"Febrile illness in a young traveler: dengue fever and its complication" by Herbert Duber MD and Stephen Kelly MD

Febrile illness in a young traveler: dengue fever and its complications

Author Department

Emergency Medicine

Document Type

Article, Peer-reviewed

Publication Date




Dengue fever, a tropical disease once confined mostly to endemic areas in developing countries, is becoming more prevalent. Globalization has led to an increased incidence of the virus both in foreign travelers returning home and local outbreaks in traditionally nonendemic areas, such as the southern United States and southern Europe. Advances in diagnostic tests, therapies, and vaccines for dengue virus have been limited, but research is ongoing.


To review the current literature regarding the diagnosis and management of dengue fever.


This case report describes a young woman returning from Central America with many of the common signs and symptoms who was misdiagnosed both abroad and at home. We explore the epidemiology, disease course, complications, and treatment of dengue fever.


Emergency physicians should consider dengue fever in patients with acute febrile illnesses, especially among those with recent travel.
