Content Posted in 2013
11-year-old girl with fevers, headaches and new onset altered mental status, Jonathan Cogley MD
12-lead ECG findings of pulmonary hypertension occur more frequently in emergency department patients with pulmonary embolism than in patients without pulmonary embolism, Howard Smithline MD
12-lead electrocardiogram findings of pulmonary hypertension occur more frequently in emergency department patients with pulmonary embolism than in patients without pulmonary embolism, Howard Smithline MD
12x/month hemoglobin monitoring with a computer algorithm reduces hemoglobin variability (Hv), Warren Ho MD, Michael Germain MD, and Jane Garb
2009 pandemic H1N1-associated myocarditis in a previously healthy adult, Sarah Haessler MD, Armando Paez MD, Michael Rothberg MD, and Thomas Higgins MD
28-day mortality in high-risk with severe sepsis receiving eritoran with or without drotrecogin alfa: Analysis of data from a phase II trial, Mark Tidswell MD
2-week-old boy with vomiting, Jonathan Cogley MD
30-day outcomes and predictors of mortality in dialysis patients undergoing abdominal surgery, Arley Diaz MD and Mihaela Stefan M.D.
46-year-old female with history of Marfan's presenting with back pain x 40 minutes, Jonathan Cogley MD
50 Gastrointestinal Cases and Associated Imaging, Abdullah Shaikh MD, Syed Hussain MD, David Desilets MD, and Tara Catanzano MD
57 y.o. with DKA, Roozbeh Houshyar MD
A 57-year-old HIV-positive man with persistent fever, weight loss, and pancytopenia, Liron Pantanowitz MD
A 58-year-old woman with an unusual cause of respiratory failure, Patrick Mailloux MD and Mark Jankowske MD
AABB/CAP Viral Markers - participants Summary., Richard Friedberg MD
AABB/CAP Viral markers - Participant Summary, CAP Survey VM-A., Richard Friedberg MD
Ã¥-Aminocaproic acid and clinical value in cardiac anesthesia, Neil Connelly MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, and Gary Kanter MD
Abbreviated MRI for patients presenting to the emergency department with hip pain, Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD and Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD
Abdominal 64-MDCT for suspected appendicitis: the use of oral and IV contrast material versus IV contrast material only, Niels Rathlev MD
Abdominal anaphylaxis presenting as trauma: a recipe for delayed diagnosis, J. Hector Pope MD, Eleanor Winston MD, and Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD
Abdominal Pain, Gavin Budhram MD
Abdominal wall, omentum, mesentery, and retroperitoneum, Neal Seymour MD
A blinded evaluation of combination drug therapy for prolonged ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrest, Timothy Mader M.D., Ryan Coute, Scot Millay M.D., and Adam Kellogg M.D.
A blinded, randomized controlled evaluation of an impedance threshold device during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in swine, Timothy Mader MD, Adam Kellogg MD, Jeremy Smith MD, Brett Murphy MD, and Claudia Gaudet
Abnormalities of the breast in pregnancy and lactation, Holly Mason MD and Richard Wait MD
Abnormalities of the deep pelvis: A review of deep pelvic anatomy with illustration of spread of disease across fascial planes, Qiqing Ge, Tara Catanzano MD, and Dmitry Rakita MD
Abnormalities of the deep pelvis: A review of deep pelvic anatomy with illustration of spread of disease across fascial planes, Qiqing Ge, Tara Catanzano MD, and Dmitry Rakita MD
A brief intervention using a computerized patient self management assessment tool improves blood glucose control (HbA1c), Garry Welch, Sofija Zagarins MD, and Jane Garb
Absence of an effect of injectable and implantable progestin-only contraceptives on subsequent risk of breast cancer., Ronald Burkman MD
Absence of human herpes virus-8 (HHV8) in nephrogenic systemic, Wayne Duke MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, and Patrick O'Donnell MD
Absorbable fistula plug as an effective treatment for gastric fistula after sleeve gastrectomy, Shiv Khosla MD
Abusive head trauma Part I: Clinical aspects, Stephen Boos MD
Abusive head trauma Part II: Radiological aspects, Stephen Boos MD
Academic career development for clinical directors, Niels Rathlev MD
Academy of nutrition and dietetics: standards of professional performance for registered dietitians (competent, proficient, expert) in clinical nutrition management., Mary Jane Rogalski
A calcified lesion on abdominal X-ray., K Francis Lee MD
A case-control study of body mass index and breast cancer risk in white and African-American women, Ronald Burkman MD
A case of brachial plexypathy in a diabetic patient following axillary approach brachial plexus blockade, Stanlies D'Souza MD, Srinivasa Gutta MD, and Lakshmi Madabhushi MD
A case of carcinoid tumor, Stanlies D'Souza MD and Toni Chahla MD
A case of Costello Syndrome, Stanlies D'Souza MD
A case of delayed hepatotoxicity following N-acetylcysteine therapy, Mayu Sekiguchi MD, Alvaro Rosales MD, and Michael Rosenblum MD
A case of Flecainide overdose, Abistanand Ankam MD, Stanlies D'Souza MD, Shanthan Sunku MD, and Natalie Maida MD
A case of long-standing painful skin rash and depression, Sabyasachi Sen MD, David Gang MD, and Yousef Altowaireb MD
A case of lumbar subarachnoid hemorrhage in pregnancy revealed yet unrelated to spinal anesthesia, Adam Adler M.D. and Poornachandran Manikantan MD
A case of paroxysmal obstruction of right coronary ostium, Adam Adler M.D., Toni Chahla MD, Srinivasa Gutta MD, and Stanlies D'Souza MD
A case of post-operative delirium and short term memory loss in a morbidly obese parturient, Stanlies D'Souza MD, Karin Zuegge MD, and Ammar Yamani MD
A case of septic shock in a parturient, Lakshmi Madabhushi MD and Stanlies D'Souza MD
A case of spontaneous subdural hematomas caused by VP shunt drainage for normal pressure hvdrocephalus, Carmel Celestin MD and Maura Brennan MD
A case report of plasmacytoma presenting as a mass in the distal pancreas, Jonathan Freeman MD
A case report of plasmacytoma presenting in a mass in the distal pancreas, Jonathan Freeman MD
Accelerated aortic valve restenosis in a patient with ESRD, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD and Jorge Velez MD
Acceleration of Integra incorporation in complex tissue defects with subatmospheric pressure., Anoush Hadaegh MD
Access to subspecialty care for patients with mobility impairment: a survey, Tara Lagu M.D., Nicholas Hannon, Michael Rothberg M.D., Penny Pekow, Jill Avrunin, and Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Accountable care organizations, Richard Friedberg MD
Accuracy of caudal needle placement in children: Comparison of the Swoosh Test and ultrasonography, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Donald Schwartz MD, and Neil Connelly MD
Accuracy of emergency medicine residents during completion of the American College of Physicians Minimum Ultrasonography Training Benchmarks, Gavin Budhram MD
Accuracy of fetal fibronectin to predict preterm birth in twin gestations with symptoms of labor., Sylvia Pilpel MD, Fadi Bsat MD, Michael Plevyak MD, Andrew Healy MD, Glenn Markenson MD, and Emily Singer MD
Accuracy of ICD-9_CM coding for identifying obstetric complications in administrative data, Sarah Goff MD, Glenn Markenson MD, Alex Knee, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Accuracy of laceration length estimation, Michael Lemanski MD, Fidela Blank, Howard Smithline MD, and Philip Henneman MD
Accuracy of resident obstetrical procedure numbers in the case log system, Heather Sankey MD
Accuracy of ultrasound-guided percutaneous biopsy of complex cystic breast masses., Devang Doshi MD, Bret Coughlin MD, David March MD, and Giovanna Crisi MD
Accuracy of very low pretest probability estimates for pulmonary embolism using the method of attribute matching compared with the wells score, Howard Smithline MD
Accusations of murder and euthanasia in end-of-life care., Lewis Cohen MD
ACEP Facility Billing Guideline, Michael Lemanski MD
ACEP Facility Billing Guidelines, Michael Lemanski MD
ACEP reimbursement frequently asked questions, Michael Lemanski MD
Acheron, a Lupus antigen family member, regulates integrin expression, adhesion, and motility in differentiating myoblasts, Larry Schwartz
Acheron, a novel member of the lupus antigen family, is induced during the programmed cell death of skeletal muscles in the moth Manduca sexta, Larry Schwartz
Achieving secondary prevention low-density lipoprotein particle concentration goals using lipoprotein cholesterol-based data, Jaya Mallidi MD
Achieving universal HIV screening: Predictors of what influences screening, Mihaela Stefan MD
A combined medical and surgical simulation based training curriculum for 3rd year medical students: Student's perspective, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, Joel Abraham MD, Gerard Langlois, Rukshana Cader MD, and Elizabeth D'Amour
A combined pediatric/adult thrombosis hemostasis clinic: A pilot program, Vandita Johari MD and Matthew Richardson MD
A common problem in designating studies: Case control or cohort, Oz Harmanli MD
A comparison of cryopreserved vein allografts and prosthetic grafts for hemodialysis access., Robert Madden MD, George Lipkowitz MD, and Alexander Kurbanov MD
A comparison of exercise capacity in men and boys in cold and hot environments, Sean Hagenbuch MD and Thomas Rowland MD
A comparison of exercise capacity in men and boys in cold and hot environments, Thomas Rowland MD and Sean Hagenbuch MD
A comparison of Nanosphere's Verigene(R) respiratory virus plus nucleic acis test (RV+) to a traditional testing algorithm for influenza A/B and RSV, Franklin Moore MD
A Comparison of Obstetric Maneuvers for the Acute Management of Shoulder Dystocia, Ronald Burkman MD
A comparison of short-term outcomes between laparoscopic supracervical and total hysterectomies, Oz Harmanli MD, Alex Knee, and Elena Tunitsky-Bitten MD
A comparison of short-term outcomes between laparoscopic supracervical and total hysterectomy, Oz Harmanli MD and Alex Knee
A complete large bowel obstruction after laparascopic cholecystectomy: A rare complication, John Romanelli MD
A concept analysis of self-monitoring., Suzanne Garvin
A consensus document on robotic surgery, David Earle MD
A conserved and species-specific functional interaction between the Werner syndrome-like exonuclease atWEX and the Ku heterodimer in Arabidopsis, Nathan Conway MD
Acquired hemophagocytic lymphohistocystosis (AHLH) - Atypical presentation as progressive skin necrosis, T. Vijay Gadiraju MD and Randa Jaber MD
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome related Kaposi's sarcoma eroding the maxillary bone, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Acquired microRNA changes may trigger sporadic ALS initiation and spread, Carmel Armon MD
Acquired nucleic acid changes may trigger sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Carmel Armon MD
Acquired nucleic acid changes may trigger sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis., Carmel Armon MD
Acquired perforating dermatosis (APD): Our quest to cure the itch, T. Vijay Gadiraju MD, Behdad Besharatian MD, Eimear Kitt MD, and Maura Brennan MD
ACR Appropriateness Criteria on Hodgkin's lymphoma: Favorable prognosis stage I and II, Michael Yunes MD
ACR Appropriateness Criteria® on Hodgkin's Lymphoma-Unfavorable Clinical Stage I and II, Michael Yunes MD
Activated protein C and hospital mortality in septic shock: a propensity-matched analysis, Peter Lindenauer MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, and Jay Steingrub MD
Activation of host wound responses in breast cancer microenvironment, Sallie Schneider, Melissa Troester, and D Joseph Jerry
Activation of the tumor suppressor gene p53 is higher in normal parous human breast tissue than the nulliparous counterpart, D Joseph Jerry, Sallie Schneider, and Giovanna Crisi MD
Activin subunit and receptor expression in normal and cleft human fetal palate tissues, Alan Schneyer
Acupuncture stimulation and obstetrics: "To stick or not to stick?--That Is the question", Halina Wiczyk MD
A Curriculum to Develop Chief Resident Leadership Skills, Kevin Hinchey MD and Gina Luciano MD
Acute aortic syndrome in a pregnant patient: Expecting the unexpected, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD and Gregory Giugliano MD
Acute brachial diplegia due to lyme disease, George Baquis MD
Acute coronary syndromes in the emergency department: Diagnostic characteristics, tests, and challenges., J. Hector Pope M.D.
Acute cytomegalovirus colitis mimicking exacerbation of ulcerative colitis: Precipitating or coincidental?, Owolabi Ogunneye MD and Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD
Acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD
Acute decompensated heart failure is routinely treated as a cardiopulmonary syndrome, Tara Lagu M.D. and Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Acute detection of reperfused and non-reperfused acute myocardial infarction with Tc-99m glucaric acid, William Hiser MD
Acute effects of firefighting on arterial stiffness and blood flow, Thomas Rowland MD
Acute effects of firefighting on cardiac performance, Thomas Rowland MD
Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis in an elderly female, Remya Tharackal Ravindran MD and Rebecca Starr MD
Acute glaucoma after dilated eye exam in a patient with hyphema, retinal detachment, and vitreous hemorrhage, Gavin Budhram MD
Acute hemodynamic changes during Drotrecogin Alfa (activated) (DTAA) infusion in septic shock, Jay Steingrub MD, Mark Tidswell MD, and Thomas Higgins MD
Acute kidney injury due to intravenous bleach injection., Ashish Verma MD
Acute kidney injury in patients with acute lung injury: Impact of fluid accumulation on classification of acute kidney injury and associated outcomes, Jay Steingrub MD
Acute kidney injury-Key issues in diagnosis and management, Benjamin Freda MD
Acute kidney injury secondary to type I cryogloblobulinemia associated with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: Rare presentation with unique renal pathology, Ranjit Dhelaria MD, Jonathan Freeman MD, and Barbara Greco MD
Acute kidney injury-Withdrawal and witholding of dialysis, Benjamin Freda MD
Acute mandibular lesion in a 12-year-old girl with McCune Albright Syndrome and fibrous dysplasia, Nancy Dunbar MD and Ksenia Tonyushkina MD
Acute motor axonal neuropathy: A curious variant of Guillain-Barre Syndrome(GBS), Carmel Armon MD
Acute onset of hemiparesis in the full-term parturient, Natalie Maida MD
Acute pancreatitis from gastrostomy tube migration in a nursing home resident, Raquel Belforti MD and Amit Bhargava MD
Acute paroxysmal airway obstruction in third trimester of pregnancy, Toni Chahla MD and Stanlies D'Souza MD
Acute renal artery occlusion: making the case for renal artery revascularization, Gregory Giugliano MD, Leehapong Navaravong MD, and Ronana Ali MD
Acute renal failure and hyperkalaemia associated with cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors., Michael Germain MD, Gregory Braden MD, Michael H. O'Shea MD, and Jeffrey Mulhern MD
Acute resting myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with diabetes mellitus: results from the Emergency Room Assessment of Sestamibi for Evaluation of Chest Pain (ERASE Chest Pain) trial., J. Hector Pope M.D.
Acute right heart failure precipitated by thyroid storm: An unusual manifestation, William McGee MD, Bogdan Tiru MD, Meera Sareen MD, and Sonali Arora MD
Acute rise in LV dp/dt with cardiac resynchronization therapy is related to acute reduction of mitral regurgitation, James Cook MD, Leng Jiang MD, Hany Aziz MD, Lisa Massie MD, and Barry Karas MD
Acute transverse myelitis (ATM) in an elderly woman, Maura Brennan MD and Rosette Odulio MD
ADAMTS13 activity and inhibitor, Vandita Johari MD, Jonathan Freeman MD, Claudine Habib MD, and Adriana Doldan-Silvero MD
Adaptation of a handheld glucose analyzer for use in cold weather point-of-care environment, James Nichols
Adaptive biatrial pacing reduces atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting., James Cook MD, David Deaton MD, John Rousou MD, and Joseph Flack MD
Adding up the zeros, Jay Steingrub MD
Addition of epinephrine to epidural bupivacaine infusions following initiation of labor analgesia with epidural fentanyl, Neil Connelly MD, Jorge P. Freiman MD, Tanya Lucas MD, Robert Parker MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Charles Gibson, Brennan Katz MD, and Chad Iwashita MD
Addressing gaps in abortion education: A sexual health elective created by medical students, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
A declining workforce for the future: Can this challenge be met by collaborative practice?, Ronald Burkman MD
Adenolipoma of the external female genitalia, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Jean Henneberry MD, Christopher Otis MD, and Mary Zakhary MD
Adenomyosis interferes with accurate ultrasonographic detection of uterine leiomyomas., Oz Harmanli MD
Adequacy of lymph node retrieval in colonic adenocarcinoma depends on surgical and anatomic factors, Christopher Chapman MD and Wayne Duke MD
Adequacy of surgical pathology cancer reporting (QP062) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD
A descriptive study of heavy emergency department users at an academic emergency department reveals heavy ED users have better access to care than average users., Howard Smithline MD, Philip Henneman MD, Fidela Blank, John Santoro MD, Ann Maynard, and Haiping Li
Adherence to HIV treatment and care among previously homeless jail detainees, Thomas Lincoln MD
Adherence to HIV Treatment and Care Among Previously Homeless Jail Detainees, Thomas Lincoln MD
Adherence to practice guidelines for atypical glandular cells on cervical cytology, Kathryn Sharpless M.D.
Adherence to Practice Guidelines for Women with Atypical Glandular Cells on Cervical Cytology: A Follow-up Analysis, Kathryn Sharpless MD
Adipose tissue: A normal constituent of the uterine cervical stroma, Christopher Otis MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, and Adriana Doldan Silvero MD
Administration of intact APC gene causes polyp regression in a mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis, Richard Arenas MD, Gregory Banever MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Administration of intact APC gene causes polyp regression in a mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis, Richard Arenas MD, Gregory Banever MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Adnexal masses in pregnancy, Margaret Yacobozzi MD, Dustin Nguyen MD, and Dmitry Rakita MD
Adolescent asthma: A developmental approach, Matthew Sadof MD and Robert Kaslovsky MD
Adolescents knowledge of medical abortion and emergency contraception, Laura Koenigs MD and Mandy Coles MD
Adoption of reminder and recall messages for immunizations by pediatricians and public health clinics., Cheryl Tierney
A double "HIT", Sandra Bellantonio MD
A "double overlap" suture technique for the proximal attachment of a composite graft to the aortic annulus., John Rousou MD and Ak Alameddine MD
Adrenal insufficiency following spontaneous bilateral adrenal hemorrhage during pregnancy with spontaneous recovery, Yousef Altowaireb MD, Kamal Shoukri MD, and J Enrique Silva MD
Advanced Illness and Elders at the End of Life, Maura Brennan MD
Advanced Illness Care and Elders at the End of Life, Maura Brennan MD
Advancements in Neurotrauma Care, Marianne Langlois
Advances in neuromuscular disease. Highlights of the American Academy of Neurology 57th Annual Meeting, Carmel Armon MD
Advances in sports medicine and exercise sciences, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
Adverse events reporting in the apheresis setting: regulatory resources, Chester Andrzejewski MD and Theresa Stec
Adverse outcomes of geriatric patients undergoing abdominal surgery who are at high risk for delirium, Sabha Ganai MD, Sandra Bellantonio MD, K Francis Lee MD, Maura Brennan MD, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Adverse reactions to antibiotics in critical care, Richard Brown MD and Eric Granowitz MD
Advocacy and critical issues, Richard Friedberg MD
A face of malignancy revealed, Monique Carreno MD
A fatal rash: It's lupus, Auras Atreya MD and Sonali Arora MD
A formal transition program for young adults with reproductive endocrine disorders, Kelly Lynch MD and Ingrid Dunn MD
A four-part model of informal learning: Implications for Pathology, Elisabeth Bennett and Jean Henneberry MD
A Fragile X screening program utilizing the Amplidex FMR1 and mPCRCE assays by Asuragen, Franklin Moore MD and Solveig Pflueger MD
After the funding is gone: An analysis of predictors of sustainability efforts at the inner city asthma intervention sites, Matthew Sadof MD
A fulminant complication of advanced lymphoma, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD and Chirag Vaidya MD
Age at growth hormone therapy start and first-year responsiveness to growth hormone are major determinants of height outcome in idiopathic short stature., Edward Reiter MD
A generalized 96-Well ELISA-based assay for quantitative and qualitative monitoring of cellular events, Larry Schwartz
Age of onset of selected pubertal characteristics: Cross-sectional data from non-hispanic white boys, Edward Reiter MD
Aggressive ED management of atrial fibrillation, Susan Torrey MD
AGS resident chapters: First year's progress, Tara DuVal MD, Gina Luciano MD, Sandra Bellantonio MD, and Maura Brennan MD
A guest editorial: 7 tips for critical care nurses to take back nursing, Mark Stambovsky
A guide to building collaborative mental health care partnerships in pediatric primary care, Barry Sarvet MD
A hospitalist-led multidisciplinary team rounding model to improve quality of care, Surinder Yadav MD, Jan Fitzgerald, David Ling MD, Evan Benjamin MD, and Donna Borah
A humane ED seclusion/restraint: legal requirements, a new policy, procedure, "psychiatric advocate" role., John Santoro MD, Fidela Blank, and Ann Maynard
A human patient simulation program training residents in critical care medicine-quantitative analysis, William McGee MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, Patrick Mailloux MD, and Gerard Langlois
AIDS-associated cutaneous cryptococcosis, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Jean Henneberry MD
AIDS-related malignancies: Emerging challenges in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy., Liron Pantanowitz MD
AIDS-related non-Hodgkin lymphoma: still a problem in the era of HAART., Liron Pantanowitz MD
AIRP best cases in radiologic-pathologic correlation: Localized amyloidosis of the renal pelvis, Tara Catanzano MD, Srinivas Paidy MD, and David Unold MD
Airway management in blunt neck trauma, Adam Kellogg MD
A jail-community program for HIV inmates in need of mental health services, Thomas Lincoln MD
A James Joyce-like journey: Depression, technology, and health care costs, Ronald Burkman MD
A judgment call, Deepak Asudani MD and Sharon Wretzel MD
A large tumor on the right forearm, Namrata Setia MD, David Refermat MD, Jean Henneberry MD, and Carlos Prieto-Granada MD
Alcohol abuse and treatment in the elderly, Benjamin Liptzin MD
Alcohol exposure and breast cancer: results of the women's contraceptive and reproductive experiences study., Ronald Burkman MD
Alcoholic emergencies, Adam Kellogg MD
Alcoholic emergenices, Adam Kellogg MD
Alcohol withdrawal syndromes, Adam Kellogg MD
Aldosterone deficiency as the cause of intradialytic hypotension and its successful management with fludricortisone, Daniel Landry MD, Arley Diaz MD, Benjamin Freda MD, and Gregory Braden M.D.
A lively centenarian with giant peptic ulcer disease, Maura Brennan MD and Jodie Hermann MD
Alkalotic diabetes ketoacidosis, Gina Luciano MD, David Rose MD, and Michael Germain MD
All dysuria is local. A cost-effectiveness model for designing, Michael Rothberg MD
Allergen immunotherapy in a 45-year-old Caucasian male with a 20-year history of HIV with severe allergic rhinitis: Monitoring of HIV viral load and T cells during immunotherapy, John Wheeler MD and Jonathan Bayuk MD
Allometric model improves scaling of left atrial size in obese population: The use of body weight containing variables is challenged, Jiang Cui MD, Gui Hua Yao MD, Neelima Vallurupalli MD, William Hiser MD, James Cook MD, and Leng Jiang MD
Allometric model using body weight containing variables improves scaling of left atrial size in obesity but remains challenging in severely obese subjects, Gui Hua Yao MD, Neelima Vallurupalli MD, Jiang Cui MD, William Hiser MD, and Leng Jiang MD
All that itches is scabies, Mohamed Elarabi MD and Sandra Bellantonio MD
A longitudinal simulation based medical education curriculum in an internal medicine residency program, Raquel Belforti MD, Ngina Muigai MD, and Mihaela Stefan MD
A longitudinal simulation-based training curriculum for third-year medical students: A combined effort between medical and surgical departments, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, David Page MD, Michael Picchioni MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD
A longitudinal simulation-based training curriculum for third-year medical students: A combined effort between medical and surgical departments, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, David Page MD, Michael Picchioni MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD
A longitudinal study of uremic pruritus in hemodialysis patients, Michael Germain MD
A low-field intraoperative MRI system for glioma surgery: is it worthwhile?, Dennis Oh MD
ALS 1996 and beyond: New hopes and challenges, Carmel Armon MD
ALSUntangled 13: Bee venom, Carmel Armon MD
ALSUntangled 15: Coconut Oil, Carmel Armon MD
ALSUntangled No. 11: Nu Tech Mediworld, Carmel Armon MD
ALSUntangled No. 14: Mototab, Carmel Armon MD
Alterations in mRNA expression and protein products following spinal cord injury in humans., K Francis Lee MD and Patrick Lee MD
Altered basal inferior/posterior geometry directly contributes to leaflet tethering in functional ischemic mitral regurgitation., Leng Jiang MD and William Hiser MD
Altered inflammatory gene levels after acute or repetitive morphine withdrawal in rat spinal cord, Stuart Dunbar MD and J Zhang
Altered mental status and low anion gap in a patient with sickle cell anemia: a case report, Siddharth Wartak MD, Benjamin Freda MD, Ashish Verma MD, and David Rose MD
Alternative perceptions of the educational value of attending rounds, Kevin Hinchey MD
Alternative perfusion technique without axillary artery cannulation during combined aortic root and total arch replacement, Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, and Joseph Flack MD
Alzheimer's disease with psychosis proved to be dementia with Lewy bodies, Maura Brennan MD and Sik Ang MD
A MATLAB-based image registration graphical user interface system for 31P NMR and 1H MR images of the lower leg, Howard Smithline MD
Ambulatory geriatric clinic: A novel and efficient teaching modality in residency education, Maura Brennan MD and Rosette Odulio MD
A medical center is not a hospital: Reflections of a department chair still in the game, David Longworth MD
American Academy of Emergency Medicine, Young Physicians Section President's Message, Marc Haber MD
American society for apheresis white paper: Considerations for medical staff apheresis medicine physician credentialing and privileging, Chester Andrzejewski MD
American Society for Apheresis white paper: considerations for medical staff apheresis medicine physician credentialing and privileging., Chester Andrzejewski MD
American Surgical Association Blue Ribbon Committee Report on Surgical Education: 2004., Maura Brennan MD
A metabolic hurricane in a patient with non-specific mid-epigastric pain, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, and Melody Brewer MD
Amiodarone for atrial fibrillation, Carmel Armon MD
Am I still dead: A 95-year-old woman survives cardiac arrest secondary to Azithromycin, Maura Brennan MD
A mixed-methods analysis of patient reviews of hospital care in England: Implications for public reporting of health care quality data in the United States, Tara Lagu M.D., Nicholas Hannon, Amy Shatz, and Peter Lindenauer M.D.
AM last page: Applying Knowles' Andragogy to resident teaching, Kevin Hinchey MD, Elisabeth Bennett, and Rebecca Blanchard PhD
AM last page: A snapshot of three common program evaluation approaches for medical education, Rebecca Blanchard PhD
A mother and son with an isolated 6q subtelomere deletion and comparison to other reported cases, Mary-Alice Abbott MD
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Carmel Armon MD
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and soccer: a different epidemiological approach strengthen the previous findings, Carmel Armon MD
An acute myocardial infarction presenting as a hip fracture, Donna Mercado MD and Sivakumar Natanasabapathy MD
Analgesia for paediatric tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy with intramuscular clonidine., Katharine Freeman MD and Neil Connelly MD
An algorithm for transition of care in the emergency department, Benjamin Osborne MD
An alternative approach for quantifying hospital resource utilization: Implications of "standard costs" for hospital performance measurement and comparative effectiveness research, Tara Lagu MD and Peter Lindenauer MD
Analysis of angiogenesis induced by local IGF-1 expression after myocardial infarction using microSPECT-CT imaging, Sabyasachi Sen MD
Analysis of errors in laparoscopic surgical procedures., Neal Seymour MD
Analysis of on-line clinical laboratory manuals and practical recommendations., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Analysis of the downstream costs of direct-to-consumer, Matthew Fickie MD
Analysis: The evolution of glucose meters., James Nichols
Analytical performance of the EPOC™ Point of Care blood analysis system, James Nichols, Aparna Rajadhyaksha MD, and Mirian Rodriguez
Analyzing medical processes, Philip Henneman MD and Elizabeth Henneman
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma arising in a saline breast implant capsule after tissue expander breast reconstruction., Brian Olack MD, Raavi Gupta MD, and Glen Brooks MD
Anatomy of a lawsuit, Part 1: The Preliminaries, Ronald Burkman MD
Anatomy of a lawsuit, Part II: The discovery phase, Ronald Burkman MD
An atypical cause of delirium, Maura Brennan MD and Sik Ang MD
An atypical presentation of lymphoma: The failure of Ocam's Razor, Maura Brennan MD, Rukshana Cader MD, Reham Shaaban MD, and Warren Ho MD
An avoidable rehospitalization due to poor documentation and communication of cognitive status, Maura Brennan MD, Shin Yin Lee MD, and Yee Chuan Ang MD
An education intervention for pediatricians during a novel H1N1 influenza pandemic at a childrenÂ’s hospital, Donna Fisher MD, Alicia Johnston MD, and Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
An education program to increase knowledge of and immunization with adult pertussis vaccination among parents of newborns, Pui-Ying Iroh Tam MD, Brian W. Smith MD, and Donna Fisher MD
A need for better predictors of death, Lewis Cohen MD
A need for population health data in clinical practice, Jane Garb
A need to shift the focus of international geriatrics to emphasize care for the robust as well as the frail?, Sora Al Rowas MD, Thomas Higgins M.D., and Maura Brennan MD
An electronic health record for corrections for the public domain, Thomas Lincoln MD
Anemia as a risk factor for necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants, Bhavesh Shah MD, Rachana Singh MD, Paul Visintainer, and Kathleen Meyer MD
An ergonomic analysis of the effects of camera rotation on laparoscopic performance, Neal Seymour MD
An especially sweet elder, Gina Luciano MD, Douglas Porter MD, Maura Brennan MD, and Sandra Bellantonio MD
Anesthesia and mitochondrial disorders, Donald Schwartz MD and Karthik Raghunathan MD
Anesthetic management of aortic valve fibroelastoma causing intermittent left main artery occlusion, Ryan Joyce MD and Mamatha Kadiyala MD
Aneurysm inflow-angle as a discriminant for rupture in sidewall cerebral aneurysms: morphometric and computational fluid dynamic analysis, Clemens Schirmer MD
An evidence-based medicine approach to the evaluation of the Role of exogenous risk factors in Sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Carmel Armon MD
A new web-based operative skills assessment tool effectively tracks progression in surgical resident performance, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Earle MD, Francis Ansanitis, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
A new web-based operative skills assessment tool effectively tracks progression in surgical resident performance, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Earle MD, Francis Ansanitis, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
A new web-based operative skills assessment tool effectively tracks progression in surgical resident performance, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Earle MD, Francis Ansanitis, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
An exploratory study using data envelopment analysis to assess neurotrauma patients in the intensive care unit., Jay Steingrub MD, Imtiaz Munshi MD, and Thomas Higgins MD
Angina Pectoris, Marc Haber MD
Angina Pectoris in Emergency Medicine, Marc Haber MD
An historical account and new advances in the cytologic diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma, Christopher Otis MD
An HIV-positive elderly woman with a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, Rosette Odulio MD and Maura Brennan MD
An integrative approach to advanced kidney disease in the elderly, Michael Germain MD and Lewis Cohen MD
An introduction to statistical methods used in binary outcome modeling, Thomas Higgins MD
Annual meeting didactic summary - Unconscious bias, Jeannette Wolfe MD
An observational study to assess changes in arterial blood gas values during untreated porcine ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD, Adam Kellogg MD, Joshua Walterscheid MD, and Richard Misiaszek MD
An oldster teaches youngsters new tricks-the role of W. Edwards Deming in health care improvement, Ronald Burkman MD
A NOTES drainage of two infected pseudocysts: Endoscopic stapled cystgastrostomy., John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, and David Earle MD
A NOTES survival study of a novel gastric closure device: Loop-anchor purse-string, David Desilets MD, John Romanelli MD, Carolanne Lovewell, Christopher Chapman MD, and David Earle MD
A NOTES survival study of a novel gastric closure device: Looped T-anchors, John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, Carolanne Lovewell, and Christopher Chapman MD
A novel anemia management protocol (AMP), Michael Germain MD
A novel cancer program-sponsored spiritual event; analysis of attendee responses, Wilson Mertens MD and Donald Higby MD
A novel CaSR mutation presenting as a severe case of neonatal familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, Ksenia Tonyushkina MD, Stephen O'Connor MD, and Nancy Dunbar MD
A novel computer program for assessment of graduated diagnostic competency of cytopathology fellows, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Maryanne Hornish, Robert Goulart MD, and Brooke Henninger MD
A novel craniotomy simulator provides a validated method to enhance education in the management of traumatic brain injury, Clemens Schirmer M.D.
A novel technique designed to minimize the morbidity of failure of arteriovenous access in hemodialysis patients., Alexander Kurbanov MD, Robert Madden MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Antenatal necrotic injury in severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. A case and review., Michael Plevyak MD
Anthracotic pigment in pleural fluid: A case report, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Robert Goulart MD
Antiarrhythmic therapy, James Cook MD
Antibiotic adverse reactions and drug interactions, Eric Granowitz MD and Richard Brown MD
Antibiotic-resistance and carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae (CRE): Assessment of clinical knowledge and practices in non-infectious disease trained clinicians in the hospital., Jennifer Schimmel MD
Antibiotic side effects, Eric Granowitz MD
Antibiotics, QT prolongation and torsade…oh my!, Susan Torrey MD
Antibiotic therapy and treatment failure in patients hospitalized for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, Daniel Skiest MD, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Antibiotic use in older adults with severe functional impairment, Sandra Bellantonio MD and Sivakumar Natanasabapathy MD
Anticoagulant management in interventional radiology, Sara Smolinski MD
Anticoagulation can reduce nonfatal myocardial infarction, Michael Rothberg MD
Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome treated with intravenous immunoglobulin, David Dredge MD
Antidepressant management in the context of suicidal ideation, Bruce Waslick MD
Antiemetic use for gastroenteritis in children., Blake Spirko MD
Anti-HIV-1 (Waived) - participant Summary., Richard Friedberg MD
Antioxidants Manganese Superoxide Dismutase (MnSOD), Catalase (CAT), and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A (VEGF-A) Ameliorate High Glucose (HG) Concentration-Induced Adipogenesis in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Derived Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Sabyasachi Sen MD and J Enrique Silva MD
Antipyretic effectiveness of intravenous ketorolac tromethamine., Robert Baevsky MD and Howard Smithline MD
Antral follicle count in clinical practice: analyzing clinical relevance, Daniel Grow MD, Albert Hsu MD, Margaret Arny, Carrie Bell MD, Amy Novak, and Alex Knee
Antral follicle count is the best predictor of oocytes retrieved in IVF-ET cycles and is emerging as a clinically helpful tool to choose stimulation protocol, Daniel Grow MD, Carrie Bell MD, and Margaret Arny
An uncommon twist on Twiddler's syndrome, Jiang Cui MD, Ronana Ali MD, Leehapong Navaravong MD, and Mathias Stoenescu MD
An unusual cardiac cause of delirium, Senthil Sivalingam MD and Arnulfo Deray MD
An updated method to assess ICU clinical performance and resource utilization, Thomas Higgins MD
An update on prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women., Sandra Bellantonio MD
A nutritional supplement formula for influenza A (H5N1) infection in humans., Harvey Lederman MD
Anxiety disorders in pediatric primary care, Barry Sarvet MD and Sara Brewer MD
Aortic dissection after blunt trauma., Imtiaz Munshi MD
Aortic fenestration: A why, when, and how-to guide., George Hartnell MD
Aortic tear presenting as acute myocardial infarction, Stanlies D'Souza MD
Aortic valve endocarditis due to lactobacillus casei complicated by stroke and vertebral osteomyelitis: A case report, Durane Walker MD and Armando Paez MD
Aortic valve fibroelastoma presenting with myocardial infarction, Mara Slawsky MD and Ashequl Islam MD
Aorto-Esophageal Fistula, Peter Ghobrial MD, Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD, and Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD
Aorto-pulmonary artery disruption following acute type-A aortic dissection repair with the use of BioGlue®., Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, John Rousou MD, and Jonathan Freeman MD
A patient satisfaction survey to measure the effect of hospitalist practice, Greta H. Boynton MD, David Ling MD, Donna Borah, and Richard Brzostek
A PCR-based technology for rapid screening of genomic DNA library, J Zhang
A personal reflection: A final embrace, Mark Stambovsky
A personal reflection: Evanescence, Mark Stambovsky
A personal reflection: the slippery slope of hope, Mark Stambovsky
A physician's support for incorporating spirituality into the healing process, Wilson Mertens MD
A pictoral review of silicosis, Abdullah Shaikh MD
A pictorial essay of non-neoplastic orbital lesions, Jane An MD and Shan Li MD
A pilot simulation program training residents in critical care medicine qualitative analysis, William McGee MD and Patrick Mailloux MD
A pilot study to measure and improve collaboration in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Paul Jodka MD, Nancy Doubleday, Paula Lusardi, Elaine Blonaisz, and Elizabeth Henneman
Apologies all around, Ronald Burkman MD
A population-based statewide registry of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in Massachusetts, Carmel Armon MD
A population-based statewide registry of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS) in Massachusetts, Carmel Armon MD
Appendiceal granulation polyp, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Appendicitis, Philip Henneman MD and Jeannette Wolfe MD
Application of frozen section to intraoperative consultation of metastatic malignancies involving lymph nodes, John Hunt MD
Application of the resource-based relative value scale system to pediatrics, Robert Gerstle MD
Application of World Health Organization (WHO) Criteria to the Classification of eloprolifertive and Myelodyplastic/Myeloproliferative Diseases., Jonathan Freeman MD
Applied physiology and the hemodynamic management of septic shock utilizing the Physiologic Optimization Program, William McGee MD and Patrick Mailloux MD
Applying for emergency medicine residency, Adam Kellogg MD
Applying milestones in training: Lessons form a multi-center educational study, Lauren Meade MD
Approach to health care for lesbian and bisexual women, Halina Wiczyk MD and Carolyn Delk MD
Approach to Patients with Chest Pain, Philip Henneman MD
Approach to Patients with Seizure, Philip Henneman MD
Approach to the imaging of genitourinary infections: A review Lakeside Learning Center, Tara Catanzano MD and Roozbeh Houshyar MD
Appropriateness of C-spine mobilization techniques by EMTs, Benjamin Osborne MD, Fidela Blank, Richard Barus, and Thomas Fitzgerald
A Predictive Model for SIVH risk in Preterm Infants and Targeted Indomethacin Therapy for Prevention., Rachana Singh MD and Paul Visintainer
A preliminary study of a new stroke volume variation algorithm for predicting fluid responsiveness in patients with severe arrhythmias, William McGee MD
A preliminary study of the application of speckle tracking imaging for assessing myocardial function during exercise stress echocardiography, Gui Hua Yao MD, Hany Aziz MD, John Abboud MD, William Hiser MD, and Leng Jiang MD
A prospective, case-controlled study of the effect of continuous hemoglobin (Hgb) monitoring (Critline) on hemoglobin variability (Hv) and erythropoietin (Epo) dosing, Michael Germain MD, Warren Ho MD, and Jane Garb
A prospective cohort of pregnant Hispanic women and risk of gestational diabetes: Design and baseline characteristics, Glenn Markenson MD and Penny Pekow
A prospective cohort study of modifiable risk factors for gestational diabetes among Hispanic women: Design and baseline characteristics, Glenn Markenson MD
A prospective multicenter registry of laser therapy for degenerated saphenous vein graft stenosis: the COronary graft Results following Atherectomy with Laser (CORAL) trial, Gregory Giugliano MD
A prospective observational study of rapid sequence intubation in a medical/surgical ICU, Patrick Mailloux MD
A prospective, observational study of Xigris Use in the United States (XEUS), Jay Steingrub MD
A psychiatric perspective of dialysis discontinuation, Lewis Cohen MD, Adam Mirot MD, Jane Garb, Gregory Braden MD, and Michael Germain MD
A qualitative investigation of the decision to initiate Do Not Hospitaliz orders amongst health care proxies of nursing home residents with dementia, Sandra Bellantonio MD, Sarah Goff MD, and Michael Rothberg MD
A Quality Improvement(QI) curriculum in action: Diabetes management, Michael Rosenblum MD and Kevin Hinchey MD
A Quality Improvement(QI) curriculum in action: Diabetes management, Michael Rosenblum MD and Kevin Hinchey MD
A question of heterogenous VISA in a patient with persistent respiratory alkalosis, Gina Luciano MD, Simon Li MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Michael Chin
A radiologic review of common breast disorders in pregnancy and the perinatal period, Vivian Miller MD, James Canoy MD, Grace Mitchell MD, and David Unold MD
A randomized clinical trial comparing cycle control in a 21-day vs. a 24-day oral contraceptive (OC), Ronald Burkman MD
A randomized comparison of cardiocerebral and cardiopulmonary resuscitation using a swine model of prolonged ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD, Adam Kellogg MD, and Joshua Walterscheid MD
A randomized controlled trial of intravenous aminophylline for atropine-resistant out-of-hospital asystolic cardiac arrest., Timothy Mader MD and Howard Smithline MD
A randomized controlled trial of intravenous montelukast in acute asthma., Howard Smithline MD
A randomized controlled trial of prenatal physical activity to prevent gestational diabetes: Design and methods, Glenn Markenson MD
A randomized controlled trial of resistance exercise in individuals with ALS, Carmel Armon MD
A randomized pilot study of acupuncture for control of treatment-induced menopausal symptoms in breast cancer patients, Lindsay Rockwell MD, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Ruth Barham, and Wilson Mertens MD
A randomized placebo-controlled study of intravenous montelukast for the treatment of acute asthma, Howard Smithline MD
A rapidly re-accumulating pleural effusion, Theodore Hartenstein MD, John Tsongalis MD, and Michael Rosenblum MD
A rare case of a hemorrhagic spinal cord cavernoma, Alina Livshits MD
A rare case of cerebellar abscess secondary to ppeptostreptococcus, Owolabi Ogunneye MD and Eric Churchill MD
A rare case of octogenarian pseudosyncope, Emily Baiyee MD and Maura Brennan MD
A rare case of Raynaud's Vasculitis secondary to Hepatitis B vaccine, Vijairam Selvaraj M.D.
A rare cause of abdominal pain, Anju Bhagavan MD
A rare cause of cardiac amyloidosis in an elder, Randa Jaber MD and Maura Brennan MD
A rare cause of coagulopathy – Acquired factor V inihibitor, Jaya Mallidi MD and Winthrop Whitcomb MD
A rare complication of COPD: Infected emphysematous bullae, Shiv Khosla MD and Maura Brennan MD
A rare diagnosis of acute renal infarction revealing Burkitt's Lymphoma, Payal Jhawar M.D.
A rare etiology for pancreatitis in an adult nursing home patient, Amit Bhargava MD, Curtis Andrews MD, and Raquel Belforti MD
A rare etiology of acute cardiomyopathy and respiratory failure, Sandra Bellantonio MD and Shin Yin Lee MD
A rare etiology of pancreatitis in a nursing home patient, Amit Bhargava MD, Curtis Andrews MD, Raquel Belforti MD, and Maura Brennan MD
A rare presentation of a common disease: The PPP Syndrome of pancreatitis, panniculitis and polyarthritis, Mompoloki Nkhumane MD
Arcs and rings: A pictoral review of trauma patterns in skeletal system, Chiedozie Mkpolulu MD and James Polga MD
ARDS: Beyond ventilatory strategies, Jay Steingrub MD
Are employees ready for simulation? The development of a readiness for simulation scale, Rebecca Blanchard PhD
Are inpatients more satisfied with hospitalist physicians or primary care physicians?, Adrienne Seiler MD
A relaxation response randomized trial on patients with chronic heart failure., Mara Slawsky MD
Are oncologists effective in modifying patient-perceived breast cancer risk and associated anxiety?, Wilson Mertens MD, Deborah Katz MD, Marlene Quinlan, and Grace Makari-Judson MD
A replicable method for blood glucose control in critically Ill patients, Jay Steingrub MD and Mark Tidswell MD
Are surgeons capable of introspection?, David Page MD
Are the vasoconstrictive properties of ropivacaine potentially pathophysiologic in the epidural space?, Neil Connelly MD and Gregory Seaman MD
A retrospective observational comparison study Poractant alpha and Beractant in preterm infants with very low birth weight with respiratory distress syndrome, Bhavesh Shah MD, Penny Pekow, and Evan Horton
A retrospective observational study of drotrecogin alfa (activated) in adults with severe sepsis: Comparison with a controlled clinical trial, Jay Steingrub MD
A review of exenatide in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes, Aashish Samat MD, Amit Bhargava MD, and Vasantha Reddy MD
A review of normal coronary anatomy and common congenital variants using multimodality imaging., Hetal Patel MD
A review of perineal cutaneous herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection in hospitalized patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital, Armando Paez MD, Mayu Sekiguchi MD, and Kathy Gibson-Tierney
A review of: "The Accidental Health Sciences Librarian. Ennis, Lisa A. and Mitchell Nicole, Loretta Grikis
A review of the airway literature over the past year, Lucienne Lutfy-Clayton MD
A revised method to assess intensive care unit clinical performance and resource utilization, Thomas Higgins MD
A revolution in death-hastening decisions., Lewis Cohen MD
Are we human or are we surgeon?: comment on "join the club", Nicholas Coe MD
Are you ready? Assessing weight management preparedness in families presenting to pediatric weight management programs, Chrystal Wittcopp MD, Sarah Goff MD, and Kathleen Szegda
Arterial compression of a vein: May Therner Syndrome, Ashita Talsania MD and Aashish Samat MD
Ascending aortic pseudoaneurysm, a ticking bomb after cardiac surgery, Joseph Flack MD, Fadi Saab MD, James Cook MD, and Leehapong Navaravong MD
A serious complication following a caudal block in an ex-premature infant, Donald Schwartz MD
A simple physiologic algorithm for managing hemodynamics using stroke volume and stroke volume variation: Physiologic optimization program, William McGee MD
A simplified physiologic algorithm to optimize fluid management using arterial pressure-based stroke volume variations, William McGee MD and Lori-Ann Kozikowski
A simplified physiologic algorithm to optimize fluid management using arterial pressure-based stroke volume variations, William McGee MD and Lori-Ann Kozikowski
A simulation-based program to train medical residents to lead and perform advanced cardiovascular life support, Mihaela Stefan MD, Raquel Belforti MD, Gerard Langlois, and Michael Rothberg MD
A single center's experience with the bedside subdural evacuating port system: A useful alternative to traditional methods for chronic subdural hematoma evacuation, Clemens Schirmer M.D.
A slice of Pisa anyone?, Vijairam Selvaraj M.D. and Anju Bhagavan MD
Aspiration in a patient with bowel obstruction status postgastric bypass surgery, Stanlies D'Souza MD
Aspirin desensitization prior to percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, Mario Rodenas MD and Jonathan Bayuk MD
Assessing cognitive ability in research: Use of MMSE with minority populations and elderly adults with low education levels., Candace Bignell
Assessing glucose meter accuracy., James Nichols
Assessing validity by comparing transition and static measures of dyspnea in patients with acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD, Selin Caglar MD, and Fidela Blank
Assessment of age-related isoniazid hepatotoxicity during treatment of latent tuberculosis infection., Hany Aziz MD
Assessment of depth of anesthesia using the BIS monitor in IVF procedures under Propofol TIVA, Margaret Kacprzak MD, Lori Circeo MD, Ananth Kashikar MD, Nadia Ahmed MD, and Charles Gibson
Assessment of diabetes knowledge, skills and behaviors, Garry Welch and Sofija Zagarins MD
Assessment of echocardiography image acquisition and image interpretation skills in emergency medicine residents, Gavin Budhram MD
Assessment of Provider knowledge, practice and perceived barriers to colorectal cancer screening in urban health centers., Kevin Hinchey MD, Evan Benjamin MD, and Andrew Balder MD
Assessment of surgical skills and operative performance, Neal Seymour MD
Assessment of the inner-city asthma intervention program in Springfield, Massachusetts, Matthew Sadof MD
Assessment: Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography: Report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology., Carmel Armon MD
Association between â-blocker therapy and outcomes in patients hospitalised with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive lung disease with underlying ischaemic heart disease, heart failure or hypertension, Mihaela Stefan MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Association between antibiotic treatment and outcomes in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbation of COPD treated with systemic steroids, Mihaela Stefan M.D., Michael Rothberg M.D., Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Association between efficacy and body weight or body mass index for two low-dose oral contraceptives, Ronald Burkman MD
Association between lymphotoxin-alpha (tumor necrosis factor-beta) intron polymorphism and predisposition to severe sepsis is modified by gender and age, Thomas Higgins MD
Association between marital status and survival among patients with sepsis treated in the intensive care unit, Jay Steingrub MD, Tara Lagu MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Richard Wells MD
Association between nursing home care quality and 30-day readmission rates for patients hospitalized with heart failure, Owolabi Ogunneye MD, Michael Rothberg M.D., Jennifer Friderici, and Mihaela Stefan M.D.
Association between sedating medications and delirium in older inpatients, Michael Rothberg M.D., Penny Pekow, Jill Avrunin, Tara Lagu M.D., and Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Association between statins given in hospital and mortality in pneumonia patients, Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Association of admission date with cancer patient survival at a regional hospice: utility of a statistical process control analysis., Wilson Mertens MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Evan Benjamin MD
Association of corticosteroid dose and route of administration with risk of treatment failure in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Peter Lindenauer MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, and Evan Benjamin MD
Association of diagnostic coding with trends in hospitalizations and mortality of patients with pneumonia, 2003-2009, Tara Lagu MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, Penny Pekow, Michael Rothberg MD, and Meng-Shoiu Shieh
Association of factor V gene polymorphism with arteriovenous graft failure, Gregory Braden MD
Association of gestational weight gain with cesarean delivery rate after labor induction, Glenn Markenson MD, Fadi Bsat MD, Andrew Healy MD, Penny Pekow, and Michael Plevyak MD
Association of patient characteristics and medication errors in the ambulatory setting: use of a classification tool., Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, Mark Heelon, Lauren Meade MD, and David Rose MD
Association of regimens of hormone replacement therapy to prognostic factors among women diagnosed with breast cancer aged 50-64 years., Ronald Burkman MD
Association of spontaneous bilateral femoral stress fractures with zoledronic acid use in a patient with metastatic breast cancer-a cautionary tale, Wilson Mertens MD, Chandravathi Loke MD, Michael Yunes MD, Rebecca Levy MD, and Grace Makari-Judson MD
Association of the timing of ST-segment resolution with TIMI myocardial perfusion grade in acute myocardial infarction., Marc Schweiger MD
A standardized discharge process to reduce unplanned hospital readmissions, Roy Sittig MD
A step ahead: Strategies for excellence in critical care nursing practice., Amy Albano, Paula Lusardi, and Susan Scott
A stress echocardiography study of cardiac function during progressive exercise in pediatric oncology patients treated with anthracyclines, Thomas Rowland MD
A stroke of death: Artery of Percheron Syndrome, Eimear Kitt MD, Auras Atreya MD, and Behdad Besharatian MD
A stroke of death: Artery of Percheron Syndrome, Eimear Kitt MD, Auras Atreya MD, and Behdad Besharatian MD
A Structured spiritual service for cancer patients and families: Analysis of attendee responses., Wilson Mertens MD and Donald Higby MD
A study to assess heart failure readmission of patients discharged to skilled nursing facilities and to determine best practices that determine post discharge outcomes, Owolabi Ogunneye MD
A suffocating bleed, Jorge Velez MD
A surgical site infection cluster: the process and outcome of an investigation--the impact of an alcohol-based surgical antisepsis product and human behavior, Sarah Haessler MD, Neil Connelly MD, Gary Kanter MD, Jan Fitzgerald, Annette Golubchik MD, Michael Albert MD, Charles Gibson, and Mary Ellen Scales
A surprising cause for a wound in a nursing home resident: An occult sweat gland carcinoma, Ashita Talsania MD and Maura Brennan MD
A survey of symptoms and risk factors in patients with Barrett's esophagus, David Desilets MD and Farhad Navab MD
Asymmetry correction in the irradiated breast: Outcomes of reduction mammoplasty and mastopexy after breast conserving therapy, Melissa Johnson MD, Michael Chin, Glen Brooks MD, and Anoush Hadaegh MD
Asymptomatic enterococcus faecalis native aortic valve endocarditis presenting with cold right leg, Mohammad Amin Kashef MD
Asymptomatic microscopic hematuria in women requires separate guidelines, Oz Harmanli M.D.
A systematic review comparing hysterectomy with less-invasive treatments for abnormal uterine bleeding, Oz Harmanli MD
A tale of Lutes and Ouds: Time to play together in the same key, Thomas Higgins MD
A thermo-modulating container for transport and storage of glucose meters in a cold weather environment, James Nichols
A time to live, a time to die: End-of-life case discussions, Betty Babb, Danielle Plouffe, Paul Jodka MD, Beth Stadnicki, Nancy Doubleday, and Paula Lusardi
A Traumatic Motor Neuronopathy After a Cervical Burst Fracture, Anant Shenoy MD
Atrial stunning following cardioversion resulting in flash pulmonary edema, Michael Wall MD and Sandra Bellantonio MD
A trial to end ambulance dicersion in Boston: Report from the Conference of Boston Teaching Hospitals Consortium, Niels Rathlev MD
A trial to end ambulance diversion in Boston, Niels Rathlev MD
Atrophy and programmed cell death of skeletal muscle, Larry Schwartz
Attempted formulation of a guideline to assess the need for coil extraction during clipping of previously coiled aneurysms, Clemens Schirmer MD
At the top of my head - Multimodality imaging of focal protruding masses of the scalp and skull in adults and children, Michael George MD, Shan Li MD, and Jeffrey Morris MD
A typical case of IgA nephropathy, Kah Poh Loh MD, David Burgess M.D., Owolabi Ogunneye MD, and Ashish Verma MD
Atypical Glandular Cells and Breast Cancer: What is the Association?, Kathryn Sharpless MD
Atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance from extramammary Paget's of the bladder., Christopher Otis MD and Julia Donovan MD
Atypical glandular cells on cervical cytology and breast disease: what is the association?, Kathryn Sharpless MD
Atypical hip pain in a female runner: A case report, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD and Katrina Lewis MD
Atypical immunologic response in a patient with CRIM-negative Pompe disease, Mary-Alice Abbott MD
Atypical presentation of enterococcus faecalis aortic valve endocarditis in an elder, Mohammad Amin Kashef MD, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD, Gregory Giugliano MD, and Maura Brennan MD
Atypical presentation of septic arthritis of the shoulder, Jasmine Paadam MD and Dev Basu MD
Atypical presentation of volvulus in an octogenarian, Deepa Chandrasekaran MD and Sivakumar Natanasabapathy MD
Auditory late effects of childhood cancer therapy: A report from the Children's Oncology Group, Satkiran Grewal MD
A unique case of asystole secondary to facial injury, Siddharth Wartak MD and Amir Lotfi MD
A unique pattern of injury secondary to seatbelt-related blunt abdominal trauma., Imtiaz Munshi MD
Authors' response for "antral follicle count in clinical practice: analyzing clinical relevance"., Daniel Grow MD and Albert Hsu MD
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Richard Friedberg MD and Vandita Johari MD
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia - "Where blood transfusion is not always the solution", Dhivya Sundaramurthy MD, T. Vijay Gadiraju MD, and Jingjing Hu MD
Automated external defibrillators and survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Automated monitoring of pulse pressure variation during laparoscopy, William McGee MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Ryan Joyce MD, and Bader Al-Dossary MD
Automated registration accuracy assessment for temporal subtraction images of the chest., Devang Doshi MD
Automated reporting of safety bundles: Streamlining the performance improvement process, William McGee MD, Thomas Higgins MD, and Mark Tidswell MD
Autonomy and parental support associated with better A1cs for teens, Holley Allen MD, Jane Garb, and Paul Visintainer
Avoiding Hiroshima in your emergency department patients: Reducing radiation in ED imaging, Marc Haber MD
Awareness and use of direct-to-consumer nutrigenomic tests, United States, 2006, Kathleen Szegda
A web-based self-management assessment tool that improves HbA1c, Garry Welch, Rebecca Shayne MD, Sofija Zagarins MD, and Jane Garb
A web-based self management tool that improves A1c, Garry Welch, Rebecca Shayne MD, Sofija Zagarins MD, and Jane Garb
Axillary and Intramammary lymph nodes visualized on mammography: Review of suspicious imaging features and avoidance of pitfalls in characterization, David March MD and Paryssa Khadem MD
Axioms to consider when entering practice: Reprise, Ronald Burkman MD
Baboon corpus luteum: Size and sex steroid secretion throughout the luteal phase, M Yusoff Dawood MD
Baclofen withdrawal resulting in seizures and intubation, Maura Brennan MD, Saeid Behroozi MD, and Sandra Bellantonio MD
Bacterial meningitis, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Bacterial therapies: completing the cancer treatment toolbox, Neil Forbes
Balance assessment as an objective measure for return to play in adolescents after sports-induced concussion: A case series, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
BALB/c alleles for Prkdc and Cdkn2a interact to modify tumor susceptibility in Trp53+/- mice., Christopher Otis MD and D Joseph Jerry
Bar-Code Scanning May Reduce but Not Eliminate Medication and Patient Identification Errors In Clinical Simulation, Philip Henneman MD and Fidela Blank
Bar-code verification: Reducing but not eliminating medication errors, Philip Henneman MD, Fidela Blank, and Elizabeth Henneman
Bariatric Surgery, Xiao Liu MD
Bariatric Surgery, Donna Mercado MD, Mihaela Stefan M.D., and Xiao Liu MD
Bariatric surgery for the treatment of morbid obesity: A meta-analysis of weight loss outcomes for laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding and laparoscopic gastric bypass, Jane Garb, Garry Welch, Sofija Zagarins MD, Jay Kuhn MD, and John Romanelli MD
Barrett's esophagus: histopathologic definitions and diagnostic criteria., James Mueller MD
Barriers to effective pediatric obesity prevention, Chrystal Wittcopp MD, Kathleen Szegda, Lela Hobby, and Jennifer Kennedy
Bartholin's Cyst, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD and Michael Plevyak MD
Bartonella, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Bartonellosis, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Baseline characteristics of participants in a randomized trial to prevent gestational diabetes, Glenn Markenson MD
Baseline Cystatin C measurement is a potent predictor of adverse cardiovascular outcomes following ACS: A PROVE IT-TIMI 22 analysis, Gregory Giugliano MD
Basic communication: A framework for teaching and evaluation across programs and across disciplines, Michael Picchioni MD, Kevin Hinchey MD, Heather Sankey M.D., and Sean Mahar
BAT thermogenic deficiency in thyroid hormone receptor alpha-null (Thra-0/0) mice: Evidence for a cellular defect caused by under-expression of Thra-dependent genes needed for T3 activation of UCP1, J Enrique Silva MD and Waile Ramadan MD
Baystate educational innovation project, Kevin Hinchey MD, Samuel Borden MD, Lauren Meade MD, Michael Picchioni MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and David Longworth MD
Baystate educational innovation project, Kevin Hinchey MD, Samuel Borden MD, Lauren Meade MD, Michael Picchioni MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and David Longworth MD
Baystate EIP: Present practice and future direction: Tracer and continuous healing relationships, Kevin Hinchey MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, Samuel Borden MD, Lauren Meade MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, and Reva Kleppel
B-Catenin binding doain of the APC gene is sufficient to inhibit polyp formation in a mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis, Richard Arenas MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Gregory Banever MD, George Wadie MD, and K Francis Lee MD
B-Catenin binding doain of the APC gene is sufficient to inhibit polyp formation in a mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis, Richard Arenas MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Gregory Banever MD, George Wadie MD, and K Francis Lee MD
Beckman Access versus the Bayer ACS:180 and the Abbott AxSYM cardiac Troponin-I real-time immunoassays: an observational prospective study., Howard Smithline MD and Robert Baevsky MD
Bedside echocardiography in the management of a thoracic stab wound with early pericardial tamponade, Gavin Budhram MD
Bedside electronic glucose protocol (eProtocol-insulin) performance, Jay Steingrub MD and Mark Tidswell MD
Bedside electronic glucose protocol (eProtocol-insulin) performance., Jay Steingrub MD and Mark Tidswell MD
Being a 'good doctor', Maura Brennan MD
Benefits of physician knowledge of rapid influenza test results in ambulatory adults with influenza-like-illness(ILI), Michael Rothberg MD
Best cases from the AFIP: Atypical presentation of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia with myxoma (Mazabraud syndrome), Daniel Case MD, Christopher Chapman MD, Jonathan Freeman MD, and James Polga MD
Best practices for patient safety in point of care blood glucose monitoring, James Nichols
Best practices in interprofessional education and training in surgery: Experiences from American College of Surgeons-Accredited Education Institutes, Neal Seymour MD
Best practices to enhance linkages for HIV+ jail inmates for improved health outcomes, Thomas Lincoln MD
Best practice updates for surgical care in weight loss surgery, John Romanelli MD
Beta-galactosidase and alpha-mannosidase inhibit formation of multicellular nodules in breast cancer cell cultures., Christopher Otis MD
Bicycle handlebar injury, Imtiaz Munshi MD
Biomarkers in geriatric psychiatry: The promise and the reality, Benjamin Liptzin MD and Jimena Tuis MD
Biomarkers of disease:An evidenced-based approach, Richard Friedberg MD
Biopsy-Proven Rasmussen's encephalitis: seizure suppression and partial reversal of deficits with antiepileptic medications and tacrolimus, Carmel Armon MD, Sivakumar Natanasabapathy MD, Dennis Oh MD, Luis Moral MD, Barbara Greco MD, and William House MD
Bipolar II Disorder: Modelling, Measuring and Managing, Benjamin Liptzin MD
Birds don't make the best companions: Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in the elderly, Wei Ooi MD
Birth weight- and fetal weight-growth restriction: Impact on neurodevelopment., Bhavesh Shah MD, Frederick Hampf MD, Herbert Gilmore MD, and Susan McQuiston MD
BIS in children during maintenance anesthesia, Donald Schwartz MD, Anne Wu MD, Neil Connelly MD, and Charles Gibson
Bivalirudin use during PCI for stent thrombosis in a patient with subacute intracranial hemorrhage, Gregory Giugliano MD and Senthil Sivalingam MD
Black boxes, babies and bathwater, Bruce Waslick MD
Black thyroid, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Bleeding disorders of profuse concern, Richard Steingart MD
Bleeding risk and safety profile related to the use of eptifibatide: a current review, Marc Schweiger MD, Fadi Saab MD, and Costin Ionescu MD
Blood bank safety practices: Mislabeled samples and wrong blood in tube--a Q-Probes analysis of 122 clinical laboratories, Richard Friedberg MD
Blood culture contamination (QT2) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD
Blood glucose control with three different QI strategies, Jay Steingrub MD and Mark Tidswell MD
Blood glucose measurement in patients with suspected diabetic ketoacidosis: A comparison of Abbott MediSense PCx point-of-care meter values to reference laboratory values, James Nichols, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, and Penny Pekow
Blood glucose testing in the hospital: error sources and risk management, James Nichols
Blood pressure dysregulation secondary to tizanidine: Importance of medication review, Iheanyichukwu Ogu MD
Blood, sweat and tears: Are surgeons prepared for the challenges of self-reflection, David Page MD
Blood volume changes during dialysis and their impact on cardiac performance, Patrick Mailloux MD, William McGee MD, Thomas Higgins MD, and Lori-Ann Kozikowski
Blunt head trauma resulting in a non-displaced TMJ fracture in a varsity lacrosse player, Kenneth Barnes MD
Blunt pancreato-duodenal injury: A multi-center study of the Research Consortium of New England Centers for Trauma (ReCONECT), Lisa Patterson MD and Ronald Gross MD
Blunt pancreatoduodenal injury: A multicenter study of the Research Consortium of New England Centers for Trauma (ReCONECT), Ronald Gross MD, Lisa Patterson MD, and Yorell Manon-Matos MD
BMI and uterine size: is there any relationship?, Oz Harmanli MD
Body mass index and survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Body temperature changes are associated with outcomes following in-hospital cardiac arrest and return of spontaneous circulation, Timothy Mader MD
Body trauma a writer's guide to wounds and injuries, David Page MD
Boerhaave's syndrome as an initial presentation of eosinophilic esophagitis: A case series, Vaibhav Mehendiratta MD
Bone Lesions in Kaposi sarcoma: Commentary, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Book Review, Eric Granowitz MD
Boot cAMP: Educational outcomes after 4 successive years of preparatory simulation-based training at onset of internship, Gladys Fernandez MD, David Page MD, Nicholas Coe MD, Patrick Lee MD, Lisa Patterson MD, Loki Skylizard MD, Marisa Amaral MD, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
BOOT CAMP: Implementation of an intensive simulation-based educational curriculum for new surgical interns, Gladys Fernandez MD, Patrick Lee MD, Ron Bush, David Page MD, and Loki Skylizard MD
Bordetella pertussis, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Borrelia(Lyme Disease), Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Bradycardia-induced Torsade de Points, Randa Jaber MD and Mohammed Albugeaey MD
Brainstem Glioma, Clemens Schirmer MD
Breaking bad news., Maura Brennan MD
Breaking bad news: A practical approach for the hospitalist, David Ling MD
Breast Cancer Close to the Nipple: Does This Increase the Risk of Nodal Metastasis at Diagnosis?, Cheri Nguyen MD
Breast cancer expression of YKL-40 correlates with tumour grade, poor differentiation, and other cancer markers, Richard Arenas MD, Rong Shao, Q Jackie Cao MD, Brooke Bentley, and Wei Yan
Breast cancer receptor status: do results from a centralized pathology laboratory agree with SEER registry reports, Ronald Burkman MD
Breast cancer risk and hormone receptor status in older women by parity, age of first birth, and breastfeeding: A case-control study, Ronald Burkman MD
Breast cancer risk and ovariectomy, hysterectomy, and tubal sterilization in the women's contraceptive and reproductive experiences study, Ronald Burkman MD
Breast cancer risk estimates for relatives of white and African American women with breast cancer in the Women's Contraceptive and Reproductive Experiences Study., Ronald Burkman MD
Breast cancer survivors perceptions regarding relapse and related disease risk, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Chandravathi Loke MD, Deborah Katz MD, Ruth Barham, and Wilson Mertens MD
Breast Imaging, Vivian Miller MD
Breast lesions incidentally detected on CT: A pictorial review with emphasis on the need for further diagnostic work-up, Dustin Nguyen MD, Margaret Yacobozzi MD, Sara Smolinski MD, Carlos Valdes MD, Dmitry Rakita MD, and Jennifer Hadro MD
Breast lesions in pregnancy and lactation: A pictoral review with pathologic correlation and emphasis on diagnostic work-up and management, Cheri Nguyen MD, Tara Catanzano MD, Caleb Scott MD, and Jennifer Hadro MD
Breast lesions in women with nipple-areolar complex abnormalities on physical exam: A pictorial review with Pathologic correlation and discussion of diagnostic work-up, Margaret Yacobozzi MD, Dustin Nguyen MD, Jennifer Hadro MD, and Vivian Miller MD
Breast masses: removal of all US evidence during biopsy by using a handheld vacuum-assisted device--initial experience., Grace Makari-Judson MD, Bret Coughlin MD, James Frank, and Robert Goulart MD
Breast pathology in the female pediatric population: A pictorial review of normal anatomy, developmental abnormalities, and masses, Margaret Yacobozzi MD, Dustin Nguyen MD, Stanley Polansky MD, and Dmitry Rakita MD
Breastpumping in the ED? Just do it., Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Bridging the divide between child psychiatry and primary care: The use of telephone consultation within a population-based collaborative system, Barry Sarvet MD
Brief overview of the coagulation cascade, Vandita Johari MD and Chandravathi Loke MD
Bring in the negotiator: The basics of the art of negotiations, Grace Mitchell MD
Brucella species, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Building chief residents' leadership skills, Gina Luciano MD, Rebecca Blanchard PhD, and Kevin Hinchey MD
Buprenorphine treatment in primary care, Thomas Lincoln MD
Burst pressures in gastric closure: A NOTES comparison study of looped T-anchors vs. endoclips in the explanted porcine stomach, John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, and David Earle MD
Burst pressures in gastric closure - A NOTES study of the Lock-It system with the Padlock-G in the explanted porcine stomach, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, and David Desilets MD
Busting the myths of the emergency medicine gender gap, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Cachexia in a 53-year-old end-stage renal disease patient on hemodialysis, Chirag Vaidya MD
Cadasil: Cognitive decline in a 35 Y/O woman, Arnulfo Deray MD, Maura Brennan MD, and Victoria Peters MD
Calcific temdonitis of longus colli - A potential for diagnostic and therapeutic pitfalls, Sonali Arora MD
Caloric requirements of critically ill hemodialysis patients: Is the K/DOQI guideline accurate, William McGee MD and Gregory Braden MD
Campylobacter species, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Can a cancer program-sponsored spiritual event meet with acceptance from patients and other attendees, Donald Higby MD and Wilson Mertens MD
Can a statistical model predict the risk of vancomycin-induced nephrotoxicity (VIN)?, Daniel Skiest MD, Safia Kuriakose, Erica Tenholder, Evan Horton, Seth Housman, and Jane Garb
Can CK-MB and cTn-I be detected in the peripheral circulation within the first 10 min of acute coronary ischemia?, Timothy Mader MD and Howard Smithline MD
Candida species, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Can I afford to go part time?, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Can residents learn to be good doctors without harming patients?, Kevin Hinchey MD and Michael Rothberg MD
Can the heat of localized soft tissue infections be quantified non-invasively using an infrared thermography camera, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Sondra Jasienowski, and Fidela Blank
Can visualizations complement quantitative process analysis measures? A case study of nurses identifying patients before administering medications, Philip Henneman MD
Can we accurately predict high risk endometrial carcinoma preoperatively, Christopher Otis MD
Can we better determine the etiology of community-acquired pneumonia?, Richard Brown MD
Can we eliminate placebo in ALS clinical trials?, Carmel Armon MD
Can we rely on EM resident self-assessment of EM knowledge?, Lucienne Lutfy-Clayton M.D.
Can we rely on EM resident self-assessment of EM knowledge?, Lucienne Lutfy-Clayton M.D.
Can we use a catheter to do the q-tip test, Oz Harmanli MD
Can we use a catheter to do the Q-Tip test: Preliminary analysis, Emily Weber LeBrun MD and Oz Harmanli MD
Capecitabine-induced palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia in a diabetic patient, Sarah Dews MD, Venkta Kodali MD, and Michael Rosenblum MD
CAPS-tastrophe!, Auras Atreya MD, Eimear Kitt MD, and Behdad Besharatian MD
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Carcinoma cuniculatum - A potential diagnostic pitfall on punch biopsy of the penis, Carlos Prieto-Granada MD and Wayne Duke MD
Cardiac arrest in preeclamptic parturient during cesarean section, Natalie Maida MD and Karin Zuegge MD
Cardiac arrest in the Emergency Department: A report from the National Registry of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Timothy Mader MD
Cardiac arrests of hospital staff and visitors: Experience from the national registry of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Timothy Mader MD
Cardiac dynamics during upright cycle exercise in boys., Thomas Rowland MD
Cardiac output measured with both esophageal doppler device and Vigileo-FloTrac Device, William McGee MD and Karthik Raghunathan MD
Cardiac pacemakers, Jill Griffin MD and Susan Torrey MD
Cardiac responses to progressive upright exercise in adult male cyclists., Thomas Rowland MD
Cardiac response to progressive cycle exercise in moderately obese adolescent females., Thomas Rowland MD
Cardio-embolic stroke following remote blunt chest trauma, Sonali Arora MD, Auras Atreya MD, Srikanth Penumetsa MD, and William Hiser MD
Cardiology for the Radiologist., Hetal Patel MD and George Hartnell MD
Cardiovascular drift in euhydrated prepubertal boys, Thomas Rowland MD
Cardiovascular implications of proteinuria: An indicator of chronic kidney disease, Varun Agrawal MD
Cardiovascular outcomes in the Irbesartan Diabetic Nephropathy Trial of patients with type 2 diabetes and overt nephropathy., Gregory Braden MD
Care coordination for children with special health care needs: Evaluation of a state experiment, Matthew Sadof MD
Caregiver fatigue, Auras Atreya MD and Maura Brennan MD
Caregiver predictors of adolescent inhalant abuse in rural Appalachia., James Burns MD
CARES: Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival, Benjamin Osborne MD
Caring for children who have special health-care needs: A practical guide for the primary care practitioner, Matthew Sadof MD
Caring for the caretaker: A nursing process approach, Elaine Bloniasz
Caring for those left behind., Maura Brennan MD
Carotid artery stenting: Stent or scapel, Satyendra Giri MD and Raul Octaviani MD
Carotid body tumor (paraganglioma)., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Car-surfing in southwest Ohio: Incidence and injuries., Lisa Patterson MD
Cascading drug errors−hyponatremia followed by hypernatremia: Mirtazapine−induced SIADH and volume depletion from Demeclocycline, Alejandra Marin Ruiz MD, Maura Brennan MD, and Fei Gu MD
Case/control study of patients who have high-level oocyte immaturity on multiple cycles during ICSI, Andrew Moore MD, Margaret Arny, Kelly Lynch MD, Diana Atashroo MD, M Yusoff Dawood MD, and Daniel Grow MD
Case for change, Richard Friedberg MD
Case of chronic pancreatic brucellosis presenting as hemosuccus pancreaticus., Angelica Belo MD, David Longworth MD, David Desilets MD, and Chunbai Zhang MD
Case report: penetrating cardiac injury secondary to a terrorism-related nail bomb explosion., Jeffrey Arnold MD
Case studies of ketosis and the clinical utility of β-hydroxybutyrate, Rebecca Levy MD, Chelsea Gordner DO, and James Nichols
Case volume, quality of care, and care efficiency in coronary artery bypass surgery, Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis, Syed Hussain MD, Khaled Dahche MD, Sandhya Kommana MD, Lauren Meade MD, Siddharth Wartak MD, and Vivianne Bunin MD
Cat-scratch disease lymphadenitis, Gabriel Caponetti MD and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Caudal block in a child with a sacral dimple utilizing ultrasonography, Neil Connelly MD and Donald Schwartz MD
Caudally threaded epidural catheter following a single-shot caudal block in a high-risk neonate: a combined caudal-epidural technique, Neil Connelly MD, Donald Schwartz MD, and Deevia Patel MD
Caudally threaded thoracic epidural catheter as the sole anesthetic in a premature infant and ultrasound confirmation of the catheter tip, Donald Schwartz MD and Andrew King MD
Caudals, dimples, and ultrasound - part 2, Donald Schwartz MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, and Nandakumar Ponnusamy MD
CD4+ T-cell decline after the interruption of antiretroviral therapy in ACTG A5170 is predicted by differential expression of genes in the ras signaling pathway, Daniel Skiest MD
Cecil's textbook of medicine, 22nd edition, Michael R. Grey MD
Cell death in myoblasts and muscles, Larry Schwartz and Honor Glenn
Cellular retinol binding protein-1 (CRBP1) is up-regulated in response to parity-induced changes in the mammary gland, Sallie Schneider and D Joseph Jerry
Census data for health preparedness and response, Richard Wait MD and Jane Garb
Central venous catheterization: Better and worse., William McGee MD
Cerebellar metastatic papillary thyroid carcinoma in a pediatric patient with complex congenital heart disease., Rushika Conroy MD
Cerebral air embolism from a hemodialysis catheter: a complete recovery after delayed hyperbaric therapy, Michael Picchioni MD
Cerebral metastasis and other central nervous system complications of pleuropulmonary blastoma, Philippa Sprinz MD
Cervical insufficiency, Fadi Bsat MD
Cervical spine injuries and helmet laws: A population-based study, Ronald Gross MD and Andrew Doben MD
Cervical spondylodiscitis from an ingested pin: a case report., Stanley Konefal MD and George Wadie MD
Challenges in diagnosing AIDS in an elder, Basmah Abdalla MD and Maura Brennan MD
Challenges in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal in the general hospital, Steven Fischel MD and Stephen Ryzewicz MD
Challenges to research in urban community health centers., Evan Benjamin MD
Challenging hernia locations: Suprapubic and subxiphoid, John Romanelli MD
Change in modified Bishop Score as a predictor of cesarean delivery rate after cervical ripening, Glenn Markenson MD, Fadi Bsat MD, Andrew Healy MD, Michael Plevyak MD, and Alex Knee
Changes in contractile properties of skeletal muscle during developmentally programmed atrophy and death, Larry Schwartz
Changes in medication use after computerized physician order entry(CPOE)implementation., Thomas Higgins MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Mark Tidswell MD
Changes on the horizon: An update on Pathology "Convergence", Richard Friedberg MD
Changing ICU practice: The RN/MD collaboration project, William McGee MD, Paula Lusardi, and Elizabeth Henneman
Chapter 20: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound., Tala Elia MD
Characteristics and outcomes of ventilated patients according to time to liberation from mechanical ventilation, Jay Steingrub MD
Characteristics associated with severe perineal and cervical lacerations during vaginal delivery, Ronald Burkman MD
Characteristics of a residential and working community with diverse exposure to World Trade Center dust, gas, and fumes, Sybille Liautaud MD
Characteristics of second stage labor during preterm labor, Glenn Markenson MD and Alex Knee
Characterization of angular gaze by expert laparoscopic surgeons using a face-mounted display, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, Ron Bush, and David Lin MD
Characterization of rapid performance improvement on a complex laparoscopic task using a virtual-reality trainer in the SAGES learning center., John Romanelli MD, David Lin MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Charcot-Leyden crystals: pathology and diagnostic utility., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Charge-dependent cellular uptake and tissue penetration of gold nanoparticles, Neil Forbes
Chart critical care with this checklist, Michael Lemanski MD
Checklists and guidelines in surgical pathology., Christopher Otis MD
Checklists, safety, my culture and me, Karthik Raghunathan MD
Check on critical care, gain $50 for some caveat patients, Michael Lemanski MD
Chemical profiling to differentiate geographic growing origins of coffee., Brian W. Smith MD
Chemopreventive strategies in a mammary gland explant model, Richard Arenas MD and Sabha Ganai MD
Chemotherapy ordering in a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) environment: A longitudinal analysis of defects from oncologist to patient, Wilson Mertens MD, Deborah Naglieri-Prescod, and Donald Higby MD
Chest Tube Placement (Assist), Paula Lusardi
Chest Tube Placement (Perform), Paula Lusardi
Chiari I malformation decompression surgery leads to postoperative tongue and neck edema, Stanlies D'Souza MD
Child abuse and neglect in the United States, Kevin Moriarty MD and David Tashjian MD
Child/Adolescent Anxiety Multimodal Study (CAMS): Rationale, design, and methods, Bruce Waslick MD, Shannon Compton, and Amy Albano
Children with special health care needs, Lindsey Grossman MD
Chlamydia screening in teenage girls, Nancy Burns and Claudia Gaudet
Chlamydia Trachomatis and Trachoma: Protective and disease-associated Hla Drb1/Dqb1 allotypes of Tanzanian villagers, Linda Bobo MD
Cholelithiasis of the ovary after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a case report, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Michel Prefontaine MD, and John Hunt MD
Cholesteatoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Gabriel Caponetti MD
Choosing the best hospital: The limitations of public quality reporting, Michael Rothberg MD, Evan Benjamin MD, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Choriocarcinoma in an AIDS patient: Relapsing but not fatal, Archan Shah MD, Mark Tidswell MD, Michel Prefontaine MD, Daniel Skiest MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Chromosomal instability in flat adenomas and carcinomas of the colon, James Mueller MD
Chronic cough in children: a primary care and subspecialty collaborative approach, Matthew Sadof MD
Chronic cough in women, Heather Sankey MD
Chronic diarrhea associated with persistent norovirus excretion in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Report of two cases, Todd Capizzi MD, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Richard Steingart MD, and Wilson Mertens MD
Chronic fatigue syndrome, Hal Jenson MD
Chronic lateral epicondylitis: Comparative effectiveness of a home exercise program including stretching alone versus stretching supplemented with eccentric or concentric strengthening., Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cytoplasmic inclusions, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Namrata Setia MD
Chronic opiate therapy and non-specific abdominal pain, Randa Jaber MD
Chronic pain and mental illness: overcoming barriers to effective management in general medicine settings, Michael Picchioni MD
Circulatory efficacy during progressive aerobic exercise in children: Insights from the Q: VO(2) relationship., Thomas Rowland MD
Circulatory responses to exercise: Are we misreading Fick, Thomas Rowland MD
Circulatory shock in children: An overview., Christine McKiernan MD and Stephen Lieberman MD
Cirrhosis and liver failure, Susan Torrey MD
Civic Engagement and Your Library, Margot Malachowski MLS
C-Kit (CD117) expression in AIDS-related, classic, and African endemic Kaposi sarcoma., Liron Pantanowitz MD
C-Kit protein expression in female lower genital traact melanoma, Carlos Prieto-Granada MD, Namrata Setia MD, Jane Garb, Wayne Duke MD, and Jean Henneberry MD
Classic Osborn waves and incessant ventricular fibrillation in severe hypothermia, Auras Atreya MD and Sonali Arora MD
Classification and regression tree (CART) analysis: A novel method to derive and validate a pretest probability prediction rule for pulmonary embolism, Howard Smithline MD
Classification of shock based on functional hemodynamic parameters, William McGee MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, and Adam Adler MD
Class III CHF presenting as a geriatric syndrome, Maura Brennan MD, Rukshana Cader MD, Alireza Vaziri MD, Rosette Odulio MD, and Sandra Bellantonio MD
Clinical assessment of the axillary sentinel lymph node for breast cancer metastasis by the surgeon: A study of one institutionÂ’s voluntary policy change, Juliana Meyer MD, Sabha Ganai MD, Robert Goulart MD, and Holly Mason MD
Clinical endpoints in peripheral endovascular revascularization trials: A case for standardized definitions, John Cardella MD
Clinical experience with daptomycin for outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy, Julius Larioza MD, Amy Girard, and Richard Brown MD
Clinical features, triage, and outcome of patients presenting to the ED with suspected acute coronary syndromes but without pain: a multicenter study., J. Hector Pope M.D.
Clinical history of HIV infection may be misleading in cytopathology, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Robert Goulart MD
Clinical laboratory testing has limited value in diagnosing the cause of fatigue in ambulatory cancer patients, Wilson Mertens MD, Lucinda Cassells MD, David Katz MD, Ruth Barham, and Saurabh Dahiya MD
Clinical palliative care for surgeons: part 1., K Francis Lee MD
Clinical palliative care for surgeons: part 2., K Francis Lee MD
Clinical Pathologic Case Competition, Adam Kellogg MD
Clinical practice guideline for abnormal uterine bleeding: hysterectomy versus alternative therapy, Oz Harmanli MD
Clinical research for surgeons in palliative care: Challenges and opportunities., K Francis Lee MD
Clinical use of drotrecogin alfa (activated): Patients treated in mercury differ from those in PROWESS., Jay Steingrub MD
Clinical use of drotrecogin alfa (activated): Patients treated in the XEUS study differ from high risk prowess patients, Jay Steingrub MD
Clinical utility of folic acid testing for anemia and dementia screen., Kevin Hinchey MD and M Javed Ashraf MD
Clinical utility of folic acid testing for patients with anemia or dementia, M Javed Ashraf MD, James Cook MD, and Michael Rothberg MD
Clipping of previously coiled aneurysms - Attempted formulation of a guideline to assess the need for coil extraction, Clemens Schirmer MD
Clonality of borderline and serous carcinoma of the ovary: Molecular studies identify a monoclonal origin for primary tumors and their implants, Reva Ricketts-Loriaux MD and Christopher Otis MD
Clostridium botulinum, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Clostridium tetani, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
CLSI EP23: Laboratory quality control based on risk management, James Nichols
Cluster randomized trials to study the comparative effectiveness of therapeutics: Stakeholders' concerns and recommendations, Sarah Goff MD
Coarctation of distal thoracic aorta--the middle aortic syndrome in an elderly female with severe coronary artery disease, Siddharth Wartak MD and Sandhya Kommana MD
Coccidioides species, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Coding case scenarios, Fadi Bsat MD
Co-editor, Elisabeth Bennett
Cognitive behavioral therapy, sertraline, or a combination in childhood anxiety, Bruce Waslick MD
Cognitive impairment in the ICU: Could more have been done for this elder?, Maura Brennan MD
Collaboration in the commonwealth., Suzanne Hendery MD and Wilson Mertens MD
Collaboration with primary care: Developing clinical skills, overcoming system challenges, Barry Sarvet MD
Colloid carcinoma of the minor duodenal papilla, Heike Varnholt MD, Richard Wait MD, James Mueller MD, and David Desilets MD
Colonic adenoma with squamous metaplasia, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Colonization of paediatric lower respiratory tract with genital Mycoplasma species, Paul Salva MD
Colonization of second-trimester placenta parenchyma, Solveig Pflueger MD
Colpocleisis: A simple, effective and underutilized procedure for pelvic organ prolapse, Oz Harmanli MD
Colpoclesis, Oz Harmanli MD
Combination of enzyme replacement and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation as therapy for Hurler syndrome, Satkiran Grewal MD
Combined effect of oral contraceptive use and hormone replacement therapy on breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women., Ronald Burkman MD
Combining a clinical pharmacy economic intervention tool with an intervention documentation system, Adam Pesaturo, Erin Taylor, Mark Heelon, Caryn Colburn, and Audrey Bernard
Commentary, Clemens Schirmer M.D.
Commentary: Disability evaluations--Are the evaluators able?, Stuart Anfang MD
Commenting on "Vulvar langerhans cell histocytosis: a case report and review of the literature", Christopher Otis MD
Common Complications and Management, David Earle MD
Common false positive findings on FDG PET/CT: An atlas of artifacts, normal variants, and incidentals, Erez Vidan MD and Laurie Gianturco MD
Common genetic variation in GATA-binding protein 3 and differential susceptibility to breast cancer by estrogen receptor alpha tumor status, Melissa Troester
Communication and the dissatisfied patient, Part 2, Ronald Burkman MD
Communication milestone: A model for universal milestones that are adaptable across disciplines and at all levels of training, Michael Picchioni MD, Kevin Hinchey MD, Heather Sankey M.D., and Sean Mahar
Communication tree: Talk to me, Christine Gryglik, Michael Davis, Deborah Kinsey, and Kelly Ann Scott
Community-onset methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in an urban HIV clinic., Daniel Skiest MD
Comorbid factitious and conversion disorders., Lewis Cohen MD
Comparative effectiveness of low-molecular-weight heparin versus unfractionated heparin for thromboembolism prophylaxis for medical patients, Michael Rothberg MD and Peter Lindenauer MD
Comparative effectiveness of macrolides and quinolones for patients hospitalized with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD), Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, Oren Brody MD, Daniel Skiest MD, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Comparative effectiveness research in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Comparative efficacy of eritoran, a toll-like receptor 4 antagonist, in patients with severe sepsis and higher risk of mortality by type of causative pathogen, Mark Tidswell MD
Comparative study of xTag 60 Cystic Fibrosis Test v2 with CF InPlex® panel utilizing archived and freshly extracted DNA, Franklin Moore MD and Sharon Marconi
Comparing drug effectiveness at health plans: The ethics of cluster randomized trials, Sarah Goff MD
Comparing the effect of atrial fibrillation on various cardiac output methods, William McGee MD and Lori-Ann Kozikowski
Comparison between different assays of natriuretic peptides (Pro-BNP and BNP) in patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery, M Javed Ashraf MD, James Cook MD, Mara Slawsky MD, and James Nichols
Comparison of Bishop Score with modified Bishop Score to predict cesarean delivery after induction of labor, Fadi Bsat MD, Glenn Markenson MD, Andrew Healy MD, Michael Plevyak MD, and Alex Knee
Comparison of conventional smears versus ThinPrep in thyroid fine needle aspiration biopsy: Diagnostic categories and surgical correlation, Margaret Assaad MD, Maryanne Hornish, Roxanne Florence MD, and Robert Goulart MD
Comparison of efficacy of implanted cardioverter-defibrillator in patients with versus without diabetes mellitus., James Cook MD and Stephen Wittenberg MD
Comparison of family-based vs. individual therapy in adolescents with anorexis nervosa: A retrospective cohort with historic control, Laura Koenigs MD, Claire Norton, Jennifer Friderici, and Nancy Miller MD
Comparison of full chest CTA with limited CTA and triple rule-out CTA for PE detection and effective dose implications., Hetal Patel MD and Bret Coughlin MD
Comparison of three outpatient regimens in the management of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy., Fadi Bsat MD and David Seubert MD
Comparison of two fluid-management strategies in acute lung injury., Jay Steingrub MD and Mark Tidswell MD
Competency based assessment in medical residencies and how it might be applied to medical student education, Lauren Meade MD
Competency-based education: Linking advancement to competency-based assessment, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD and Michael Rosenblum MD
Competency based progresion and evaluation: Five year experience with the baystate Learner-Manager-Teacher model, Michael Picchioni MD and Michael Rosenblum MD
Competency based progression: Concept to reality, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD and Michael Rosenblum MD
Competency-Based Progression: Concept to Reality, Michael Rosenblum MD, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD, and Gina Luciano MD
Competency-based progression: The learner-manager-teacher model, Kevin Hinchey MD and Samuel Borden MD
Competency based training and quality, Kevin Hinchey MD
Complementary and alternative medicine in children: an analysis of the recent literature, John Snyder MD and Patrick Brown MD
Complementary, holistic, and integrative medicine: Recurrent abdominal pain, David Gottsegen MD
Complete endoscopic removal of colloid cyst using a nitinol basket retriever, Clemens Schirmer MD
Complete globozoospermia associated with PLCzeta deficiency treated with calcium ionophore and ICSI results in pregnancy, Teru Jellerette
Completing tuberculosis prophylaxis in jail: targeting treatment and a comparison of rifampin/pyrazinamide with isoniazid regimens, Thomas Lincoln MD and David Rose MD
Completing tuberculosis prophylaxis in jail: targeting treatment and comparison of rifampin/pyrazinamide with isoniazid regimens., Thomas Lincoln MD and David Rose MD
Complex breast masses: Imaging-pathologic correlation and diagnostic approach., Devang Doshi MD, Bret Coughlin MD, David March MD, and Giovanna Crisi MD
Complex cystic breast masses: Diagnostic approach and imaging-pathologic correlation, Devang Doshi MD, David March MD, Giovanna Crisi MD, and Bret Coughlin MD
Complex laparoscopic task performance on two new computer-based skills training devices, Neal Seymour MD, Michael Ganey MD, and Ron Bush
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in pediatric sports: A case series of three young athletes, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
Complications of seasonal and pandemic influenza, Michael Rothberg MD and Sarah Haessler MD
Complications of skull base trauma: A pictorial review with correlation to clinicopathologic finding, Jane An MD, Shan Li MD, and Cheri Nguyen MD
Complications of tube thoracostomy placement in the emergency department, Niels Rathlev MD
Complications of viral influenza, Michael Rothberg MD, Sarah Haessler MD, and Richard Brown MD
Comprehensive diabetes management program for poorly controlled Hispanic type 2 patients at a community health center, Garry Welch, Nancy Allen, and Sofija Zagarins MD
Computer-based haptic and nonhaptic virtual reality surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users, John Romanelli MD, David Lin MD, Eyad Wohaibi MD, Jay Kuhn MD, Ron Bush, Neal Seymour MD, and Richard Zlotnik MD
Computer-based haptic and nonhaptic virtual reality surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users, John Romanelli MD, David Lin MD, Eyad Wohaibi MD, Jay Kuhn MD, Ron Bush, Neal Seymour MD, and Richard Zlotnik MD
Computer-based laparoscopic and robotic surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users, David Lin MD, Neal Seymour MD, Jay Kuhn MD, John Romanelli MD, and Ron Bush
Computer-based laparoscopic and robotic surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users., Neal Seymour MD, David Lin MD, John Romanelli MD, Michael Ganey MD, and Ron Bush
Computer-based laparoscopic and robotic surgical simulators: Performance characteristics and perceptions of new users., Neal Seymour MD, David Lin MD, John Romanelli MD, Michael Ganey MD, and Ron Bush
Computer-based simulation training in surgery, Neal Seymour MD
Computerized adaptive testing of diabetes impact: A feasibility study of Hispanics and non-Hispanics in an active clinic population., Garry Welch and Paula Santiago-Kelley
Computerized databases for ALS incidence calculations: Ready, steady, but don't go yet, Carmel Armon MD
Computerized Physician Order Entry(CPOE): Employing pre-built chemotherapy care sets: Antiemetic and supportive care medication omissions., Donald Higby MD, Wilson Mertens MD, Deborah Naglieri-Prescod, and Lucinda Cassells MD
Computer simulations in the design and evaluation of anemia management protocols, Michael Germain MD
Concentrations of serum total activin A and inhibin A in preterm and term labor patients: a cross-sectional study., Michael Plevyak MD
Conceptualizing education faculty development for hospital-based faculty, Elisabeth Bennett
Concomitant thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and ANCA-associated vasculitis in an adolescent, Christine McKiernan MD, Varun Agrawal MD, Chirag Vaidya MD, Jiuming Ye MD, Jonathan Freeman MD, Peter Blier MD, Chester Andrzejewski MD, Michael Germain MD, and Gregory Braden MD
Conformational variation of surface class II MHC proteins during myeloid dendritic cell differentiation accompanies structural changes in lysosomal MIIC., Giovanna Crisi MD
Confusion in elders caused by non-convulsive status epilepticus., Carmel Armon MD
Congenital anomalies, prematurity, and low birth weight rates in relation to nuclear power plant proximity1), Paul Visintainer
Congenital CNS malformations and their association with pediatric epilepsy: A pictoral review with emphasis on pathophysiology and epidemiology, Cheri Nguyen MD, Richard Hicks MD, and Stanley Polansky MD
Congenital malformations of the skull and meninges., Paul Kanev MD
Congestive Heart Failure, Mara Slawsky MD, Gregory Valania MD, Sandra Bellantonio MD, and Fadi Saab MD
Congestive heart failure (CHF) exacerbation precipitated by unintended overdose of baking soda, Chunmei Huang MD, Amit Saxena MD, Sandra Bellantonio MD, and Amir Lotfi MD
Consensus treatment plans for induction therapy of newly diagnosed proliferative lupus nephritis in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus, Peter Blier MD
Contemporary cesarean delivery practice in the United States, Ronald Burkman MD
Contemporary patterns of spontaneous labor with normal neonatal outcomes, Ronald Burkman MD
Continuing medical education activity in echocardiography, Thomas Rowland MD
Continuing medical education program in the journal of hospital medicine, Peter Lindenauer MD
Continuity of mental health care for HIV-positive jail inmates (roundtable discussion), Thomas Lincoln MD
Continuous glucose monitoring in children with type 1 diabetes: before and after insulin pump therapy., Edward Reiter MD and Holley Allen MD
Continuous glucose monitoring in non-insulin-using individuals with type 2 diabetes: Acceptability, feasibility, and teaching opportunities, Nancy Allen and Stuart Chipkin MD
Continuous performance improvement works for reduction of central line associated blood stream infections, William McGee MD, Sheila Elliott, and Mary Ellen Scales
Contralateral breast cancer: factors associated with stage and size at presentation., Grace Makari-Judson MD and Wilson Mertens MD
Contrast-enhanced cross sectional body imaging protocols: What is seen when?, Dmitry Rakita MD, Margaret Yacobozzi MD, and Tara Catanzano MD
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury in renal transplant recipients after cardiac catheterization, Varun Agrawal MD
Contributing author, Katharine Freeman MD
Contributors to variation in hospital spending for critically ill patients with sepsis, Tara Lagu M.D., Michael Rothberg M.D., Nicholas Hannon, Jay Steingrub MD, and Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Control charts and control limits, Karthik Raghunathan MD
Controversies in perioperative medication management, Donna Mercado MD and David Ling MD
Controversies in precocious puberty treatment, Edward Reiter MD
Controversies: Therapeutic hypothermia, Jay Steingrub MD
Controversy Session: Imaging of the Acute Abdomen in Pregnancy: Current Roles and Controversies, Tara Catanzano MD
Conversion locked-in syndrome after implantation of a spinal cord stimulator., Neil Connelly MD, Paul Kanev MD, Alan Weintraub MD, and Edward Solis MD
COOMBS negative hemolytic anemia - Where blood transfusion is not always the solution, Dhivya Sundaramurthy MD and T. Vijay Gadiraju MD
Coping with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, Grace Makari-Judson MD
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery depletes plasma thiamine levels, Howard Smithline MD
Coronary CT angiography versus standard evaluation in acute chest pain, J. Hector Pope MD
Coronary perfusion pressure response to intraosseous administration after prolonged cardiac arrest, Joshua Harris M.D., Ryan Coute, Adam Kellogg M.D., Scot Millay M.D., and Timothy Mader M.D.
Correlates of depression during pregnancy in latina women, Glenn Markenson MD and Penny Pekow
Correlates of discontinuing physical activity at the onset of pregnancy among Hispanic women, Glenn Markenson MD and Penny Pekow
Correlates of high perceived stress among pregnant Hispanic women in Western Massachusetts., Penny Pekow and Glenn Markenson MD
Correlates of physical activity in pregnancy among Latina women, Glenn Markenson MD and Penny Pekow
Correlates of renal artery caliber in patients undergoing simultaneous coronary and renal arteriography, Barbara Greco MD and George Hartnell MD
Correlates of smoking cessation at pregnancy onset among Hispanic women in Massachusetts, Penny Pekow
Correlation between change in dyspnea severity and clinical outcome in patients with acute heart failure, Howard Smithline MD, Richard Barus, Fidela Blank, and Ryan Coute
Correlation between villous mineralization, embryonic demise and aneuploidy, Solveig Pflueger MD and Aparna Rajadhyaksha MD
Correlation of stromal expression of YKL-40 with recurrence of colorectal cancer, Jane Garb, Christopher Chapman MD, Brooke Bentley, Q Jackie Cao MD, Rong Shao, Richard Arenas MD, and Hannah Swayze-Quinn MD
Corticosteroid administration and treatment failure in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Reply, Penny Pekow, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Michael Rothberg MD
Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Cost and workforce implications of subjecting all physicians to aviation industry work-hour restrictions, Michael Payette MD
Cost comparison of looped versus stapled laparoscopic appendectomy, David Earle MD and Neal Seymour MD
Cost-effective approaches to influenza prevention and treatment, Michael Rothberg MD
Cost-effectiveness and contraceptive effectiveness of the transdermal contraceptive patch., Ronald Burkman MD
Cost-effectiveness of a vaccine to prevent herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in older adults, Michael Rothberg MD and Anunta Virapongse MD
Cost-minimization analysis of the direct costs of TPE and IVIg in the treatment of Guillain-Barré syndrome, Chester Andrzejewski MD
Costs and net health effects of contraceptive methods., Ronald Burkman MD
Cough and Fever in a 28 year-old IV Drug User, Monique Carreno MD and Curtis Andrews MD
Covering all bases: A simulated, longitudinal case-based approach to teaching critical care fellows, Patrick Mailloux M.D.
Covert cryptococcal meningitis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematous, Armando Paez MD, Senthil Sivalingam MD, Pragathi Saligram MD, and Sivakumar Natanasabapathy MD
Cramping with Crohn's: New diagnosis of Crohn's in a 88 year old man, Syed Hussain MD, Siddharth Wartak MD, Alvaro Rosales MD, and Arnulfo Deray MD
Creutzfeldt Jacob disease and myasthenia gravis presenting as delirium in an octgenarian, Venkta Kodali MD, Maura Brennan MD, Todd Capizzi MD, Donna Mercado MD, George Baquis MD, Benjamin Liptzin MD, and David Longworth MD
Critical care of the thoracic surgical patient, Thomas Higgins MD and Patrick Mailloux MD
Critical care ultrasound: Undifferentiated hypotension, Tala Elia MD
Critical influence of framing coil orientation on intra-aneurysmal and neck region hemodynamics in a sidewall aneurysm model, Clemens Schirmer MD
Critical influence of framing coil orientation on the intra-aneurysmal and neck region hemodynamics, Clemens Schirmer MD
Critical values comparison: A College of American Pathologists Q-Probes survey of 163 clinical laboratories, Richard Friedberg MD
Critical values: Lessons learned on handoff communication, Richard Friedberg MD
Critical values reporting (QT10) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD
Crohn's disease of the esophagus., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Crossing the chasm: expanded applications for hemodynamic monitoring, William McGee MD
Cryptic Meningoencephalitis, Anna Stepczynski MD
Cryptococcal lymphadenitis and massive splenomegaly in an immunocompromised patient., Daniel Skiest MD
Cryptococcosis and other fungal infections of the central nervous system in AIDS, Daniel Skiest MD
Cryptococcus neoforms, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Cryptorchidism, Michael Picchioni MD
CT directed diagnostic and therapeutic pericardiocentesis: 8-year experience at a single institution., Bret Coughlin MD and Stephen Klein MD
Cuffed endotracheal tubes are okay for neonates, Steven Dunn MD
Cultural differences in the perception of obesity and cardiovascular risk, Senthil Sivalingam MD
Cultural orientation and diabetes self-care in low-income African Americans with type 2 diabetes mellitus., Stuart Chipkin MD and Garry Welch
Culture and complexities of shared medical decision-making: The family-doctor-patient triad, Kah Poh Loh MD, Shin Yin Lee MD, and Maura Brennan MD
Current controversies: hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer., Ronald Burkman MD
Current handoff practices in EM residencies: A targeted needs assessment and opportunities for future education. Is there a need for transition?, Benjamin Osborne MD
Curriculum for post-graduate education: Comparing hospice and palliative care medicine, Monique Carreno MD, Maura Brennan MD, Diane Dietzen MD, and Gina Luciano MD
Cutaneous malignant melanoma., Aimee Leonard MD
Cutaneous metastases from an aggressive epithelioid vascular neoplasm, Jean Henneberry MD
Cutaneous neoplasms With prominent verocay body-like structures: The so-called "rippled pattern", Namrata Setia MD
Cutia aplasia and transverse limb defects related to first trimester misoprostol exposure, Mary-Alice Abbott MD and Sara Goldstein
Cutting balloon entrapment during treatment of in-stent restenosis: an unusual complication and its management., Gregory Giugliano MD
Cycle control, tolerability, and satisfaction among women switching from 30-35 microg ethinyl estradiol-containing oral contraceptives to the triphasic norgestimate/25 microg ethinyl estradiol-containing oral contraceptive Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO., Ronald Burkman MD and Anthony Poindexter MD
Cycle control with a 21-day compared with a 24-day oral contraceptive pill: a randomized controlled trial, Ronald Burkman MD
Cycle control with a 21-day vs a 24-day oral contraceptive (OC) regimen: Influence of previous exposure, Ronald Burkman MD
Cystic struma ovarii (with macrocystic change), Christopher Otis MD and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Cystitis glandularis, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Christopher Otis MD
Cytologic features of müllerian papilloma of the cervix: mimic of malignancy, Robert Goulart MD, David Gang MD, Barry Sachs MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Monica Hollowell MD, and Christopher Otis MD
Cytologic findings of psammocarcinoma in peritoneal washings, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Christopher Otis MD, and Robert Goulart MD
Cytology of pseudoseptic leukemic arthritis., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IE1 and pp65 specific CD8+ T cell responses broaden over time after primary CMV infection in infants, Donna Fisher MD
Cytomorphology of cervicovaginal melanoma: ThinPrep versus conventional Papanicolaou tests, Christopher Otis MD, Robert Goulart MD, Rukmini Modem MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, and Namrata Setia MD
Cytotechnologists today: Much more than 'pap-ologists' with schools in need of our support, Robert Goulart MD
Daily versus admission mortality estimates: Is admission severity yesterday's news?, Thomas Higgins MD
Daptomycin therapy for serious infections due to methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, Armando Paez MD and Daniel Skiest MD
D-Dimer and exhaled CO2/O2 to detect segmental pulmonary embolism in moderate-risk patients, Howard Smithline MD
D-Dimer threshold increase with pretest probability unlikely for pulmonary embolism to decrease unnecessary computerized tomographic pulmonary angiography, Howard Smithline MD
Dead but still our patient, Maura Brennan MD and Mohamed Elarabi MD
Decellularized cadaver vein allografts used for hemodialysis access do not cause allosensitization or preclude kidney transplantation., Alexander Kurbanov MD, Robert Madden MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Decision making and the spine patient for nurses, APRNs and PAs, Marianne Langlois
Decision-making capacity in elders with dementia, Yee Chuan Ang MD, Shin Yin Lee MD, and Maura Brennan MD
Declining prevalence of diabetes mellitus in hereditary haemochromatosis: The result of earlier diagnosis, Sabyasachi Sen MD
Decongestive treatment of acute decompensated heart failure: Cardiorenal implications of ultrafiltration and diuretics, Benjamin Freda MD, Mara Slawsky MD, Jaya Mallidi MD, and Gregory Braden MD
Decongestive treatment of heart failure-Cardiorenal Implications, Benjamin Freda MD
Decongestive treatment of heart failure-Ultrafiltration and diuretics, Benjamin Freda MD
Decreased leptin levels in normal weight women with hypothalamic amenorrhea: The effects of body composition and nutritional intake, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Decubitus ulcers are associated with prolonged length of stay in critically ill patients, William McGee M.D., Elizabeth Lederman, and Thomas Higgins M.D.
Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis in laparoscopy: An evidence-based review, David Earle MD
Deficiency of decidual IL-10 in first trimester missed abortion: a lack of correlation with the decidual immune cell profile., Michael Plevyak MD
Delayed pediatric appendicitis treatment linked to complications, and even death, David Tashjian MD and Kevin Moriarty MD
Delayed time to defibrillation after intraoperative and periprocedural cardiac arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Delirium, Benjamin Liptzin MD and Steven Fischel MD
Delirium 2005: What do we know and not know., Benjamin Liptzin MD
Delirium or pain or urinary retention, Geetika Sachdeva MD
Delivery of systemic chemotherapeutic agent to tumors by using focused ultrasound: Study in a murine model, Suzanne G. Shulman MD
Delivery room management of preterm infants at risk for respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), Robert Rothstein MD
Dementia and "delirium" due to whole brain radiation in a cancer survivor, Maura Brennan MD and Mohamed Elarabi MD
Demonstration of construct valifity for a new virtual reality laparoscopic skills trainer, Neal Seymour MD, David Earle MD, and Ron Bush
Demonstration of increasing laparoscopic clinical skill over time: Use of a new network-based resident assessment tool, Eyad Wohaibi MD, David Lin MD, David Earle MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Demonstration of type-2 iodothyronine deiodinase (D2) activity in mouse type 1 skeletal muscle, J Enrique Silva MD and Waile Ramadan MD
Demystifying Factor Analysis: How It Works and How To Use It, Garry Welch
Dental care for children with special health care needs in Massachusetts, Matthew Sadof MD
Dental stains, Lindsey Grossman MD
Depot-specific adipose weight and gene expression is modulated by myostatin and activin, Sabyasachi Sen MD and Alan Schneyer
Depressed mood, psychological stress and eating disordered symptoms are associated with perceived oral contraceptive side effects in minority adolescents, Katharine White MD
Depression and gestational weight gain among low-income Hispanic and White non-Hispanic women, Heather Sankey MD
Depression with psychosis masquerading as delirium, Maura Brennan MD, Samuel Borden MD, and Eileen Kehoe MD
Derivation of a clinical prediction rule for pediatric abusive head trauma., Stephen Boos MD
Design and development of a new diagnostic microbiology and epidemiology track in the general meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Carol Ann Rauch MD
Designated case managers as facilitators of medical and psychosocial service delivery in addiction treatment programs., Paul Friedmann MD
Designing property specifications to improve the safety of the blood transfusion process, Philip Henneman MD and Elizabeth Henneman
Design of an MRI birdcage coil for lower leg imaging, Howard Smithline MD
Design of a torso positioning device for pre-operative planning of breast reconstruction surgery, Peter Wu MD and John Nigriny MD
Detecting cancers in dense tissue on screening mammography, Jane An MD, Jennifer Hadro MD, David March MD, and Giovanna Crisi MD
Detection and differentiation of normal, cancerous, and metastatic cells using nanoparticle-polymer sensor arrays, D Joseph Jerry
Detection of BCR-ABL1 kinase domain mutations causing Imatinib resistance in chronic myelogenous leukemia, Franklin Moore MD
Detection of BCR-ABL1 Kinase Domain Mutations Causing Imatinib Resistance in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, Franklin Moore MD
Detection of nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor-resistant HIV-1 after discontinuation of virologically suppressive antiretroviral therapy, Daniel Skiest MD
Detection of synthetic cannabinoids in herbal incense products, James Nichols and David Unold MD
Determinants of 30-day adverse events following saphenous vein graft intervention with and without a distal occlusion embolic protection device., Gregory Giugliano MD
Determinants of diastolic cardiac filling during exercise, Thomas Rowland MD
Determinants of endurance exercise capacity in the heat in prepubertal boys., Thomas Rowland MD
Determination of singleton versus twin gestations by intial bhCG values in ART cycles, Cynthia Sites MD, Alex Knee, and Margaret Arny
Determining optimum hemoglobin sampling for anemia management from every-treatment data, Michael Germain MD
Determining pretest probability of DVT: clinical intuition vs. validated scoring systems., Timothy Mader MD and Howard Smithline MD
Determining the accuracy of caudal needle placement in children: A comparison of the swoosh test and ultrasonography, Neil Connelly MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, and Donald Schwartz MD
Developing and implementing a chief resident leadership curriculum, Gina Luciano MD and Kevin Hinchey MD
Developing and Implementing a Milestone-Based Resident Evaluation Program, Michael Rosenblum MD and Kevin Hinchey MD
Developing an in-training examination for fellows: The experience of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, James Stewart MD
Developing a renal supportive care team from the voices of patients, families, and palliative care staff, Lewis Cohen MD
Developing a successful scholarly activities program, Michael Rothberg MD
Developing effective child psychiatry collaboration with primary care: Leadership and management strategies, Barry Sarvet MD
Developing effective collaboration in children's mental health: One question at a time, Barry Sarvet MD
Development and Operation of a Simulation Laboratory at a Major Medical Center, Gladys Fernandez MD and Neal Seymour MD
Development and validation of a model that uses enhanced administrative data to predict mortality in patients with sepsis, Tara Lagu MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, Jay Steingrub MD, and Thomas Higgins MD
Development and validation of a mortality risk-adjustment model for patients hospitalized for exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Development and validation of a Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire., Glenn Markenson MD
Development of a checklist for documenting team and collaborative behaviors during multidisciplinary bedside rounds, Elizabeth Henneman, Reva Kleppel, and Kevin Hinchey MD
Development of a defined residency research project timeline, Aaron Michelucci and Evan Horton
Development of a model that uses enhanced administrative data to predict mortality among patients with sepsis, Tara Lagu MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, Jay Steingrub MD, and Thomas Higgins MD
Development of a postgraduate year 1 pharmacy residency program at a large teaching hospital, Aaron Michelucci and Evan Horton
Development of a simulation program to teach adult resuscitation in an internal medicine residency program, Raquel Belforti MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, and Gerard Langlois
Development of children who have hearing impairment, Cheryl Tierney and Patrick Brown MD
Development of electronic medical record charting for hospital-based transfusion and apheresis medicine services: Early adoption perspectives, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Vandita Johari MD, Chester Andrzejewski MD, Rebecca Levy MD, Darlene Cloutier, Jean Provencher, Joan McGirr, Jennifer Stebbins, Suzanne Cronin, Joshua Wherry, Joseph Fenton, and Eileen Donelan MD
Development of the block nurse role: Challenges and successes, Cidalia Vital RN, Penny Bertolasio RN, and Lee Nutting RN
Development, validation, and results of a measure of 30-day readmission following hospitalization for pneumonia, Peter Lindenauer MD
Development, validation, and results of a risk-standardized measure of hospital 30-day mortality for patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Dexamethasone increases bupivacaine analgesia duration in ultrasound guided interscalene blocks, Peter Vieira MD, Istvan Pulai MD, George Tsao MD, Poornachandran Manikantan MD, and Neil Connelly MD
Dexamethasone with bupivacaine increases duration of analgesia in ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus blockade, Neil Connelly MD, Peter Vieira MD, Istvan Pulai MD, George Tsao MD, Poornachandran Manikantan MD, and Brunella Keller
Diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased mortality in patients with a prior myocardial infarction and reduced left ventricular function, James Cook MD and Stephen Wittenberg MD
Diabetes self-management among low-income Spanish-speaking patients: A pilot study., Jeffrey Scavron MD
Diabetes translation research: where are we and where do we want to be?, Evan Benjamin MD
Diabetes, women, and the ObGyn, Ronald Burkman MD
Diagnoses and presenting symptoms in an infant psychiatry clinic: comparison of two diagnostic systems., Kenneth Frankel MD
Diagnosis and laparoscopic treatment of surgical diseases during pregnancy: An evidence-based review, David Earle MD
Diagnosis and management of hyponatremia, Benjamin Freda MD
Diagnosis of acute cardiac ischemia., J. Hector Pope M.D.
Diagnosis of acute mitral valve insufficiency using emergency bedside echocardiography, Jeremy Sautner MD and Gavin Budhram MD
Diagnosis of ascending aortic dissection using emergency department bedside echocardiogram, Gavin Budhram MD
Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism using emergency department bedside echocardiogram, Gavin Budhram MD and Richard Misiaszek MD
Diagnostic accuracy of image-guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of the mediastinum, Margaret Assaad MD, Christopher Otis MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Diagnostic accuracy of image-guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of the mediastinum, Margaret Assaad MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, and Christopher Otis MD
Diagnostic agreement in the evaluation of image-guided breast core needle biopsies: results from a randomized clinical trial., Robert Goulart MD and David Page MD
Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in elderly patients with pulmonary embolism, Maura Brennan MD and Carmel Celestin MD
Diagnostic cytologic features of an epididymal melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy present in scrotal fluid: A case report., Liron Pantanowitz MD, Robert Goulart MD, David Gang MD, Giovanna Crisi MD, and P LaPolice
Diagnostic utility of bile duct curettage specimens in bile duct cytology, Margaret Assaad MD, Maryanne Hornish, Robert Goulart MD, David Desilets MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Diagnostic utility of Lupus Band Test, Jean Henneberry MD
Diagnostic utility of mammaglobin in lesions of the uterine cervix, Margaret Assaad MD, Christopher Otis MD, Sharon Marconi, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Dialysis discontinuation: Quo vadis, Lewis Cohen MD and Michael Germain MD
Dialysis: Epidemiology, outcomes, and clinical trials: Cardiovascular - II, Arley Diaz MD, Paul Visintainer, Penny Pekow, Peter Lindenauer M.D., and Michael Rothberg M.D.
Dialysis Initiation: What's the Rush?, Michael Germain M.D.
Dialysis should be discontinued more often, Lewis Cohen MD
Diastolic dysfunction in elderly patients, Sandra Bellantonio MD and M Javed Ashraf MD
Dietary behaviors, physical activity, and cigarette smoking among pregnant Puerto Rican women, Glenn Markenson MD and Penny Pekow
Dietary vitamin D intake, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels and premenstrual syndrome in a college-aged population, Sofija Zagarins MD
Differences in severity and resource utilization for medical and surgical ICU patients, William McGee M.D., Elizabeth Lederman, and Thomas Higgins M.D.
Differences in severity and resource utilization for medical and surgical ICU patients, William McGee M.D., Elizabeth Lederman, and Thomas Higgins M.D.
Differences in triage thresholds for patients presenting with possible acute coronary syndromes: More than meets the eye., J. Hector Pope MD
Differential antagonism of activin, myostatin and GDF11 by wild type and mutant follistatin, Alan Schneyer
Differential roles of HIC-5 isoforms in the regulation of cell death and myotube formation during myogenesis, Larry Schwartz and Honor Glenn
Differential suppression of menstrual fluid prostaglandin F2a, prostaglandin E2, 6-keto prostaglandin F1a and thromboxane B2 by suprofen in women with primary dysmenorrhea, M Yusoff Dawood MD
Differentiating HIV-associated lymphomas that exhibit plasmacellular differentiation, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Differentiating HIV-associated non-Hodgkin's lymphomas with similar plasmacellular differentiation, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Differentiating suicide from life-ending acts and end-of-life decisions: a model based on chronic kidney disease and dialysis., Lewis Cohen MD
Differentiation Syndrome (DS) a mimicker of ARDS, Ashita Talsania MD, Aashish Samat MD, and Michael Rossen MD
Difficult venous access, Donald Schwartz MD and Karthik Raghunathan MD
Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of benign and malignant genitourinary lesions: Review of current concepts, Jonathan Cogley MD
Diffusion-weighted MRI of renal cell carcinoma, upper tract urothelial carcinoma, and renal infection: A pictorial review, Dustin Nguyen MD and Dmitry Rakita MD
Digitizing Hospital History: A Pilot Project, Margot Malachowski MLS
Digoxin Overdose, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Digoxin Overdose, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Digoxin Overdose, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Diphtheria, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Direct Antiglobulin Testing, CAP Survey DAT-A; DAT-B., Richard Friedberg MD
Disaster myths and hurricane Katrina 2005: Can public officals and the media learn to provide reponsible crisis communication during disasters, Jeffrey Arnold MD
Discussing illness at well-child care visits, Matthew Sadof MD
Disorders of the anterior pituitary, Edward Reiter MD
Disorders of the Small Intestine, Philip Henneman MD and Susan Torrey MD
Disparity in outcome prediction between APACHE-II, MPM-II and SAPS II, William McGee MD and Thomas Higgins MD
Disruptions and satisfaction in internal medicine resident continuity clinic differ between inpatient and outpatient rotations., Michael Rosenblum MD and Timothy Mulligan MD
Dissection headache sine stroke., George Baquis MD and Brian W. Smith MD
Distinct Angiogenic Mediators Are Required for Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor- and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-induced Angiogenesis: The Role of Cytoplasmic Tyrosine Kinase c-Abl in Tumor Angiogenesis, Rong Shao, Wei Yan, and Brooke Bentley
Distinctive gene expression profiles by cDNA microarrays in endometrioid and serous carcinomas of the endometrium., Q Jackie Cao MD
Distinguishing benign from malignant mesothelial cells in effusions by Glut-1, EMA, and Desmin expression: an evidence-based approach, Roxanne Florence MD, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Paul Visintainer, and Christopher Otis MD
Diuretics or ultrafiltration for acute decompensated heart failure and cardiorenal syndrome?, Benjamin Freda MD, Jaya Mallidi MD, and Gregory Braden M.D.
DLBD - Diagnosis Lost By Delay, Amit Saxena MD and Jagadeesan Udayarani MD
Do adolescents treated with orlistat maintain weight loss?, Holley Allen MD
Docetaxel and cyclooxygenaze-2 inhibition with celecoxib for advanced non-small cell lung cancer progressing after platinum-based chemotherapy: a multicenter phase II trial, John McCann MD and Wilson Mertens MD
Doctor, who is going to take care of me when you leave?, Ronald Burkman MD
Do depressed mood, psychological stress and eating disordered symptoms increase the risk for oral contraceptive discontinuation in young minority women, Katharine White MD
Do elderly patients fare well in the ICU?, Thomas Higgins MD and Maura Brennan MD
Does a condom availability program in an inner city public school decrease the rates of gonorrhea and chlamydia infection, Laura Koenigs MD
Does a motivational interviewing intervention delivered by diabetes educators improve HbA1c for poorly controlled type 2 diabetes patients?, Garry Welch, Sofija Zagarins MD, and Jane Garb
Does antidepressant use attenuate the risk of a major depressive episode in pregnancy?, Ronald Burkman MD
Does a vanishing twin identified at 6-7 week ultrasound impact perinatal outcome, Daniel Grow MD, Pamela Behrens, Margaret Arny, and Amy Novak
Does catheter type effect pregnancy rate in intrauterine insemination cycles?, Michael Plevyak MD and Daniel Grow MD
Does division of the nerve of Latarjet during Roux-En-Y laparoscopic gastric bypass influence delayed emptying of the gastric pouch in the early postoperative period, John Romanelli MD and Jane Garb
Does dually-based medical and mental health care at a county jail reduce recidivism for HIV+ individuals?, Thomas Lincoln MD
Does first-trimester ultrasound predict obstetrical outcomes in monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies?, Glenn Markenson MD
Does gestational diabetes impact maternal or cord blood lipids, Glenn Markenson MD and Alex Knee
Does hormone therapy counter the beneficial effects of physical activity on breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women?, Ronald Burkman MD
Does increased BMI impair predicted adult height in female patients treated with Depot GnRH for precocious puberty, Holley Allen MD, Dennis Brenner MD, and Erin Morneault MD
Does living in a family slow cognitive decline in dementia?, Maura Brennan MD and Dev Basu MD
Does living in a family slow dementia, Dev Basu MD
Does mandatory in-patient alcohol detoxification reduce ED recidivism or hospital admission for patients with chronic, severe alcohol dependence, Niels Rathlev MD
Does morphine change the physical examination in patients with acute appendicitis, Howard Smithline MD, Jeannette Wolfe MD, Jane Garb, and Viriato Fiallo MD
Does obesity affect the vaginal hysterectomy outcomes?, Oz Harmanli MD
Does obesity affect vaginal hysterectomy outcomes, Oz Harmanli MD
Does proteinuria predict severity in eating disorders, Laura Koenigs MD, Nancy Miller MD, Allison Paroskie MD, and Claire Norton
Does requiring shoulder dystocia training for hospital credentialing improve the management and outcomes of this complication?, Ronald Burkman MD, Alex Knee, Susan DeJoy, and Carrie Bell MD
Does standardization of care through clinical guidelines improve outcomes and reduce medical liability, Ronald Burkman MD
Does surgical volume influence short-term outcomes of laparoscopic hysterectomy, Oz Harmanli MD and Alex Knee
Does surgical volume influence short-term outcomes of laparoscopic hysterectomy?, Oz Harmanli MD and Alex Knee
Does suture choice matter for elective cerclage?, Fadi Bsat MD, Glenn Markenson MD, Michael Plevyak MD, Alex Knee, and Andrew Healy MD
Does Suture Choice Matter for Ultrasound-Indicated Cerclage?, Fadi Bsat MD, Glenn Markenson MD, Michael Plevyak MD, Alex Knee, and Andrew Healy MD
Does Switching from Tamoxifen to an Aromatase Inhibitor Result in Weight Change in Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Patients?, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Todd Capizzi MD, and Wilson Mertens MD
Does the presence of asymptomatic cholelithiasis preoperatively predict the development of cholecystitis in the weight loss period following bariatric surgery, John Romanelli MD and Jane Garb
Does therapeutic touch ease the discomfort or distress of patients undergoing stereotactic core breast biopsy? A randomized clinical trial, Wilson Mertens MD, Grace Makari-Judson MD, David March MD, and Lester Frank MD
Donepezil and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Ashish Arora MD, Ashish Verma MD, Maura Brennan MD, and M Javed Ashraf MD
Donepezil in the prevention and treatment of post-surgical delirium., Jane Garb, Benjamin Liptzin MD, Agnes Laki, Richard Fingeroth MD, and Robert Krushell MD
Donor-derived infections in the transplant recipient, Claire Magauran MD
Do-not-hospitalize orders for individuals with advanced dementia: healthcare proxies' perspectives., Sarah Goff MD, Wanda Colon-Cartagena MD, Sandra Bellantonio MD, and Michael Rothberg M.D.
Do Not Record (DNR) code status=RESUSCITATE, Anju Bhagavan MD and Sandra Bellantonio MD
Do not withdraw stylets when advancing spinal needles, Steven Dunn MD
Don't forget the Hacek, Peter Butler MD, Lisa Massie MD, and Daniel Skiest MD
Don't forget to tighten your belt, Medicaid growth and payment reform are on the way, Ronald Burkman MD
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater: Time to revisit VBAC, Ronald Burkman MD
Don't use thiopental to decrease propofol injection pain., Timothy Lacy MD, Neil Connelly MD, and Katharine Freeman MD
Door-to-balloon time: Are we evaluating the wrong metric, J. Mark Peterman MD, Gregory Giugliano MD, and Marc Schweiger MD
Door-to-balloon time: are we evaluating the wrong metric?, J. Mark Peterman MD, Gregory Giugliano MD, and Marc Schweiger MD
Door-to-balloon time: Performance improvement in the multidisciplinary treatment of myocardial infarction, J. Mark Peterman MD
Do pediatricians manage influenza differently than internists, Michael Rothberg MD, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD, and David Rose MD
Do physicians under-recognize obesity?, Rachana Thapa MD
Do physicians under-recognize obesity?, Rachana Thapa MD
Do pregnancies complicated by preterm births with a negative fetal fibronectin screen have different characteristics compared to those that have positive fibronectin results?, Fadi Bsat MD, Alex Knee, Andrew Healy MD, Michael Plevyak MD, and Glenn Markenson MD
Do red blood cell transfusions increase the risk of necrotizingenterocolitis in preterm infants, Rachana Singh MD, Paul Visintainer, Bhavesh Shah MD, and Kathleen Meyer MD
Dose-response and efficacy of ferric citrate to treat hyperphosphatemia in hemodialysis patients: A short-term randomized trial., Barbara Greco MD
Dosing of continuous renal replacement therapy in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury: how low should we go?, Benjamin Freda MD
Dosing of nitroglycerin for acute decompensated heart failure, Howard Smithline MD
Double blinded randomized comparison between lidocaine jelly and surgilube for urethral straight catheterization and the q-tip test, Oz Harmanli MD, Alex Knee, and Obi Okafor MD
Double-blinded randomized trial of preoperative antibiotics in midurethral sling procedures and review of the literature, Oz Harmanli MD, Stephen Metz MD, and Keisha Jones MD
Double-blinded randomized trial of preoperative antibiotics in midurethral sling procedures: Preliminary results, Oz Harmanli MD
Double hit: Primary skeletal muscle lymphoma, Steve Lee MD, Syed Ali MD, and Vandita Johari MD
Double trouble: Auto-immune hemolytic anemia and tumor lysis syndrome following fludarabine-based therapy for chronic lympocytic leukemia, Wei Ooi MD and Saurabh Dahiya MD
Double trouble: Heart & lung in distress, Sonali Arora MD, Auras Atreya MD, and Amir Lotfi MD
Double trouble: Heart & lung in distress!, Auras Atreya MD
Down-regulation of sfrp1 in a mammary epithelial cell line promotes the development of a cd44high/cd24low population which is invasive and resistant to anoikis, Kelly Gauger, Sallie Schneider, and Melissa Troester
Doxercalciferol safely suppresses PTH levels in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism associated with chronic kidney disease stages 3 and 4., Michael Germain MD
Dragon enhances BMP signaling and increases transepithelial resistance in kidney epithelial cells, Alan Schneyer
DRESS syndrome induced by vancomycin, Chunmei Huang MD and Jose Martagon-Villamil MD
Dr. Gates and colleagues respond, George Hartnell MD
Driving and older adults: the physician's role., Maura Brennan MD, Sandra Bellantonio MD, and Syed Hussain MD
Dronedarone-induced optic neuropathy, Vijairam Selvaraj M.D. and Karin Johnson M.D.
Drosophila Morgue is an F box/ubiquitin conjugase domain protein important for grim-reaper mediated apoptosis, Larry Schwartz
Drosophila sickle is a novel grim-reaper cell death activator, Larry Schwartz
Drotrecogin alfa (activated) for adults with severe sepsis and a low risk of death., Jay Steingrub MD
Drotrecogin alfa (activated) in sepsis: Initial experience with patient selection, cost, and clinical outcomes., Thomas Higgins MD, Jay Steingrub MD, Mark Tidswell MD, William McGee MD, and Gary Tereso
Drotrecogin alfa (activated) treatment in severe sepsis from the global, Jay Steingrub MD
Drowning: A brief primer on submersion injuries, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Drug-eluting stents and acute myocardial infarction: Experience from the TAXUS ARRIVE registry program, Marc Schweiger MD
Drug-induced pulmonary toxicities, Jane Cross MD
Drug shortages as an impetus to improve parenteral nutrition practices, Alice O'Connor, Sean Illig, and Kathleen Kopcza
Dual-energy subtraction chest radiography combined with temporal subtraction for enhanced diagnostic quality., Devang Doshi MD
Ductal carcinoma in situ in a 16-year-old adolescent boy with gynecomastia: A case report., Kevin Moriarty MD, Richard Courtney MD, George Wadie MD, Theonia Boyd MD, and Gregory Banever MD
Ductal carcinoma in situ in a 16-year-old adolescent boy with gynecomastia: A case report., Kevin Moriarty MD, Richard Courtney MD, George Wadie MD, Theonia Boyd MD, and Gregory Banever MD
Dyskinetic variant of neuroleptic malignant syndrome precipitated by naloxone given to reverse opioid overdose in a 57-year-old woman, a smoker, on bupropion and duloxetine, Carmel Armon MD, Aaron Michelucci, and Erin Taylor
Early antiepileptic drug reduction following anterior temporal lobectomy for medically intractable complex partial epilepsy., Carmel Armon MD
Early cardiac arrest in patients hospitalized with pneumonia: a report from the American Heart Association's Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation Program, Timothy Mader MD
Early experience with visceral closure in NOTES procedures in a porcine model, David Earle MD, John Romanelli MD, and David Desilets MD
Early femoral head penetration of a highly cross-linked polyethylene liner vs a conventional polyethylene liner: A case-controlled study, Robert Krushell MD and Richard Fingeroth MD
Early indicators of prolonged intensive care unit stay: impact of illness severity, physician staffing, and pre-intensive care unit length of stay., Thomas Higgins MD, Jay Steingrub MD, and William McGee MD
Early intravenous cannulation in children during sevoflurane induction., Katharine Freeman MD and Neil Connelly MD
Early nutrition and weight gain in preterm newborns and the risk of retinopathy of prematurity, Bhavesh Shah M.D. and William Seefeld MD
Early predictors of medication use in young children with ADHD, Jack Fanton MD
Early surgical intervention in acute cholecystitis for our elderly, Michael Wall MD, Maura Brennan MD, and Michael Rosenblum MD
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma: A Review of the Management of the Open Abdomen-Part 2 "Management of the Open Abdomen", Reginald Alouidor MD
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma: management of the open abdomen, part III-review of abdominal wall reconstruction, Eleanor Winston MD
ECG image of the month. A childhood illness in an adult. Complete atrioventricular block, Jiang Cui MD, Mathias Stoenescu MD, and Leehapong Navaravong MD
Echocardiography & advanced maternal age, Fadi Bsat MD and Glenn Markenson MD
Echocardiography and circulatory response to progressive endurance exercise, Thomas Rowland MD
Editorial comment: Bone lesions in Kaposi sarcoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Editorial comment: hemophagocytic syndrome--an HIV-associated quagmire, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Editorial comment: plasmablastic lymphoma--a diagnostic and therapeutic puzzle, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Editorial comment: Sweet syndrome--a diagnosis seeking a cause, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Wayne Duke MD
Editorial introductions, Hal Jenson MD
ED technicians can successfully place ultrasound-guided intravenous catheters in patients with poor vascular access, Elizabeth Schoenfeld MD
Education is ALL about patient care, Michael Rosenblum MD
Effectiveness of antibiotic class in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Penny Pekow, Michael Rothberg MD, Oren Brody MD, Daniel Skiest MD, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Effectiveness of Chantix® (Varenicline) for smoking cessation in an inner city medicaid population, Ranjit Dhelaria MD, Ella Gupta MD, Reva Kleppel, Jennifer Friderici, and Michael Rothberg MD
Effectiveness of Letrozole for induction of ovulation in Clomiphene Citrate resistant Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS)., Daniel Grow MD
Effectiveness of varenicline for smoking cessation at 2 urban academic health centers, Michael Rothberg MD, Ranjit Dhelaria MD, Jennifer Friderici, Ella Gupta MD, and Cyrus Khan MD
Effect of a clinical pharmacist's interventions on duration of antiretroviral-related errors in hospitalized patients, Daniel Skiest MD, Gary Tereso, Lauren Meade MD, Penny Pekow, Michael Rothberg MD, and Mark Heelon
Effect of adenosine A1 receptor antagonism on return of spontaneous circulation and survival in prolonged porcine ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD
Effect of a dietitian-managed bone algorithm on serum phosphorus level in maintenance hemodialysis patients., Stephen Sweet MD
Effect of an educational pamphlet on colon cancer screening: A randomized, prospective trial, David Desilets MD, Abdullah Shaikh MD, Syed Hussain MD, and Shelley Rahn MD
Effect of antenatal corticosteroids on fetal growth and gestational age at birth, Fadi Bsat MD
Effect of body mass index on time to therapeutic activated partial thromboplastin time in patients on a heparin protoccl, Katherine Carey, Jennifer Lose, and Kimberly Ackerbauer
Effect of clinical-decision support on documentation compliance in an electronic medical record, Glenn Markenson MD
Effect of clopidogrel on early failure of arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis: a randomized controlled trial, Gregory Braden MD
Effect of concomitant oophorectomy on the perioperative outcomes of laparoscopic hysterectomy, Keisha Jones MD, Oz Harmanli MD, and Alex Knee
Effect of dipyridamole plus aspirin on hemodialysis graft patency, Gregory Braden MD and Jeffrey Kaufman MD
Effect of duration of second stage of labor and mode of delivery on neonatal complications among preterm, Bhavesh Shah MD, Glenn Markenson MD, Michael Plevyak MD, and Penny Pekow
Effect of eritoran, an antagonist of MD2-TLR4, on mortality in patients with severe sepsis: The ACCESS randomized trial, Mark Tidswell M.D.
Effect of implementing open access appointment scheduling on reducing inappropriate urgent care visits in an inner city resident teaching clinic, James Burns MD, Cheryl Tierney, and Tracie Ambrose MD
Effect of neuromuscular blockers on mortality in patients with severe sepsis, Jay Steingrub MD, Tara Lagu MD, Michael Rothberg MD, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Effect of oncologist-based counseling on patient-perceived breast cancer risk and psychological distress, Wilson Mertens MD, Deborah Katz MD, Marlene Quinlan, Ruth Barham, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Sandra Hubbard, Pam Hyder, and Mary jean Pineau
Effect of oxygen therapy on hemodynamic stability during hemodialysis with continuous blood volume and O2 saturation monitoring, Paul Visintainer and Michael Germain M.D.
Effect of patient comorbidities on filling of antihypertensive prescriptions, Tara Lagu MD
Effect of Patients' Awareness of CVD Risk Factors on Health-Related Behaviors, Naweed Alzaman MD, Siddharth Wartak MD, Jennifer Friderici, and Michael Rothberg M.D.
Effect of pectus excavatum deformity on cardiorespiratory fitness in adolescent boys., Kevin Moriarty MD, Thomas Rowland MD, and Gregory Banever MD
Effect of remote ischemic preconditioning on myocardial and renal injury: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Guarav Alreja MD and Amir Lotfi MD
Effect of slice thickness on image quality and the accuracy of gated computed tomography scanning for coronary calcium., Ehsan Ansari MD and George Hartnell MD
Effect of soy supplementation on dietary macronutrients and trace elements in postmenopausal women, Cynthia Sites MD and Alex Knee
Effect of soy supplementation on endogenous hormones in postmenopausal women: Racial differences, Cynthia Sites MD and Alex Knee
Effect of soy supplementation on regional lean and fat mass and resting metabolic rate in Caucasian and African American postmenopausal women, Cynthia Sites MD and Alex Knee
Effect of the oxytocin antagonist antocin and agonist decomoton on baboon luteal cell production and release of progesterone, M Yusoff Dawood MD
Effect of tirofiban before primary angioplasty on initial coronary flow and early ST-segment resolution in patients with acute myocardial infarction., Satyendra Giri MD
Effects of a law against early postpartum discharge., Ronald Burkman MD
Effects of an impedance threshold device on hemodynamics and restoration of spontaneous circulation in prolonged porcine ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD
Effects of body surface area-indexed calculations in the morbidly obese: a mathematical analysis, Adam Adler M.D., Karthik Raghunathan MD, and William McGee M.D.
Effects of exercise on energy-regulating hormones and appetite in men and women, J Enrique Silva MD
Effects of high frequency oscillatory amplitudes on respiratory mechanics of preterm infants, Rachana Singh MD
Effects of Insulin Resistance on Substrate Utilization During Exercise in Overweight Women., Stuart Chipkin MD
Effects of ischemia on repolarization in patients with single and multivessel coronary disease., Satyendra Giri MD
Effects of limited work hours on surgical training, Alexander Kurbanov MD, Robert Madden MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Effects of local variation, specialty, and beliefs on antiviral prescribing for influenza., Michael Rothberg MD, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD, and David Rose MD
Effects of low-dose oral contraceptives on body weight: Results of a randomized study of up to 13 cycles of use, Ronald Burkman MD
Effects of oscillatory amplitudes on respiratory mechanics of preterm infants during high frequency oscillatory ventilation, Rachana Singh MD
Effects of patientsÂ’ awareness of CAD risk factors on health related behaviors, Jennifer Friderici, Siddharth Wartak MD, Michael Rothberg MD, and Naweed Alzaman MD
Effects of quality improvement collaboratives, Peter Lindenauer MD
Effects of recurrent withdrawal on spinal GABA release during chronic morphine infusion in the rat., Stuart Dunbar MD, I Karamian, A Yeatman MD, and J Zhang
Effects of scleroderma antibodies and pooled human immunoglobulin on anal sphincter and colonic smooth muscle function, Vaibhav Mehendiratta MD
Effects of Tai Chi training on improving physical function in patients with coronary heart diseases, Reed Shnider MD
Effects of testosterone on behavior, depression, and cognitive function in older men with mild cognitive loss., Sandra Bellantonio MD
Effects of testosterone on cognition in young adult male rhesus monkeys, Daniel Grow MD
Efficacy and safety of histrelin subdermal implant in children with central precocious puberty: A multicenter trial, Edward Reiter MD
Efficacy of online gonadotropin patient education versus in office patient education, Halina Wiczyk MD and Pamela Behrens
Efficacy of rectal misoprostol as second line therapy for treatment of primary postpartum hemorrhage, Monideepa Baruah MD and Gabriel Cohn MD
EGFR associated expression profiles vary with breast tumor subtype, Melissa Troester
Egg activation and ICSI failure in humans: Sperm devoid of PLCZI, Daniel Grow MD and Teru Jellerette
Ehrlichiosis presenting as a fever of unknown origin, Amit Bhargava MD, Imran Dosani MD, Senthil Sivalingam MD, Sarah Haessler MD, and Sufana Al Khunaizi MD
Ejaculation disorders, Michael Picchioni MD
EKG warnings of impending mischief, Susan Torrey MD
Elastofibroma dorsi: Clinicopathologic review of 6 cases., Erica Giblin MD, Keith Mortman MD, Kenneth Frankel MD, Gary Hochheiser MD, and Yorell Manon-Matos MD
Elastofibroma dorsi: Clinicopathologic review of 6 cases., Erica Giblin MD, Keith Mortman MD, Kenneth Frankel MD, Gary Hochheiser MD, and Yorell Manon-Matos MD
Elder abuse screening: Why is it an important tool, Maura Brennan MD, Rukshana Cader MD, and Reham Shaaban MD
Elderly female with hypercalcemia: Hodgkin lymphoma masquerading as relapsed, Shin Yin Lee MD, Yee Chuan Ang MD, and Sandra Bellantonio MD
Elderly patients without MPM-III risk factors fare surprisingly well, Thomas Higgins MD, Maura Brennan MD, and Paul Jodka MD
Electrolyte profile of pediatric patients with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, Howard Smithline MD, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Blake Spirko MD, and Jane Garb
Electrolyte profile of pediatric patients with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Blake Spirko MD, Jane Garb, and Howard Smithline MD
Electromechanical Dissociation, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Electromechanical Dissociation, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Electromyography and nerve conduction studies in a cervical spine surgery patient with elevated hemi-diaphragm: A case report, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring, Ronald Burkman MD, Susan DeJoy, Fadi Bsat MD, and Carla Provost
Electronic health records in ambulatory care, Jeffrey Kaufman MD
Electronic mail in pediatric practice, Robert Gerstle MD
Electronic prescribing systems in pediatrics: The rationale and functionality requirements, Robert Gerstle MD
Electron microscopy in end stage renal disease: a case of Fabry's disease, Giovanna Crisi MD, Adriana Doldan-Silvero MD, and Michael Germain MD
Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa, Gina Luciano MD and Mihaela Stefan MD
E-mail communication between pediatricians and their patients., Robert Gerstle MD
Embedding the concepts of waste and systems failure reduction in an innovative quality curriculum for resident education, Surinder Yadav MD, Reva Kleppel, Jasmine Paadam MD, Reham Shaaban MD, and Lauren Meade MD
Embolic stroke, a delayed sequela of blunt chest trauma, Sonali Arora MD, Auras Atreya MD, T. Vijay Gadiraju MD, Srikanth Penumetsa MD, William Hiser MD, and Ashish Arora MD
Embracing, with strengthened spirits., Deepak Asudani MD
Emergence of daptomycin(D)-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in an infective endocarditis patient: A case report., Armando Paez MD, Richard Brown MD, P Wilk, Robert Bourgeault, and Carol Ann Rauch MD
Emergence of gentamicin-resistant bacteremia in hemodialysis patients receiving gentamicin lock catheter prophylaxis, Gregory Braden MD, Daniel Landry MD, Sarah Haessler MD, Chirag Vaidya MD, and Stephen Sweet MD
Emergency Airway Management; Trauma Resuscitation, Adam Kellogg MD
Emergency department bedside echocardiography in diagnosis of Ebstein's anomaly with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and atrial fibrillation, Gavin Budhram MD
Emergency department medication lists are not accurate, Howard Smithline MD, Selin Caglar MD, Philip Henneman MD, Fidela Blank, and Elizabeth Henneman
Emergency department patients who stay more than 6 hours contribute to crowding, Philip Henneman MD, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, John Santoro MD, Ann Maynard, Deborah Provost, Elizabeth Henneman, and Haiping Li
Emergency Department specific exception allows you to sidestep some HPI rules, Michael Lemanski MD
Emergency department utilization after the implementation of Massachusetts health reform, J. Hector Pope M.D.
Emergency physicians' fear of malpractice in evaluating patients with possible acute cardiac ischemia., Richard Brown MD
Emergency Thoracic Ultrasound, Gavin Budhram MD
Emergency ultrasound of the shock and hypotensive patient, Marc Haber MD
Emergent pediatric US: What every radiologist should know, Jonathan Cogley MD, Stephen O'Connor, Roozbeh Houshyar MD, Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD, and Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD
Emerging roles for the TGFbeta family in pancreatic beta-cell homeostasis, Alan Schneyer
Emerging technologies for endoscopic hemostasis, David Desilets MD
Emerging the concept of Virtual HR, Elisabeth Bennett
Emerging uses of GIS in medicine and hospitals--Baystate Health System's Health Geographics Program, Ric Skinner
Empiric systemic anticoagulation in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism, Howard Smithline MD
Employing statistical process control (SPC) charting to evaluate menopausal symptoms in women enrolled in a clinical trial of a complementary intervention., Lindsay Rockwell MD, Wilson Mertens MD, Grace Makari-Judson MD, and Lucinda Cassells MD
Endocrine abnormalities causing growth impairment, Edward Reiter MD
Endocrine Emergencies, Philip Henneman MD
Endocrinologic treatment of gender identity disorders., Stuart Chipkin MD
End of life decisions., Maura Brennan MD
End-of-life issues in elderly patients., Benjamin Liptzin MD
Endoluminal bariatric techniques, David Desilets MD
Endometrial biopsy results in patients with endometrial cells on pap test utilizing Bethesda System 2001., Robert Goulart MD, Roxanne Florence MD, and Maryanne Hornish
Endoscopic 6 mm zilver self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) for malignant obstruction of the bifurcation: a pilot study, David Desilets MD
Endoscopic closure devices, David Desilets MD
Endoscopic Component Separation, David Earle MD and Jessica Evans MD
Endoscopic interventions for weight loss surgery, David Desilets MD
Endoscopic stapled cystgastrostomy, David Desilets MD
Endoscopic surveillance of Barrett's Esophagus in genetically-predisposed mice., Michael Tirabassi MD, Richard Arenas MD, Gregory Banever MD, and D Joseph Jerry
Endoscopic treatment with Deflux for refluxing duplex systems, Kevin Moriarty MD, Richard Courtney MD, David Tashjian MD, and Connie Rossini MD
Endosomal damage and TLR2 mediated inflammasome activation by alkane particles in the generation of aseptic osteolysis, Giovanna Crisi MD
Endothelial dysfunction in healthy young pre-diabetic patients, pre and post aerobic exercise, Sabyasachi Sen MD and Ashequl Islam MD
Endotracheal tube placement varification by ultrasonography: A comparison of three methods using a porcein model, David Murman MD and Gavin Budhram MD
Endovascular recanalization of symptomatic flow-limiting cervical carotid dissection in an isolated hemisphere, Clemens Schirmer MD
Endurance athletes stroke volume response to progressive exercise: A critical review, Thomas Rowland MD
Energy homeostasis following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB), Gregory Braden MD, Xiao Liu MD, Jay Kuhn MD, J Enrique Silva MD, and John Romanelli MD
Engaged patients say what? Patient feedback on the NHS Choices website, Tara Lagu MD
Engineered strategies to overcome therapeutic resistance in solid tumors., Neil Forbes
Engineering tumor therapies, Neil Forbes
Enhancing linkages for HIV+ jail inmates: A descriptive of program outcome data, Thomas Lincoln MD
Enhancing resident training in abortion and contraception through hospital-community partnership., Donna O'Shea MD and Heather Sankey MD
Enhancing the link: HIV, jails, and community care, Thomas Lincoln MD
Enteral omega-3 fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid, and antioxidant supplementation in acute lung injury, Jay Steingrub MD
Enteral stents, David Desilets MD
Entrapment of an arterial pressure catheter by a previously deployed Starclose device, Ak Alameddine MD and John Rousou MD
Eosinophilia and rash, Liza Smith MD
Eosinophilic ascites due to severe eosinophilic ileitis, Peter Ghobrial MD, Namrata Setia MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Eosinophilic Meningitis, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Epidemiology and outcomes of acute respiratory failure in the United States, 2001 to 2009: a national survey, Mihaela Stefan M.D., Meng-Shiou Shieh, Penny Pekow, Michael Rothberg M.D., Jay Steingrub MD, Tara Lagu M.D., and Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Epidemiology and outcomes of clostridium difficile-associated disease among patients on prolonged acute mechanical ventilation, Thomas Higgins MD
Epidural clonidine added to a bupivacaine infusion increases analgesic duration in labor without adverse maternal or fetal effects., Robert Parker MD, Neil Connelly MD, Tanya Lucas MD, S Serban MD, Charles Gibson, and Evan Berman MD
Epidural infusion volume study and its effect on analgesia in early labor, Albert Cho MD, Kevin Morneault MD, Robert Parker MD, Tanya Lucas MD, and Neil Connelly MD
Epidural volume, Anthony Co MD and Neil Connelly MD
Epilepsia partialis continua in the elderly, Melisha Cumberland MD, Ashish Verma MD, Sandra Bellantonio MD, and Maura Brennan MD
eProtocol-insulin development and refinement in teo research networks, Jay Steingrub MD and Mark Tidswell MD
Epstein-Barr virus, Hal Jenson MD
Epstein‑Barr Virus, Hal Jenson MD
Epstein-BARR virus-associated smooth muscle tumors, Hal Jenson MD
Equipment for pediatric endoscopy, David Desilets MD
Error identification and recovery by student nurses using human patient simulation: Opportunity to improve patient safety, Philip Henneman MD, Elizabeth Henneman, Cheryl Reilly, and Joan Roche
Errors in a busy emergency department., Philip Henneman MD, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Penny Pekow, and Evan Benjamin MD
Erythema Ab Igne, James Burns MD, Matthew Sadof MD, and Nancy Kloczko MD
Esomeprazole induced hypomagnesemia, parathyroid hormone resistance and tetany, Dhivya Sundaramurthy MD
Esomeprazole-induced hypomagnesemia, parathyroid hormone resistance and tetany, Dhivya Sundaramurthy MD
Esophageal function testing, David Desilets MD
Esophageal varices demonstration, David Gang MD
Esophagus and stomach disorders, Philip Henneman MD and Rakesh Talati MD
Establishing a simulation center for surgical skills: What to do and how to do it., Neal Seymour MD
Establishing goals of volume management in critically ill patients with failure using applied hemodynamic physiology, William McGee MD, Benjamin Freda MD, and Patrick Mailloux MD
Establishing goals of volume management in critically ill patients with renal failure., Patrick Mailloux M.D., Jennifer Friderici, Benjamin Freda MD, and William McGee M.D.
Estimating prognosis in end-stage renal disease, Stephen Wittenberg MD and Lewis Cohen MD
Estradiol stimulates the biosynthetic pathways of breast cancer cells: Detection by metabolic flux analysis, Neil Forbes
Estrogen and progesterone induce persistent increases in p53-dependent apoptosis and suppress mammary tumors in BALB/c-Trp53+/- mice, D Joseph Jerry
Estrogen induces CCN5 expression in the rat uterus in vivo., Holly Mason MD
Estrogen-related genes and their contribution to racial differences in breast cancer risk, Ronald Burkman MD
Estrogen treatment impairs cognitive performance after psychosocial stress and monoamine depletion in postmenopausal women, Cynthia Sites MD
Ethical dilemmas in the reflective writing of clerkship students[Award Presentation], Elisabeth Bennett, Thomas Campfield MD, and John O'Reilly MD
Ethical integrative pediatric care: A new perspective, David Gottsegen MD
Ethnic differences in the self-recognition of obesity and obesity-related comorbidities: a cross-sectional analysis, Senthil Sivalingam MD, Neelima Vallurupalli MD, Jennifer Friderici, James Cook MD, and Michael Rothberg MD
E-tools of change: An analysis of a corporate Intranet promoting organizational change, Elisabeth Bennett
EuroSCORE predicts long-term mortality after heart valve surgery, Thomas Higgins MD
Eustachian valve endocarditis: Rare case reports and review of literature, Amir Lotfi MD and Guarav Alreja MD
Evaluating cardiac symptoms in the athlete: Is it safe to play, Thomas Rowland MD
Evaluating outcomes: Evidence of success, Sandra Reissour
Evaluation and Management of Abominal Myofascial Pain Syndrome, James Wang MD and James Gebhardt MD
Evaluation and management of a fetal demise, Glenn Markenson MD
Evaluation and management of mild traumatic brain injury: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma practice management guideline, Eleanor Winston MD
Evaluation and management of voiding dyssfunction after midurethral sling procedures, Oz Harmanli MD
Evaluation of a combined strategy favoring endovasuclar therapy for aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery, Clemens Schirmer MD
Evaluation of an early childhood caries prevention program at an urban pediatric clinic, Lindsey Grossman MD
Evaluation of an educational video for cardiac patients., Fidela Blank and Howard Smithline MD
Evaluation of cinacalcet HCl treatment after kidney transplantation, Michael Germain MD
Evaluation of clinical outcomes for gastric bypass surgery: results from a comprehensive follow-up study, Garry Welch, Cheryl Wesolowski, Sofija Zagarins MD, Jay Kuhn MD, John Romanelli MD, Jane Garb, and Nancy Allen
Evaluation of clinicopathologic correlation of her2neu and activated AKT in metastatic 3+CB11 breast cancer and patient outcomes, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Raavi Gupta MD, and Christopher Otis MD
Evaluation of dyspnea severity assessment methods, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Richard Barus, Ryan Coute, Alex Knee, and Paul Visintainer
Evaluation of dyspnea severity assessment methods, Howard Smithline MD, Fidela Blank, Richard Barus, Ryan Coute, and Alex Knee
Evaluation of glucose on the EPOC™ Point of Care blood analysis system, James Nichols and Mirian Rodriguez
Evaluation of HemoCue glucose 201 room temperature microcuvettes [Erratum], James Nichols, Aparna Rajadhyaksha MD, and Mirian Rodriguez
Evaluation of immunohistochemistry in identifying Bartonella henselae in cat-scratch disease, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Gabriel Caponetti MD, Sharon Marconi, and Christopher Otis MD
Evaluation of ketosis in diabetes, James Nichols
Evaluation of Phospho-mTOR (Mamalian Target of Rapamycin) expression in benign, proliferative and malignant epithelial lesions of the breast, Christopher Otis MD, Sandra Camelo-Piragua MD, Darius Arabadjief MD, Melissa Arabadjief MD, Raavi Gupta MD, Brooke Pazik, Sharon Marconi, and Reva Ricketts-Loriaux MD
Evaluation of pulmonary embolism in the emergency department and consistency with a national quality measure: quantifying the opportunity for improvement, Howard Smithline MD
Evaluation of QC3: The automatic quality control system on the ABL80 FLEX, James Nichols, Sadiqa Karim MD, and Melissa Arabadjief MD
Evaluation of renal artery stenosis in dialysis patients, Barbara Greco MD
Evaluation of skeletal muscle during calf exercise by 31-phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy in patients on statin medications, Howard Smithline MD
Evaluation of the Afinion AS100 Point-of-Care Analyzer for Hemoglobin A1c, Melissa Arabadjief MD and James Nichols
Evaluation of the B-hydroxybutyrate ketone test on the STAT-site M analyzer, James Nichols and Ronald Moccio
Evaluation of the Enterprise Point-of-Care (EPOC) system for blood gas and electrolyte analysis, Aparna Rajadhyaksha MD, James Nichols, and Mirian Rodriguez
Evaluation of the IRMA TRU point and i-STAT creatinine assays., James Nichols, Cathy Bartholomew, Jane Garb, and L Jin MD
Evaluation of the PI3K/pAkt pathway in breast carcinoma which are negative for ER, PR and HER-2/neu receptor expression, Christopher Otis MD, Raavi Gupta MD, Brooke Pazik, Sharon Marconi, and Reva Ricketts-Loriaux MD
Evaluation of the relationships between pAkt and beta-catenin in invasive breast carcinoma, Christopher Otis MD, Sharon Marconi, Brooke Pazik, Darius Arabadjief MD, Melissa Arabadjief MD, Sandra Camelo-Piragua MD, Raavi Gupta MD, and Reva Ricketts-Loriaux MD
Evaluation of the right lower quadrant, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Evaluation of the treatment of pectus carinatum with compressive orthotic bracing using three dimensional body scans, Kaitlyn Wong MD, David Tashjian MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
Evidence-Based Guideline Update: Intraoperative Spinal Monitoring with Somatosensory and Transcranial Electrical Motor Evoked Potentials*, Carmel Armon MD
Evidence based physical activity for school-age youth, Thomas Rowland MD
Evidence-based practices for the fetal to newborn transition., Barbara Graves
Evidence base for evaluation, management and rehabilitation of ankle injuries, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
Evidence does not support cervical preservation, Oz Harmanli MD and Stephen Metz MD
Evidence for subpopulations of Listeria monocytogenes with enhanced invasion of cardiac cells, Daniel Skiest MD and Linda Bobo MD
Evidence of human immunodeficiency virus-associated lipodystrophy syndrome in children treated with protease inhibitors., Stuart Chipkin MD, Holley Allen MD, and Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
Evolution of a hands-on surgical skills curriculum for obstetrics and gynecology residents: One institution's experience, Anita Sandhu MD, Heather Sankey MD, and Carrie Bell MD
Evolution of mechanical ventilation in response to clinical research, Jay Steingrub MD
Evolving virtual reality simulation in neurosurgery, Clemens Schirmer M.D.
Examination of ancestral informative markers and self-reported race with tumor characteristics of breast cancer among Black and White women, Ronald Burkman MD
Examining the Hendrich Fall Risk Models and the Morse Fall Scale, Cheryl Reilly, Christine Gryglik, Deborah Morsi, and Mary Brunton
Excess incidence of ALS in young Gulf War veterans, Carmel Armon MD
Exercise intolerance in obese children-Is it asthma?, Robert Kaslovsky MD
Exercise tolerance and thermoregulatory responses during cycling in boys and men, Thomas Rowland MD and Sean Hagenbuch MD
Exercise training improves HR responses and VÿO2peak in predialysis kidney patients, Michael Germain MD and Sheila Sullivan
Exhaust capnometry and oximetry during cardiopulmonary bypass, Karthik Raghunathan MD and Ghassan Aljafar MD
Exogenous lipoid pneumonia in a chronic laxative user, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD, Jose Martagon-Villamil MD, Ashish Arora MD, and Boyd Hehn MD
Expanded use of the TAXUS Express Stent: Two-year safety insights from the 7,500 patient ARRIVE Registry programme, Marc Schweiger MD
Expectations and outcomes of prolonged mechanical ventilation, William McGee MD
Expeditious management of a rare, slow growing form of subacute bacterial endocarditis, Leng Jiang MD, Lisa Massie MD, Daniel Skiest MD, and David Longworth MD
Experience modeling and analyzing medical processes: UMass/Baystate Medical safety project overview, Philip Henneman MD, Elizabeth Henneman, Lucinda Cassells MD, and Wilson Mertens MD
Experience with clinical cases of Mycobacterium abscessus at a large Midwestern medical center, Armando Paez MD
Experience with cryopreserved cadaveric femoral vein allografts used for hemodialysis access., Robert Madden MD, Alexander Kurbanov MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Experience with cryopreserved cadaver vein allografts used for hemodialysis access., Gregory Braden MD, Robert Madden MD, Alexander Kurbanov MD, and George Lipkowitz MD
Experiential learning: Facilitating interns' acquisition of core skills with an innovative two-week training program, Mihaela Stefan MD, Kevin Hinchey MD, Raquel Belforti MD, and Reham Shaaban MD
Expert panel on weight loss surgery: Executive report update, John Romanelli MD
Expert performance characteristics of a new virtual reality surgical simulator., Neal Seymour MD, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, Ron Bush, Jay Kuhn MD, and Michael Hsu MD
Expert performance characteristics of a new virtual reality surgical simulator., Neal Seymour MD, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, Ron Bush, Jay Kuhn MD, and Michael Hsu MD
Expression and molecular characterization of estrogen receptor-independent signaling molecules in breast cancer tumorigenesis, Christopher Otis MD and Sharon Marconi
Expression of CD44 in developing human kidney, Giovanna Crisi MD, Thomas Campfield MD, and Gary Rockwell MD
Expression of c-Kit in adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast, Robert Goulart MD, Giovanna Crisi MD, Sharon Marconi, and Grace Makari-Judson MD
Expression of c-kit in adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast., Grace Makari-Judson MD, Robert Goulart MD, Giovanna Crisi MD, and Sharon Marconi
Expression of Jagged 1 and Jagged 2 in human kidney development, Gregory Braden MD, Thomas Campfield MD, Gary Rockwell MD, and Giovanna Crisi MD
Expression of Jagged 1 in human renal development, Giovanna Crisi MD, Gregory Braden MD, Gary Rockwell MD, and Thomas Campfield MD
Extended culture of embryos results in detection of bacterial contamination of cultures in IVF cycles but not ICSI cycles, Cynthia Sites MD, Margaret Arny, Daniel Grow MD, and Kelly Lynch MD
Extensive development of flat warts as a cutaneous manifestation of immune reconstitution syndrome, Daniel Skiest MD and Wayne Duke MD
Extra-catheter venous thrombosis associated with intravenous immune globulin therapy in two patients undergoing therapeutic plasma exchange., Chester Andrzejewski MD and Vandita Johari MD
Extracavitary primary effusion lymphoma of the anorectum., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Extreme hypocalcemia associated with Denosumab, Michael Germain M.D. and Gregory Braden M.D.
Extremes of weight may lead to inaccurate reporting of body surface area (BSA) indexed hemodynamic parameters, William McGee MD, Adam Adler MD, and Karthik Raghunathan MD
Facilitating internsÂ’ acquisition of medical knowledge and core skills through experiential learning, Reham Shaaban MD, Raquel Belforti MD, and Mihaela Stefan MD
Facilitators and barriers to continuing healthcare after jail: A community-integrated program, Thomas Lincoln MD and Thomas Conklin MD
Factors affecting the professional image of physicians., Nicholas Coe MD
Factors associated with emergency department visits for asthma exacerbation, Richard Wells MD
Factors associated with positive D-dimer results in patients evaluated for pulmonary embolism, Howard Smithline MD
Factors associated with positive D-dimer results in patients evaluated for pulmonary embolism: A prospective multivariate analysis, Howard Smithline MD
Factors associated with skilled nursing facility transfers in dementia-specific assisted living, Sandra Bellantonio MD
Factors associated with survival following blunt chest trauma in older patients: results from a large regional trauma cooperative, Eleanor Winston MD and Lisa Patterson MD
Factors surrounding physician-patient discussions about HIV and the impact on testing, Mihaela Stefan MD
Faculty development for the 21st century: Lessons from the Society of General Internal Medicine-Hartford collaborative centers for the care of older adults., Stewart Babbott MD
Faculty development through creation of a PGY1 boot camp curriculum, Heather Sankey MD
Failures of NovaSure, ThermaChoice, and Roller-Ball endometrial ablation, Daniel Grow MD, Ronald Burkman MD, Carrie Bell MD, and Albert Hsu MD
Failure to deliver ICD shocks after a failed discharge despite redetection of rapid ventricular tachycardia? What is the cause?, John Marenco M.D.
Fallopian tube prolapse mimicking aggressive angiomyxoma., Christopher Otis MD, Vandita Johari MD, and Heike Varnholt MD
False positive lactic acidosis in ethylene glycol toxicity: A confounding variable, Raquel Belforti MD, Giselle Cruz, Barbara Greco MD, and Eliah Munyikwa MD
Faster pulmonary oxygen uptake kinetics in trained versus untrained male adolescents, Thomas Rowland MD
Fast track, Grace Makari-Judson MD, Sandra Hubbard, and Holly Mason MD
Fatal attraction: Do as I say, not as I did., George Hartnell MD
Fatal BK polyoma viral pneumonia associated with immunosuppression., Christopher Otis MD and Carol Ann Rauch MD
Fatal case of bilateral internal jugular vein thrombosis following IVIg infusion in an adolescent girl treated for ITP, Satkiran Grewal MD and Matthew Richardson MD
Fatal pheochromocytoma crisis precipitated by dobutamine stress echocardiography, Prabhdeep Sethi MD, William Hiser MD, Leng Jiang MD, Ashequl Islam MD, Mara Slawsky MD, and Nitin Bhatnagar MD
Fatal pheochromotycoma crisis precipitated bydobutamine stress echocardiography., Mara Slawsky MD, William Hiser MD, Ashequl Islam MD, Prabhdeep Sethi MD, Leng Jiang MD, and M Javed Ashraf MD
Fat and energy economy in hypo- and hyperthyroidism are not the mirror image of one another, J Enrique Silva MD
Fatigued but not intellectually compromised, Adam Kellogg M.D.
Fatigued but not intellectually compromised, Adam Kellogg MD
"Fat letters" in public schools: public health versus pride, Michael Flaherty DO
Fatty infiltration of the aortic valve, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Leng Jiang MD
Feasibility and acceptability of continuous glucose monitoring and accelerometer technology in exercising individuals with type 2 diabetes, Nancy Allen and Stuart Chipkin MD
Feasibility and efficacy of a physical activity intervention among pregnant women: The Behaviors Affecting Baby and You (B.A.B.Y.) Study, Glenn Markenson MD
Feasibility of a longitudinal integrated clinical (LIC) experience concurrent with traditional block core clerkships, Michael Picchioni MD, Thomas Campfield MD, and Rebecca Blanchard PhD
Feasibility of intraosseous infusion of iced saline to induce therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac resuscitation, Timothy Mader MD, Joshua Walterscheid MD, and Adam Kellogg MD
Feasibility of thoracoscopic U-clip esophageal anastomosis: an alternative for esophageal atresia reconstruction., Gregory Banever MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Stanley Konefal MD, Edward Reiter MD, and Richard Wait MD
Feasibility of using near-infrared spectroscopy to diagnose testicular torsion: An experimental study in sheep., Howard Smithline MD, George Wadie MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, Carolanne Lovewell, Bret Coughlin MD, Timothy Mader MD, and Geoffrey A. Capraro MD
Female adnexal tumor of probable Wolffian origin, Carlos Prieto-Granada MD
Female sex is associated with improved short-term outcome following prolonged ventricular fibrillation, Timothy Mader MD
Female to male transgender chest surgery: A five-year experience, Brian Olack MD, Kristin Stueber MD, and Melissa Johnson MD
Fertility services for HIV positive and serodiscordant couples: Provider policy, practice and perspectives, John Stanitis MD, Penny Pekow, Halina Wiczyk MD, and Daniel Grow MD
Fertility services for human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients: Provider policy, practice, and perspectives, Julie Stanitis MD, Daniel Grow MD, and Halina Wiczyk MD
Fetal MR Imaging from nothing: One institution's experience in a watershed area between major academic referral centers, Peter Ghobrial MD
Fetal risk in diagnostic radiology, Cheri Nguyen MD and Lawrence Goodman MD
Fifty years of "the Pill": Risk reduction and discovery of benefits beyond contraception, reflections, and forecast, Ronald Burkman MD
FIMR on a shoestring, Andrew Balder MD
Final height in children with medulloblastoma treated with growth hormone., Edward Reiter MD
Final roller coaster ride, Ranjit Dhelaria MD
Financing academic departments of psychiatry, Benjamin Liptzin MD
Financing ambulatory graduate medical education, Kevin Hinchey MD
Financing of care, Benjamin Liptzin MD
Financing of hospital-based psychiatry, Benjamin Liptzin MD
Financing vaccines for adolescents: a position paper of the society for adolescent health and medicine, Laura Koenigs MD
Finding a new home: Using an internet based assessment tool to identify health care resources for young adults with special health care needs, Matthew Sadof MD and Kathleen Szegda
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the central nervous system performed freehand under computed tomography guidance without stereotactic instrumentation., Margaret Assaad MD, Luis Moral MD, and Christopher Otis MD
Fine needle aspiration of salivary gland masses in HIV-infected patients, Liron Pantanowitz MD
First reported case of splenic infarction in a patient with hyperhomocysteinemia, Melisha Cumberland MD, Ashita Talsania MD, Imran Dosani MD, and Lauren Meade MD
First-trimester follistatin-like-3 levels in pregnancies complicated by subsequent gestational diabetes mellitus, Alan Schneyer
Fish oil supplementation and risk of ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation in patients with implantable defibrillators: a randomized controlled trial., Reed Shnider MD and James Cook MD
Fix your fracture care claims in 3 simple steps to avoid errant code, postop overlap, Michael Lemanski MD
Flawed experimental design reveals the need for guidelines requiring appropriate positive controls in endocrine disruption research, Alan Schneyer
Flecainide toxicity-treatment with intravenous fat emulsion and extra corporeal life support, Senthil Sivalingam MD, T. Vijay Gadiraju MD, Mini Hariharan MD, Auras Atreya MD, Joseph Flack MD, and Hany Aziz MD
Floodlighting Unconscious Bias, Jeannette Wolfe MD
FloTrac volume responsive algorithm system, William McGee M.D.
Fluid management strategy in patients with pulmonary and extra-pulmonary causes of ALI/ARDS, Jay Steingrub MD and Mark Tidswell MD
Fluid replacement requirements for child athletes, Thomas Rowland MD
Flu review: New guidelines and regs from the CDC for the 6/07 flu season, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Focal liver lesions in the pediatric patient: A multimodality pictorial review with pathologic correlation, Lindsay Fox MD, Stanley Polansky MD, Tara Catanzano MD, and Jane An MD
Focus on the aging worker, Karen Siemering
Follicular lymphoma., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Follow-up program: an essential component of ED care., Fidela Blank and Ann Maynard
Follow-up study of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) Pap tests with a negative initial biopsy result, stratified by conventional versus ThinPrep Pap Methods, Robert Goulart MD, Q Jackie Cao MD, Maryanne Hornish, and Margaret Assaad MD
Follow-up treatment for osteoporosis after fracture, Evan Benjamin MD and Penny Pekow
Foot and ankle examination, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
Forecasting the impact of a clinical practice guideline for perioperative, Evan Benjamin MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Jan Fitzgerald
Forensic Evaluation of the Older Patient, Stuart Anfang MD
Foreword, Ronald Burkman MD
Forty-six month follow-up of a patient with West Nile virus paralysis, Nancy Miller MD
Fospropofol disodium (lusedra) injection for anesthesia-care sedation: A clinical review, Andrew Szkiladz
Four years' experience with a hospitalist-led medical emergency team: An interrupted time series, Michael Rothberg MD, Raquel Belforti MD, Jan Fitzgerald, Jennifer Friderici, and Marjorie Keyes
Fractures of abuse pediatric and elderly, Matt Razon
Frequency of adverse reactions in apheresis patients having same day intravascular access device placement., Chester Andrzejewski MD
Frequency of sleep apnea in stroke and TIA patients: a meta-analysis, Karin Johnson MD and Douglas Johnson MD
Frequent hemoglobin (Hgb) monitoring (12x/month) can inform clinical and organisational decision making, Michael Germain MD, Warren Ho MD, and Jane Garb
Friedreich's ataxia as a cause of premature coronary artery disease., Gregory Giugliano MD and Prabhdeep Sethi MD
From clues to mechanisms: Understanding ALS initiation and spread, Carmel Armon MD
From critical values to critical diagnoses: A review with an emphasis on cytopathology, Christopher Otis MD and Christopher Chapman MD
From the classroom to the clinic: A review of literature investigating the experiences of medical students with learning disabilities in the clinical years, Elisabeth Bennett, Michael Willers MD, and Rebecca Blanchard PhD
From the editor: Beyond estrogen for menopausal symptoms, Cynthia Sites MD
From the editor: Sex hormone metabolism, cancer, and menopause, Cynthia Sites MD
From theory to actual practice: Creation and application of milestones in an internal medicine residency program, 2004-2010, Kevin Hinchey MD, Lauren Meade MD, Samuel Borden MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Michael Picchioni MD
From the white elephant to the common canary: Presentation and outcomes of common and not-so-common critical illnesses, Jay Steingrub MD
Frozen blue toes, Anju Bhagavan MD
Frozen with pain, Anju Bhagavan MD, Ashita Talsania MD, and Sandra Bellantonio MD
FSTL3 deletion reveals roles for TGF-beta family ligands in glucose and fat homeostasis in adults, Alan Schneyer
Fulminant clostridium difficile colitis post total hip replacement, Mihaela Stefan MD and Ella Gupta MD
Fun and fit: Evaluation of a pediatric exercise program, Sofija Zagarins MD
Functional hemodynamics in intraabdominal hypertension, William McGee MD, Bogdan Tiru MD, and Meera Sareen MD
Functionality and operation of fluoroscopic automatic brightness control/automatic dose rate control logic in modern cardiovascular and interventional angiography systems, M. Terry LaFrance
Fundamental Laparoscopic Skills Assessment(FLS) score correlates with efficient resident training in the operating room, David Earle MD
Fundamental residency redesign: The structure and function of competency-based progressions, Michael Picchioni MD and Samuel Borden MD
Fungal bronchitis: Morbidity, mortality, and treatment, Douglas Johnson MD
Fused or not fused? Confused? A multimodality pictorial review of tarsal coalitions, Devang Doshi MD
Future trends, Richard Friedberg MD
Gangrene from finger pricking, Saurabh Dahiya MD, Michael Voisine MD, and Aashish Samat MD
Gardner's Syndrome, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Gardner's Syndrome, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Gardner's Syndrome, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Gastric closure in NOTES using a novel, over-the-scope nitinol clip - A survival study in an animal model, John Romanelli MD, David Desilets MD, David Earle MD, and Christopher Chapman MD
Gastric malignancy in a patient with common variable immunodeficiency, Kah Poh Loh MD, John Hunt MD, and Vaibhav Mehendiratta MD
Gastric transmural pressure measurements in vivo: Implications for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES), David Desilets MD, Timothy Mader MD, John Romanelli MD, and David Earle MD
Gastric transmural pressure measurements in vivo: Implications for natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES)., Timothy Mader MD, David Desilets MD, John Romanelli MD, and David Earle MD
Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Philip Henneman MD
Gastrointestinal complications after 3 months of dual antiplatelet therapy for drug-eluting stents as assessed by wireless capsule endoscopy, Neelima Vallurupalli MD
Gastrointestinal prophylaxis in neurocritical care, Clemens Schirmer MD
Gastrotomy closure with the lock-it system and the Padlock-G clip: A survival study in a porcine model, David Desilets MD, John Romanelli MD, David Earle MD, and Christopher Chapman MD
GATA3 inhibits breast cancer metastasis through the reversal of epithelial-mesenchymal transition, Rong Shao, Wei Yan, Q Jackie Cao MD, Richard Arenas MD, and Brooke Bentley
Gender Balance in Leadership, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Gender Differences in Communication, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Gender Differences in Negotiation, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Gender differences in new residents' perceptions of their preparation to teach, Elisabeth Bennett and Rebecca Blanchard PhD
General anesthesia is not defined by a BIS level, Neil Connelly MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Ashish Malik MD, and Eric Jenkins MD
Genetic analysis of human milk by fluorescence in situ hybridization., Solveig Pflueger MD
Genetic disorders and dysmorphology, Mary-Alice Abbott MD
Genetic predictors of taxane-induced neurotoxicity in a SWOG phase III intergroup adjuvant breast cancer treatment trial (S0221), James Stewart MD
Genetic technologies and incidental findings: Implications for the researcher-participant relationship, Matthew Fickie MD
Genome sequence of Listeria monocytogenes 07PF0776, a Cardiotropic Serovar 4b strain, Daniel Skiest MD and Linda Bobo MD
Geographical location and outcome in a multi-center clinical trial of ALI/ARDS, Jay Steingrub MD and Mark Tidswell MD
Geographic distribution of community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus soft tissue infections, Kevin Moriarty MD, Connie Rossini MD, David Tashjian MD, Jane Garb, and Richard Wait MD
Geographic information system localization of community-acquired MRSA soft tissue abscesses., Richard Courtney MD, Stanley Konefal MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, George Wadie MD, Barry Sachs MD, Richard Wait MD, and Jane Garb
Geographic information system localization of community-acquired MRSA soft tissue abscesses., Richard Courtney MD, Stanley Konefal MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, George Wadie MD, Barry Sachs MD, Richard Wait MD, and Jane Garb
Geography and travel distance impact ED visits, Philip Henneman MD, Howard Smithline MD, Jane Garb, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Richard Wait MD, Ric Skinner, and Haiping Li
Geography and travel distance impact emergency department visits, Philip Henneman MD, Jane Garb, Geoffrey A. Capraro MD, Haiping Li, Howard Smithline MD, and Richard Wait MD
Geometric determinants of functional tricuspid regurgitation: Insights from 3-dimensional echocardiography, Leng Jiang MD
Geriatric Jeopardy, Maura Brennan MD
Geriatrics: The art and heart behind the science, Maura Brennan MD and Amit Bhargava MD
Geriatric Trauma, Reginald Alouidor MD
Getting doctors to clean their hands: lead the followers, Sarah Haessler MD, Anju Bhagavan MD, Reva Kleppel, Kevin Hinchey MD, and Paul Visintainer
Getting the patient out of the woods - Near death from babesiosis in an elder, Randa Jaber MD and Maura Brennan MD
Giant polypoid gastric heterotopia of the jejunum presenting with intermittent intussusception., Philip Omotosho MD, Heike Varnholt MD, Michael Tirabassi MD, and Kevin Moriarty MD
GI endoscopes, David Desilets MD
GIS localization of community acquired MRSA soft tissue abscesses in children, Michael Tirabassi MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Jane Garb, Ric Skinner, George Wadie MD, and Christopher Boyd MD
GIS localization of community acquired MRSA soft tissue abscesses in children, Michael Tirabassi MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, Jane Garb, Ric Skinner, George Wadie MD, and Christopher Boyd MD
Glioblastoma-derived tumor cells induce vasculogenic mimicry through Flk-1 protein activation, Brooke Bentley, Stephan Scully, Wei Yan, Sherry Taylor MD, Dennis Oh MD, Luis Moral MD, and Rong Shao
Glucose meters: A review of technical challenges to obtaining accurate results, James Nichols and Ksenia Tonyushkina MD
Glutathione-mediated delivery and release using monolayer protected nanoparticle carriers, Neil Forbes
Glypican-3 immunohistochemistry in the ovary, Christopher Otis MD and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Golf ball in the left ventricle! Is there a role for surgery in the management of left ventricular thrombus, Sami Ibrahimi MD
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist pretreatment did not decrease postoperative adhesion formation after abdominal myomectomy in a randomized control trial, Daniel Grow MD and Mohammed Ahmed MD
Goodpasture's Syndrome preceded by upper respiratory illness, Syed Hussain MD and Jose Martagon-Villamil MD
Gout, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Monica Hollowell MD
Gout: A missed diagnosis in the elderly, Deepa Chandrasekaran MD and Sivakumar Natanasabapathy MD
Government and professional affairs update, Richard Friedberg MD
Grafts as a predictor of peri-operative atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting: A single center retrospective analysis, Siddharth Wartak MD, Prabhdeep Sethi MD, Jane Garb, and Amir Lotfi MD
Granulomatous stump appendicitis mimicking Crohn's disease, Mazen Al-Mansour MD
Group a beta-hemolytic streptoccal glossal necrotizing myositis--case report and review, Robert Baevsky MD and Stephen Lieberman MD
Growing concerns, larger than fatigue, . . and Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD
Growth and growth impairment, Edward Reiter MD
Growth hormone: Health considerations beyond height gain, Edward Reiter MD
Growth hormone treatment and adverse events in Prader-Willi syndrome: Data from KIGS (the Pfizer International Growth Database)., Edward Reiter MD
Growth hormone treatment to final height in idiopathic growth hormone deficiency: The KIGS experience, Edward Reiter MD
Guidelines in practice: Therapies for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo., Anant Shenoy MD
Guidelines in practice: Treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy, Anant Shenoy MD
Guide to teaching pediatricians, Barry Sarvet MD
Guillain-Barré syndrome, Beth Rosen MD
Guns and states: Pediatric firearm injury, Kevin Moriarty MD, David Tashjian MD, and Lisa Patterson MD
Gynecologic cytology outcomes: Biopsy correlation performance (QT5) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD
Gynecologists' attitudes toward hysterectomy: Is the sex of the clinician a factor?, Oz Harmanli MD
Gynecomastia, Edward Reiter MD
H1N1 pandemic: Challenges of information dissemination and practice modification, Ronald Burkman MD
Hacker and Moore's Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ronald Burkman MD
Hampden County public health model for corrections, Thomas Lincoln MD
Handoffs in labor and delivery: Can we do better?, Sarah Goff MD, Alex Knee, Daniel Grow MD, and Fadi Bsat MD
Health behavior interests of adolescents with unhealthy diet and exercise: implications for weight management, Peter Thunfors
Health behaviors among pregnant Latina women at risk for gestational diabetes mellitus, Glenn Markenson MD and Penny Pekow
Healthcare cost of type 1 diabetes mellitus in new-onset children in a hospital compared to an outpatient setting., Ksenia Tonyushkina MD and Holley Allen MD
Health care for the uninsured: Here we go again., Michael R. Grey MD
Health-care referrals from direct-to-consumer genetic testing, Matthew Fickie MD
Health care reform and costs: Physician compensation and new technology, Ronald Burkman MD
Height is the preferred index for left atrial volume measurement in overweight and obese adults, Jiang Cui MD, William Hiser MD, Mara Slawsky MD, James Cook MD, Leng Jiang MD, Gui Hua Yao MD, and Gustavo Camarano MD
Helpful maneuvers for controlling bleeding from operative or traumatic vascular injuries, Ak Alameddine MD, David Deaton MD, John Rousou MD, and Victor Alimov MD
Helping students "Get it", Gladys Fernandez MD, William McGee MD, Thomas Higgins MD, Patrick Mailloux MD, David Page MD, Elizabeth D'Amour, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Hemangiopericytomas of the skull base, Clemens Schirmer MD
Hematocrit-dependent response to initial coil embolization in a model side-wall aneurysm, Clemens Schirmer MD
Hematocrit-dependent response to virtual coil embolization in a model side-wall aneurysm, Clemens Schirmer MD
Hemodynamic and Delta Blood Volume Relationships During Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Patrick Mailloux MD and William McGee MD
Hemodynamic consequences of heart-lung interactions., Thomas Higgins MD, Jay Steingrub MD, and Mark Tidswell MD
Hemoglobin F (Fetal RBC Count) - Participant Summary. CAP Survey HBF-B., Richard Friedberg MD
Hemosuccus pancreaticus - A commonly forgotten and uncommon cause of upper gastrointestinal bleed, Iheanyichukwu Ogu MD, David Desilets MD, and Rony Ghaoui MD
Hemotherapy bedside biovigilance involving vital sign values and characteristics of patients with suspected transfusion reactions associated with fluid challenges: can some cases of transfusion-associated circulatory overload have proinflammatory aspects?, Chester Andrzejewski MD, Theresa Stec, Jean Provencher, Lynne O'Hearn, Paul Visintainer, and Jay Steingrub MD
Heparin and hyperkalemia: The unexpected cost of prophylaxis, Ashish Verma MD, Lauren Meade MD, and Ryan Joyce MD
Heparin induced thrombocytopenia, Adam Pesaturo and Patrick Mailloux MD
Hepatic disease and pregnancy: An overview of diagnosis and management., Jay Steingrub MD
Hepatocellular carcinoma with intracardiac metastases, Cyrus Khan MD, Abdullah Shaikh MD, and Michael Rosenblum MD
Hernia in adults and children, Joseph Schmidt MD
Herpes infections, Lindsey Grossman MD
Herpes in Peripartum Period, Oz Harmanli MD
Herpes zoster vaccine and older adults, Michael Rothberg MD
Heuristic map of myotomal innervation in humans using direct intraoperative nerve root stimulation, Clemens Schirmer MD and Sunah Kim MD
High altitude illness, Chrystal Wittcopp MD
High dose atorvastatin does not impact the efficacy of clopiclogrel: A PROVE IT TIMI-22 analysis, Marc Schweiger MD, Gregory Giugliano MD, and Amir Lotfi MD
High-dose atorvastatin does not negatively influence clinical outcomes among clopidogrel treated acute coronary syndrome patients--a Pravastatin or Atorvastatin Evaluation and Infection Therapy-Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 22 (PROVE IT-TIMI 22) a, Amir Lotfi MD, Marc Schweiger MD, and Gregory Giugliano MD
Higher prevalence of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance in African Americans than whites--the unknown role of underlying HIV infection, Liron Pantanowitz MD
High frequency of repeated negative computerized tomographic pulmonary angiography in emergency department patients, Howard Smithline MD
High humidity, low humidity, and mist therapy for croup, Richard Gabor MD
High pregnancy-related anxiety and prenatal depressive symptoms as predictors of intention to breastfeed and breastfeeding initiation, Tarayn Fairlie MD
High-resolution imaging of the thyroid gland using optical coherence tomography., Liron Pantanowitz MD
High-resolution MR imaging of anorectal disease with emphasis on isotropic post-contrast acquisition: A pictorial essay, Dustin Nguyen MD and Dmitry Rakita MD
Hindrances to bedside barcode scanning, Mark Heelon and Kirthana Raman
Hip fractures in elders nearing end of life: Is there a role for palliative surgery?, Auras Atreya MD, Sonali Arora MD, and Maura Brennan MD
His mother, Maura Brennan MD and Ashish Verma MD
Histological characteristics of singleton placentas delivered before the 28th week of gestation, Solveig Pflueger MD
Histological characterization of regression in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related Kaposi's sarcoma., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Histological variants of cutaneous Kaposi sarcoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Histology of serosal membranes, Christopher Otis MD
Histomorphology and grading of regression in gastric carcinoma treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy., James Mueller MD
Histoplasma capsulatum, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD
History of anxiety significantly decreases the probability of pulmonary embolism in symptomatic emergency department patients, Howard Smithline MD
HIV/AIDS: Epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus disease: Kaposi sarcoma, primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric castleman disease, Liron Pantanowitz MD
HIV and the breast., Liron Pantanowitz MD
HIV-associated anal squamous cell cancer: An otherwise preventable disease., Liron Pantanowitz MD
HIV associated intramammary lymphadenopathy., Liron Pantanowitz MD and David March MD
HIV-associated lipodystrophy in children, Barbara W. Stechenberg MD, Holley Allen MD, Edward Reiter MD, Maripat Toye RN MS, and Jens Krause MD
HIV-associated lymphadenopathy, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Gabriel Caponetti MD
HIV-associated multicentric Castleman's disease, Liron Pantanowitz MD
HIV-associated plasmablastic lymphoma: Lessons learned from 112 published cases, Liron Pantanowitz MD
HIV induced rhabdomyolysis, Francisco Hernandez-Munoz MD, Sarah Dreilling MD, Daniel Landry MD, and Behdad Besharatian MD
HIV post-exposure prophylaxis in children and adolescents presenting for reported sexual assault, Scott Lemme MD
Homozygous lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) deficiency due to a new loss of function mutation and review of the literature, Rose Ganim MD and Sarah Haessler MD
Hopelessly complex., Michael Lemanski MD
Hormonal contraception, Ronald Burkman MD
Hormonal treatment of idiopathic short stature., Edward Reiter MD
Hormone replacement therapy. Current controversies., Ronald Burkman MD
Hormone therapy and fatal breast cancer, Ronald Burkman MD
Horner's Syndrome, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Horner's Syndrome, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Horner's Syndrome, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Hospital care of the renal patient, Benjamin Freda MD
Hospital Collaboration with a Public Library, Margot Malachowski MLS
Hospitalists and infectious disease physicians: Allies in improving patient care, David Ling MD and David Longworth MD
Hospitalist utilization and hospital performance on 6 publicly reported patient outcomes, Peter Lindenauer MD
Hospitalizations, costs, and outcomes of severe sepsis in the United States 2003 to 2007, Tara Lagu MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, Jay Steingrub MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Meng-Shoiu Shieh
Hospitalizations for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: how you count matters, Peter Lindenauer MD
Hospitalized, elderly, and delirious: What should you do for these patients?, Benjamin Liptzin MD and Steven Fischel MD
Hospital patterns of use of positive inotropic agents in patients with heart failure, Tara Lagu MD
Hospital performance measures and 30-day readmission rates, Mihaela Stefan M.D., Penny Pekow, Aruna Priya, Michael Rothberg M.D., Robert Goldberg MD, and Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Hospital variation in time to defibrillation after in-hospital cardiac arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Hospital workers' perceptions of waste: a qualitative study involving photo-elicitation, Sarah Goff MD, Reva Kleppel, Peter Lindenauer M.D., and Michael Rothberg M.D.
Household chemical exposures and the risk of canine malignant lymphoma, a model for human non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Sofija Zagarins MD
Houston, we have a problem! Use of advanced hemodynamics to solve clinical challenging situations, William McGee MD
How a comprehensive pain control initiative improved patient satisfaction, Michael Davis, Christine Gryglik, and Cheryl Reilly
How benign is IgA nephropathy with minimal proteinuria?, Gregory Braden MD and Benjamin Freda MD
How does patient safety fit into pathology and the laboratory, Richard Friedberg MD
How do we change roles from being the clinician to family member when we care for our own?, April Mazzarino-Willett MSN and Alice Leveston MSW
How many criteria does it take to remove a single parathyroid gland?, Nicholas Coe MD
How much do women know about hysterectomy? A survey of women in an academic obstetrics and gynecology practice, Oz Harmanli MD, Heather Sankey MD, and Alex Knee
How much teamwork exists between nurses and junior doctors in the intensive care unit?, Paul Jodka MD, Elizabeth Henneman, Elaine Blonaisz, Nancy Doubleday, and Paula Lusardi
How organizational culture shapes intranet content development and enables virtual HR, Elisabeth Bennett
How quickly do clinicians adopt EMR notes?, Thomas Higgins MD, Neil Kudler MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and Patrick Brown MD
How quickly do clinicians adopt EMR note templates?, Thomas Higgins MD, Neil Kudler MD, and Peter Lindenauer MD
How reliable are pain scores? A pilot study of 20 healthy volunteers., Timothy Mader MD, Howard Smithline MD, Jeannette Wolfe MD, and Fidela Blank
How specific is it: The current tissue Doppler cutoff values for left ventricular dyssynchrony, Kenneth Santiago MD, Leng Jiang MD, Lisa Massie MD, and Hany Aziz MD
How to best deliver care to children with chronic illness: Cystic fibrosis as a model, Matthew Sadof MD and Robert Kaslovsky MD
How to do the linear dimensions contribute to left atrial enlargement: A real-time three dimensional echocadiographic study, Gui Hua Yao MD, John Abboud MD, Neelima Vallurupalli MD, James Cook MD, Jacqueline Cook, and Leng Jiang MD
How to obtain a great SLOR, Adam Kellogg MD
How to organize a fellowship program: Lessons learned and how to include accreditation council for graduate medical education competencies in the curriculum, James Stewart MD
How to overcome barriers and establish a successful home HD program., Gregory Braden M.D.
How to think like a radiologist, Tara Catanzano MD
How we view and approach transfusion-associated circulatory overload: pathogenesis, diagnosis, management, mitigation, and prevention, Chester Andrzejewski MD
HPV data can be used as a cytopathology laboratory quality indicator, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Maryanne Hornish, Robert Goulart MD, and Q Jackie Cao MD
HPV testing (QP053) – Data analysis and critique, Richard Friedberg MD
Human immunodeficiency virus and chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Human immunodeficiency virus-associated adenocarcinoma of the colon: Clinicopathologic findings and outcome, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Christopher Chapman MD
Human Immunodeficiency Virus-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Human immunodeficiency virus-associated primary lung cancer in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy: a multi-institutional collaboration, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Human immunodeficiency virus-associated prostate cancer: Clinicopathological findings and outcome in a multi-institutional study, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B, DRB1, and DQB1 allotypes associated with disease and protection of trachoma endemic villagers, Linda Bobo MD
Human macro and micro-vascular endothelial cells differ in gene expression when exposed to high glucose in-vitro, Sabyasachi Sen MD and Saqib Inayatullah MD
Human papillomavirus vaccine: A paradigm shift for pediatricians, Hal Jenson MD
Human papillomavirus vaccine: now for boys too?, Hal Jenson MD
Human patient simulation in critical care, Joan Roche
Human sperm devoid of PLC, zeta 1 fail to induce Ca release and are unable to initiate the first step of embryo development, Daniel Grow MD and Teru Jellerette
Human T-cell lymphotropic viruses types I and II, Hal Jenson MD
Hybrid notes: Incisionless intragastric stapled cystgastrostomy of a pancreatic pseudocyst, Kevin Moriarty MD, Connie Rossini MD, and Anastasios Angelides MD
Hyperbaric oxygen inhibits benign and malignant human mammary epithelial cell proliferation., Grace Makari-Judson MD, Eric Granowitz MD, and Deborah Katz MD
Hyperbaric oxygen inhibits stimulus-induced proinflammatory cytokine synthesis by human blood-derived monocyte-macrophages., Eric Granowitz MD
Hypercalcaemia after topical treatment with Calcipotriol, Jimmy Fune MD
Hypercalciuria and its potential effects in children on topiramate for seizure disorders., Sarah Barnett MD, Anthony Jackson MD, Herbert Gilmore MD, Beth Rosen MD, Gregory Braden MD, Dina Kornblau MD, and Jane Garb
Hypercapneic Cerebral Edema in Asthma, William McGee MD, Ryan Joyce MD, and Charles Gibson
Hypercapnic cerebral edema presenting in a woman with asthma: A case report, William McGee MD and Ryan Joyce MD
Hypercoagulable State, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Hypercoagulable State, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Hypercoagulable State, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Hyperkalemia and pyloric stenosis., Donald Schwartz MD, Neil Connelly MD, Poornachandran Manikantan MD, and James Nichols
Hypersplenism, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Hypersplenism, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Hypersplenism, Sudeep Kaur Aulakh MD
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy (2 vols), edited by Deirdre Barrett., Margot Malachowski MLS
Hypnosis for functional abdominal pain, David Gottsegen MD
Hypogammaglobinemia in an elder, Carmela Mancini MD
Hypoglycemic myocardial stunning as cause of cardiogenic shock in a patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy: A case report and review of literature, Khawar Maqsood MD and Amatur Amarah MD
Hypothermia for epilepsia partialis continua and complex partial seizures in an adult with Rasmussen's Encephalitis, William House MD, Carmel Armon MD, Erika LaChance MD, Luis Moral MD, Eric Smith MD, Patrick Mailloux MD, and Grace Albert
Hysterectomy, James Wang MD and Ronald Burkman MD
Hysterectomy after Novasure endometrial ablation failure of a bridge to menopause, Albert Hsu MD, Carrie Bell MD, Ronald Burkman MD, and Daniel Grow MD
I am not clear, Deepak Asudani MD
Iatrogenic abnormalities of the extraperitoneal spaces, Jeffrey Alvis MD
I can do patient care on my own: Autonomy and the manager role, Kevin Hinchey MD and Michael Picchioni MD
ICU mortality risk may be overestimated in elders without other risk factors, Maura Brennan MD, Thomas Higgins MD, and Paul Jodka MD
IDEAS for a healthy baby study: Reducing disparities in use of publicly reported quality data, Sarah Goff MD, Penny Pekow, Katharine White MD, Tara Lagu M.D., and Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Identification and analysis of Hic-5/ARA55 isoforms: Implications for integrin signaling and steroid hormone action, Larry Schwartz
Identifying potentially preventable readmissions, Norbert Goldfield MD
Identifying the milestones for the fundamental skills of the internist: A competency-based progression, Lauren Meade MD, Samuel Borden MD, Michael Picchioni MD, David Longworth MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD
Identifying the milestones for the fundamental skills of the internist: A competency-based progression, Lauren Meade MD, Samuel Borden MD, Michael Picchioni MD, David Longworth MD, Mihaela Stefan MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Kevin Hinchey MD
Identifying what pediatric residents are taught about children and youth with special health care needs and the medical home, Matthew Sadof MD
Idiopathic short stature: Management and growth hormone treatment, Edward Reiter MD
I donÂ’t have a drinking problem, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Idraparinux versus standard therapy for venous thromboembolic disease, Mark Tidswell MD
I get by with a little help from my friends: Peer emotional support in the emergency department, Eric Griffin
Ileostomy adenocarcinomas in the setting of ulcerative colitis., Neal Seymour MD
Ilioinguinal block following a caudal block - how practical, Donald Schwartz MD and Ajita Amin MD
Image gently: Imaging of pectus excavatum revisited, Ajay Puri MD
Images in dermatology: Handful of sweets., Sandhya Kommana MD, Carol Richardson MD, Brendan Kelly MD, and Archan Shah MD
Images in emergency medicine. Elderly woman with rectal bleeding, Gavin Budhram MD and Linda Willard MD
Images in HIV/AIDS: Fatal HIV-associated anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Jonathan Freeman MD
Images in HIV/AIDS: HIV-associated toxic megacolon, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Images in HIV/AIDS. Patterns of renal injury in HIV-positive persons, Giovanna Crisi MD
Images in HIV/AIDS: Unsuspected parvovirus B19 infection in a person with AIDS, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Vandita Johari MD, Adriana Doldan Silvero MD, and Adriana Doldan-Silvero MD
Imaging characteristics of central pontine myelinolysis and extrapontine myelinolysis, Cheri Nguyen MD, Simon Li MD, and Shan Li MD
Imaging evaluation of breast implants: Complications and implant associated pathology, Erica Tyler MD, David March MD, and Vivian Miller MD
Imaging of the placenta with pathologic correlation, Cheri Nguyen MD, Margaret Yacobozzi MD, Fadi Bsat MD, Dmitry Rakita MD, and Dustin Nguyen MD
Imaging of trauma in a pregnant patient, Ajay Puri MD, Paryssa Khadem MD, Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD, Parul Yadav MD, and Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD
Imaging results and endovascular management of hemosuccus pancreaticus; gastrointestinal hemorrhage from a splenic artery pseudoaneurysm eroding into the pancreatic duct, Qiqing Ge, Aram Fereshetian MD, and Njogu Njuguna MD
Imaging the obesity epidemic: A pictoral review of postoperative anatomy and complications associated with bariatric surgery, Cheri Nguyen MD, Dustin Nguyen MD, Dmitry Rakita MD, and Khaldoon Al Dulaimy MD
Imatinib-induced regression of AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Immunocytochemical evaluation of p16(INK4A) in ThinPrep Pap Tests diagnosed as atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Christopher Otis MD, and Robert Goulart MD
Immunogenecity of modified alkane polymers is mediated through TLR1/2 activation, Giovanna Crisi MD
Immunohistochemistry in Kaposi's Sarcoma, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Christopher Otis MD
Immuno-localization of CD44 and osteopontin in developing human kidney, Giovanna Crisi MD, Sharon Marconi, Gary Rockwell MD, Gregory Braden MD, and Thomas Campfield MD
Immuno-localization of the calcium-sensing receptor in developing & adult human kidney, Gregory Braden MD, Giovanna Crisi MD, Sharon Marconi, and Thomas Campfield MD
Immunolocalization of the calcium-sensing receptor in developing human kidney, Giovanna Crisi MD, Gary Rockwell MD, Gregory Braden M.D., and Thomas Campfield MD
Immunophenotypic changes and clinical outcome in B-cell lymphomas treated with rituximab., Jonathan Freeman MD and Richard Steingart MD
Immunosuppression in the transplant patient: what the primary care doctor needs to know, Daniel Landry MD
Impact of an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome on a hospital in Taiwan, ROC., Jeffrey Arnold MD
Impact of a novel geriatric track on resident education, Maura Brennan MD and Jennifer Dorantes MD
Impact of cardiac telemetry on patient safety and cost, Evan Benjamin MD
Impact of diabetes self management education interventions on diabetes-related emotional distress: A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials, Garry Welch, Jane Garb, and Sofija Zagarins MD
Impact of digital image manipulation in cytology, Liron Pantanowitz MD, Jeffrey Pinco MD, Robert Goulart MD, Christopher Otis MD, and Jane Garb
Impact of digital image manipulation in cytopathology, Jeffrey Pinco MD, Robert Goulart MD, Christopher Otis MD, Jane Garb, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Impact of initial antibiotic choice on clinical outcomes in community-acquired pneumonia: analysis of a hospital claims-made database., Richard Brown MD
Impact of mandatory inpatient infectious disease consultation on outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy., Richard Brown MD and William Loomis
Impact of physician and patient gender on pain management in the emergency department--a multicenter study, Timothy Mader MD
Impact of resuscitation system errors on survival from in-hospital cardiac arrest, Timothy Mader MD
Impact of the 2008 USPSTF Recommendation on PSA screening in elderly men, Shin Yin Lee MD, Mihaela Stefan M.D., Jennifer Friderici, and Maura Brennan MD
Impact of the 2008 USPSTF recommendation on PSA screening in elderly men, Shin Yin Lee MD
Impact on clinical laboratories of the Supreme Court's decision on the Affordable Care Act, Richard Friedberg MD
Impaired mitochondrial metabolism and mammary carcinogenesis, Nagendra Yadava PhD, Sallie Schneider PhD, D. Joseph Jerry, and Chul Kim
Implementation of a call center to facilitate medical management of obstructive sleep apnea, Michael Coppola MD
Implementation of a palliative care ICU interdisciplinary conference, Diane Dietzen MD
Implementation of a rapid response team: A success story, Sheila Elliott and Susan Scott
Implementation of evidence-based practices to improve asthma in an urban school system, Kathleen Szegda and Matthew Sadof MD
Implementation of full patient simulation training in surgical residency, Gladys Fernandez MD, Patrick Lee MD, David Page MD, Elizabeth D'Amour, Richard Wait MD, and Neal Seymour MD
Implementing laboratory automation: Operational challenges and practical solutions, James Nichols
Implementing postgraduate training for physician assistants in emergency medicine at a major urban academic medical center, JohnPaul Magenis PA
Implementing practice improvement modules in residencies: lessons learned from the AAIM-ABIM practicum project, Kevin Hinchey MD
Importance of intravenous fluid dose and composition in surgical ICU patients, William McGee MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, and Thomas Higgins MD
Important features of study design, Oz Harmanli MD
Improved exercise behaviors associated with a comprehensive structured exercise program following bariatric surgery, Sofija Zagarins MD and Garry Welch
Improved pulmonary and growth outcomes in cystic fibrosis by newborn screening, Mary-Alice Abbott MD
Improved survival and differentiation of human bone marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSCs) in serum-free conditions using Human Endothelial Progenitor Cell (hEPC)-conditioned media, Sabyasachi Sen MD and Jagendra Yadava
Improvement in glycemic control following a diabetes education intervention is associated with change in diabetes distress but not change in depressive symptoms, Jane Garb, Sofija Zagarins MD, Nancy Allen, and Garry Welch
Improvement in headaches with continuous positive airway pressure for obstructive sleep apnea: A retrospective analysis, Karin Johnson M.D. and Jane Garb
Improvement in headaches with CPAP for obstructive sleep apnea, Karin Johnson MD
Improvement in the quality of care of patients admitted with decompensated cirrhosis, Rony Ghaoui MD, Jennifer Friderici, Peter Lindenauer M.D., Tara Lagu M.D., David Desilets MD, Angelica Belo MD, and Jorge Sotelo MD
Improving access to mental health care for children: The Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Project, Barry Sarvet MD
Improving medical engagement of HIV+ inmates through dually-based mental health and case management, Thomas Lincoln MD
Improving mental health services in primary care: Reducing administrative and financial barriers to access and collaboration, Barry Sarvet MD
Improving nurse-to-patient staffing ratios as a cost-effective safety intervention., Peter Lindenauer MD, Michael Rothberg MD, and David Rose MD
Improving patient glycemic control using a multi-faceted approach, Adrienne Seiler MD, Vasantha Reddy MD, Winthrop Whitcomb MD, Stephanie Calcasola, and Lynn Roncalli
Improving patient safety in the ED waiting room, Fidela Blank, John Santoro MD, Ann Maynard, Deborah Provost, and Marjorie Keyes
Improving patient satisfaction through aggressive surgical pain management, Christine Gryglik, Cheryl Reilly, and Michael Davis
Improving patient-to-nurse ratios as a cost-effective safety intervention, Michael Rothberg MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, and David Rose MD
Improving quality of life for menopausal women, Cynthia Sites MD
Improving tactile sensation in minimally invasive pediatric surgery, Michael Tirabassi MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, George Wadie MD, and David Tashjian MD
Improving the care of patients with regard to chemotherapy-induced nausea and emesis: the effect of feedback to clinicians on adherence to antiemetic prescribing guidelines., Wilson Mertens MD, Donald Higby MD, Evan Benjamin MD, Jan Fitzgerald, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Improving the Effectiveness of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in a Simulated Environment Through Biofeedback, Patrick Mailloux MD, William McGee MD, Gerard Langlois, and Jennifer Friderici
Improving the health status of minority women: overcoming the knowledge deficit, Auras Atreya MD
Improving the management of chronic disease, Matthew Sadof MD
Improving the Quality and Outcomes of Perioperative Care, Mihaela Stefan M.D. and Peter Lindenauer M.D.
Improving the quality of care through the use of bundled payments, Evan Benjamin MD and Winthrop Whitcomb MD
Inadequate Vitamin D status in adolescents with substantial bone mineral density loss during use of Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Injectable Contraceptive, Ronald Burkman MD
Inappropriate medication use in older adults undergoing surgery: a national study, Michael Rothberg MD and Peter Lindenauer MD
Incidence and impact on mortality of acute renal dysfunction after the onset of acute lung injury, Jay Steingrub MD
Incidence and risk factors of developing nephrotoxicity in adult non-intensive care unit patients receiving vancomycin for greater than 48 hours, Jane Garb, Jason Cross, Daniel Skiest MD, Kathleen Kopcza, and Seth Housman
Incidence of common duct stones after positive intraoperative cholangiogram, David Desilets MD
Incidence of treated cardiac arrest in hospitalized patients in the United States, Timothy Mader MD
Income inequality and 30 day outcomes after acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and pneumonia: Retrospective cohort study, Peter Lindenauer M.D., Tara Lagu M.D., Michael Rothberg M.D., Jill Avrunin, and Penny Pekow
Incorporating cellular metabolism into growth models of multicellular tumor spheroids, Neil Forbes
Incorporating energy metabolism into a growth model of multicellular tumor spheroids, Neil Forbes
Incorporating initial treatments improves performance of a mortality prediction model for patients with sepsis, Tara Lagu MD, Michael Rothberg MD, Jay Steingrub MD, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Incorporating initial treatments improves the performance of a mortality prediction model based on administrative data, Tara Lagu MD, Thomas Higgins MD, and Peter Lindenauer MD
Incorporation of a formalized emergency radiology curriculum to facilitate population of a MIRC-based digital teaching file, Frank Welte MD, Sunah Kim MD, Devang Doshi MD, Stephen O'Connor, and Bret Coughlin MD
Increased facial hair in a postmenopausal woman: a common complain that warrants investigation?, Cynthia Sites MD
Increased promoter methylation in exfoliated breast epithelial cells in women with a previous breast biopsy, Christopher Otis MD
Increased prostaglandin E2 release and activated Akt/beta-catenin signaling pathway occur after opioid withdrawal in rat spinal cord., Stuart Dunbar MD, I Karamian, and J Zhang
Increasing hospice services for elderly patients maintained with hemodialysis, Lewis Cohen MD and Michael Germain MD
Increasing patient safety and efficiency in transfusion therapy using formal process definitions., Elizabeth Henneman, Philip Henneman MD, and Chester Andrzejewski MD
Increasing the quality and quantity of feedback in medical education, Kevin Hinchey MD and Michael Picchioni MD
In-date blood product wastage (QT4) – Annual summary report, Richard Friedberg MD
In-Date Blood Product Wastage (QT-4), Q-Tracks Annual Summary Report., Richard Friedberg MD
Indexed hemodynamic measurements may be inappropriate at body surface area extremes, William McGee MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, and Adam Adler MD
Index of suspicion., James Burns MD
Induced Brugada-type electrocardiogram in a near fatal Flecainide overdose, Mohammad Amin Kashef MD and Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD
Induction of Anoikis following myoblast transplantation into SCID mouse muscles requires the Bit1 and FADD pathways, Larry Schwartz
Induction of apoptosis in the absence of p53: Implications for chemoprevention for ER-negative breast cancer, Richard Arenas MD, Sabha Ganai MD, and Holly Mason MD
Infant safe sleeping in homeless family shelters, Sonia Chaudhry MD and Nancy Miller MD
Infection Control Issues after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation., David Longworth MD
Infections of intracardiac devices., David Longworth MD
Infectious Chlamydia pneumoniae is associated with elevated interleukin-8 and airway neutrophilia in children with refractory asthma, Paul Salva MD
Infective endocarditis presenting from locally invasive adenocarcinoma of esophagus, Ranjit Dhelaria MD and Srikanth Penumetsa MD
Inferior exercise economy in children: Perpetuating a myth?, Thomas Rowland MD
Inferior vena cava distensibility in patients with SAH, new technology and numbers, better care?, Clemens Schirmer MD
Inflammation-initiating illnesses, inflammation-related proteins, and cognitive impairment in extremely preterm infants, Bhavesh Shah M.D.
Inflammatory fibroid polyps are not inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Inflammatory fibroid polyps of the gastrointestinal tract: evidence for a dendritic cell origin., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Influence of depressed mood and psychological stress symptoms on perceived oral contraceptive side effects and discontinuation in young minority women, Katharine White MD
Influence of embryo transfer depth on in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer outcomes., Daniel Grow MD and Michael Plevyak MD
Influence of gender on the clinical presentation of venous thromboembolism (VTE): A prospective multi-center, observational study of emergency department patients, Howard Smithline MD
Influence of Low-Dose Aspirin (81 mg) on the Incidence of Definite Stent Thrombosis in Patients Receiving Bare-Metal and Drug-Eluting Stents, Amir Lotfi MD, Jiang Cui MD, Siddharth Wartak MD, Michael Davis, Marc Schweiger MD, and Gregory Giugliano MD
Influence of participation in clinical trials on outcome of sepsis patients, Jay Steingrub MD, Mark Tidswell MD, and Lori-Ann Kozikowski
Influence of prior sexual risk experience on response to intervention targeting multiple risk behaviors among adolescents., James Burns MD
Influence of sex on the "Athlete's Heart" in trained cyclists, Thomas Rowland MD
Influenza, Michael Rothberg MD
Informal adult learning in simulated and virtual environments, Elisabeth Bennett
Information-sharing in out-of-hospital disaster response: the future role of information technology., Jeffrey Arnold MD and K Francis Lee MD
Inhaled Epoprostenol During One-Lung Ventilation, Neil Connelly MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Larry Robbins MD, Rose Ganim MD, and Gary Hochheiser MD
Inhibitory activity of YKL-40 in mammary epithelial cell differentiation and polarization induced by lactogenic hormones: A role in mammary tissue involution, Wei Yan, Stephan Scully, Brooke Bentley, Q Jackie Cao MD, and Rong Shao
In-hospital outcomes with thrombolytic therapy in patients with renal dysfunction presenting with acute ischaemic stroke, Varun Agrawal MD
Initial trophic vs full enteral feeding in patients with acute lung injury: The EDEN randomized trial, Jay Steingrub MD
Initiation, maintenance and discontinuation of opioids for patients with chronic pain, Michael Picchioni MD
Initiation of Drotrecogin Alfa(Activated)[DTAA] versus placebo infusion acutely improves hemodynamics in patients with septic shock, Archan Shah MD and Mark Tidswell MD
In office ancillary services, Richard Friedberg MD
Inpatient hyperglycemia, Deepak Asudani MD
Inpatient hyperglycemia: Slide through the scale but cover the bases first., Deepak Asudani MD
Inpatient stress testing reduces subsequent ED visits and readmissions for chest pain, Jaya Mallidi MD, Jennifer Friderici, Fadi Saab MD, and Michael Rothberg MD
In reply, Michael Rothberg MD, Penny Pekow, and Peter Lindenauer MD
In reply: Surgeon-performed ultrasound and prediction of differentiated thyroid cancer, Azad Jabiev MD
In response, Sarah Haessler MD, Mary Ellen Scales, Jan Fitzgerald, and Neil Connelly MD
Insights into left ventricular synchrony: Peak velocity versus peak contraction, James Cook MD, Kenneth Santiago MD, Leng Jiang MD, and Adrian Fluture MD
In situ characterization of cell cycle distribution of multicellular spheroid as a drug delivery model, Neil Forbes
Insulin-like growth factor-I inhibits growth regulatory responses engaged by estrogen and progesterone in the mouse mammary gland, Sallie Schneider
Insulin-like growth factors as diagnostic tools in growth hormone deficiency during childhood and adolescence: the KIGS experience., Edward Reiter MD
Insulin resistance and nephrolithiasis: Risk in obese adolescents, Thomas Campfield MD, Rishita Tiwari MD, Chrystal Wittcopp MD, Gregory Braden MD, and Holley Allen MD
Insulin therapy to improve BMI in cystic fibrosis-related diabetes without fasting hyperglycemia, Holley Allen MD and Penny Pekow
Integrating ArcWeb explorer with medical crisis information, Christopher Boyd MD
Integrating behavior changes into the family medicine curriculum: Successes and challenges, Eric Churchill MD
Integrating pluralistic organizational culture in an American Community hospital, Elisabeth Bennett
Integrating quality across the continuum of medical education, Hal Jenson MD
Integrating quality improvement and residency education: Insights from the AIAMC National Initiative about the roles of the designated institutional official and program director, Hal Jenson MD and Kevin Hinchey MD
Integrating simulation into a busy residency program, Neal Seymour MD
Integration of simulation based training into third year medical students' clerkship curriculum: A combined medical and surgical effort to link theory with practice, Mihaela Stefan MD, Gladys Fernandez MD, Gerard Langlois, Joel Abraham MD, Rukshana Cader MD, and Elizabeth D'Amour
Integrative informal learning in virtual HRD: The key to tacit knowledge?, Elisabeth Bennett
Intensive care unit organization and management, Jay Steingrub MD and Thomas Higgins MD
Intensive care unit readmissions in U.S. hospitals: Patient characteristics, risk factors, and outcomes, Thomas Higgins MD
Intentionality and Hatha Yoga: An exploration of the theory of intentionality, the matrix of healing - A growth model, Joan Roche and Lauri Deary
Inter-institutional differences in frozen section protocols for endometrial carcinoma, Christopher Otis MD
Interinstitutional variation in prediction of death by SNAP-II and SNAPPE-II among extremely preterm infants, Bhavesh Shah MD
Internal medicine-pediatrics residency training: current program trends and outcomes., Samuel Borden MD
International emergency medicine: recent trends and future challenges., Jeffrey Arnold MD
International outsourcing of medical research by high income countries: Changes from 1925-2005, Raquel Belforti MD, Michael Wall MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, Penny Pekow, and Michael Rothberg MD
International outsourcing of medical research by high-income countries: Changes from 1995 to 2005, Raquel Belforti MD, Michael Wall MD, Peter Lindenauer MD, Penny Pekow, and Michael Rothberg MD
International Perspectives on Emergency Department Crowding, Niels Rathlev MD
International study of the prevalence and outcomes of infection in intensive care units, Jay Steingrub MD
International volunteer work for the practicing pediatrician., David Norton MD
Intern immersion: A novel paradigm for orientation, Michael Picchioni MD, Lauren Meade M.D., Kevin Hinchey MD, Samuel Borden MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, and Gina Luciano MD
Interpretation of indeterminate HIV serologic test, Michelle Haggar MD, Beth Carter MD, and Eric Granowitz MD
Interpretation of newborn screening tests, Mary-Alice Abbott MD
Inter-Professional Management of the Complex Acute Surgical Patient, Mihaela Stefan MD and Gladys Fernandez MD
Interventional options for malignant upper gastrointestinal obstruction, Lisa Patterson MD
Interventions to safeguard system effectiveness during periods of emergency department crowding, Niels Rathlev MD
Intestinal type adenocarcinoma in situ of the cervix, Rukmini Modem MD, Christopher Otis MD, Roxanne Florence MD, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
In the blink of an eye: The deadly story of epidemic meningitis, Andrew Artenstein MD
In the Literature, Glenn Allison MD, David Ling MD, and Xiao Liu MD
Intracerebroventricular administration of drugs, Adam Pesaturo
Intracranial manifestations of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: A pictoral essay, Chiedozie Mkpolulu MD
Intra-operative hyperglycemia commonly occurs in cardiac bypass patients, Gary Kanter MD
Intraoperative hyperkalemic cardiac arrest during revascularization surgery, Mamatha Kadiyala MD and Stanlies D'Souza MD
Intraoperative monitoring, William McGee MD and Karthik Raghunathan MD
Intraoperative use of indocyanine green fluorescence videography for resection of a spinal cord hemangioblastoma, Robert Schapiro MD
Intraosseous infusion is unreliable for adenosine delivery in the treatment of supraventricular tachycardia, Ian Goodman MD
Intrapartum management of the second twin, Fadi Bsat MD, Glenn Markenson MD, and Andrew Healy MD
Intravascular lesions of the hand, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Wayne Duke MD
Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in refractory clostridium difficile diarrhea, Michael Wall MD, Melina Irizarry MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, Orlando Torres MD, and Eric Granowitz MD
Introducing clinical laboratory risk assessment: A look at the new guidelines from CLSI, James Nichols
Introduction, Hal Jenson MD
Introduction of alcohol-based surgical antisepsis associated with a surgical site infection cluster: The problem with a culture of cutting corners, Annette Golubchik MD and Sarah Haessler MD
Introduction of a MIRC-based digital teaching file to supplement the subspecialty emergency radiology curriculum in radiologic training., Devang Doshi MD, Bret Coughlin MD, Sunah Kim MD, Stephen O'Connor, Frank Welte MD, and Steve Lee MD
Introduction of a modified neonatal resuscitation course to lay midwives in the Dominican Republic., Barbara Graves, Robert Comer MD, Jane Cross MD, and Jason Cross
Introduction of a modified neonatal resuscitation course to lay midwives in the Dominican Republic., Robert Comer MD, Barbara Graves, Jane Cross MD, and Jason Cross
Introduction to geriatric medicine tracks in the United States, Maura Brennan MD
In tumors Salmonella migrate away from vasculature toward the transition zone and induce apoptosis, Sabha Ganai MD, Richard Arenas MD, Brooke Bentley, and Neil Forbes
Invasive aspergillosis presenting as a neck mass in a person with HIV/AIDS, Daniel Skiest MD, Eric Granowitz MD, David Robertson MD, and Dmitri Iarikov MD
Invasive mammary carcinoma after immediate and short-term follow-up for lobular neoplasia on core biopsy., Giovanna Crisi MD
Investigating racial disparities in percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI) rates, Richard Wait MD, Jane Garb, and James Cook MD
Invited talk, Michael Picchioni MD
Iron and associated expression of the transferrin receptor (CD71) and heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in kaposi sarcoma, Patrick O'Donnell MD, Sharon Marconi, and Liron Pantanowitz MD
Irregular [CA2+] l release in in vitro matured human oocytes: A possible link to poor developmental potential, Teru Jellerette
Is antibiotic prophylaxis necessary for midurethral sling procedures? A case series, Oz Harmanli MD, Keisha Jones MD, and Alex Knee
Is antibiotic prophylaxis necessary for midurethral sling procedures? A series of 174 cases without preoperative antibiotics, Oz Harmanli MD, Keisha Jones MD, and Stephen Metz MD
Is blood glucose control improvement sustained one year after an intensive diabetes case management intervention? Findings from a pilot study invovling poorly controlled Hispanic Type 2 patients, Garry Welch, Jane Garb, and Paula Santiago-Kelley
Ischemic leg after placement of femoral arterial line, Stanlies D'Souza MD
Is enrollment in school free lunch programs or receiving door to door bus transportation a risk factor for obesity, James Burns MD and Jane Garb
Is epicardial fat a risk factor for significant coronary artery disease? An echocardiographic study, Gui Hua Yao MD, Neelima Vallurupalli MD, James Cook MD, and Leng Jiang MD
Is head trauma a risk factor for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? An evidence based review, Carmel Armon MD
Is head trauma a risk factor for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? An evidence-based review, Carmel Armon MD
Is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) a plausible explanation for the recent increase in large breast tumors, Wilson Mertens MD, Deborah Katz MD, Richard Arenas MD, and Grace Makari-Judson MD
Is improvement in blood glucose control for type 2 diabetes associated with depression or diabetes distress following a diabetes education intervention?, Garry Welch, Sofija Zagarins MD, and Jane Garb
Is it elder abuse, Raquel Belforti MD, Sandra Bellantonio MD, Michael Rosenblum MD, Todd Capizzi MD, Elizabeth Case MD, Sarah Workman MD, Zulfiqar Chaudhry MD, and Jackcy Jacob MD
Is it senile ptosis? An uncommon presentation of carotid cavernous aneurysm, Fei Gu MD and Senthil Sivalingam MD
Is laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy better in obese women? A comparison of perioperative morbidity with total laparoscopic hysterectomy, Oz Harmanli MD, Alex Knee, and Elena Tunitsky-Bitten MD
Isolated jejunal perforation after blunt thoracoabdominal trauma., Imtiaz Munshi MD and Gerald Khachi MD
Isolated left ventricular noncompaction: A rare cardiomyopathy, Siddharth Wartak MD, Syed Hussain MD, and M Javed Ashraf MD
Isolated right-sided heart failure secondary to thyrotoxicosis, T. Vijay Gadiraju MD
Isolation and characterization of glioma stem cells, Dennis Oh MD, Sherry Taylor MD, Robert Schapiro MD, Rong Shao, and Stephan Scully
Is partial colectomy the operation of choice in pediatric Clostridium difficile colitis?, David Tashjian MD and Kevin Moriarty MD
Is prophylactic vena cava filter placement beneficial in acute spinal cord injury, Ronald Gross MD, Patrick Lee MD, and Lisa Patterson MD
Is severe perineal damage increased in women with prior anal sphincter injury?, Oz Harmanli MD
Is statin use associated with reduced mortality after pneumonia? A systematic review and meta-analysis, Peter Lindenauer MD
Issues in precocious puberty, Edward Reiter MD
Issues in the management of Central Precocious Puberty, Edward Reiter MD
Is the 'Athlete's Heart' arrhythmogenic?: Implications for Sudden Cardiac Death, Thomas Rowland MD
Is the lithium-for-ALS genie back in the bottle?: Not quite, Carmel Armon MD
Is there a different relationship between Vitamin DE 250H and parathyroid hormone in children with type 1 diabetes, Holley Allen MD, Chrystal Wittcopp MD, Edward Reiter MD, Paul Visintainer, Nancy Dunbar MD, and Emily Frydman MD
Is there a role for low tidal volume ventilation to prevent ALI/ARDS? Survey of tidal volumes and incidence of ALI/ARDS in ventilated patients, Jay Steingrub MD, Mark Tidswell MD, and Archan Shah MD
Is there a role for surgery in the management of giant B-cell right atrial lymphoma?, Ak Alameddine MD, Victor Alimov MD, Joseph Flack MD, and John Rousou MD
Is There Value in Follow-Up Stress Testing for Emergency Department Patients With Chest Pain and Normal Rest SPECT Myocardian Perfusion., J. Hector Pope M.D.
Is this a gender issue or just life in the ED, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Is this dementia or alcohol intoxication or both?, Wanda Colon-Cartagena MD and Sandra Bellantonio MD
Is varenicline effectiveness declining in randomized trials?, Michael Rothberg MD and Ranjit Dhelaria MD
Is your laboratory's quality meeting the mark?, Richard Friedberg MD
Jails as an Opportunity to Increase Engagement in HIV Care: Findings from an Observational Cross-Sectional Study, Thomas Lincoln MD
Jaundice and shock after a Father's Day celebration, Jaime Hernandez-Montfort MD
Joint injections, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
Joint injections work-shop, Julio Martinez-Silvestrini MD
Journal Watch from ACE (Alliance for Clinical Education): Annual Review of Medical Education Articles in Internal Medicine Journals 2005-2006, Michael Picchioni MD
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Jeannette Wolfe MD
Kaposi sarcoma: Appraisal of therapeutic agents, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Kaposi sarcoma in unusual locations, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Kaposi sarcoma of the musculoskeletal system: A review of 66 patients., Liron Pantanowitz MD and Gabriel Caponetti MD
Kaposi's sarcoma., Liron Pantanowitz MD
Kaposi's sarcoma and pemphigus, Liron Pantanowitz MD
Keep your chin up, kid: A pictorial review of pediatric mandibular lesions, Grace Mitchell MD, Stephen O'Connor MD, and Stanley Polansky MD
Keloids do not harbor EBV or HHV8, Liron Pantanowitz MD and Wayne Duke MD
Ketorolac prevents recurrent withdrawal induced hyperalgesia but does not inhibit tolerance to spinal morphine in the rat., J Zhang, Stuart Dunbar MD, and I Karamian
Key issues in evaluation and management of acute kidney injury, Benjamin Freda MD
Keynote presentation: Emergency department crowding - effects on patient outcomes, Niels Rathlev MD
Keys to communicating about prognosis in the ICU: A multicenter study of family, provider, and expert perspectives, Jay Steingrub MD
Knowledge sharing in academic medical centers: Examining the nexus of higher education and workforce development, Elisabeth Bennett, Rebecca Blanchard PhD, and Gladys Fernandez MD
Labetalol-induced tricyclic antidepressant toxicity without overdose, Maura Brennan MD, Roy Sittig MD, and Rosette Odulio MD
Laboratory accreditation and inspection, Carol Ann Rauch MD and James Nichols
Laboratory and diagnostic test interpretation, Diane Szlachetka
Laboratory evaluation of clopidogrel responsiveness by platelet function and genetic methods, Vandita Johari MD
Laboratory quality control based on risk management, James Nichols
Laboratory reports in the electronic medical record, Liron Pantanowitz MD