Submissions from 2010
The maternal Body Mass Index (BMI): A strong predictor of the success of a vaginal delivery, Ronald Burkman MD and J Zhang
The value of the P-value, Neil Connelly MD and Karthik Raghunathan MD
Inhaled Epoprostenol During One-Lung Ventilation, Neil Connelly MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Larry Robbins MD, Rose Ganim MD, and Gary Hochheiser MD
Caudally threaded epidural catheter following a single-shot caudal block in a high-risk neonate: a combined caudal-epidural technique, Neil Connelly MD, Donald Schwartz MD, and Deevia Patel MD
Dexamethasone with bupivacaine increases duration of analgesia in ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus blockade, Neil Connelly MD, Peter Vieira MD, Istvan Pulai MD, George Tsao MD, Poornachandran Manikantan MD, and Brunella Keller
A Case Of Awareness During Electroconvulsive Therapy Under General Anesthesia, Stanlies D'Souza
Epidural Abscess, Stanlies D'Souza
Epidural Hematoma, Stanlies D'Souza
A Case Of Aortic Dissection Diagnosed With Carotid Ultrasound During Internal Jugular Cannulation, Stanlies D'Souza and Srinivasa Gutta MD
A surgical site infection cluster: the process and outcome of an investigation--the impact of an alcohol-based surgical antisepsis product and human behavior, Sarah Haessler MD, Neil Connelly MD, Gary Kanter MD, Jan Fitzgerald, Annette Golubchik MD, Michael Albert MD, Charles Gibson, and Mary Ellen Scales
Hypercapneic Cerebral Edema in Asthma, William McGee MD, Ryan Joyce MD, and Charles Gibson
Automated monitoring of pulse pressure variation during laparoscopy, William McGee MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Ryan Joyce MD, and Bader Al-Dossary MD
Ilioinguinal block following a caudal block - how practical, Donald Schwartz MD and Ajita Amin MD
Reply to 'Successful resuscitation of bupivacaine-induced cardiotoxicity in a neonate', Donald Schwartz MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, and Neil Connelly MD
Submissions from 2009
Questionable benefit of perioperative beta-blockade, Neil Connelly MD and Maureen McNeely MD
Maternal hemodynamic monitoring and the Vigileo monitor, Neil Connelly MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Tanya Lucas MD, and Karin Zuegge MD
The need for perspective, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Donald Schwartz MD, and Neil Connelly MD
Caudally threaded thoracic epidural catheter as the sole anesthetic in a premature infant and ultrasound confirmation of the catheter tip, Donald Schwartz MD and Andrew King MD
Anesthesia and mitochondrial disorders, Donald Schwartz MD and Karthik Raghunathan MD
Difficult venous access, Donald Schwartz MD and Karthik Raghunathan MD
BIS in children during maintenance anesthesia, Donald Schwartz MD, Anne Wu MD, Neil Connelly MD, and Charles Gibson
Dexamethasone increases bupivacaine analgesia duration in ultrasound guided interscalene blocks, Peter Vieira MD, Istvan Pulai MD, George Tsao MD, Poornachandran Manikantan MD, and Neil Connelly MD
"Malpositioned" Central Venous Catheter, Karin Zuegge MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, and Charles Gibson
Postoperative coma, Karin Zuegge MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, and Charles Gibson
Submissions from 2008
Successful use of succinylcholine for cesarean delivery in a patient with postpolio syndrome, Neil Connelly MD and Timothy Abbott MD
Determining the accuracy of caudal needle placement in children: A comparison of the swoosh test and ultrasonography, Neil Connelly MD, Karthik Raghunathan MD, and Donald Schwartz MD
The 'Doppler-Swoosh' Test: A further modification to the swoosh test, Donald Schwartz MD and Karthik Raghunathan MD
Submissions from 2007
Epidural volume, Anthony Co MD and Neil Connelly MD
Conversion locked-in syndrome after implantation of a spinal cord stimulator., Neil Connelly MD, Paul Kanev MD, Alan Weintraub MD, and Edward Solis MD
Prolonged neuromuscular block in two patients undergoing abdominal surgery, Neil Connelly MD, Kevin Morneault MD, Timothy Lacy MD, and Frank Dupont MD
Reducing surgical complications, Jan Fitzgerald, Gary Kanter MD, Evan Benjamin MD, and Regina Trelease
Ultrasound-guided hip arthrocentesis in the ED., Katharine Freeman MD
Epidural clonidine added to a bupivacaine infusion increases analgesic duration in labor without adverse maternal or fetal effects., Robert Parker MD, Neil Connelly MD, Tanya Lucas MD, S Serban MD, Charles Gibson, and Evan Berman MD
Accuracy of caudal needle placement in children: Comparison of the Swoosh Test and ultrasonography, Karthik Raghunathan MD, Donald Schwartz MD, and Neil Connelly MD
Regarding: muscular dystrophy and the safety of inhalational agents, Donald Schwartz MD
A PCR-based technology for rapid screening of genomic DNA library, J Zhang
Ketorolac prevents recurrent withdrawal induced hyperalgesia but does not inhibit tolerance to spinal morphine in the rat., J Zhang, Stuart Dunbar MD, and I Karamian
Submissions from 2006
Morphology and location of restenosis following bare metal coronary stenting., Ehsan Ansari MD, James Cook MD, Ashequl Islam MD, Marc Schweiger MD, and Gregory Giugliano MD
Epidural infusion volume study and its effect on analgesia in early labor, Albert Cho MD, Kevin Morneault MD, Robert Parker MD, Tanya Lucas MD, and Neil Connelly MD
Management of unexpected difficult airway at a teaching institution over a 7-year period., Neil Connelly MD, Kamel Ghandour MD, Larry Robbins MD, Charles Gibson, and Steven Dunn MD
Effects of recurrent withdrawal on spinal GABA release during chronic morphine infusion in the rat., Stuart Dunbar MD, I Karamian, A Yeatman MD, and J Zhang
Increased prostaglandin E2 release and activated Akt/beta-catenin signaling pathway occur after opioid withdrawal in rat spinal cord., Stuart Dunbar MD, I Karamian, and J Zhang
Altered inflammatory gene levels after acute or repetitive morphine withdrawal in rat spinal cord, Stuart Dunbar MD and J Zhang
Contributing author, Katharine Freeman MD
Assessment of depth of anesthesia using the BIS monitor in IVF procedures under Propofol TIVA, Margaret Kacprzak MD, Lori Circeo MD, Ananth Kashikar MD, Nadia Ahmed MD, and Charles Gibson
Intra-operative hyperglycemia commonly occurs in cardiac bypass patients, Gary Kanter MD
Optimal administration of perioperative antibiotics using system redesign, Gary Kanter MD
Fiberoptic intubation, Donald Schwartz MD, Neil Connelly MD, and Steven Dunn MD
Ultrasound and caudal blocks in children., Donald Schwartz MD, Steven Dunn MD, and Neil Connelly MD
Submissions from 2005
Are the vasoconstrictive properties of ropivacaine potentially pathophysiologic in the epidural space?, Neil Connelly MD and Gregory Seaman MD
Opioid withdrawal is associated with spinal PGE2 release in the rat, Stuart Dunbar MD, J Zhang, and I Karamian
Unusual positioning of a central venous catheter., Gary Kanter MD and Neil Connelly MD
Submissions from 2004
Vital sign changes in patients undergoing platelet transfusion therapy., Chester Andrzejewski MD, Theresa Stec, Timothy Lacy MD, Jay Steingrub MD, and Mark Collins MD
Effect of slice thickness on image quality and the accuracy of gated computed tomography scanning for coronary calcium., Ehsan Ansari MD and George Hartnell MD
Don't use thiopental to decrease propofol injection pain., Timothy Lacy MD, Neil Connelly MD, and Katharine Freeman MD
Pyloric stenosis, hyperkalemia and anesthesia practice, Donald Schwartz MD and Neil Connelly MD
Early intravenous cannulation in children during sevoflurane induction., Donald Schwartz MD, Neil Connelly MD, Srinivasa Gutta MD, Katharine Freeman MD, and Charles Gibson RN
Submissions from 2003
Prevalence and risk factors for renal artery stenosis in patients undergoing routine coronary angiography, Gregory Braden MD, Ehsan Ansari MD, Barbara Greco MD, James Arcoleo MD, James Cook MD, and Mark Porway MD
Profound hypothermia mimicking a Brugada type ECG., James Cook MD and Ehsan Ansari MD
Pharmacologic approaches to sedation, pain relief and neuromuscular blockade in the intensive care unit. Part II. Pain Relief., Thomas Higgins MD, Paul Jodka MD, and A Farid MD
Pharmacologic approaches to sedation, pain relief and neuromuscular blockade in the intensive care unit. Part I. Sedation., Thomas Higgins MD, Paul Jodka MD, and A Farid MD
Safety in the ICU: Computerized physician order entry aids compliance with an ICU safety protocol for glycemic control., William McGee MD, A Farid MD, Thomas Higgins MD, and Mary Brunton
Safety in the ICU: Achieving compliance with head of bed elevation using computerized physician order entry., William McGee MD, Thomas Higgins MD, A Farid MD, Jan Fitzgerald, and Mary Brunton
Hyperkalemia and pyloric stenosis., Donald Schwartz MD, Neil Connelly MD, Poornachandran Manikantan MD, and James Nichols
Submissions from 2002
Analgesia for paediatric tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy with intramuscular clonidine., Katharine Freeman MD and Neil Connelly MD
Submissions from 2001
Anesthetic management of the exit (ex utero intrapartum treatment) procedure, Donald Schwartz MD, Kevin Moriarty MD, David Tashjian MD, Robert Wool MD, Robert Parker MD, Glenn Markenson MD, Robert Rothstein MD, Bhavesh Shah MD, Neil Connelly MD, and Richard Courtney MD