Submissions from 2011
Quality assurance for design control and implementation of immunohistochemistry assays; Approved guidelinesecond edition, Christopher Otis MD
What is best evidence in pathology?, Christopher Otis MD
From critical values to critical diagnoses: A review with an emphasis on cytopathology, Christopher Otis MD and Christopher Chapman MD
Prognostic factors in patients with HIV-associated peripheral T-cell lymphoma: A multicenter study, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Review of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and squamous lesions of the uterine cervix, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Oil red O staining in cytopathology, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Robert Goulart MD
Spectrum of breast disease encountered in HIV-positive patients at a community teaching hospital, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Sabyasachi Sen MD, Giovanna Crisi MD, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Jane Garb, and Daniel Skiest MD
Female adnexal tumor of probable Wolffian origin, Carlos Prieto-Granada MD
Three unusual vascular lesions of the skin, Carlos Prieto-Granada MD, Jean Henneberry MD, and Wayne Duke MD
A case of long-standing painful skin rash and depression, Sabyasachi Sen MD, David Gang MD, and Yousef Altowaireb MD
Cutaneous neoplasms With prominent verocay body-like structures: The so-called "rippled pattern", Namrata Setia MD
Inhibitory activity of YKL-40 in mammary epithelial cell differentiation and polarization induced by lactogenic hormones: A role in mammary tissue involution, Wei Yan, Stephan Scully, Brooke Bentley, Q Jackie Cao MD, and Rong Shao
Submissions from 2010
Pathways contributing to development of spontaneous mammary tumors in BALB/c-Trp53+/- mice, Richard Arenas MD, Christopher Otis MD, Q Jackie Cao MD, and D Joseph Jerry
Biopsy-Proven Rasmussen's encephalitis: seizure suppression and partial reversal of deficits with antiepileptic medications and tacrolimus, Carmel Armon MD, Sivakumar Natanasabapathy MD, Dennis Oh MD, Luis Moral MD, Barbara Greco MD, and William House MD
Best cases from the AFIP: Atypical presentation of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia with myxoma (Mazabraud syndrome), Daniel Case MD, Christopher Chapman MD, Jonathan Freeman MD, and James Polga MD
Microtumor embolization leading to cor pulmonale: an extremely rare complication of ovarian cancer, Giovanna Crisi MD and Ranjit Dhelaria MD
Electron microscopy in end stage renal disease: a case of Fabry's disease, Giovanna Crisi MD, Adriana Doldan-Silvero MD, and Michael Germain MD
Mastocytosis of the female breast, Giovanna Crisi MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, and Namrata Setia MD
Blood bank safety practices: Mislabeled samples and wrong blood in tube--a Q-Probes analysis of 122 clinical laboratories, Richard Friedberg MD
Transfusion Therapy in Hematopoetic Progenitor and Stem cell Transplantation, Richard Friedberg MD and Chester Andrzejewski MD
Esophageal varices demonstration, David Gang MD
Russell body gastritis, David Gang MD, Claudine Habib MD, Rony Ghaoui MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Eosinophilic ascites due to severe eosinophilic ileitis, Peter Ghobrial MD, Namrata Setia MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Use of HIV resistance testing after prolonged treatment interruption, Dmitri Iarikov MD, Carol Ann Rauch MD, Daniel Skiest MD, Claudia Martorell MD, and Robert Hoffman MD
Mammographic asymmetries: Review of terminology and strategies for increasing cancer detection, David March MD, Paryssa Khadem MD, Giovanna Crisi MD, Vivian Miller MD, and Dmitry Rakita MD
CLSI EP23: Laboratory quality control based on risk management, James Nichols
Evaluation of ketosis in diabetes, James Nichols
Introducing clinical laboratory risk assessment: A look at the new guidelines from CLSI, James Nichols
New Directions in Point of Care and Critical Care Testing: Innovation, Controversies, and Partnerships, James Nichols
Point-of-care connectivity: Ten years after the connectivity industry consortium, James Nichols
Point of Care Testing, James Nichols
Point-of-care testing in diabetes, James Nichols
Preanalytical Variation, James Nichols
Quality Control, James Nichols
Reducing medical errors and improving patient safety at the point of care, James Nichols
Vitamin D deficiency testing, James Nichols
Therapeutic Drugs III: Neuroleptics (Antipsychotics), James Nichols and Monica Hollowell MD
Point-of-Care Testing: Needs, Opportunity, and Innovation, 3rd Edition, by Christopher P. Price, Andrew St John, and Larry J. Kricka, eds, James Nichols and David Unold MD
An historical account and new advances in the cytologic diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma, Christopher Otis MD
Can we accurately predict high risk endometrial carcinoma preoperatively, Christopher Otis MD
Inter-institutional differences in frozen section protocols for endometrial carcinoma, Christopher Otis MD
Malignant mesothelioma: A personal perspective and a chronologic review of three decades, Christopher Otis MD
New classifications of appendiceal tumors and understanding the connection between the appendix and the ovary, Christopher Otis MD
Cytomorphology of cervicovaginal melanoma: ThinPrep versus conventional Papanicolaou tests, Christopher Otis MD, Robert Goulart MD, Rukmini Modem MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, and Namrata Setia MD
Human Immunodeficiency Virus-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Human immunodeficiency virus-associated primary lung cancer in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy: a multi-institutional collaboration, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Letter: Kaposi sarcoma versus Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Stepwise approach to establishing multiple outreach laboratory information system-electronic medical record interfaces, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Time for oncologists to opt in for routine opt-out HIV testing?, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Odontogenic fibroma, Liron Pantanowitz MD, David Gang MD, and Monica Hollowell MD
Clinical history of HIV infection may be misleading in cytopathology, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Robert Goulart MD
HPV data can be used as a cytopathology laboratory quality indicator, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Maryanne Hornish, Robert Goulart MD, and Q Jackie Cao MD
Development of electronic medical record charting for hospital-based transfusion and apheresis medicine services: Early adoption perspectives, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Vandita Johari MD, Chester Andrzejewski MD, Rebecca Levy MD, Darlene Cloutier, Jean Provencher, Joan McGirr, Jennifer Stebbins, Suzanne Cronin, Joshua Wherry, Joseph Fenton, and Eileen Donelan MD
Overview of laboratory data tools available in a single electronic medical record, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Neil Kudler MD
Unique histologic variants of cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Patrick O'Donnell MD
Immunohistochemistry in Kaposi's Sarcoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Christopher Otis MD
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cytoplasmic inclusions, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Namrata Setia MD
Widespread retinal degenerative disease mutation (rdAc) discovered among a large number of popular cat breeds, Solveig Pflueger MD
Design and development of a new diagnostic microbiology and epidemiology track in the general meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Carol Ann Rauch MD
GATA3 inhibits breast cancer metastasis through the reversal of epithelial-mesenchymal transition, Rong Shao, Wei Yan, Q Jackie Cao MD, Richard Arenas MD, and Brooke Bentley
Submissions from 2009
Occurrence of Chlamydia trachomatis and Chlamydia pneumoniae in paediatric respiratory infections, Chester Andrzejewski MD and Paul Salva MD
Evaluation of the Afinion AS100 Point-of-Care Analyzer for Hemoglobin A1c, Melissa Arabadjief MD and James Nichols
YKL-40, a potential biomarker for colorectal cancer, Richard Arenas MD, Christopher Chapman MD, Q Jackie Cao MD, Rong Shao, and Brooke Bentley
Immuno-localization of the calcium-sensing receptor in developing & adult human kidney, Gregory Braden MD, Giovanna Crisi MD, Sharon Marconi, and Thomas Campfield MD
Endosomal damage and TLR2 mediated inflammasome activation by alkane particles in the generation of aseptic osteolysis, Giovanna Crisi MD
Immuno-localization of CD44 and osteopontin in developing human kidney, Giovanna Crisi MD, Sharon Marconi, Gary Rockwell MD, Gregory Braden MD, and Thomas Campfield MD
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Richard Friedberg MD and Vandita Johari MD
Hypothermia for epilepsia partialis continua and complex partial seizures in an adult with Rasmussen's Encephalitis, William House MD, Carmel Armon MD, Erika LaChance MD, Luis Moral MD, Eric Smith MD, Patrick Mailloux MD, and Grace Albert
Best practices for patient safety in point of care blood glucose monitoring, James Nichols
Implementing laboratory automation: Operational challenges and practical solutions, James Nichols
Point-of-care testing, James Nichols
Point-of-care testing, a critical component of laboratory medicine, James Nichols
Point-of-care testing: Examples and case studies, James Nichols
Quality control of laboratory testing, James Nichols
Risk management techniques to identify and control laboratory error sources-Approved guideline, James Nichols
The future of POCT, James Nichols
The importance of testing for pre-diabetes - Using the right tool, James Nichols
Value of public-private partnerships: Highlighting open platforms, James Nichols
Verification of method performance for clinical laboratories, James Nichols
Point-of-care testing for hemoglobin., James Nichols and Monica Hollowell MD
Evaluation of glucose on the EPOC Point of Care blood analysis system, James Nichols and Mirian Rodriguez
Preanalytical variation in clinical laboratory testing, James Nichols and Namrata Setia MD
Blood glucose measurement in patients with suspected diabetic ketoacidosis: A comparison of Abbott MediSense PCx point-of-care meter values to reference laboratory values, James Nichols, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, and Penny Pekow
Glucose meters: A review of technical challenges to obtaining accurate results, James Nichols and Ksenia Tonyushkina MD
Resident preparation for practice: A white paper from the College of American Pathologists and Association of Pathology Chairs, Christopher Otis MD
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the breast shares cytogenetic abnormality with mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary gland: A case report with molecular analysis and review of the literature, Christopher Otis MD, Sandra Camelo-Piragua MD, Claudine Habib MD, Prathima Kanumuri MD, and Holly Mason MD
Pseudomembranous appendicitis: Involvement of the appendix in pseudomembranous colitis, Christopher Otis MD, David Gang MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Melamed-Wolinska Intracytoplasmic, Christopher Otis MD, Brooke Henninger MD, Robert Goulart MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 (SKP2) in estrogen receptor-negative and triple-negative breast cancer, Christopher Otis MD and Sharon Marconi
Adipose tissue: A normal constituent of the uterine cervical stroma, Christopher Otis MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, and Adriana Doldan Silvero MD
A 57-year-old HIV-positive man with persistent fever, weight loss, and pancytopenia, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Colonic adenoma with squamous metaplasia, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Differentiating HIV-associated non-Hodgkin's lymphomas with similar plasmacellular differentiation, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Human immunodeficiency virus and chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Pathology of Kaposi's sarcoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Reply, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Targeted therapies to treat non-AIDS-defining cancers in patients with HIV on HAART therapy: Treatment considerations and research outlook, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Targeted therapy for Kaposi sarcoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD
The inflammatory component of Kaposi sarcoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD