Submissions from 2021
Editorial: History of Growth Hormone: Animal to Human, Edward Reiter MD
Association Between mRNA Vaccination and COVID-19 Hospitalization and Disease Severity, Jay Steingrub MD
Bi-allelic variants in SPATA5L1 lead to intellectual disability, spastic-dystonic cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and hearing loss, Mary-Alice Abbott MD
Expanding the phenotypic spectrum of BCS1L-related mitochondrial disease, Mary-Alice Abbott MD
The broader phenotypic spectrum of congenital caudal abnormalities associated with mutations in the Caudal Type Homeobox 2 gene, Mary-Alice Abbott MD and Courtney Manning
Meeting Faculty Development Needs: Review of Current Resources and Opportunities for Program Development, Tara Catanzano MD
Ethical Imperatives for Participation in Integrated/Collaborative Care Models for Pediatric Mental Health Care, Peter A. Depergola and Barry Sarvet MD
Closing the Gender Pay Gap in Medicine, Amy Gottlieb MD
Preparing nursing homes for a second wave of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Sarah Haessler MD
Understanding the Role of the Otolaryngology Hospitalist: Tracheostomies and Tracheostomy Care, Jonathan Lee MD
Association between Residential Segregation and Long-Term Acute Care Hospital Performance on Improvement in Function among Ventilated Patients, Peter Lindenauer
Association of Treatment Intensity With Survival in Older Patients With Hodgkin Lymphoma, Peter Lindenauer
Incidental Hepatic Granulomata as the Initial Presentation of Crohn's Disease in a Pediatric Patient, Mojdeh Mostafavi MD, Wael Sayej MD, Blake Hansen MD, Anthony Cretara MD, James Mueller MD, and Barry Hirsch MD
Clinical management of chronic kidney disease-associated pruritus: current treatment options and future approaches, Vijayakumar Paramasivam MD and Michael Germain MD
Brevundimonas vesicularis Peritonitis in a Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis Patient, Vijayakumar Paramasivam MD, Armando Paez MD, Ashish Verma MD, Daniel Landry MD, and Gregory Braden MD
COVID-19 mitigation for high-risk populations in Springfield Massachusetts USA: a health systems approach, Paul A. Pirraglia, Cristina Huebner Torres, Jane Garb, Marian Kent, Sarah Perez-McAdoo, Yemisi Oloruntola-Coates, Jacob Smith MD, and Abraham Thomas MD
Brain-Based Biotypes of Psychiatric Vulnerability in the Acute Aftermath of Trauma, Niels Rathlev MD
Which Road to Recovery?: Factors Influencing Postacute Stroke Discharge Destinations: A Delphi Study, Barry Rodstein MD
At the Cliff: Partnership and Collaboration to Address our Public Mental Health Crisis, Barry Sarvet MD
Are We Making Progress in the Hunt for Biomarkers that could differentiate PPI-Responsive Eosinophilic Esophagitis?, Wael Sayej MD
A Scoping Review of Current Social Emergency Medicine Research, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Commentary: Gender and outcomes: It's complicated, Thomas Schwann MD
Resource Utilization and Emergency Medicine Advisors' Approach to Video Interview Preparation, Liza Smith MD
Patient-Focused Websites Related to Postpartum Pelvic Floor Health: A DISCERN Quality Analysis, Ellen Solomon MD
COVID-19 and Outcomes in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Kartikeya Tripathi MD
Impact of Liver Transplantation on Carbon Monoxide Production as Measured by Arterial Carboxyhemoglobin Levels in Cirrhotic Patients with and without Hepatopulmonary Syndrome, Mohammad Abu-Hishmeh
Cytomegalovirus Reactivation after Bendamustine-Based Chemotherapy: A Case Report, Abhimanyu Aggarwal MD, Anthony Cretara MD, Katya Ford MD, Richard Steingart MD, and Durane Walker MD
Micromonas micros Infection of a Prosthetic Hip Joint: A Case Report and Review of the Literature, Abhimanyu Aggarwal MD and Durane Walker MD
Outcomes and Predictors of Readmission after Implantation of a Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion device in the United States: A Propensity Score-matched Analysis from the National Readmission Database, Anusha Bhat MD and Sudeep Siddappa Malleshappa MD
Diseases of the Aorta and Kidney Disease: Conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference, Daniel Engelman MD
Perioperative Care Standards in Cardiac Surgery Patients Aiming at Enhancing Recovery: A Nationwide Survey in the Netherlands and Belgium, Daniel Engelman MD
Factors Associated with Successful Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery and Thoracotomy in the Management of Traumatic Hemothorax, Heather Grant MD, Alex Knee, and Michael Tirabassi MD
Benchmarking Inpatient Mortality Using Electronic Medical Record Data: A Retrospective, Multicenter Analytical Observational Study, Thomas Higgins MD
Letter to the Editor, Thomas Higgins MD
Comparative Effectiveness of Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) Vaccines in Preventing COVID-19 Hospitalizations Among Adults Without Immunocompromising Conditions - United States, March-August 2021, Ryan Kindle MD, Lori-Ann Kozikowski, Lesley DeSouza, Scott Ouellette, and Sherell Thornton-Thompson
Protocol for a feasibility randomized trial of self-management support for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using lay health coaches, Peter Lindenauer and Danielle McDermott
Post-Procedural Opioid Prescribing in Children: A Survey of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Kevin Moriarty MD
Implementation and 1-year follow-up of the cardiovascular ICU standardised handover, Nishkruti Munshi
Brevundimonas vesicularis Peritonitis in a Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis Patient, Vijayakumar Paramasivam MD, Armando Paez MD, Ashish Verma MD, Daniel Landry MD, and Gregory Braden MD
Development and Validation of a Model to Predict Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depression After a Motor Vehicle Collision, Niels Rathlev MD
The Relationship Between Governing Board Composition and Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations Outcomes: an Observational Study, Kimberly Reimold, Mohammad Faridi, Penny Pekow, Joshua Erban, Colin Flannelly, Ysabella Luikart, Peter Lindenauer, Christene DeJong, and Tara Lagu
Comment on: The impact of bariatric surgery on breastfeeding: a systematic review, John Romanelli MD
Facilitators of and barriers to buprenorphine initiation for people with opioid use disorder in the emergency department: protocol for a scoping review, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Effectiveness of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine among U.S. Health Care Personnel, Howard Smithline
Evaluation of the Acceptability of a Proposed, Instagram-Based, Randomized Controlled Trial for People With Asthma: Survey Study, Kerry Spitzer, Brent Heineman BA, Marcella Jewell MD, Michael Moran, and Peter Lindenauer
Effectiveness and Safety of Tofacitinib for Ulcerative Colitis: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Kartikeya Tripathi MD
ATS Core Curriculum 2021. Adult Sleep Medicine: Sleep Apnea, Kirsten Young DO
Application of technology to educational needs in surgery, Jorind Beqari MD and Neal Seymour MD
Pediatric Chair Turnover and Demographics, Charlotte Boney MD
Letter from the Guest Editor, Tara Catanzano MD
Novel tool for assessing the quality of feedback in the emergency room (FEED-ER), Ryan Clark DO
Neuroanesthesia Updates 2021 Part 3 Neurovascular Updates, Stanlies D'Souza
Perioperative Coronavirus Vaccination - Timing and Implications: A Guidance Document, Daniel Engelman MD
Multi-Dimensional Assessment and Interdisciplinary Care to Reduce Asthma Readmissions in Safety Net Hospitals, Kush Gupta MD
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic-Looking back and looking forward, Sarah Haessler MD
Sleep Medicine Health-Care Worker Concerns About COVID-19: An Early Pandemic Survey, Karin Johnson MD and Vida Rastegar
Mitigating exhalation puffs during oxygen therapy for respiratory disease, William McGee MD
Annual and Lifetime Economic Productivity Loss Due to Adult Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States: a study for the CARES Surveillance Group, Bryan McNally and Timothy Mader MD
Hepatobiliary Injuries: A Pictoral Essay and Literature Review, Ivy Nguyen DO and Tara Catanzano MD
Effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccines for Preventing Covid-19 Hospitalizations in the United States, Ithan Peltan
Psoas Muscle Density Evaluated by Chest CT and Long-Term Mortality in COPD Patients, Victor Pinto-Plata
A prospective examination of sex differences in posttraumatic autonomic functioning, Niels Rathlev MD
Emergency Medicine Research: 2030 Strategic Goals, Niels Rathlev MD
Outcomes of cardiogenic shock with autoimmune rheumatological disorders, Khalid Sawalha MD
Calculated blood loss at cesarean delivery in patients with preeclampsia with severe features on magnesium sulfate, Corina Schoen MD, Tiffany Corlin MD, and Alex Knee
"This is Part of Emergency Medicine Now" A Qualitative Assessment of Emergency Clinicians' Facilitators of and Barriers to Initiating Buprenorphine, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD, William Soares MD, Emily Schaffer MD, and Lauren Westafer DO
Effects of tDCS dose and electrode montage on regional cerebral blood flow and motor behavior, Anant Shinde and Gottfried Schlaug MD
Influenza vaccine acceptance and hesitancy among adults hospitalized with severe acute respiratory illnesses, United States 2019-2020, Jay Steingrub MD
Sustained Effectiveness of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Vaccines Against COVID-19 Associated Hospitalizations Among Adults - United States, March-July 2021, Jay Steingrub MD and Ithan Peltan
Euglycemic Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Type 1 Diabetes on Insulin Pump, with Acute Appendicitis: A Case Report, Brian Thompson DO and Anthony Kitchen MD
Patient Preference and Adherence to Aminosalicylates for the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis, Kartikeya Tripathi MD
A prospective analysis of time to screen protocol ECGs in adult Emergency Department triage patients, Nadia Villarroel MD, Connor Houghton MD, Shelby Mader, Kye Poronsky, Ashley Deutsch MD, and Timothy Mader MD
Was it Really a Leiomyoma?: Revisiting a Peripheral Bronchoscopic Diagnosis, Mohammad Abu-Hishmeh
Detailed Fetal Anatomic Ultrasound Examination (76811): Updated ICD-10 Indications, Fadi Bsat MD
Collaborative Writing Projects: Set Yourself up for Success, Tara Catanzano MD
Resident Clinician Educator Leadership Pathway Tracks in US Radiology Programs: An ADVICER 2021 Survey Study, Tara Catanzano MD
HER2 Protein Overexpression and Gene Amplification in Tubo-Ovarian High-grade Serous Carcinomas, Esma Ersoy MD, Qing Jackie Cao MD, and Christopher Otis
Cross-sectional Analysis of Food Insecurity and Frequent Emergency Department Use, Alex Estrella MD
Route of Hysterectomy at the Time of Sacrocolpopexy: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study, Xibei Jia MD
Clozapine Intoxication in a Patient on Chronic Use With a Short-Term Noncompliance, Zoha Khan MD and Abdullah Pervaiz MD
Humoral Response to mRNA versus an Adenovirus Vector-Based SARS-COV2 (Ad26.COV2.S) Vaccine in Dialysis Patients, Jeffrey Mulhern MD
Summarizing the 2021 updated GOLD guidelines for COPD, Jared Ostroff
Mothering from the Inside Out: Addressing the Intersection of Addiction, Adversity, and Attachment with Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention, Elizabeth Peacock-Chambers MD
Qualitative coronary artery calcification scores and risk of all cause, COPD and pneumonia hospital admission in a large CT lung cancer screening cohort, Victor Pinto-Plata
Thalamic volume and fear extinction interact to predict acute posttraumatic stress severity, Niels Rathlev MD
Human Growth and Growth Hormone: From Antiquity to the Recominant Age to the Future, Edward Reiter MD
In-hospital Outcomes of Transcatheter Versus Surgical Mitral Valve Repair in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease, Khalid Sawalha MD, Kamesh Gupta MD, Anis Kadado MD, Mohammed Abozenah, Ayman Battisha MD, and Ashequl Islam MD
Documentation of Shared Decisionmaking in the Emergency Department, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Mitral Surgery After Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair: Society of Thoracic Surgeons Database Analysis, Thomas Schwann MD
Association Between Initiation of Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Rehospitalizations in Patients Hospitalized with COPD, Mihaela Stefan MD, Penny Pekow, Aruna Priya, Kerry Spitzer, Quinn Pack MD, Victor Pinto-Plata, and Peter Lindenauer
Leveraging the Massachusetts perinatal quality collaborative to address the COVID-19 pandemic among diverse populations, Ruben Vaidya MD and Rachana Singh MD
S100P as a marker for poor survival and advanced stage in gallbladder carcinoma, Jacob Alexander MD
Unmasking of Addison's disease in COVID-19, Pallav Bhattarai MD, Holley Allen MD, Abhimanyu Aggarwal MD, Daniel Madden MD, and Kristen Dalton MD
Affecting Change: Enhancing Feedback Interactions with Radiology Trainees, Tara Catanzano MD
Resident Clinician Educator Leadership Pathway Tracks in US Radiology Programs: An ADVICER 2021 Survey Study, Tara Catanzano MD
What are the clinical effects of the different emergency department imaging options for suspected renal colic? A scoping review, Erik Doty DO, Stephen DiGiacomo MD, Bridget Gunn, Lauren Westafer DO, and Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Cardiac surgeons' concerns, perceptions, and responses during the COVID-19 pandemic, Daniel Engelman MD