Submissions from 2025
The Pharmacist's Role in the Care of Pediatric Emergency Department Patients, Timothy McMath and Evan Horton
Submissions from 2024
Preoperative medication management turnkey order set for nonemergent adult cardiac surgery, Barbara Damas and Cheryl Crisafi RN
Intravenous Iron in Patients Hospitalized with Bacterial Infections: Utilization and Outcomes, Jennifer Hammond
Effect of Pharmacist-Led Interventions on Diabetes Distress Among People With Type 2 Diabetes, Kayla Hopkins
Dalbavancin Use in Persons Who Use Drugs May Increase Adherence Without Increasing Cost, Hannah Ritchie, Jennifer Schimmel MD, and Michael Lorenzo
Submissions from 2023
Cefazolin and Carbapenem Combination to Treat Persistent Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia in Preterm Infants, Stefan Hagmann, Taylor Hodle, Maura Brennan, Frank Szczerba PharmD, Joanna Beachy MD, and Evan Horton
Breaking Barriers: A Single-Center Real-World Experience With Recruitment and Administration of COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibodies and Opportunities for Improvement, Alex Knee, Doug Salvador MD, Erica Housman, Gladys Fernandez MD, and Armando Paez MD
Submissions from 2022
Situational Awareness of Opioid Consumption: The Missing Link to Reducing Dependence After Surgery?, Daniel Engelman MD; Cheryl Crisafi, MSN, RN, CNL; Taylor Hodle; and John Stiles
Assessment of an online calculator's vancomycin dosing and exposure appropriateness in persons who inject drugs with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections, Brandon Opitz, Seth Housman, Erica Housman, and Michael Lorenzo
Short-Term Grape Consumption Diminishes UV-Induced Skin Erythema, John Pezzuto
Clinical failure of dalbavancin for MRSA bacteremia in patient with severe obesity and history of IVDU, Hannah Ritchie, Abhimanyu Aggarwal MD, Jennifer Schimmel MD, and Michael Lorenzo
Evaluation of three barrier-type closed system transfer devices using the 2015 NIOSH vapor containment performance draft protocol, Andrew Szkiladz
Submissions from 2021
A call for student pharmacist education on vaping and vaping device use, Katherine Marti
Summarizing the 2021 updated GOLD guidelines for COPD, Jared Ostroff
Submissions from 2020
Integration of cannabidiol oil education into a pharmacy therapeutics curriculum, Jared Ostroff
Curbside Coumadin Clinics Offer Testing During COVID-19 Crisis, Jared Ostroff, Shawn Roggie, and Brandon Opitz
Submissions from 2019
In vitro activity of ampicillin and ceftriaxone against ampicillin-susceptible Enterococcus faecium, Seth Housman
Identification of High-Yield Targets for Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Efforts Within a Nonfreestanding Children's Hospital, James Klatte MD, Alex Knee, Frank Szczerba PharmD, Evan Horton, Kathleen Kopcza, and Donna Fisher MD
Submissions from 2018
Patient preferences for treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections in the emergency department, Danyel Adams
A Quality Improvement Initiative to Improve Medication Management in an Acute Care for Elders Program Through Integration of a Clinical Pharmacist, Tasmiah Chowdhury, Rebecca Starr MD, Maura Brennan MD, Alex Knee, Mike Ehresman, Lalitha Velayuthan, Alexander Malanowski, Heidi-Ann Courtney, and Mihaela Stefan MD
Implementation and Impact of an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program at a Non-freestanding Children's Hospital, James Klatte MD, Kathleen Kopcza, Alex Knee, Evan Horton, Erica Housman, and Donna Fisher MD
What's new in the treatment of multidrug-resistant gram-negative infections?, Michael Lorenzo and Seth Housman
Submissions from 2017
Improving management of hospitalized adults with uncomplicated cellulitis or cutaneous abscess, Erica Housman, Alex Knee, and Jennifer Schimmel MD
Implications of an inpatient warfarin dosing nomogram on safety outcomes post-discharge, Carmen Gabriela Macias
Submissions from 2016
Once-daily aminoglycosides, Erica Housman
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: Pharmacological Aspects, Kathleen Kopcza and Rachana Singh MD
Submissions from 2015
Vasodilators and management of hypertensive emergencies, Jaya Mallidi MD, Gabriella Macias, and Amir Lotfi MD
Implementing a learner-centered introductory pharmacy practice experience model at a community hospital, Shusen Sun, Ed Tessier, and Brian Joyce
Submissions from 2014
An evaluation of a collaborative, safety focused, nurse-pharmacist intervention for improving the accuracy of the medication history, Elizabeth Henneman, Ed Tessier, and Karen Plotkin RN
Hospital Case Studies, Gary Kerr PharmD
Incidence and risk factors for hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism in pediatric patients, Amy Lamothe, Kathleen Kopcza, Evan Horton, Alex Knee, and Satkiran Grewal MD
Incidence and risk factors for hospital-acquired venous thromboembolism in pediatric patients, Amy Lamothe, Kathleen Kopcza, Evan Horton, Alex Knee, and Satkiran Grewal MD
Submissions from 2013
Pharmacology of procedural sedation, Danyel Adams
New intitiatives arise out of NECC compounding tragedy, Gary Kerr PharmD
Update from the National Front, Gary Kerr PharmD
Drug shortages as an impetus to improve parenteral nutrition practices, Alice O'Connor, Sean Illig, and Kathleen Kopcza
Impact of pharmacy student and resident-led discharge counseling on heart failure patients, Andrew Szkiladz, Katherine Carey, Kimberly Ackerbauer, Mark Heelon, Jennifer Friderici, and Kathleen Kopcza
Submissions from 2012
Tocilizumab for the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Evan Horton
Submissions from 2011
Pharmacy student impact on inappropriate prescribing of acid suppressive therapy, Jason Cross, Mihaela Stefan MD, and Michael Rothberg MD
Safety First - Parents need to know how to handle children's medications, Mark Heelon and Kathleen Kopcza
Hindrances to bedside barcode scanning, Mark Heelon and Kirthana Raman
Submissions from 2010
Effect of body mass index on time to therapeutic activated partial thromboplastin time in patients on a heparin protoccl, Katherine Carey, Jennifer Lose, and Kimberly Ackerbauer