Pathology | Baystate Health


Submissions from 2009

Cholesteatoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Gabriel Caponetti MD

Evaluation of immunohistochemistry in identifying Bartonella henselae in cat-scratch disease, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Gabriel Caponetti MD, Sharon Marconi, and Christopher Otis MD

Human immunodeficiency virus-associated adenocarcinoma of the colon: Clinicopathologic findings and outcome, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Christopher Chapman MD

Images in HIV/AIDS: Fatal HIV-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Jonathan Freeman MD

Practice evolution: Decentralized computer-assisted immunohistochemical image analysis, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Richard Friedberg MD

Anthracotic pigment in pleural fluid: A case report, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Robert Goulart MD

The impact of digital imaging in the field of cytopathology, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Maryanne Hornish, and Robert Goulart MD

Fatty infiltration of the aortic valve, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Leng Jiang MD

Images in HIV/AIDS: Unsuspected parvovirus B19 infection in a person with AIDS, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Vandita Johari MD, Adriana Doldan Silvero MD, and Adriana Doldan-Silvero MD

Mastitis and breast abscess, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Holly Mason MD, and Daniel Skiest MD

Cytologic findings of psammocarcinoma in peritoneal washings, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Christopher Otis MD, and Robert Goulart MD

Impact of digital image manipulation in cytology, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Jeffrey Pinco MD, Robert Goulart MD, Christopher Otis MD, and Jane Garb

YKL-40, a secreted glycoprotein, promotes tumor angiogenesis, Rong Shao, Q Jackie Cao MD, Richard Arenas MD, Brooke Bentley, and Wei Yan

Submissions from 2008

Diagnostic utility of mammaglobin in lesions of the uterine cervix, Margaret Assaad MD, Christopher Otis MD, Sharon Marconi, and Liron Pantanowitz MD

Expression of Jagged 1 and Jagged 2 in human kidney development, Gregory Braden MD, Thomas Campfield MD, Gary Rockwell MD, and Giovanna Crisi MD

Ligneous inflammation of the female genital tract, Gabriel Caponetti MD, Christopher Otis MD, Sharon Marconi, and Liron Pantanowitz MD

Adequacy of lymph node retrieval in colonic adenocarcinoma depends on surgical and anatomic factors, Christopher Chapman MD and Wayne Duke MD

Images in HIV/AIDS. Patterns of renal injury in HIV-positive persons, Giovanna Crisi MD

Immunogenecity of modified alkane polymers is mediated through TLR1/2 activation, Giovanna Crisi MD

Expression of Jagged 1 in human renal development, Giovanna Crisi MD, Gregory Braden MD, Gary Rockwell MD, and Thomas Campfield MD

Unusual manifestation of disseminated histoplasmosis in AIDS in a Central American immigrant, Imran Dosani MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, Peter Butler MD, and Monica Hollowell MD

Absence of human herpes virus-8 (HHV8) in nephrogenic systemic, Wayne Duke MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, and Patrick O'Donnell MD

Time for a reality check: The hospital-based laboratory's perspective, Richard Friedberg MD

Cytotechnologists today: Much more than 'pap-ologists' with schools in need of our support, Robert Goulart MD

Mixed hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma may derive from 'hepatogones', John Hunt MD

ADAMTS13 activity and inhibitor, Vandita Johari MD, Jonathan Freeman MD, Claudine Habib MD, and Adriana Doldan-Silvero MD

Clinical assessment of the axillary sentinel lymph node for breast cancer metastasis by the surgeon: A study of one institution’s voluntary policy change, Juliana Meyer MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Robert Goulart MD, and Holly Mason MD

Performance of intraoperative axillary sentinel lymph node touch prep evaluation: Effect of surgical submission of "Suspicious" sentinel lymph nodes, Juliana Meyer MD, Holly Mason MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Maryanne Hornish, Giovanna Crisi MD, and Robert Goulart MD

Case/control study of patients who have high-level oocyte immaturity on multiple cycles during ICSI, Andrew Moore MD, Margaret Arny, Kelly Lynch MD, Diana Atashroo MD, M Yusoff Dawood MD, and Daniel Grow MD

Managing quality point of care testing, James Nichols

POCT challenges for the EMR, James Nichols

Point of care testing in the Middle East, James Nichols

Pre-analytical variables, James Nichols

The future of point-of-care testing, James Nichols

Three wishes for the future of point-of-care tesring, James Nichols

Evaluation of QC3: The automatic quality control system on the ABL80 FLEX, James Nichols, Sadiqa Karim MD, and Melissa Arabadjief MD

Evaluation of the B-hydroxybutyrate ketone test on the STAT-site M analyzer, James Nichols and Ronald Moccio

Analytical performance of the EPOC™ Point of Care blood analysis system, James Nichols, Aparna Rajadhyaksha MD, and Mirian Rodriguez

Evaluation of HemoCue glucose 201 room temperature microcuvettes [Erratum], James Nichols, Aparna Rajadhyaksha MD, and Mirian Rodriguez

Rosai-dorfman disease: A rare pulmonary presentation, Patrick O'Donnell MD, Jonathan Freeman MD, and Vandita Johari MD

Iron and associated expression of the transferrin receptor (CD71) and heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in kaposi sarcoma, Patrick O'Donnell MD, Sharon Marconi, and Liron Pantanowitz MD

Unique histopathologic variants of cutaneous kaposi sarcoma, Patrick O'Donnell MD and Liron Pantanowitz MD

Cystic struma ovarii (with macrocystic change), Christopher Otis MD and Liron Pantanowitz MD

Glypican-3 immunohistochemistry in the ovary, Christopher Otis MD and Liron Pantanowitz MD

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome related Kaposi's sarcoma eroding the maxillary bone, Liron Pantanowitz MD

Appendiceal granulation polyp, Liron Pantanowitz MD

Histological variants of cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD

HIV/AIDS: Epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus disease: Kaposi sarcoma, primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric castleman disease, Liron Pantanowitz MD

HIV-associated multicentric Castleman's disease, Liron Pantanowitz MD

HIV-associated plasmablastic lymphoma: Lessons learned from 112 published cases, Liron Pantanowitz MD

Human immunodeficiency virus-associated prostate cancer: Clinicopathological findings and outcome in a multi-institutional study, Liron Pantanowitz MD

Images in HIV/AIDS: HIV-associated toxic megacolon, Liron Pantanowitz MD

Kaposi sarcoma: Appraisal of therapeutic agents, Liron Pantanowitz MD

Kaposi sarcoma in unusual locations, Liron Pantanowitz MD

Primary Kaposi sarcoma of the subcutaneous tissue, Liron Pantanowitz MD

HIV-associated lymphadenopathy, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Gabriel Caponetti MD

Editorial comment: Sweet syndrome--a diagnosis seeking a cause, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Wayne Duke MD

Intravascular lesions of the hand, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Wayne Duke MD

Keloids do not harbor EBV or HHV8, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Wayne Duke MD

Lymphoedematous variants of Kaposi's sarcoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Wayne Duke MD

Adenolipoma of the external female genitalia, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Jean Henneberry MD, Christopher Otis MD, and Mary Zakhary MD

Gout, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Monica Hollowell MD

A novel computer program for assessment of graduated diagnostic competency of cytopathology fellows, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Maryanne Hornish, Robert Goulart MD, and Brooke Henninger MD

Pathology of rituximab-induced Kaposi sarcoma flare, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Sharon Marconi

Cystitis glandularis, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Christopher Otis MD

Colonization of second-trimester placenta parenchyma, Solveig Pflueger MD

Histological characteristics of singleton placentas delivered before the 28th week of gestation, Solveig Pflueger MD

Patterns of molecular genetic variation among cat breeds, Solveig Pflueger MD

Using interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (I-FISH) to detect the transfer of infant cells during breastfeeding, Solveig Pflueger MD and Lezlie Densmore

Evaluation of the Enterprise Point-of-Care (EPOC) system for blood gas and electrolyte analysis, Aparna Rajadhyaksha MD, James Nichols, and Mirian Rodriguez

Choriocarcinoma in an AIDS patient: Relapsing but not fatal, Archan Shah MD, Mark Tidswell MD, Michel Prefontaine MD, Daniel Skiest MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD

Extensive development of flat warts as a cutaneous manifestation of immune reconstitution syndrome, Daniel Skiest MD and Wayne Duke MD

Submissions from 2007

Comparison of conventional smears versus ThinPrep in thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy: Diagnostic categories and surgical correlation, Margaret Assaad MD, Maryanne Hornish, Roxanne Florence MD, and Robert Goulart MD

Diagnostic accuracy of image-guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of the mediastinum, Margaret Assaad MD, Christopher Otis MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD

Site -2548 of the leptin gene is associated with gender-specific trends in newborn size and cord leptin levels, Theonia Boyd MD

Cat-scratch disease lymphadenitis, Gabriel Caponetti MD and Liron Pantanowitz MD

Expression of CD44 in developing human kidney, Giovanna Crisi MD, Thomas Campfield MD, and Gary Rockwell MD

Complex cystic breast masses: Diagnostic approach and imaging-pathologic correlation, Devang Doshi MD, David March MD, Giovanna Crisi MD, and Bret Coughlin MD

Adequacy of surgical pathology cancer reporting (QP062) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD

Critical values comparison: A College of American Pathologists Q-Probes survey of 163 clinical laboratories, Richard Friedberg MD

Future trends, Richard Friedberg MD

How does patient safety fit into pathology and the laboratory, Richard Friedberg MD

HPV testing (QP053) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD

Physician Satisfaction with Clinical Laboratory Services (QP071) – Data Analysis and Critique, Richard Friedberg MD

Rate of microscopic examination of urine sediments (QP061) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD

Reference ranges and critical values comparisons (QP054) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD

Specimen identification errors (QP051) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD

The origin of reference intervals: A college of American pathologists Q-probes study of normal ranges used in 163 clinical laboratories, Richard Friedberg MD

Time for a reality check: Technologies designing the future of anatomic pathology, Richard Friedberg MD

Urine culture contamination (QP052) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD

The role of the medical laboratory director, Richard Friedberg MD and Carol Ann Rauch MD

Cytologic features of müllerian papilloma of the cervix: mimic of malignancy, Robert Goulart MD, David Gang MD, Barry Sachs MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Monica Hollowell MD, and Christopher Otis MD

Increasing patient safety and efficiency in transfusion therapy using formal process definitions., Elizabeth Henneman, Philip Henneman MD, and Chester Andrzejewski MD

Activation of the tumor suppressor gene p53 is higher in normal parous human breast tissue than the nulliparous counterpart, D Joseph Jerry, Sallie Schneider, and Giovanna Crisi MD

Myelodysplastic syndrome with isolated deletion of chromosome 20q: an indolent disease with minimal morphological dysplasia and frequent thrombocytopenic presentation, Vandita Johari MD

Successful reduction of unnecessary manual leukocyte differential counts using computerized provider order entry and autoverification, Vandita Johari MD, Richard Friedberg MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Susan Scott, and Bill Lareau

A combined pediatric/adult thrombosis hemostasis clinic: A pilot program, Vandita Johari MD and Matthew Richardson MD

Utility of fine needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of thyroid lymphoma, Rukmini Modem MD, Robert Goulart MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD

Intestinal type adenocarcinoma in situ of the cervix, Rukmini Modem MD, Christopher Otis MD, Roxanne Florence MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD

Executive summary. The National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory Medicine Practice Guideline: Evidence-based practice for point-of-care testing., James Nichols