Variations in institutional review board reviews of a multi-center, Emergency Department (ED)-based genetic research protocol
Author Department
Emergency Medicine
Document Type
Article, Peer-reviewed
Publication Date
In the United States, institutional review boards (IRBs) oversee the scientific, ethical, and regulatory aspects of research conducted on human subjects. Institutional variations in the interpretation and application of federal and local regulations concerning genetic testing can have significant impact on the implementation of such studies.
We assessed variability in IRB review of a multi-center Emergency Department-based study examining genotypic and phenotypic predictors of pain and psychological outcomes after minor motor vehicle collision (Project CRASH). This is one of the first multi-center genetic research protocols based solely in the Emergency Department (ED).
We performed an observational study of sites participating in Project CRASH. We collected IRB information and correspondence from each site. We collected data that included information regarding institution demographics, original IRB application characteristics, subsequent IRB correspondence, and time interval between submission and approval. Descriptive statistics were used in analysis.
All sites that initially agreed to participate in Project CRASH also participated in this study (n = 7). The time interval in receiving IRB approval varied between 20-760 days (median 105, IQR 21-225). One site appeared to be an outlier (760 days). The most commonly requested changes were changes to the consent form.
Institutional interpretation of regulations regarding our ED-based genetic study was highly variable. Although the majority of our results are consistent with other similar published studies, the mean time interval for approval for this genetic study is far greater than other reported studies.
Recommended Citation
Lee DC, Peak DA, Jones JS, Domeier RM, Hendry PL, Rathlev NK, Swor RA, McLean SA. Variations in institutional review board reviews of a multi-center, Emergency Department (ED)-based genetic research protocol. Am J Emerg Med. 2013 Jun;31(6):967-9.