"Facilitating Uninterrupted Sleep During Hospital Stay" by Robin Clark, RN, OCN


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During hospitalization, uninterrupted sleep for patients is a challenge, yet it is vital for healing and emotional well-being. Will facilitating uninterrupted sleep for the S3Oncology patients who are afebrile and non-neutropenic improve patient satisfaction? A review of the literature demonstrates that sleep promotes healing yet during a hospital stay, patient's sleep is frequently interrupted for vital signs, yet changing schedules of vital signs has not been evaluated in regards to quality of sleep.

Our unit standard for monitoring vital signs will now be 8am-8pm if ordered as routine, and 8a-12n-4p-8p-12m if ordered Q4hrs with no vital signs being taken at 4a unless febrile or unstable. Over the last month, we have posted signs and increased awareness of the new vital sign schedule plan and the need for quiet during 12m and 6a. It is anticipated that limiting vital signs during sleep hours will enhance sleep and improve patient satisfaction as evidenced by increased HCAHPS patient experience scores.

