Trend analysis of disability-adjusted life years following adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the United States: A study from the CARES Surveillance Group

Author Department

Emergency Medicine

Document Type

Article, Peer-reviewed

Publication Date



Aim: To estimate and trend disability-adjusted life years (DALY) following adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) over time, and to compare OHCA DALY to other leading causes of death and disability in the U.S.

Methods: DALY were calculated as the sum of years of life lost (YLL) and years lived with disability (YLD). Adult non-traumatic emergency medical services-treated OHCA from the Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES) database for 2013-2018 were used to estimate YLL. Cerebral performance category score disability weights were used to estimate YLD. The calculated DALY for the study population was extrapolated to a national level to estimate total U.S. DALY. Data were reported as DALY total and rate. Data were compared to the top 10 causes of DALY in the U.S.

Results: 337,991 OHCA met study inclusion criteria. Total U.S. OHCA DALY increased from 3,005,308 in 2013 to 4,326,745 in 2018. The DALY rate increased from 950.9 per 100,000 individuals to 1322.4 per 100,000 individuals. OHCA DALY ranked fifth in the U.S. behind ischemic heart disease (2470), drug use disorders (1703), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1449), and back pain (1336). OHCA represented the largest percent increase in DALY rate (40.3%) over the study period.

Conclusion: Adult non-traumatic OHCA is a leading cause of DALY in the U.S. and the burden of disease due to OHCA has increased rapidly over time. These findings are likely due to more precise national OHCA surveillance, and suggest that the public health impact of OHCA is larger than previously described.

Keywords: Cause of death; Disability; Life expectancy; Out-Of-hospital cardiac arrest.


