Sex influence on myocardial function with exercise in adolescents

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Article, Peer-reviewed

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OBJECTIVES: Ventricular systolic functional response to exercise has been reported to be superior in adult men compared to women. This study explored myocardial responses to maximal upright progressive exercise in late pubertal males and females. METHODS: Doppler echocardiographic techniques were utilized to estimate myocardial function response to a bout of progressive cycle exercise. RESULTS: Systolic functional capacity, as indicated by ejection rate (12.5 2.8 and 13.1 1.0 [x10(-2)] ml s(-1) cm(-2) for boys and girls, respectively) and peak aortic velocity (208 45 and 196 12 cm s(-1), respectively) at maximal exercise, did not differ between the two groups. Similarly, peak values as well as increases in transmitral pressure gradient (mitral E flow velocity), ventricular relaxation (tissue Doppler imaging E'), and left ventricular filling pressure (E/E' ratio) as estimates of diastolic function were similar in males and females. CONCLUSIONS: This study failed to reveal qualitative or quantitative differences between adolescent boys and girls in ventricular systolic or diastolic functional responses to maximal cycle exercise. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

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