"Critical Synthesis Package: Scale of Emotional Arousability (SEA)" by Rebecca Blanchard PhD

Critical Synthesis Package: Scale of Emotional Arousability (SEA)

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Document Type

Article, Peer-reviewed

Publication Date



This Critical Synthesis Package contains 1) a Critical Analysis of psychometric properties and application to health sciences research of the Scale of Emotional Arousability (SEA)and 2) a copy of the SEA developed by Valerie Braithwaite, PhD.

The SEA is a self-administered scale of emotionality. The 15-items of the SEA support four subscales; General emotionality (6 items), Anger (3 items), Timidity (3 items), and Lack of control (3 items). Nine of the 15 items are reverse coded. Respondents answer items on a 5-point Likert scale with response options ranging from (1) very unlike me to (5) very like me, and the neutral response is (3) I am not sure. Scores can range from 15-75, where higher scores indicate a higher level of emotional arousal. While the primary target population for the SEA was not specifically identified, development and validation studies focus on adults (age > 18) in the general population.
