation and Broadband Availability: Opportunities for Hybrid Care in the United States, Quinn Pack MD
Post-traumatic stress and future substance use outcomes: leveraging antecedent factors to stratify risk, Niels Rathlev MD
Sex differences in response inhibition-related neural predictors of PTSD in recent trauma-exposed civilians, Niels Rathlev MD
IL-10 Differentially Promotes Mast Cell Responsiveness to IL-33, Resulting in Enhancement of Type 2 Inflammation and Suppression of Neutrophilia, Sallie Schneider PhD
Noninvasive respiratory support in the emergency department: Controversies and state-of-the-art recommendations, Mark Tidswell MD
Neonatal respiratory care practice among level III and IV NICUs in New England, Ruben Vaidya MD
Social determinants of health rather than race impact health-related quality of life in 10-year-old children born extremely preterm, Ruben Vaidya MD
SARS-CoV-2 Symptoms during the Omicron Surge Differ between Boosted and Vaccinated Non-Boosted Persons, Paul Visintainer
Nursing Perceptions of Robotic Technology in Healthcare: A Pretest-Posttest-Survey Analysis Using an Educational Video, Cidalia Vital RN
Hot off the press: I ain't missing you-Spinal epidural abscess, Lauren Westafer DO
Hot off the press: I ain't missing you-Spinal epidural abscess, Lauren Westafer DO
Influence of Patient and Clinician Gender on Emergency Department HEART Scores: A Secondary Analysis of a Prospective Observational Trial, Rebecca Barron MD, Timothy Mader MD, Alex Knee, Donna M. Wilson, Jeannette Wolfe MD, Seth Gemme MD, and William Soares MD
Nanoparticle-mediated co-delivery of inflammasome inhibitors provides protection against sepsis, Hariharan Sivakumar Bharadwaj MD and Ruchi Patel MD
Child Health Needs and the Pediatric Endocrinology Workforce: 2020-2040, Charlotte Boney MD
Enhanced recovery protocols after surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials in cardiac surgery, Daniel Engelman MD
How I Do It Applying non-invasive ventilation in treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using evidence-based interprofessional clinical practice, Mary Jo S. Farmer MD, Christine Callahan, and Karen Riska
Diffusion of medications for opioid use disorder treatment in jail settings: a convergent mixed methods study of jail staff perspectives, Peter Friedmann MD
Validation of dried blood spots for capturing hepatitis C virus diversity for genomic surveillance, Peter Friedmann MD
Transitions in health insurance among continuously insured patients with schizophrenia, Kimberley Geissler MD
A retrospective comparison of upper and lower extremity intraosseous access during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation, Mat Goebel MD
Funny things are everywhere: Combatting geographic disparities in aortic stenosis care, Andrew Goldsweig MD
In-hospital safety outcomes of left atrial appendage occlusion in octogenarians and nonagenarians, Andrew Goldsweig MD
Visual Intelligence Education as a Tool for Enhancing Medical Students' Self-Perception of Communication Skills, Chloe Jammes MD
Daylight saving time and mortality-proceed with caution, Karin Johnson MD
Selective breast/gynecologic pathology fellowship training in the United States: Experience of program directors, Ashraf Khan MD
Do pulmonary rehabilitation programmes improve outcomes in patients with COPD posthospital discharge for exacerbation: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Peter Lindenauer
Cardiac Arrest Following Drug Overdose in the United States: An Analysis of the Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival, Timothy Mader MD
Does Gender Affect the Outcomes of Myocardial Revascularization for Left-Main Coronary Artery Disease?, Maryam Naser MD, Mohammed Abozenah, and Amir Lotfi
Dalbavancin Use in Persons Who Use Drugs May Increase Adherence Without Increasing Cost, Hannah Ritchie, Jennifer Schimmel MD, and Michael Lorenzo
Mammary epithelium permeability during established lactation: associations with cytokine levels in human milk, Sallie Schneider PhD
Pediatricians' Career Satisfaction and Wellbeing by Sex Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Amy Starmer MD
Interim Estimates of 2023-24 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness - United States, Jay Steingrub MD
Interim Estimates of 2023-24 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness - United States, Jay Steingrub MD
Evaluating Acute Pulmonary Changes in COVID-19: A Comparative Analysis of CT, CXR, LUS, MRI, and FDG-PET Modalities, Nupur Verma MD
In reply, Lauren Westafer DO
Male Breast Cancer: a Review on Diagnosis, Treatment, and Survivorship, Prarthna Bhardwaj MD
Perioperative Care in Cardiac Surgery: A Joint Consensus Statement by the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Cardiac Society, ERAS International Society, and The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), Cheryl Crisafi RN and Daniel Engelman MD
Validity of Computer-interpreted "Normal" and "Otherwise Normal" ECG in Emergency Department Triage Patients, Ashley Deutsch MD, Kye Poronsky, Lauren Westafer DO, Paul Visintainer, and Timothy Mader MD
Trailblazing Clinical Trials in Asthma, COPD, Sleep Medicine, and Education and Clinical Practice in 2023, Mary Jo S. Farmer MD
An endovascular- vs. a surgery-first revascularization strategy for chronic limb-threatening ischemia: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Andrew Goldsweig MD
Approval, Evidence, and "Off-Label" Device Utilization: The Patent Foramen Ovale Closure Story, Andrew Goldsweig MD
Breaking Down Barriers to Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, Andrew Goldsweig MD
Editorial: Like a kid in a candy shop: Choosing the sweetest therapy for submassive pulmonary embolism, Andrew Goldsweig MD
Safety and Efficacy of Combining Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion With Another Cardiac Procedure, Andrew Goldsweig MD
Wake you up to put you asleep. do pharmacological combinations for obstructive sleep apnea make sense?, Karin Johnson MD
Declining Cardiology Board Pass Rates, Anis Kadado MD, Abdullah Pervaiz MD, and Quinn Pack MD
Closure of Dialysis Clinics in the US in 2021-2023, Daniel Landry MD
Continuity of Clinician Type and Intrapartum Experiences During the Perinatal Period in California, Mary Paterno CNM
Cardiac Tamponade in ECMO: Infrequent but Important, Siavash Saadat MD
Correction to: Bayesian methods: a potential path forward for sepsis trials, Mark Tidswell MD
LESSONS FROM COVID-19: Holistic Nursing is a Necessary Ingredient for Acute Care Hospitals, Cidalia Vital RN and Constance Blake RN
Submissions from 2023
Systems Biology Modeling of Cancer Nonlinear Dynamics, Ak Alameddine MD
Trends in Sleep Apnea and Heart Failure Related Mortality in the United States from 1999 to 2019, Aleezay Asghar MD and Ernest DiNino MD
Medication-induced weight gain and advanced therapies for the child with overweight and obesity: An Obesity Medicine Association (OMA) Clinical Practice Statement 2022, Rushika Conroy MD
Necrotizing Pancreatitis After Cardiac Arrest With Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Christine Donat MD, Michel Farah, and Kathryn Jobbins DO
Association of Postpartum Mental Illness Diagnoses with Severe Maternal Morbidity, Kimberley Geissler MD
A Novel Algorithm for Improving the Prehospital Diagnostic Accuracy of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction, Mat Goebel MD, Lauren Westafer DO, and Stephanie Ayala DO
Association between Environmental Temperature and Survival in Gastroesophageal Cancers: A Population Based Study, Kush Gupta MD
Clinical Evidence for the Benefits of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy in Colon Cancer: A Concise Review, Kush Gupta MD
Challenges, Barriers, and Successes of Standardized Report Templates: Results of a Society of Interventional Radiology Survey, Neil Halin MD
Effects of whole-body vibration or resistive-vibration exercise on blood clotting and related biomarkers: a systematic review, Tovy Kamine MD
Breaking Barriers: A Single-Center Real-World Experience With Recruitment and Administration of COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibodies and Opportunities for Improvement, Alex Knee, Doug Salvador MD, Erica Housman, Gladys Fernandez MD, and Armando Paez MD
Association of random and observed urine drug screening with long-term retention in opioid treatment programs, Alex Knee, Donna M. Wilson, and Peter Friedmann MD
Vaccination for Patients Receiving Dialysis, Daniel Landry MD
An Older Woman Presenting with Jaw Pain and a Kidney Mass, Matthew McAuliffe DO and Kostas Papamakakis MD
Chest wall abscess and costochondritis due to Salmonella enterica serotype Choleraesuis: a case report, Nassim Mokraoui, Rose Ganim MD, and Armando Paez MD
Mirvetuximab Soravtansine in FRα-Positive, Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer, Tashanna Myers MD
How do we use the National Healthcare Safety Network for Hemovigilance in Massachusetts?, Lynne O'Hearn and Chester Andrzejewski MD
NAM National Plan for Health Workforce Well-being: Applications for Radiology, Amy Oliveira MD
Impact of Remote Patient Monitoring Platform on Patients With Moderate to Severe Persistent Asthma: Observational Study, Denzil Reid MD and Karim Anis MD
Both Sides of the Stethoscope, Colby Salerno DO
Coronary Artery Aneurysms, Arteriovenous Malformations, and Spontaneous Dissections - A Review of the Evidence, Thomas Schwann MD
Vaccine Effectiveness Against Influenza A-Associated Hospitalization, Organ Failure, and Death: United States, 2022-2023, Jay Steingrub MD
What Every Colorectal Surgeon Should Know About the American Medical Association/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update Committee, Kelly Tyler MD
Addressing the rising trend of high-risk pulmonary embolism mortality: Clinical and research priorities, Lauren Westafer DO
Curating a media-linked curriculum, Fahad Alroumi MD, Raquel Belforti M.D., Nadia Villarroel MD, and Rebecca Blanchard PhD
Can a Checklist Facilitate Recognition of a Transfusion-Associated Adverse Event by Prelicensure Nursing Students?, Chester Andrzejewski MD
Caspase-1 Responsive Nanoreporter for In Vivo Monitoring of Inflammasome Immunotherapy, Hariharan Sivakumar Bharadwaj MD
ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Acute Onset Flank Pain-Suspicion of Stone Disease (Urolithiasis), Tara Catanzano MD
Diversion of medications to treat opioid use disorder: Qualitative findings from formerly incarcerated adults in Massachusetts, Peter Friedmann MD
Recent Incarceration, Substance Use, Overdose, and Service Use Among People Who Use Drugs in Rural Communities, Peter Friedmann MD
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Pediatric Medical Clinicians' Application of Fluoride Varnish, Kimberley Geissler MD
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Pediatric Medical Clinicians' Application of Fluoride Varnish, Kimberley Geissler MD
Difelikefalin improves itch-related sleep disruption in patients undergoing haemodialysis, Michael Germain MD
Early Utilization of Mechanical Circulatory Support in Acute Myocardial Infarction Complicated by Cardiogenic Shock: The National Cardiogenic Shock Initiative, Andrew Goldsweig MD
Restrictive or Liberal Transfusion Strategy in Myocardial Infarction and Anemia, Andrew Goldsweig MD
Safety and Efficacy of Cangrelor in Acute Coronary Syndromes: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis, Andrew Goldsweig MD
Short duration of dual antiplatelet therapy following complex percutaneous coronary intervention: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Andrew Goldsweig MD
Gaps in pediatric emergency medicine education of emergency medicine residents: A needs assessment of recent graduates, Adam Kellogg M.D.